Jak skutecznie zapewni? realizacj? dzia?a里 w wyznaczonym bud?ecie, na czas oraz bez kompromisu dla uzgodnionych kryteri車w jako?ci i oczekiwanych efekt車w biznesowych?
M車j artyku? w nr 6/2015 magazynu Controlling i Zarz?dzanie
Katalog ukazuje profil dzia?alno?ci firmy PM Experts, z zaznaczeniem oferty szkoleniowej oraz doradczej firmy. Prezentowane jest tu spektrum us?ug firmy, nasi konsultanci, a tak?e dzia?alno?? spo?eczna.
This document describes a Pok谷mon team consisting of 6 Pok谷mon - Swampert, Houndoom, Dragonite, Gengar, Scizor, and Breloom. Each Pok谷mon is listed with its nickname, type, move set, and nature.
The document summarizes the agenda and key topics for a mobile marketing event hosted by the DMA Mobile Council. The event includes presentations and discussions on how mobile connects brands through augmented reality, emotion, and health checks of mobile strategies. It provides the date, location, wifi access information, and schedule of presentations and sessions on mobile marketing trends and best practices.
Navigating Waves of Change: Driving Academic Improvement in Northern Kentucky...nkyec
The document discusses challenges facing education in Northern Kentucky, including rising rates of economically disadvantaged students and English language learners. It notes that the region's economic success depends on increasing the percentage of residents with a bachelor's degree or higher. Many students in Northern Kentucky schools perform below grade level in reading and math. The document recommends actions like focusing investments on reading and math interventions to raise academic achievement and high school completion rates.
The document outlines an action plan to implement professional learning communities (PLCs) among teachers at Hurst Hills Elementary to improve student achievement. The plan includes 7 action steps: 1) meeting with administrators to discuss the topic, 2) analyzing student achievement data to identify areas for improvement, 3) developing binders on PLCs for teachers, 4) providing training to teachers on PLCs, 5) having teachers set student achievement goals, 6) having monthly PLC meetings to track progress, and 7) evaluating PLC effectiveness by comparing student performance before and after implementation.
This document provides a collection of photos and captions from a trip to New Orleans. The photos show the group enjoying the architecture, art, and charm of the city. They visited sites like the French Market Inn, winding brick courtyards, modern buildings at moonrise, and art installations around town. The group also encountered friendly locals, took a bus tour to learn about the history, and cheered on their friend Donna at the marathon finish line in City Park. The photos capture the sights, people, and experiences that made the trip memorable.
The document outlines the agenda for a conference on agencies and procurement. It discusses different models for remunerating agencies, including commission, fees, payment by results, and value-based pricing. Speakers from agencies and procurement provide perspectives on the challenges of negotiating compensation and determining fair models. A 10-step process for successful agency procurement is also presented, covering preparation, agreement on scope of work, costs, key performance indicators, and evaluation.
The document summarizes key points from a legal update seminar on the proposed EU Data Protection Regulation. It discusses proposed changes such as expanded definitions of personal data, the need for explicit consent, the right to be forgotten, data breach notification requirements, and enhanced sanctions for noncompliance. The proposed regulation would significantly impact how companies process and protect personal data.
Socialtours has been a leader in responsible tourism in Nepal since 2002, receiving several nominations for responsible tourism awards. It strives to provide professional yet personalized service while respecting individuals, delivering excellence, being socially responsible, and conserving the environment. Socialtours offers various types of customized tours led by local guides to provide insider experiences of Nepal's cities, heritage sites, nature areas, and opportunities for soft adventure activities. It also designs special interest tours focusing on spirituality, yoga, village stays, and more, as well as philanthropic trips combining travel with volunteer work or charitable causes.
This document summarizes the key findings of a survey conducted by Vocus and Brian Solis on perceptions of online influence. Over 700 marketing and communications professionals were surveyed from August to September 2010. The survey found that while influence is seen as different from popularity, there is a correlation between reach and influence. Quality of network, quality of content, and ability to drive measurable outcomes were seen as the top factors that make someone influential. When asked who would have more influence, respondents chose someone with a smaller but tightly connected network over those with larger but loosely connected networks. The survey also found that creating compelling content was seen as the most important way to build influence online. There was no consensus on how to best measure influence in social media.
