Latest_resume_10.9.14dnag12D. Nagaraj has over 14 years of experience in engineering projects, machine maintenance, sourcing and procurement. He currently works as Deputy Manager of Plant Engineering and Sourcing at Techno Electronic Ltd, where he is responsible for project planning, cost estimation, vendor development and achieving procurement targets. Previously, he has worked in management roles overseeing maintenance at various manufacturing companies. He has expertise in many industrial machines and utilities, and aims to minimize costs while improving productivity, safety, and skills of his team members.
Kaiser corp tax update - 2012krk811The document summarizes key topics from a corporate tax institute presentation, including reporting organizational actions that affect securities basis using new IRS Form 8937, abandonment losses and worthless assets, upstream C reorganizations, purchase price allocations, reasonable compensation, and earnings and profits. It provides an overview and examples of each topic, such as how Form 8937 must be filed within 45 days of an organizational action or by January 15 of the following year.
We can get it journals for management studentsRoyal Holloway University of LondonThe document provides guidance to management students on accessing academic journals. It lists several databases that contain relevant journals, including Business Source Complete, Emerald Management Xtra, and Science Direct. It recommends searching more than one database since journals can be indexed in different databases, and an article on a topic like cross-cultural management could be found in either Business Source Complete or Emerald Management Xtra. Students are also directed to the library website and subject guides for help in selecting appropriate databases and journals.
London’S Road Freight PlansChris BowleyTfL's Freight Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) aims to improve standards among commercial vehicle operators in London through membership levels that assess factors like fuel consumption, emissions, and driver training. Membership is free and open to all operators with over 20% of commercial vehicles in the city currently participating. The document also discusses Delivery and Service Plans for clients receiving goods, requiring Construction Logistics Plans for large projects like Crossrail, and partnerships with industry groups to develop and expand such plans throughout the UK.
How for you to Create Cod Fishing Rigsquackanother4934● Realize the actual Facts● Generating your Rig● Knotting Styles● Suggestion...
Targu Mures - Behind the Curtain: The Agile/Lean Way of WorkingZsolt FabokThe document discusses the Agile/Lean way of working, including its emphasis on mindset over practices. It describes an Agile mindset as focusing on learning over results, embracing challenges, and viewing failure as an opportunity. The document outlines several Agile practices derived from eXtreme Programming, including short release cycles and collective code ownership. It introduces the concept of a continuous delivery pipeline and discusses how Kanban helps visualize and improve workflows. Finally, it stresses that successfully introducing new ideas requires buy-in, and that the most important message is that the Agile/Lean approach can be fun.
Around the world expro - pdfOlga TsygankovaThis document appears to be a transcript from an AIESEC conference or training. It discusses AIESEC's goals of engaging and developing every young person in the world (BHAG), and achieving certain targets by 2015 related to the scale and quality of its programs (GIP, GCDP, TMP, TLP). Participants are asked to consider what achieving the 2015 goals would mean for their local entities and countries. The document encourages participants that achieving the 2015 goals can have a positive global impact and that AIESEC can achieve its ambitious goals by working together around the world.
Bulk Materials | Terral River ServiceTerral River ServiceTerral handles various bulk materials including fertilizers, aggregates like limestone and cottonseed. They have multiple fertilizer warehouses and liquid fertilizer facilities. They sell dry and liquid fertilizer blends to dealers throughout the Lower Mississippi River Valley. They also deal in limestone rock, agricultural lime, and cottonseed, transporting materials by truck, rail, or barge. Their knowledgeable salespeople can provide customers with bulk materials.
Yana invasive species finalMrJewettInvasive species are non-native organisms that cause harm in the environments they invade. They spread and reproduce rapidly due to a lack of natural predators, outcompeting native species and threatening biodiversity. Invasive species were often introduced accidentally through water or land transport but sometimes intentionally, and have major environmental and economic impacts that are difficult to control.
Twenty Five Interesting Ways To Use Wordle InrjensenThe document provides 25 tips for using Wordle in the classroom, including having students write "All About Me" posters using Wordle, creating book quizzes by pasting book text into Wordle, sharing criteria for assignments, discussing reports, collaborating on success criteria, guessing stories, making syllabi more interesting, improving essay writing, studying author diction, creating classroom norms posters, analyzing speeches, defining vocabulary terms, summarizing readings, comparing accounts, taking classroom polls, comparing literary themes, analyzing presentation notes, creating blog headers, making Wordle art, analyzing character traits, collecting vocabulary, and defining time period characteristics.
Food Styling Presentation Arati FedaneArati FedaneArati has over a decade of experience researching recipes and developing menus as the head of research for a leading cookbook author. She has researched over 1000 recipes from cuisines around the world. As a food consultant, she has experience developing menus, conducting taste tests, and commercializing recipes for restaurants. Arati has also worked as a food stylist internationally, ensuring smooth shoots under diverse conditions. She now works independently in recipe development, food styling, and as an entrepreneur.
