KenafRione DrevaleKenaf is a fast-growing plant cultivated for its stem fibers. It is related to cotton and grows quickly, reaching heights of 5-6 meters in 6-8 months. Kenaf stems consist of two fiber types - bast fiber and core fiber - which are used to make paper, particle board, and other products. Kenaf grows best in warm, moist climates and requires at least 12 hours of sunlight per day, though it can adapt to a wide range of conditions. It is harvested when flowering begins, around 150 days after planting.
Coming to Terms with SocialityThomas Vander WalAn overview presentation on social web and social computing that introduces some of the conceptual model I have been using to do analysis and strategy to vastly improve value for the people using the services and tools as well as the system owners.
Can You Show Me That Again? Recording Lectures in BrightspaceD2L BarryCan You Show Me That Again? Recording Lectures in Brightspace; David Leskiw, SAIT Polytechnic.
Presented on May 8, 2015 at the Brightspace Ignite forum in Calgary, Alberta.
5 g techmanas87The document summarizes the evolution of wireless network architectures from 1G to 5G and discusses key aspects of 4G and the vision for 5G. It describes how each generation (1G to 4G) has increased wireless bit rates. It then discusses the key components of 4G architecture including the Evolved Packet Core and flat IP architecture. The vision for 5G involves ubiquitous computing through convergence of technologies to provide connectivity anywhere at high speeds.
Industrial attachment of naz bangladesh ltdMd. Mazadul Hasan ShishirThe document discusses the industrial attachment of a student at N. A. Z Bangladesh Ltd, a knit composite factory. It provides an overview of the company's operations, including its various departments, production capacities, and raw materials used. The student expresses gratitude to the many people at the factory and university who provided guidance and support during the training period.
[디자인씽킹과 앙터프러너십] '이동식 태양광충전 영화관'은 어떻게 기획되었는가?Jeongtae Kim2월 4일에 진행된 <록펠러> 컨퍼런스에서 사례발표한 내용입니다. 2012년 여름 아프리카 말라위에서 진행한 '디자인씽킹' 리서치 활동을 통해 마련된 니즈를 바탕으로, 진행되는 사회적비즈니스 사례입니다.
Clopidogrel & Epidurals (Powerpoint)Pritesh VyasThis document discusses the rare but devastating complication of epidural hematomas from neuraxial blocks. It focuses on the risk from clopidogrel, a drug that inhibits platelet aggregation. While the exact risk is unknown, guidelines recommend stopping clopidogrel 7 days before a procedure. The case report describes an 80-year-old woman who developed a T12/L1 epidural hematoma after inadvertently being given a clopidogrel dose 48 hours before her epidural was removed. Her neurology was not recovered despite a delayed diagnosis and treatment.
Cornerstone ProductbevlenaThis document provides an overview and introduction to Mannatech products and technology. It discusses Mannatech's philosophy of intelligent supplementation, their research team and commitment to quality. It also describes their core technology, the Optimal Health System, which is designed to support cellular health and functions through products that protect, nourish, regulate and allow cells to communicate.
ServicePilot VoIP and UC monitoring for Acme PacketServicePilotThe document describes ServicePilot, a monitoring and analysis solution for VoIP environments including Acme Packet Session Border Controllers. It allows monitoring of call quality, volumes, and tracking across infrastructures. Additional features include monitoring of network infrastructure, applications, databases and integration with third party solutions. The solution provides dashboards, reports, alerts and root cause analysis of issues.
English grammar conjunctive adverbs sequenceRita (Dr. Rita) Zuba ProkopetzThis document discusses conjunctive adverbs that indicate sequence. It provides examples of common conjunctive adverbs used to show sequence, such as "afterwards", "beforehand", "meanwhile", and "then". It also lists other signal words that indicate sequence, such as "after", "as soon", "before", and "finally". The document includes examples of how to use sequencing words like "soon", "next", "in the meantime", and "in the first place" in sentences. The overall purpose is to help English language learners understand and use conjunctive adverbs to show the chronological order of events in writing.
Clopidogrel & Epidurals (Powerpoint)Pritesh VyasThis document discusses the rare but devastating complication of epidural hematomas from neuraxial blocks. It focuses on the risk from clopidogrel, a drug that inhibits platelet aggregation. While the exact risk is unknown, guidelines recommend stopping clopidogrel 7 days before a procedure. The case report describes an 80-year-old woman who developed a T12/L1 epidural hematoma after inadvertently being given a clopidogrel dose 48 hours before her epidural was removed. Her neurology was not recovered despite a delayed diagnosis and treatment.
