Studio su risultati in termine di durata di ospedalizzazione tra appendicectomia laparoscopica e laparotomica con suddivisione per casi di appendiciti semplici e complicate.
Studio su risultati in termine di durata di ospedalizzazione tra appendicectomia laparoscopica e laparotomica con suddivisione per casi di appendiciti semplici e complicate.
Ph impedenziometria nella MRGE: quando, come e perchèASMaD
Presentazione a cura della Dottoressa Francesca Galeazzi - "Malattia da reflussogastroesofageo e infezione da Helicobacter Pylori: old topics?" - Roma 11/05/2019
ºÝºÝߣ per la gestione del sondino nasogastrico ed orogastrico. ºÝºÝߣ approntate da Stefano Bambi per lezioni universitarie nei corsi di laurea triennale in infermieristica e medicina
Baffigo G. L'Urologia nel III° Millennio: cosa è cambiato e cosa bisogna sape...Gianfranco Tammaro
DOTT. BAFFIGO GIULIO (Sessione del 12/11/2015) - Convegno "Lunch Meeting al Pasteur: What's New In..." - dal 01/10/2015 al 10/12/2015 - Studio Pasteur - Viale Pasteur, 66 - Roma
Canale Youtube:
The document discusses laparoscopy procedures for various gynecological conditions such as infertility, chronic pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, and oncological issues. It notes that laparoscopy can be used for both diagnostic and operative purposes. It then discusses different techniques for laparoscopic access such as direct trocar insertion versus Verres needle insertion. It reviews studies comparing complication rates between different access techniques. The document emphasizes the importance of evidence-based medicine and following guidelines from organizations like NICE when determining appropriate diagnostic tests and treatments for conditions like infertility.
The document discusses laparoscopy procedures for various gynecological conditions. It begins by outlining conditions that can be diagnosed or treated via laparoscopy, including infertility, ectopic pregnancy, adhesions, endometriosis, ovarian masses, hysterectomy, uterine fibroids, and gynecological oncology issues. It then discusses different laparoscopy access techniques such as direct trocar insertion, open laparoscopy, and Verres needle insertion. It provides data on complication rates for different access methods. The document also discusses techniques for avoiding major vascular injuries during access. In summary, the document provides an overview of laparoscopy procedures and techniques for gynecological conditions.
Nuovo metodo ad ultrasuoni per il trattamento dei calcoli renaliMerqurio
This document describes a novel method using focused ultrasound to reposition kidney stones. Researchers created a kidney phantom with an artificial collecting system and lower pole. Both artificial and human kidney stones were placed in the lower pole. An ultrasound imaging probe was used to locate the stones, while a separate focused ultrasound probe could deliver bursts of ultrasound to move the stones. In experiments, stones were successfully repositioned from the lower pole to the collecting system in seconds, moving at about 1 cm/s. This noninvasive method shows promise for aiding stone clearance after surgery or during medical expulsive therapy.
Litotrissia percutanea laparoscopica nel rene pelvico casi cliniciMerqurio
This document describes a novel technique of laparoscopically assisted percutaneous pyelolithotomy for treating kidney stones in pelvic kidneys. The technique was used in 3 patients with large pelvic kidney stones who were not suitable candidates for standard percutaneous or laparoscopic approaches. The procedure involves using laparoscopy to expose the renal pelvis, then inserting a needle percutaneously into the pelvis under direct visualization. The tract is dilated and a nephroscope is used to remove stones without needing to incise or suture the pelvis. This approach provides direct access to the pelvis without risks of standard percutaneous or laparoscopic techniques. All 3 patients were successfully treated with no complications and no
Chirurgia di preservazione dell'udito. lento progresso e nuove strategieMerqurio
This study evaluated hearing outcomes for 115 patients who underwent hearing preservation surgery for acoustic neuromas. The goal was to determine the tumor size and level of pre-operative hearing that resulted in high rates of preserved hearing. Two groups of patients were evaluated based on tumor size - those with tumors ≤ 10mm and those >10mm. Patients with tumors ≤ 10mm and good pre-operative hearing (≤20dB PTA, ≥80% SDS) had a 76% success rate of preserved hearing. Patients with smaller tumors but poorer pre-operative hearing had lower success rates. The authors concluded that hearing preservation surgery is most effective for acoustic neuromas ≤10mm with good pre-operative hearing and can be an optimal treatment
Il trattamento chirurgico dei tumori del labbroMerqurio
This document summarizes a study on the surgical management of lip cancer. The study examined 32 patients treated for lip cancer over 5 years. Most cases involved squamous cell carcinoma of the lower lip. Surgical excision of the tumor was performed with oncologically appropriate margins. Reconstruction after surgery posed challenges, especially for advanced or extensive lesions. Local flaps from the lip or surrounding tissues were often used for reconstruction. Neck dissection was also performed in some cases to control lymph node metastases. While early stage tumors had good postoperative outcomes, advanced lesions resulted in greater functional impairments like drooling or chewing difficulties after surgery. The document discusses the surgical and reconstructive techniques used to treat lip cancers while aiming to preserve lip appearance and
Il trattamento chirurgico dei tumori del labbroMerqurio
The document summarizes the surgical management of lip cancer. It discusses that lip cancer is most commonly squamous cell carcinoma, usually originating in the lower lip. The management of lip cancer involves controlling the primary tumor with appropriate margins while allowing for oral competence, as well as potential neck metastases. Reconstruction is challenging, especially for advanced lesions, requiring preoperative planning and various surgical techniques. Early stage tumors have better prognostic and functional outcomes after surgery compared to advanced lesions. The authors report their experience treating lip tumors and managing neck metastases.
