Cognitive Tools for Open-Ended Learning Environments:Theoretical and Implemen...นะนาท นะคะCognitive Tools for Open-Ended Learning Environments:Theoretical and Implementation Perspectives
Bravu presentacionYoung Clima Radioaficcion MeteorologiaLa B.R.A.V.U está siempre atenta a situaciones que requieran colaboración con las autoridades y la comunidad.
Tata groupahirmahesh1993This document provides information on three companies that are part of the Tata Group in India:
- Tata Steel is the 12th largest steel producer globally and largest in India, with annual production of 23.8 million tons and over 81,000 employees. Its products include steel, flat steel, long steel, and wire products.
- Tata Chemicals is a major Indian chemical company with interests in chemicals, fertilizers, and consumer products. It had revenue of $2.2 billion and employed 4,752 people in 2012.
- Tata Communications is a global telecom company that owns a submarine cable network and tier 1 IP network. It has a network of over 235,000 km and
Cognitive Tools for Open-Ended Learning Environments:Theoretical and Implemen...นะนาท นะคะCognitive Tools for Open-Ended Learning Environments:Theoretical and Implementation Perspectives
Bravu presentacionYoung Clima Radioaficcion MeteorologiaLa B.R.A.V.U está siempre atenta a situaciones que requieran colaboración con las autoridades y la comunidad.
Tata groupahirmahesh1993This document provides information on three companies that are part of the Tata Group in India:
- Tata Steel is the 12th largest steel producer globally and largest in India, with annual production of 23.8 million tons and over 81,000 employees. Its products include steel, flat steel, long steel, and wire products.
- Tata Chemicals is a major Indian chemical company with interests in chemicals, fertilizers, and consumer products. It had revenue of $2.2 billion and employed 4,752 people in 2012.
- Tata Communications is a global telecom company that owns a submarine cable network and tier 1 IP network. It has a network of over 235,000 km and
AugmentationSiddhika BhogleThis document discusses augmented reality (AR), defining it as a type of virtual reality that combines real and computer-generated scenes. It distinguishes AR from virtual reality by noting AR enhances real environments while VR replaces reality. Examples of AR applications like Wikitude, Layar and Google Glass are provided. The document also outlines several industries where AR is used and discusses advantages like uniqueness, personalization and virality, as well as disadvantages like privacy concerns, advertising issues, and physical dangers.
Arquitectura clase-4Jorge DeleonEl documento describe el modelo de arquitectura de computadora de Von Neumann, que consiste en una unidad de control, una unidad de ejecución, memoria y una unidad de entrada/salida, donde la memoria almacena tanto instrucciones como datos. El modelo estableció el primer diseño de computadoras modernas basadas en un ciclo de instrucciones repetitivo de obtener, decodificar, buscar y ejecutar.
TATA Groupahirmahesh1993The document provides an overview of the Tata Group, one of India's largest conglomerates. It discusses the group's founding in 1868, current chairman Cyrus Mistry, operating companies such as Tata Steel and Tata Motors, acquisitions made, products and services offered, social activities, and approximate financial information for 2011-2012 with over $100 billion in revenue and over 450,000 employees. The Tata Group encompasses many business sectors and has operations in over 80 countries worldwide.
Sri lankaahirmahesh1993Sri Lanka is an island country located in the Indian Ocean off the southern coast of India. It has a long history dating back over 3,000 years and was previously known as Ceylon. Sri Lanka has a diverse population and was historically influenced by Buddhism and Hinduism. In more recent history, it gained independence from British rule in 1948 and endured a long civil war that ended in 2009. The culture of Sri Lanka is influenced by its Buddhist heritage as well as Hindu and British colonial influences.
World after 1945 1ahirmahesh1993The document summarizes major global events and developments in the post-World War 2 period from 1945-1950. It discusses key events like the US dropping atomic bombs on Japan to end WWII, Indonesia declaring independence from the Netherlands after Japan's defeat sparking a 4-year war, and the UN placing an embargo on Spain for aiding Germany. It also summarizes the beginning of conflicts like the First Indochina War in Vietnam and Greek Civil War. The Cold War emerged as the world divided into capitalist and communist blocs led by the US and Soviet Union respectively. Decolonization accelerated as many Asian and African countries gained independence in this period.
Pythagorean theoremahirmahesh1993Euclid's proof of the infinitude of primes uses mathematical induction. It considers any finite list of prime numbers p1, p2, ..., pn and constructs the number q = P + 1, where P is the product of the primes in the list. Euclid shows that either q is prime, proving there are more primes than in the list, or some prime factor of q cannot be in the list, again showing there are more primes. This proves there is no largest prime number and primes are infinite. Later mathematicians like Euler, Erdos, and Furstenberg provided alternative proofs using unique prime factorizations and divergent series.
BonAmanpreet SinghA bond is a debt security where the issuer owes the holder a debt and is obliged to repay the principal and interest at maturity. Bonds have features like nominal value, coupon rate, maturity date, and call/put options. There are various types of bonds like fixed rate, floating rate, zero coupon bonds, and municipal bonds. Bond portfolio strategies include passive buy and hold strategies, active strategies like sector substitution, and semi-active strategies like immunization and duration matching to reduce interest rate risk. Bonds are evaluated based on the issuer's financial strength and past earnings, while valuation considers the present value of future cash flows and yield measures like current yield and yield to maturity.