Massaging the scalp with oil can increase hair growth by inducing friction and increased blood flow, not through the oil itself. Most people shed 50-100 hairs per day which is normal, and hair loss does not mean permanent hair loss as new hairs replace shed hairs. Cutting hair regularly will not affect growth rate, which is about half an inch per month. Androgenetic alopecia is a genetic form of hair loss that affects both men and women, causing a receding hairline and thinning hair. Platelet rich plasma therapy is a non-surgical treatment that uses a person's own platelets to promote hair growth by stimulating the follicles.
The STaR Chart is a survey given to teachers across Texas to collect data on campus technology resources and teacher views on available technology. The results provide data for campuses to track their alignment with the state's technology plan. West campus' STaR Chart results showed teachers continuing to integrate technology into the classroom and becoming more comfortable using it, while keeping students as the top priority.
The STAR Chart was developed by the Texas Education Agency to help schools plan, budget, and evaluate technology use and progress towards goals laid out in the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology. The STAR Chart produces a profile indicating a school's level of progress in key areas like teaching and learning, educator preparation, and infrastructure. It allows schools to assess their current technology use and integration.
Taking the lead: customer acquisition barometer 2015Rachel Aldighieri
This document summarizes a presentation on customer acquisition strategies. It discusses key findings from research on how consumers prefer to be contacted by companies compared to how marketers currently engage consumers. There is a preference gap shown between these two. The presentation also shares results from a fantasy football marketing campaign that engaged fans by tapping into the insight that many fans will select players for their fantasy team that are not actually on the real team they support. This campaign helped drive significant growth in registrations and engagement through leveraging an understanding of fan behaviors. The document concludes with a panel discussion on effective acquisition strategies.
The document summarizes key findings from a survey on email usage and preferences. Some of the main findings include:
- 55% of people do not check their work emails, highlighting that not everyone has an office-based job.
- Consumers are becoming more selective in the number of brands they sign up to receive emails from, with 34% now signed up to over 10 brands compared to 43% in 2012.
- People are also more decisive about deleting emails, with 42% now deleting emails the same day compared to 32% in 2012.
- When it comes to offers, 50% of people still prefer money-saving offers as their preferred email content.
- Email remains a
This document discusses how agile project management solves common problems. It introduces Scrum and Kanban frameworks and explains how they address missed deadlines, scope creep, and quality issues through practices like prioritization, continuous delivery, collaboration, and feedback loops. The document provides an overview of agile concepts and processes like sprints, backlogs, daily standups and retrospectives.
Dma email+ a multichannel approach to growing your listRachel Aldighieri
1. The presentation discussed maximizing a website as a touchpoint for growing an email list. Key recommendations included utilizing all customer touchpoints to turn visits into leads by offering opt-ins.
2. Websites should make opt-ins visible, valuable to the user by clearly outlining benefits, and easy to complete through techniques like progressive or multi-page forms.
3. Opt-ins work best when they incentivize users with a reward or value exchange for their personal information, such as a download, discount, or other incentive listed in a "Rule of 3" format.
This document contains a genealogical chart showing the family tree of James Hatsuji who married Barbara Hatsuyo Watari from 1929 to 1998. The chart lists their descendants spanning multiple generations including children, grandchildren, and further descendants showing their marriages and dates.
Raport PM Experts - Kompetencje miekkie w zarzadzaniu projektamiPM Experts
Raport zawiera podsumowanie wynik車w badania dotycz?cego znaczenia kompetencji mi?kkich w zarz?dzaniu projektami. Zosta?o ono przeprowadzone w listopadzie i grudniu 201 przez PM Experts. Zapraszamy do lektury!
The document outlines an action plan to implement professional learning communities (PLCs) among teachers at Hurst Hills Elementary to improve student achievement. The plan includes 7 action steps: 1) meeting with administrators to discuss the topic, 2) analyzing student achievement data to identify areas for improvement, 3) developing binders on PLCs for teachers, 4) providing training to teachers on PLCs, 5) having teachers set student achievement goals, 6) having monthly PLC meetings to track progress, and 7) evaluating PLC effectiveness by comparing student performance before and after implementation.
