SPICE MODEL of TPCP8401 (Professional+BDP N&P Model) in SPICE PARKTsuyoshi Horigome
SPICE MODEL of TPCP8401 (Professional+BDP N&P Model) in SPICE PARK. English Version is http://www.spicepark.net. Japanese Version is http://www.spicepark.com by Bee Technologies.
The document is a quarterly report on apartment occupancy and rents in Orange County, California for 1st quarter 2011. It includes data on:
- Apartment occupancy rates from 2006 to 2011, which have remained high between 90-98% during that period.
- Annual rent changes from 2010 to 2011, with average monthly rents across Orange County increasing 1.5% to $1,491. Rent increases varied among submarkets.
- Average gross occupancy rates by bedroom type and year completed for properties across Orange County submarkets, ranging from 94.2-97.1% occupancy.
- Average monthly rents by bedroom type for 1st quarter 2011, with total average rents ranging from $1
El modelo de Von Neumann establece la arquitectura básica de los computadores digitales modernos, la cual utiliza el mismo dispositivo de almacenamiento tanto para las instrucciones como para los datos. Este dise?o introdujo el concepto de programa almacenado, permitiendo que las instrucciones se encuentren residentes en la memoria para ser leídas y ejecutadas secuencialmente por la unidad de control.
SPICE MODEL of SSM3J115TU (Professional+BDP Model) in SPICE PARKTsuyoshi Horigome
SPICE MODEL of SSM3J115TU (Professional+BDP Model) in SPICE PARK. English Version is http://www.spicepark.net. Japanese Version is http://www.spicepark.com by Bee Technologies.
The document discusses different types of social networks and networked publics. It describes centralized, decentralized, and distributed network topologies. It also outlines four key properties of networked publics according to Boyd: persistence, searchability, replicability, and invisible audiences. Examples of social networks currently used are also provided.
SPICE MODEL of IRG4PC50KD (Standard+FWDP Model) in SPICE PARKTsuyoshi Horigome
SPICE MODEL of IRG4PC50KD (Standard+FWDP Model) in SPICE PARK. English Version is http://www.spicepark.net. Japanese Version is http://www.spicepark.com by Bee Technologies.
Sarah Everard is applying for a design specialization program to expand her skills in photography, graphic design, and videography. She has worked as a freelance video editor for 2.5 years and wants to continue freelancing with additional artistic abilities. The program will complement her degree in Media Arts & Technology. Everard enjoys lifestyle and travel photography and desires to learn more about the technical and creative processes involved in visually conveying messages and stories through images.
The document discusses various teaching activities and distinguishes between tasks and exercises. It describes 4 language tasks: 1) an EFL story adaptation, 2) describing the first day of a Spanish class, 3) analyzing a Spanish song, and 4) creating a German Christmas card. It also provides links to learner productions and discussions providing feedback on errors and implications for teaching and research.
Este documento presenta tres informes de biología realizados por un estudiante sobre diferentes temas: 1) la pigmentación de una rosa mediante tintes vegetales, 2) la observación de células vegetales de cebolla usando un microscopio, y 3) la observación de células vegetales de corcho y de un microorganismo animal (hormiga) también usando un microscopio. Cada informe describe los materiales, procedimientos, observaciones, conclusiones y preguntas relacionadas con cada tema.
El documento analiza la estructura sintáctica y morfológica de cuatro oraciones. La primera oración contiene un sintagma preposicional y un sintagma adjetival. La segunda oración contiene un sintagma nominal con determinante y un sintagma preposicional. La tercera oración contiene un complemento predicativo del sujeto. La cuarta oración contiene un sintagma nominal preposicional y un complemento de régimen.
147 analysis of characteristic parameters of commercial photovoltaic modulesWilson Braga Júnior
This document analyzes the electrical parameters of 281 commercial photovoltaic modules from different manufacturers based on data extracted from module datasheets. It finds that monocrystalline and polycrystalline module efficiencies are concentrated between 13.5-15.5%, while thin film module efficiencies range from 8-13%. Module efficiencies and powers have increased over time due to technology advances, with current Kyocera modules having efficiencies between 14-15%. The document aims to provide an overview of the state of the photovoltaic market and module technologies based on electrical parameter analysis.
