Introduction to Spring WebFlux #jsug #sf_a1Toshiaki Maki
The document provides an introduction and overview of Spring WebFlux, a non-blocking web framework for Spring. It discusses the differences between blocking and non-blocking web stacks, and how Spring WebFlux uses reactive streams and programming. Code examples are provided showing how to build reactive controllers and streams in Spring WebFlux that support backpressure.
[SC03] Active Directory の DR 対策~天災/人災/サイバー攻撃、その時あなたの IT 基盤は利用継続できますか? de:code 2017
大規模災害や管理者のオペレーションミス、標的型攻撃による管理者アカウントの乗っ取りなど、様々な理由で Active Directory や Azure Active Directory が正常に利用できなくなった場合に IT 管理者はどうすれば良いのか、事前に何を準備しておけば良いのかの対策について具体例を交えて紹介致します。
受講対象: Active Directory の設計と運用を担当するエンジニア
製品/テクノロジ: Microsoft Azure/アイデンティティ (AD/Azure AD)/クラウド/事業継続/運用/セキュリティ
渡辺 元気
This document discusses Yarn and its advantages over npm. It notes that Yarn uses yarn.lock files instead of npm-shrinkwrap.json files to lock down dependency versions. Yarn is also described as being faster, able to work offline by caching dependencies, and potentially more secure than npm with features like flat mode and module folders. The document suggests Yarn may handle dependencies and devDependencies differently than npm, and questions whether the yarn.lock file should be committed to source control.
[SC03] Active Directory の DR 対策~天災/人災/サイバー攻撃、その時あなたの IT 基盤は利用継続できますか? de:code 2017
大規模災害や管理者のオペレーションミス、標的型攻撃による管理者アカウントの乗っ取りなど、様々な理由で Active Directory や Azure Active Directory が正常に利用できなくなった場合に IT 管理者はどうすれば良いのか、事前に何を準備しておけば良いのかの対策について具体例を交えて紹介致します。
受講対象: Active Directory の設計と運用を担当するエンジニア
製品/テクノロジ: Microsoft Azure/アイデンティティ (AD/Azure AD)/クラウド/事業継続/運用/セキュリティ
渡辺 元気
This document discusses Yarn and its advantages over npm. It notes that Yarn uses yarn.lock files instead of npm-shrinkwrap.json files to lock down dependency versions. Yarn is also described as being faster, able to work offline by caching dependencies, and potentially more secure than npm with features like flat mode and module folders. The document suggests Yarn may handle dependencies and devDependencies differently than npm, and questions whether the yarn.lock file should be committed to source control.
IoT Devices Compliant with JC-STAR Using Linux as a Container OSTomohiro Saneyoshi
Security requirements for IoT devices are becoming more defined, as seen with the EU Cyber Resilience Act and Japan’s JC-STAR.
It's common for IoT devices to run Linux as their operating system. However, adopting general-purpose Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Debian, or Yocto-based Linux, presents certain difficulties. This article outlines those difficulties.
It also, it highlights the security benefits of using a Linux-based container OS and explains how to adopt it with JC-STAR, using the "Armadillo Base OS" as an example.
Feb.25.2025@JAWS-UG IoT