Cornerstone ProductbevlenaThis document provides an overview and introduction to Mannatech products and technology. It discusses Mannatech's philosophy of intelligent supplementation, their research team and commitment to quality. It also describes their core technology, the Optimal Health System, which is designed to support cellular health and functions through products that protect, nourish, regulate and allow cells to communicate.
ServicePilot VoIP and UC monitoring for Acme PacketServicePilotThe document describes ServicePilot, a monitoring and analysis solution for VoIP environments including Acme Packet Session Border Controllers. It allows monitoring of call quality, volumes, and tracking across infrastructures. Additional features include monitoring of network infrastructure, applications, databases and integration with third party solutions. The solution provides dashboards, reports, alerts and root cause analysis of issues.
English grammar conjunctive adverbs sequenceRita (Dr. Rita) Zuba ProkopetzThis document discusses conjunctive adverbs that indicate sequence. It provides examples of common conjunctive adverbs used to show sequence, such as "afterwards", "beforehand", "meanwhile", and "then". It also lists other signal words that indicate sequence, such as "after", "as soon", "before", and "finally". The document includes examples of how to use sequencing words like "soon", "next", "in the meantime", and "in the first place" in sentences. The overall purpose is to help English language learners understand and use conjunctive adverbs to show the chronological order of events in writing.
2. 버디제 소개
2005년 5월 부산에서 처음으로 버디제가 시작되
여러 나라의 영상에 관심은 젊은 대학생들이 모여 자
기의 상상력을 발산하는 공간으로 올해 26개국 350편
의 작품이 출시된 부산의 대표적인 대학생 페스티벌로
명칭은 2010 부산디저털콘텐츠유니버사이드 (Busan
Universiade For Digital content 2010 이하 BUDi 2010)
3. 버디 영화제 즐기는 관람방법
온라인 상영
기간: 11월 1일~11월 5일 (금)
상영작품: 2010 부산티지털콘텐츠유니버시아드 보선진출작
(10개국 51편)
오프라인 상영
기간:11월 3일~ 11월 5일까지
상영작품:2005~2009년 부산티지털콘테츠유니버시아드 수
장작 (24편)
장소: 경성대 누리 소강당, 부경대학교 도서관 내 영상세미나
실, 동명대학교 중앙도서관 내 지하1층 대 회의실, 부산시
4. 버디 영화제에 대한 언론보도
[부산·경남] '2010 부산디지털콘텐츠유니버시아드' 열려
세계 각국의 대학생 감독들이 만든 영상작품들을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 '2010 부산디지털콘텐츠유니버
시아드(BUDI)'가 1일 온라인 개막을 시작으로 부산 남구 대연동 경성대 등지에서 5일간의 축제에 들
종전 봄에 열리던 것을 가을로 옮겨 처음 개최하는 이번 행사는 픽션 다큐멘터리 애니메이션·모션그
래픽 등 3개 장르로 이뤄져 진행된다.
3개 장르에 출품된 작품은 26개국 345편에 이른다. 이 중 치열한 경합을 뚫고 본선에 올라온 51편이
이번 행사 기간에 BUDI 홈페이지(에서 온라인으로 상영된다.
또 '5년~, 미래를 위하여'를 주제로 지난 5년간의 BUDI 수상작 24편을 3~5일 경성대 콘서트홀·누리소
강당, 부경대 영상세미나실, 동명대 중앙도서관 대회의실, 부산시청자미디어센터에서 상영한다.
이와 함께 요즘 화두가 되고 있는 3D콘텐츠 기술·촬영 및 제작 노하우를 배우는 워크숍과 모바일 콘
텐츠 제작자·애니메이션 제작자·감독 등 융합콘텐츠를 지향하는 전문가들의 특강, 애니메이션 '오디
션' 상영, 민경조 감독의 관객과의 대화 등 부대행사도 다채롭게 펼쳐진다.
폐막식은 5일 오후 7시 경성대 콘서트홀에서 열려 대상 등 수상작 시상과 감상회 등으로 진행될 예정
5. 나의 생각
부산에서 버디 영화제를 한다는 자체를 알지 못했다.
내가 이런데 관심이 없었던 것도 있겠지만 그만큼 홍
보도 부족한 것 같다. 생각했던 것보다 많은 많은 대학
생들이 참여하고 좋은 작품들도 많이 있는 것 같다.
다음 해는 더 많은 홍보로 더 많은 사람들이 관심 가질
수 있는 영화제가 되길 바란다.