This document provides a collection of photos and captions from a trip to New Orleans. The photos show the group enjoying the architecture, art, and charm of the city. They visited sites like the French Market Inn, winding brick courtyards, modern buildings at moonrise, and art installations around town. The group also encountered friendly locals, took a bus tour to learn about the history, and cheered on their friend Donna at the marathon finish line in City Park. The photos capture the sights, people, and experiences that made the trip memorable.
The document outlines the agenda for a conference on agencies and procurement. It discusses different models for remunerating agencies, including commission, fees, payment by results, and value-based pricing. Speakers from agencies and procurement provide perspectives on the challenges of negotiating compensation and determining fair models. A 10-step process for successful agency procurement is also presented, covering preparation, agreement on scope of work, costs, key performance indicators, and evaluation.
The document summarizes key points from a legal update seminar on the proposed EU Data Protection Regulation. It discusses proposed changes such as expanded definitions of personal data, the need for explicit consent, the right to be forgotten, data breach notification requirements, and enhanced sanctions for noncompliance. The proposed regulation would significantly impact how companies process and protect personal data.
Socialtours has been a leader in responsible tourism in Nepal since 2002, receiving several nominations for responsible tourism awards. It strives to provide professional yet personalized service while respecting individuals, delivering excellence, being socially responsible, and conserving the environment. Socialtours offers various types of customized tours led by local guides to provide insider experiences of Nepal's cities, heritage sites, nature areas, and opportunities for soft adventure activities. It also designs special interest tours focusing on spirituality, yoga, village stays, and more, as well as philanthropic trips combining travel with volunteer work or charitable causes.
This document summarizes the key findings of a survey conducted by Vocus and Brian Solis on perceptions of online influence. Over 700 marketing and communications professionals were surveyed from August to September 2010. The survey found that while influence is seen as different from popularity, there is a correlation between reach and influence. Quality of network, quality of content, and ability to drive measurable outcomes were seen as the top factors that make someone influential. When asked who would have more influence, respondents chose someone with a smaller but tightly connected network over those with larger but loosely connected networks. The survey also found that creating compelling content was seen as the most important way to build influence online. There was no consensus on how to best measure influence in social media.
Massaging the scalp with oil can increase hair growth by inducing friction and increased blood flow, not through the oil itself. Most people shed 50-100 hairs per day which is normal, and hair loss does not mean permanent hair loss as new hairs replace shed hairs. Cutting hair regularly will not affect growth rate, which is about half an inch per month. Androgenetic alopecia is a genetic form of hair loss that affects both men and women, causing a receding hairline and thinning hair. Platelet rich plasma therapy is a non-surgical treatment that uses a person's own platelets to promote hair growth by stimulating the follicles.
The STaR Chart is a survey given to teachers across Texas to collect data on campus technology resources and teacher views on available technology. The results provide data for campuses to track their alignment with the state's technology plan. West campus' STaR Chart results showed teachers continuing to integrate technology into the classroom and becoming more comfortable using it, while keeping students as the top priority.
The STAR Chart was developed by the Texas Education Agency to help schools plan, budget, and evaluate technology use and progress towards goals laid out in the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology. The STAR Chart produces a profile indicating a school's level of progress in key areas like teaching and learning, educator preparation, and infrastructure. It allows schools to assess their current technology use and integration.
Taking the lead: customer acquisition barometer 2015Rachel Aldighieri
This document summarizes a presentation on customer acquisition strategies. It discusses key findings from research on how consumers prefer to be contacted by companies compared to how marketers currently engage consumers. There is a preference gap shown between these two. The presentation also shares results from a fantasy football marketing campaign that engaged fans by tapping into the insight that many fans will select players for their fantasy team that are not actually on the real team they support. This campaign helped drive significant growth in registrations and engagement through leveraging an understanding of fan behaviors. The document concludes with a panel discussion on effective acquisition strategies.
The document summarizes key findings from a survey on email usage and preferences. Some of the main findings include:
- 55% of people do not check their work emails, highlighting that not everyone has an office-based job.