This document provides information about McKinley West Village, a luxury residential development located in Fort Bonifacio, Manila that is inspired by the French Riviera. The development will feature luxury garden villas, a clubhouse with amenities, and proximity to the Bonifacio Global City central business district. It describes the design influences from destinations along the French Riviera like Nice and Saint-Tropez and includes a subdivision plan showing the layout of the village.
El documento habla sobre estándares y modelos de calidad aplicados al software. Explica que los estándares de calidad establecen requisitos mínimos para asegurar que los productos y servicios cumplen su propósito. También describe varios modelos de calidad como ISO 9001, ISO 9000-3, CMMI y SPICE, los cuales proveen marcos para la gestión de procesos, calidad y mejora continua. Finalmente, resalta la importancia de implementar estos estándares y modelos para satisfacer al cliente, ser competitivo y eliminar defect
El documento trata sobre la disfunción de la articulación temporomandibular. Explica la anatomía de la articulación y cómo es propensa a sufrir patologías. El objetivo general de la investigación es incrementar la identificación oportuna de las patologías de la articulación y el tratamiento adecuado para mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente.
This document reports on a study of errors made by Japanese university students in their English writing that are influenced by their first language of Japanese. The researchers built a "house-made learner's corpus" of over 178,000 words by collecting writing samples from forums and blogs on Moodle platforms at three universities in Japan. They analyzed the samples and found common error types such as incorrectly using the topic rather than the subject of the sentence, missing or misusing pronouns, and confusing parts of speech and predicate-argument structures. These errors reflected the influence of Japanese syntactic structures on the students' developing English interlanguage. The researchers suggest exercises to improve learner awareness of these cross-linguistic differences as a way to address these common
Effective Implementation of Meaning-focused Output Activities for Japanese E...Mari Yamauchi
1) The document describes an implementation of meaning-focused output activities for Japanese EFL learners, including blogging, in-class language exercises, and movie-making projects.
2) Blogging gave students more opportunities to use English meaningfully outside of class, while in-class exercises provided corrective feedback on their blog posts.
3) Preliminary analysis found that students' writing showed increases in the number of words used and decreases in the ratio of errors after participating in the output activities.
Effective implementation of a class blog in the traditional classroom settingMari Yamauchi
This document discusses implementing an effective class blog for Japanese university EFL students with limited access to technology in the classroom. The goals are to provide more opportunities for students to use English outside of class for communication, and to integrate out-of-class and in-class activities. In a 2010 study, Moodle was used but some students found it difficult to use outside of class. In 2011, a class blog allowed students to post assignments via email, making it more accessible even without technology in the classroom. Topics were chosen based on students' interests and language levels. Class activities were integrated with blog posts with a focus on language forms. This increased students' accessibility and engagement with the out-of-class blog component.
Researching ICT-Integrated EFL Instruction in JapanMari Yamauchi
This document describes research on integrating ICT and online communicative activities into EFL instruction in Japan from 2010-2012. It found that students strongly preferred using mobile phones to computers. Using a shared blogging account that allowed posting by email helped increase participation. Corrective feedback and pair/group work helped build language skills and community. Overall satisfaction improved each year as mobile access increased and feedback/instructional support was enhanced. Accessibility of platforms and perceived usefulness were found to be important factors for student participation and motivation in online language learning activities.
Effective implementation of student bloggingMari Yamauchi
The document discusses research on implementing student blogging to improve English skills. It details trials using class blogs and Twitter in 2011-2012. Results found blogging helped language learning when paired with classwork and feedback. Challenges included technical issues and reluctance to communicate freely due to mistakes. Future studies aim to facilitate more spontaneous interaction and analyze improvements in students' English abilities over time.
