This code sample is for .NET Lab community online session.
React Helmet controls a Head tag of HTML. A link rel attribute, a style attribute, a title attribute, and so on.
Thus, it is available that multiple pages of a contents is managed by React Helmet.
Addition, individual page can control style of shared controls such as the _Layout.chtml without modifing class structure or style of shared controls.
This code sample is for .NET Lab community online session.
React Helmet controls a Head tag of HTML. A link rel attribute, a style attribute, a title attribute, and so on.
Thus, it is available that multiple pages of a contents is managed by React Helmet.
Addition, individual page can control style of shared controls such as the _Layout.chtml without modifing class structure or style of shared controls.
This code sample is for .NET Lab community online session.
React Helmet controls a Head tag of HTML. A link rel attribute, a style attribute, a title attribute, and so on.
Thus, it is available that multiple pages of a contents is managed by React Helmet.
Addition, individual page can control style of shared controls such as the _Layout.chtml without modifing class structure or style of shared controls.
This code sample is for .NET Lab community online session.
React Helmet controls a Head tag of HTML. A link rel attribute, a style attribute, a title attribute, and so on.
Thus, it is available that multiple pages of a contents is managed by React Helmet.
Addition, individual page can control style of shared controls such as the _Layout.chtml without modifing class structure or style of shared controls.
? RESTful な Web サービスを提供
– データを表す URI に対して HTTP のメソッドで操作
? GET 取得
? PUT 更新
? POST 追加
– データ形式の標準は JSON
? JQuery Mobile とのデータ連携とか
VSUG DAY - Winter 2012.06.16
10. ASP.NET MVC Web API の基礎
? ルーティング
? Controller
? View
? Model
? フィルタ
– それぞれに実装はMVCと異なることに注意
VSUG DAY - Winter 2012.06.16
11. ASP.NET MVC Web API RC 版補足
? Beta版の情報
? スキャッフォールディング
? Queryable 属性(クエリーパラメータ対応
? 認証エラー時のHTTPステータス:401
VSUG DAY - Winter 2012.06.16