- Consumers are becoming more selective in the number of brands they sign up to receive emails from, with 34% now signed up to over 10 brands compared to 43% in 2012.
- People are also more decisive about deleting emails, with 42% now deleting emails the same day compared to 32% in 2012.
- When it comes to offers, 50% of people still prefer money-saving offers as their preferred email content.
- Email remains a
This document discusses how agile project management solves common problems. It introduces Scrum and Kanban frameworks and explains how they address missed deadlines, scope creep, and quality issues through practices like prioritization, continuous delivery, collaboration, and feedback loops. The document provides an overview of agile concepts and processes like sprints, backlogs, daily standups and retrospectives.
Dma email+ a multichannel approach to growing your listRachel Aldighieri
1. The presentation discussed maximizing a website as a touchpoint for growing an email list. Key recommendations included utilizing all customer touchpoints to turn visits into leads by offering opt-ins.
2. Websites should make opt-ins visible, valuable to the user by clearly outlining benefits, and easy to complete through techniques like progressive or multi-page forms.
3. Opt-ins work best when they incentivize users with a reward or value exchange for their personal information, such as a download, discount, or other incentive listed in a "Rule of 3" format.
This document contains a genealogical chart showing the family tree of James Hatsuji who married Barbara Hatsuyo Watari from 1929 to 1998. The chart lists their descendants spanning multiple generations including children, grandchildren, and further descendants showing their marriages and dates.
Raport PM Experts - Kompetencje miekkie w zarzadzaniu projektamiPM Experts
Raport zawiera podsumowanie wynik車w badania dotycz?cego znaczenia kompetencji mi?kkich w zarz?dzaniu projektami. Zosta?o ono przeprowadzone w listopadzie i grudniu 201 przez PM Experts. Zapraszamy do lektury!
PMI Poland Chapter Warsaw Branch - Change the System, not PeopleMichal Raczka
Change the system, not the people. We as leaders are responsible for the system of work. We should focus on this in order to create a healthy organization ready for successful projects. By attending this session you will be able to get actionable ※Lessons Learned and To Dos§ based on observations and experience in a few organizations.
czyli sposoby na zachowanie wysokiej jako?ci produkt車w. Z artyku?u dowiesz si? m. in.: jakie s? typowe problemy i sposoby radzenia przy realizacji du?ych projekt車w; poznasz procesy planowania oraz sposoby dzielenia projekt車w na etapy. Zapraszamy do lektury.
Zajmujemy si? wdro?eniem realnej zmiany 每 od zaprojektowania do wykazania efekt車w biznesowych przed zleceniodawcami.
Poza projektowaniem oferujemy r車wnie? realizacj? szkole里. Specjalizujemy si? w bezpo?rednim wsparciu dla dzia?車w sprzeda?y, dokonujemy oceny efektywno?ci zespo?u handlowego, budujemy standardy obs?ugi klienta czy te? wizyty handlowej, wspieramy wypracowanie rutyn handlowych, doradzamy w jaki spos車b budowa? plany sprzeda?owe. Drugi obszar specjalizacji to procesy rozwojowe dla mened?er車w (leadership).
Nie jeste? urodzonym liderem. Nawet nie przygotowywa?e? si?, ?eby nim by?, a mimo to zosta?e? wybrany. I wszystko si? zmieni?o. Z dnia na dzie里 powiniene? zacz?? ?wietnie si? komunikowa?, negocjowa?, mediowa?, wspiera? i motywowa?. S?ysza?e?, ?e powiniene? by? s?u?ebnym liderem (ang. servant leader), ?e powiniene? preferowa? wsp車?prac? ponad negocjowanie warunk車w, prac? z lud?mi zamiast zas?aniania si? procesami... tylko pytanie ※Jak do diab?a mam to robi??§.
Je?li zadajesz sobie pytania w rodzaju:
? Czy mo?na nauczy? si? bycia liderem?
? Czy b?d?c liderem ci?gle powinienem by? ekspertem technicznym?