This document outlines a trip to discover India from September 26 to October 6, 2012. It mentions taking taxis and checking maps while traveling. It also notes that English is an official language in India but does not provide more details.
This document summarizes a research study on using blogs in an English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom. The goals of the 3-year study were to create an online learning environment for communicative purposes and integrate out-of-class and in-class activities with limited technology access. A class blog was set up for students to share English output. While students found blogging beneficial, they wanted more feedback on language errors and the ability to edit past posts. Increased participation, meaningful use of English, and feedback in class were positive outcomes.
The document discusses using blogs and online discussion forums to extend English language learning beyond the classroom. It describes challenges students faced using the Moodle platform on computers and their preference for mobile phones. The solution involved using email and Twitter to post due to their accessibility from mobile phones. Students' participation increased when using these platforms and they found blogging in English to be fun and helpful for improving their language skills.
The document discusses various teaching activities and distinguishes between tasks and exercises. It describes 4 language tasks: 1) an EFL story adaptation, 2) describing the first day of a Spanish class, 3) analyzing a Spanish song, and 4) creating a German Christmas card. It also provides links to learner productions and discussions providing feedback on errors and implications for teaching and research.
Este documento presenta tres informes de biología realizados por un estudiante sobre diferentes temas: 1) la pigmentación de una rosa mediante tintes vegetales, 2) la observación de células vegetales de cebolla usando un microscopio, y 3) la observación de células vegetales de corcho y de un microorganismo animal (hormiga) también usando un microscopio. Cada informe describe los materiales, procedimientos, observaciones, conclusiones y preguntas relacionadas con cada tema.
El documento analiza la estructura sintáctica y morfológica de cuatro oraciones. La primera oración contiene un sintagma preposicional y un sintagma adjetival. La segunda oración contiene un sintagma nominal con determinante y un sintagma preposicional. La tercera oración contiene un complemento predicativo del sujeto. La cuarta oración contiene un sintagma nominal preposicional y un complemento de régimen.
147 analysis of characteristic parameters of commercial photovoltaic modulesWilson Braga Júnior
This document analyzes the electrical parameters of 281 commercial photovoltaic modules from different manufacturers based on data extracted from module datasheets. It finds that monocrystalline and polycrystalline module efficiencies are concentrated between 13.5-15.5%, while thin film module efficiencies range from 8-13%. Module efficiencies and powers have increased over time due to technology advances, with current Kyocera modules having efficiencies between 14-15%. The document aims to provide an overview of the state of the photovoltaic market and module technologies based on electrical parameter analysis.
This document provides information about McKinley West Village, a luxury residential development located in Fort Bonifacio, Manila that is inspired by the French Riviera. The development will feature luxury garden villas, a clubhouse with amenities, and proximity to the Bonifacio Global City central business district. It describes the design influences from destinations along the French Riviera like Nice and Saint-Tropez and includes a subdivision plan showing the layout of the village.
El documento habla sobre estándares y modelos de calidad aplicados al software. Explica que los estándares de calidad establecen requisitos mínimos para asegurar que los productos y servicios cumplen su propósito. También describe varios modelos de calidad como ISO 9001, ISO 9000-3, CMMI y SPICE, los cuales proveen marcos para la gestión de procesos, calidad y mejora continua. Finalmente, resalta la importancia de implementar estos estándares y modelos para satisfacer al cliente, ser competitivo y eliminar defect
El documento trata sobre la disfunción de la articulación temporomandibular. Explica la anatomía de la articulación y cómo es propensa a sufrir patologías. El objetivo general de la investigación es incrementar la identificación oportuna de las patologías de la articulación y el tratamiento adecuado para mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente.