Effetti degli integratori di calcio sul rischio di infarto del miocardio e di...Merqurio
This meta-analysis investigated whether calcium supplements increase the risk of cardiovascular events. It analyzed 15 eligible randomized controlled trials involving over 11,000 participants who took calcium supplements for an average of 4 years. The analysis found a small increased risk of myocardial infarction among those taking calcium supplements compared to placebo, with 143 people experiencing a heart attack in the calcium group versus 111 in the placebo group. There was also a non-significant trend towards increased risks of stroke and cardiovascular death. These modest increases in risk could translate to a significant burden of disease at the population level given widespread calcium supplement use. The results suggest a reassessment of calcium supplements for osteoporosis is warranted.
Il trattamento chirurgico dei tumori del labbroMerqurio
This document summarizes a study on the surgical management of lip cancer. The most common type of lip cancer is squamous cell carcinoma, usually occurring on the lower lip. Treatment involves complete excision of the primary tumor with oncologically appropriate margins while preserving lip structure and function during reconstruction. For early-stage tumors, surgery results in good aesthetic and functional outcomes. More advanced tumors require complex reconstruction techniques using local or regional flaps to restore lip shape, texture, and mobility. Management of possible neck metastases is also important, as lymph node involvement significantly reduces survival rates. The authors report their experience treating 32 cases of lip cancer with surgical excision and various reconstructive procedures.
La sindrome rino bronchiale. indagine conoscitiva sio-aimar.Merqurio
This study aimed to standardize the diagnosis and treatment of rhino-bronchial syndrome (RBS), which links inflammation of the upper and lower airways. 159 patients meeting criteria for RBS underwent a two-level diagnostic protocol including endoscopy and spirometry. RBS was confirmed in 116 patients who had higher rates of allergic and infectious diseases than unconfirmed cases. Common symptoms were nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea, cough, and dyspnea. After 3 months of treatment including steroids, antibiotics, and nasal lavage, 96% of patients recovered. The study proposes a diagnostic workflow and highlights the importance of correct diagnosis through multidisciplinary evaluation for effective treatment of RBS.
La sindrome rino bronchiale. indagine conoscitiva sio-aimar.Merqurio
This document describes a survey conducted by the Italian Society of Otorhinolaryngology and the Interdisciplinary Scientific Association for the Study of Respiratory Diseases to better understand the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of rhino-bronchial syndrome. 159 patients from 9 ENT and pulmonology centers were enrolled based on clinical history and symptoms. 116 patients received a confirmed diagnosis based on examinations of the upper and lower airways. Allergic and infectious diseases were more common in patients with a confirmed diagnosis. After 3 months of standard treatment, 96% of patients recovered. The study proposes a diagnostic workflow and emphasizes the importance of correct diagnosis through multidisciplinary evaluation and treatment.
Artroplastica totale del ginocchio per il trattamento dell'osteoartrite del g...Merqurio
Over the past decade in Hong Kong, there has been an increasing trend in the number of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) operations performed and patients receiving TKAs. While the characteristics of patients have remained largely unchanged, there has been a significant rise in the number and proportion of patients over 80 years old receiving TKAs, from 4.8% in 2000-2004 to 13.8% in 2005-2009. In contrast, the number and proportion of younger patients under 60 receiving TKAs has not increased over the last 10 years. Overall, the study found an aging population in Hong Kong is contributing to rising joint replacement surgery rates.
Artroplastica totale del ginocchio per il trattamento dell'osteoartrite del g...Merqurio
There was an increasing trend in the number of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) operations performed and patients receiving TKAs from 2000 to 2009. While the functional status and severity of patient symptoms did not change significantly over this period, there was a decrease in the mechanical axis deviation, indicating less severe radiographic osteoarthritis. The number of elderly patients over 80 years of age receiving TKAs increased significantly, but the number of younger patients under 60 did not change.