Palladium webinar 2g13-mened?erowie i pracownicyFabrizio Rotunno
tematem tego webinar'u jest wsp車?granie pomi?dzy spontanicznym wk?adem pracownik車w i niezb?dn? wizj? i strategi? mened?era. Pokazywa?em niekt車re narz?dzia kt車re pozwol? mened?erowi zarz?dza? rozwojem umiej?tno?ci i wiedzy swoich pracownik車w, jak r車wnie? skutecznie rozwi?za? problemy zamiast tylko ustali? b??d車w i winnych.
Dialog oparty na partnerskich relacjach oferta szkole里 i us?ug prooptimaTomasz Kras
Oferta katalogu us?ug firmy doradczo-szkoleniowej ProOptima. Prowadzimy szkolenia z obs?ugi klienta, obs?ugi trudnego klienta, dla dzia?車w Obs?ugi Klienta i Sprzeda?y. ProOptima realizuje szkolenia mened?erskie dedykowane, szkolenia mened?erskie dla wy?szej, ?redniej kadry kierowniczej a tak?e szkolenie mened?erskie dla kierownik車w liniowych. Doskonalimy umiej?tno?ci komunikacji podczas szkole里 z prezentacji, wyst?pie里 publicznych. Szkolimy tak?e z umiej?tno?ci osobistych i interpersonalnych mened?er車w i zespo?y pracownik車w. Szkolenia maj? charakter warsztatowy gdzie doskonalimy umiej?tno?ci, kszta?tujemy postawy pro-klienckie. Szkolenia ProOptima prowadz? do?wiadczeni trenerzy. Szkolenia dedykowane oparte s? o diagnoz? potrzeb szkoleniowych dopasowuj?cych szkolenie do kontekstu biznesowego.
Realizujemy szkolenia warsztatowe i treningi umiej?tno?ci komunikowania w relacjach pracownik - Klient, szef 每 podw?adny, zesp車?. Nasz? domen? jest kszta?towanie postaw pro-klienckich i doskonalenie umiej?tno?ci decyduj?cych o wyr車?niaj?cej jako?ci obs?ugi Klienta, dzi?ki kt車rej firma buduje trwalsz?, unikaln? wobec konkurent車w i trudn? do skopiowania przewag? konkurencyjn?. U pracownik車w pierwszej linii kontaktu z Klientami doskonalimy umiej?tno?ci obs?ugi Klienta, a u kadry kierowniczej umiej?tno?ci mened?erskie. Nowych mened?er車w uczymy jak stawa? si? ?wiadomymi liderami, kt車rzy anga?uj? swoj? energi? w to, co najwa?niejsze dla przewodzenia ma?ym zespo?om, a przy tym buduj? sw車j autorytet i kszta?tuj? indywidualny styl zarz?dzania. Do?wiadczonym mened?erom poprzez coaching i zaawansowane szkolenia mened?erskie pomagamy zweryfikowa? swoje postawy i nawyki w my?leniu i dzia?aniu na bardziej produktywne. Inspirujemy ich do tego, by stali si? mened?erami coachami - za kt車rymi zespo?y pod??aj? a pracownicy anga?uj? si? w realizacj? nawet najambitniejszych cel車w. Podpowiadamy jak kszta?towa? postaw? nowoczesnego szefa, kt車ry zarz?dza sercami i umys?ami pracownik車w, a nie tylko ich r?kami do pracy. Dzia?y HR wspieramy w budowaniu kultury otwartej komunikacji wewn?trz firmy oraz produktywnych relacji w zespo?ach, kt車re lepiej wsp車?pracuj?c osi?gaj? wi?cej. Wszystkim pracownikom pomagamy zwi?ksza? skuteczno?? osobist? w osi?ganiu rezultat車w. Ka?dy cz?owiek jest bowiem obdarzony unikalnymi talentami, kt車re mo?e rozwija? (poprzez w?a?ciwie prowadzony trening) a potem wykorzystywa? z korzy?ci? dla firmy, w kt車rej pracuje. Naszym priorytetem jest zmiana w zachowaniu i postawie uczestnik車w, a nie ich zadowolenie. Projekty szkoleniowo-wdro?eniowe s? bowiem inwestycj?, kt車ra ma doprowadzi? do realnej, a nie tylko potencjalnej zmiany w zachowaniach uczestnik車w. Uczestnicy naszych szkole里 wychodz? poza stref? komfortu. Zaczynaj? dzia?a?: wyznaczaj? sobie nowe cele, stopniowo zmieniaj? nawyki, nabywaj? kompetencje, kt車re wcze?niej wydawa?y si? poza ich zasi?giem. Wymaga to ?cis?ej wsp車?pracy z mened?erami i dzia?em HR.