This document reports on a study of errors made by Japanese university students in their English writing that are influenced by their first language of Japanese. The researchers built a "house-made learner's corpus" of over 178,000 words by collecting writing samples from forums and blogs on Moodle platforms at three universities in Japan. They analyzed the samples and found common error types such as incorrectly using the topic rather than the subject of the sentence, missing or misusing pronouns, and confusing parts of speech and predicate-argument structures. These errors reflected the influence of Japanese syntactic structures on the students' developing English interlanguage. The researchers suggest exercises to improve learner awareness of these cross-linguistic differences as a way to address these common
Effective Implementation of Meaning-focused Output Activities for Japanese E...Mari Yamauchi
1) The document describes an implementation of meaning-focused output activities for Japanese EFL learners, including blogging, in-class language exercises, and movie-making projects.
2) Blogging gave students more opportunities to use English meaningfully outside of class, while in-class exercises provided corrective feedback on their blog posts.
3) Preliminary analysis found that students' writing showed increases in the number of words used and decreases in the ratio of errors after participating in the output activities.
Effective implementation of a class blog in the traditional classroom settingMari Yamauchi
This document discusses implementing an effective class blog for Japanese university EFL students with limited access to technology in the classroom. The goals are to provide more opportunities for students to use English outside of class for communication, and to integrate out-of-class and in-class activities. In a 2010 study, Moodle was used but some students found it difficult to use outside of class. In 2011, a class blog allowed students to post assignments via email, making it more accessible even without technology in the classroom. Topics were chosen based on students' interests and language levels. Class activities were integrated with blog posts with a focus on language forms. This increased students' accessibility and engagement with the out-of-class blog component.
Researching ICT-Integrated EFL Instruction in JapanMari Yamauchi
This document describes research on integrating ICT and online communicative activities into EFL instruction in Japan from 2010-2012. It found that students strongly preferred using mobile phones to computers. Using a shared blogging account that allowed posting by email helped increase participation. Corrective feedback and pair/group work helped build language skills and community. Overall satisfaction improved each year as mobile access increased and feedback/instructional support was enhanced. Accessibility of platforms and perceived usefulness were found to be important factors for student participation and motivation in online language learning activities.
Effective implementation of student bloggingMari Yamauchi
The document discusses research on implementing student blogging to improve English skills. It details trials using class blogs and Twitter in 2011-2012. Results found blogging helped language learning when paired with classwork and feedback. Challenges included technical issues and reluctance to communicate freely due to mistakes. Future studies aim to facilitate more spontaneous interaction and analyze improvements in students' English abilities over time.
This document outlines a trip to discover India from September 26 to October 6, 2012. It mentions taking taxis and checking maps while traveling. It also notes that English is an official language in India but does not provide more details.
This document summarizes a research study on using blogs in an English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom. The goals of the 3-year study were to create an online learning environment for communicative purposes and integrate out-of-class and in-class activities with limited technology access. A class blog was set up for students to share English output. While students found blogging beneficial, they wanted more feedback on language errors and the ability to edit past posts. Increased participation, meaningful use of English, and feedback in class were positive outcomes.
The document discusses using blogs and online discussion forums to extend English language learning beyond the classroom. It describes challenges students faced using the Moodle platform on computers and their preference for mobile phones. The solution involved using email and Twitter to post due to their accessibility from mobile phones. Students' participation increased when using these platforms and they found blogging in English to be fun and helpful for improving their language skills.
This document provides instructions and examples for students to find common interests and experiences by asking classmates questions. It includes sample questions about pets, exams, hobbies, work and movies. Students are asked to think of 3 additional questions and then go around asking as many classmates as possible, recording their questions, answers and any other relevant information learned about each classmate.
The document presents a framework for classifying users into three levels - basic, independent, and proficient - based on their ability to complete two tasks at each level. The basic level includes tasks that require direct instruction, the independent level includes tasks that can be completed with limited support, and the proficient level includes tasks that can be completed without support. A table outlines the tasks for each of the three levels.
ZCY enjoys taking photos and has learned from a famous cameraman. They bought a good camera and took pictures over the summer holiday, hoping to improve their photography skills. Oda likes shopping for clothes and shoes at fashion buildings near Shibuya station. Oyu studies bookkeeping every day but sometimes goes shopping on the way home from school to relax.