Abatacept nel trattamento dell'artrite poliarticolare giovanile idiopatica (...Merqurio
This document discusses a new drug called abatacept for the treatment of polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). It begins by describing JIA and the polyarthritis subtype, noting it can be an aggressive form that leads to joint destruction if not adequately treated. Current treatments including methotrexate and TNF-alpha blockers help many patients but still leave some with inadequate response. Abatacept works via a new mechanism involving cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) and was found in clinical trials to be effective in about 70% of polyarticular JIA patients, including 39% who previously did not respond to TNF-alpha blockers. It has a generally good
7. 1884
La compressione
dello stomaco e
producono altresi
dispepsie, gastralgie
Eliminare fattori che aumentano
la pressione intraddominale
9. Sicuramente Da evitare in alcuni Consigliabili
da evitare reflussori
•Bevande gasate •Grassi animali • Inclinare il letto
•Pasti abbondanti •Canditi • Dormire sul fianco
•Alcolici •Cioccolato sinistro
•Obesità •Cipolle crude • Non coricarsi prima
•Fumo •Spremute di agrumi che siano passate 3h
•Sport eccessivo dal pasto
12. Esofagite: meta-analisi
sui tempi di guarigione
Guarigione (%)
Guarigione (%)
0 2
2 4
4 6
6 8
8 12
*P <.001 vs H2-antagonisti
*P <.001 vs H2-antagonisti Tempo (settimane)
Tempo (settimane)
10. Chiba N. et al-Gastroenterology 1997
10. Chiba N. et al-Gastroenterology 1997
13. I PPI sono ugualmente efficaci
• Omeprazolo 20 mg/die
• Lansoprazolo 30 mg/die
• Pantoprazolo 40 mg/die
• Esomeprazolo 40 mg/die
• Rabeprazolo 20mg/die
Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 17th Edition 2008
14. Percentuale di pazienti con Esofagite o NERD in remissione dopo la
sospensione della terapia che ha determinato la guarigione
endoscopica (o la remissione dei sintomi nella NERD)
Endoscopia negativa
Endoscopia positiva
pazienti in remissione
sintomatica (%)
10 10%
0 3 6
Carlsson R - EJGH, 1998
16. Storia naturale della esofagite da
reflusso:recidive endoscopiche in
132 pazienti seguiti per 4 anni
28% = 1
14%= 2
9%= 3
RECIDIVE 28% non recidive
Pace F. et al. Ital J Gastroentherol Hepatol 1998; 355-60
18. Kaplan-Meier Plot of Patients with Reflux Esophagitis Remaining in Remission, According to
Treatment Group
Omeprazolo+ cisapride 89%
Omeprazolo 80%
Ranitidina + Cisapride 66%
Cisapride 54%
Ranitidina 49%
Vigneri, S. et al. N Engl J Med 1995;333:1106-1110
20. PPI: Evidenza 1° livello
I PPIsono sicuri, efficaci,controllano i sintomi e cicatrizzano
l'esofagite più efficacemente degli altri farmaci.
I 5 PPI in commercio a parità di dose sono ugualmente efficaci.
I PPI devono sempre essere dati prima dei pasti.
Ragionevole, in certi casi, usare una dose superiore a quella approvata
in due somministrazioni
Sicurezza e efficacia sono a favore di una terapia di mantenimento
Se necessario alle due dosi di PPI si può aggiungere una dose notturna
di H2RA
Non ci sono prove che sopprimere l' acido sia utile nel Barrett
21. Terapia di mantenimento:evidenza 1°livello
Antiacidi e modifiche dello stile di vita sono sufficienti
nel 20% dei pazienti
Il 50% dei pazienti ha recidive non ostante la terapia di mantenimento
Una monodose piena di H2RA non è adeguata
Dosi ridotte di PPI a lungo termine sono risultate inefficaci
Solo dosi piene di PPI si sono rivelate efficaci
Dosi piene di PPI, in terapia di mantenimento, riducono le recidive
delle stenosi esofagee, non ci sono evidenze che influenzino il Barrett
22. Studio prospettico su 410 gravidanze esposte ( 295 all’omeprazolo,
62 al lanzoprazolo,53 al pantoprazolo confrontate con 868 gravidanze
senza farmaci:
PPI non sono associati ad un aumentato rischio teratogeno
Kallen B. 1998 Ruigòmez A. 1999 (cimetidina,ranitidina,omeprazolo)
Lalklin A. 1998 Kallen B.A. 2001
Nielsen GL.1999 Nikfar S. 2002 (metanalisi di 5 lavori)
23. Malattia da reflusso e H.pylori
• Azione protettiva dell' H.P. sulla GERD: una
supersemplificazione (Pisegna J. Aliment.Pharmacol.Ther
• Nei pazienti eradicati aumenta prevalenza della
GERD (Labenz J. Gastroenterology 1997)
• Una lunga terapia con PPI in presenza di H.P.
aumenta il rischio di gastrite atrofica e di metaplasia
intestinale (Kuipers EJ. NEJM 1996)
• L'unico Helicobacter pylori buono è quello morto
24. Diagnosi di MRGE
Terapia empirica per 4-8 settimane Sintomi di allarme
I sintomi persistono
PPI ad alte dosi per 4/8 settimane
I sintomi spariscono I sintomi persistono ENDOSCOPIA
Possibile sospensione Esofagite Normale
Step down erosiva
Terapia intermittente RECIDIVA
on demand PPI pH/24h
26. Domanda: malattia da reflusso gastroesofageo (MRGE)
senza esofagite:come si deve documentare?
Risposta: La nota non è una linea guida: pertanto deliberatamente
non prescrive una modalità di diagnosi, che viene lasciata al giudizio
clinico del medico
. BIF Lug-Ott-N. 4-5