2. Agenda:
? Kim jest INPROGRESS i jakie obszary wspieramy.
? Model przyw車dztwa sytuacyjnego.
? Przyk?ady zastosowa里 modelu sytuacyjnego do
rozwi?zywania problem車w biznesowych w
kontek?cie mi?dzynarodowych projekt車w.
3. Poznajmy si?#
Do?wiadczon? firma - profesjonalnym zespo?em trener車w i
specjalist車w od szkole里 i coachingu.
Pomagamy firmom i instytucjom pozna? najlepsze sposoby
zarz?dzania projektami.
Stosujemy profesjonalne techniki szkole里 stworzone w oparciu o
sprawdzone i skuteczne metody.
Jeste?my ekspertami we wdra?aniu metodyki PRINCE2.
Mo?liwo?? wykorzystania pe?nego potencja?u Twojej organizacji.
4. Oferta InProgress
Promujemy skuteczne i sprawdzone metody potrzebne
do optymalnego zarz?dzania projektami w Twojej firmie.
Nasi specjali?ci pomagaj? wdro?y? nowopoznane metody
i aktywnie uczestnicz? we wst?pnej fazie ich implementacji.
Uruchomili?my inicjatyw? InLab do opracowania analiz i rozwoju
technik zarz?dzania projektami, tak aby Nasze rozwi?zania wspiera?y
rozw車j Twojego biznesu.
Idea przyw車dztwa Kierownika Projektu
Dla przyw車dcy wa?ne nie jest w zasadzie to, co si? dzieje w
jego obecno?ci, gdy? odchylenia od po??danego stanu mo?e
skorygowa? na bie??co, wa?ne natomiast jest to, co dzieje si?
podczas jego nieobecno?ci#
7. Kompetencje przyw車dcze Kierownika Projektu
Przyw車dca wg. Blancharda powinien charakteryzowa? si?
trzema kompetencjami:
? Posiada? umiej?tno?? prawid?owego rozpoznania sytuacji i
okre?lenia potrzeb pracownika.
? Stosowa? r車?ne style zachowania.
? Zdo?a? uzgodni? z pracownikiem, jaki styl pomo?e mu
osi?gn?? konkretne cele lub zadania.
8. Proces komunikacji 每 narz?dzie Kierownika
W ramach procesu komunikacji wyr車?niamy cztery etapy
? Definiowanie celu 每 technika SMART.
? Diagnozowanie sytuacji.
? Elastyczny dob車r styl車w.
? Wsp車?praca na rzecz maksymalizacji wynik車w.
9. Diagnozowanie sytuacji
Klasyfikacja etap車w rozwoju odbywa si? na podstawie
dw車ch cech: kompetencji i zaanga?owania.
? Kompetencje to przede wszystkim wiedza lub
umiej?tno?ci posiadane i wykorzystywane przez pracownika
przy realizacji okre?lonego zadania lub celu.
? Zaanga?owanie za? jest miar? motywacji i wiary w siebie
zwi?zanych z realizacj? okre?lonego celu lub zadania.
10. Diagnozowanie sytuacji - etapy rozwoju wzgl?dem zada里
R3 每 Kompetentny, ale ostro?ny R2 每 rozczarowany adept
?rednie/wysokie kompetencje/ Niskie/?rednie kompetencje
niskie zaanga?owanie niskie zaanga?owanie
R4 每 Ekspert R1 每 debiutant
wysokie kompetencje/ wysokie Niskie kompetencje/wysokie
zaanga?owanie zaanga?owanie
11. Ale jak dotrze?
w?a?ciwie do celu..?