Alcantarillasroder sanchez cortezEste documento describe las características y cálculos hidráulicos de las alcantarillas. Puede clasificarse las alcantarillas en rígidas y flexibles dependiendo del material de construcción. También se clasifican por su función en alcantarillas y aliviaderos. Explica seis tipos de flujo en alcantarillas y las ecuaciones para calcular el gasto según cada tipo. Finalmente, describe los pasos para determinar la capacidad hidráulica de una alcantarilla.
Modern agricultureahirmahesh1993This document provides information about different types of kitchen gardens and hydroponic systems. It discusses traditional kitchen gardens, potager gardens, vegetable gardens, herb gardens, and terrace gardens. It also describes different hydroponic systems including drip systems, ebb-flow systems, NFT systems, water culture systems, aeroponic systems, and wick systems. Finally, it lists several modern agricultural tools used in farming such as cultivators, threshers, rotavators, rip binders, moldboard ploughs, disk ploughs, land levellers, and tractors.
investement planning through NJ INDIA invest pvt ltdAmanpreet SinghThis document provides an overview of the mutual fund industry in India. It discusses the evolution of the industry from the formation of Unit Trust of India in 1963 to the present day, where the industry has grown significantly and become more competitive. It also describes the basic concept of a mutual fund, how it pools investments from many investors and invests it according to the fund's objectives. The document focuses on providing a high-level history and introduction to mutual funds in India.
Bond management strategiesAmanpreet SinghA bond is a debt security where the issuer owes the holder a debt and is obliged to repay the principal and interest at maturity. Bonds have features like nominal value, coupon rate, maturity date, and call/put options. There are various types of bonds like fixed rate, floating rate, zero coupon bonds, and municipal bonds. Bond portfolio strategies include passive buy and hold strategies, active strategies like sector substitution, and semi-active strategies like immunization and duration matching to reduce interest rate risk. Bonds are evaluated based on the issuer's financial strength and past earnings, while valuation considers the present value of future cash flows and yield to maturity is the single discount rate that equals the current price.
Development of Blended Learning Model by Using Cognitive Tools to Develop Cri...Panita Wannapiroon KmutnbDevelopment of Blended Learning Model by Using Cognitive Tools to Develop Critical Thinking Skills.
ปณิตา วรรณพิรุณ. (๒๕๕๕). การพัฒนารูปแบบการเรียนแบบผสมผสานโดยใช้เครื่องมือทางปัญญาเพื่อพัฒนาทักษะการคิดอย่างมีวิจารณญาณ. วารสารวิทยบริการ.
ปีที่ ๒๓, ฉบับที่ ๒ พฤษภาคม-สิงหาคม ๒๕๕๕. หน้า ๑๕๒-๑๖๔.
9. concepts of instructional design and
Instructional Media
concept ผูเรียนเปนผูรอรับสารสนเทศ ครูเปนบริหาร
จัดการสิ่งเราและสราง สิ่งแวดลอมใหผูเรียนดูดซับสารสนเทศ
จดจําความรูใหไดในปริมาณมากที่สุด เชน Programmed
Instruction , Computer – Assisted Instruction
10. concepts of instructional design and
Instructional Media
characteristic of Instructional Media design
by Behaviorism
• ระบุวัตถุประสงคการสอนที่ชัดเจน
• ผูเรียน เรียนรูดวยตนเอง
• การออกแบบการสอนเปนลําดับขั้นตอน
11. concepts of instructional design and
Instructional Media
Analysis result
จัดการสิ่งเรา เพราะครูสมศรีเปน
12. concepts of instructional design and
Instructional Media
concepts ผู เ รี ย นรั บ สารสนเทศและ
ป ญ หาใหม ครู เ ป น ผู นํ า เสนอสารสนเทศ
instructional design and Instructional Media focusing on The
development of cognitive processes
13. concepts of instructional design and
Instructional Media
characteristic of Instructional Media design by Cognitivism
• การจัดระเบียบหรือจัดหมวดหมู (Organization)
• การขยายความคิด (Elaboration)
• ใชเทคนิคเพื่อแนะนําและสนับสนุนใหผูเรียนใสใจ
Focusing question
15. concepts of instructional design and
Instructional Media
concept ผูเรียนสรางความรูดวยตนเอง สวนครู
16. concepts of instructional design and
Instructional Media
characteristic of Instructional Media design by
Teacher ‘ Role
Student’ Role
Focusing on problem solving and Higher-order
• Assessment
17. concepts of instructional design and
Instructional Media
Analysis result
เปนผูสรางความรูดวยตนเอง เพราะ
25. How to Use Interactive Lecture
Demonstrations in Class…
- Identify a core concept that students will learn.
- Chose a demonstration that will illustrate the core
concept, ideally with an outcome different from student
- Prepare written materials so that students can easily
follow the prediction, experience and reflection steps.
Resources ;