12. Etapy rozwoju pracownik車w wzgl?dem zada里
R1 - dotyczy os車b o wysokim R2 - zwany inaczej
zaanga?owaniu przy rozczarowanym adeptem,
stosunkowo niskich gdzie spadek zaanga?owania
kompetencjach, dla kt車rych wynika z tego, ?e pracownicy
nale?y dok?adnie okre?la? za wysoko oceniali swoje
terminy, priorytety, podawa? dotychczasowe umiej?tno?ci,
przyk?ady rozwi?zania rzeczywista sytuacja przerasta
zadania, podawa? wr?cz ich wyobra?enia o w?asnych
algorytm rozwi?zania danego zdolno?ciach do dzia?ania.
13. Etapy rozwoju pracownik車w wzgl?dem zada里
R3 - odnosi si? w g?車wnej R4 - to w gruncie rzeczy
mierze do kompetentnego, lecz samodzielny ekspert, kt車ry
ostro?nego praktyka, kt車rego wykazuje si? inicjatyw? i ch?ci?
zmienne zaanga?owanie rozwoju, oczekuje uznania, a tak?e
niejednokrotnie doprowadza do nie pozwala na ingerencj? w
niedotrzymania termin車w lub proces usprawniania swoich
zrzucania odpowiedzialno?ci na pomys?車w. Ch?tnie przekazuje
innych. swoj? wiedz? i umiej?tno?ci
swoim wsp車?pracownikom.
14. Etapy rozwoju w projektach- zesp車? polski
R3 每 Kompetentny, ale ostro?ny R2 每 rozczarowany adept
43% 26%
R4 每 Ekspert R1 每 debiutant
19% 12%
15. Etapy rozwoju w projektach- zesp車? niemiecki
R3 每 Kompetentny, ale ostro?ny R2 每 rozczarowany adept
18% 11%
R4 每 Ekspert R1 每 debiutant
56% 15%
16. Etapy rozwoju w projektach- integracja zespo?車w
R3 每 Kompetentny, ale ostro?ny R2 每 rozczarowany adept
14% 16%
R4 每 Ekspert R1 每 debiutant
58% 12%
17. Czy mamy jak?? sensown? alternatyw??
19. Elastyczny dob車r styl車w przez Kierownika Projektu
S1 - instruowanie: bardzo S2 - konsultowanie: polega na
precyzyjne definiowanie celu i zadawaniu pyta里, byciu
zadania, istotne jest wsparcie w dociekliwym, s?uchaniu zastrze?e里,
zakresie planowania i organizacji opinii i pomys?車w. Przydatnym
dzia?ania, pokazywanie narz?dziem organizacyjnym jest
przyk?ad車w rozwi?zania wykorzystanie metod
podobnych problem車w przez scenariuszowych do
innych wsp車?pracownik車w. wypracowywania szeregu wariant車w
rozwi?za里, tak aby pracownik
widzia? szereg mo?liwo?ci
20. Elastyczny dob車r styl車w przez Kierownika Projektu
S3 - wspieranie: kierownik projektu S4 每 delegowanie: mened?er
krok po kroku przekazuje przekazuje pe?n? odpowiedzialno?? za
usprawnienia, zach?ca do dyskusji, zadanie swoim pracownikom, nie
zadaje pytania, docenia ingeruje w plany szczeg車?owe, lecz
kompetencje, osi?gni?cia, ocenia wynik ko里cowy. Niew?tpliwie
wzmacnia wiar? w siebie jest to najbardziej po??dany styl przez
pracownika, zach?ca do dyskusji, ka?dego z lider車w, nie oznacza to
zadaje pytania, dzieli si? jednocze?nie, ?e lider nie mo?e
do?wiadczeniem, pomys?ami, oczekiwa? od pracownika informacji
u?atwia samodzielnie zwrotnej dotycz?cej post?p車w prac
rozwi?zywanie problem車w. nad danym zadaniem.
21. Podsumowanie
Umiej?tno?ci przyw車dcze dla
kierownik車w projekt車w to
bezwzgl?dna konieczno??, kt車ra
nie tyle stoi w sprzeczno?ci z
metodykami zarz?dzania
projektami, a stanowi ich istotne
22. Dzi?kujemy za uwag?
ul. Gabrieli Zapolskiej 38/303
30-126 Krak車w
Tel. 123 579 579
e-mail: biuro@inprogress.edu.pl