Rapid Travel Chai: Rental Car Savings at Frequent Travelers University Seattl...rapidtravelchaiHow to save on rental cars from finding the best rates to avoiding fees. Portals such as Costco, BJ's, Capital One, Chase and Citi are tested to find the best deals. Insurance and other extras are discussed for what you need and don't The final section looks beyond the US to renting and driving internationally.
"Open Access at the Coal Face: attitudes and practical responses" Yvonne Budd...ARLGSWYvonne Budden gave an overview of open access developments in the UK and at the University of Warwick. She discussed the university's WRAP repository, which has grown significantly in recent years. Budden also described the university's efforts to advocate for open access, including through training programs, publisher events, and an open access journal. She concluded by emphasizing the importance of continued advocacy and engagement with researchers on open access issues.
Web 2.0 and Information LiteracyJane SeckerThis document discusses how libraries are using Web 2.0 technologies to enhance information literacy teaching. It describes several Web 2.0 tools like blogs, social bookmarking, podcasting, and social networking that libraries have adopted. It also examines some of the challenges and implications of using these tools, such as staff development needs and ensuring students develop discerning online research skills.
Developing, Designing, Delivering: The Case For Powerful And Productive Prese...ksheltonThe document discusses how visual communication is more effective than text-heavy presentations. It notes that the brain processes visuals faster than text and color can invoke emotions. Many presentations still rely heavily on text and slides lack relevant images. To be effective, presentations should develop around a clear message, use simple and relevant visuals, and put the audience's perspective first.
Data Visualization Challenge - Product Performance analysisNicola Sandoli“How our beers are performing since the beginning of the year ?”
This is quite a standard question!
Product performances are usually defined by 3 KPIs:
- Revenues; Budget; Last Year
Bulk Materials | Terral River ServiceTerral River ServiceTerral handles various bulk materials including fertilizers, aggregates like limestone and cottonseed. They have multiple fertilizer warehouses and liquid fertilizer facilities. They sell dry and liquid fertilizer blends to dealers throughout the Lower Mississippi River Valley. They also deal in limestone rock, agricultural lime, and cottonseed, transporting materials by truck, rail, or barge. Their knowledgeable salespeople can provide customers with bulk materials.
Yana invasive species finalMrJewettInvasive species are non-native organisms that cause harm in the environments they invade. They spread and reproduce rapidly due to a lack of natural predators, outcompeting native species and threatening biodiversity. Invasive species were often introduced accidentally through water or land transport but sometimes intentionally, and have major environmental and economic impacts that are difficult to control.
Twenty Five Interesting Ways To Use Wordle InrjensenThe document provides 25 tips for using Wordle in the classroom, including having students write "All About Me" posters using Wordle, creating book quizzes by pasting book text into Wordle, sharing criteria for assignments, discussing reports, collaborating on success criteria, guessing stories, making syllabi more interesting, improving essay writing, studying author diction, creating classroom norms posters, analyzing speeches, defining vocabulary terms, summarizing readings, comparing accounts, taking classroom polls, comparing literary themes, analyzing presentation notes, creating blog headers, making Wordle art, analyzing character traits, collecting vocabulary, and defining time period characteristics.
Food Styling Presentation Arati FedaneArati FedaneArati has over a decade of experience researching recipes and developing menus as the head of research for a leading cookbook author. She has researched over 1000 recipes from cuisines around the world. As a food consultant, she has experience developing menus, conducting taste tests, and commercializing recipes for restaurants. Arati has also worked as a food stylist internationally, ensuring smooth shoots under diverse conditions. She now works independently in recipe development, food styling, and as an entrepreneur.
Rapid Travel Chai: Rental Car Savings at Frequent Travelers University Seattl...rapidtravelchaiHow to save on rental cars from finding the best rates to avoiding fees. Portals such as Costco, BJ's, Capital One, Chase and Citi are tested to find the best deals. Insurance and other extras are discussed for what you need and don't The final section looks beyond the US to renting and driving internationally.
"Open Access at the Coal Face: attitudes and practical responses" Yvonne Budd...ARLGSWYvonne Budden gave an overview of open access developments in the UK and at the University of Warwick. She discussed the university's WRAP repository, which has grown significantly in recent years. Budden also described the university's efforts to advocate for open access, including through training programs, publisher events, and an open access journal. She concluded by emphasizing the importance of continued advocacy and engagement with researchers on open access issues.
Web 2.0 and Information LiteracyJane SeckerThis document discusses how libraries are using Web 2.0 technologies to enhance information literacy teaching. It describes several Web 2.0 tools like blogs, social bookmarking, podcasting, and social networking that libraries have adopted. It also examines some of the challenges and implications of using these tools, such as staff development needs and ensuring students develop discerning online research skills.
Developing, Designing, Delivering: The Case For Powerful And Productive Prese...ksheltonThe document discusses how visual communication is more effective than text-heavy presentations. It notes that the brain processes visuals faster than text and color can invoke emotions. Many presentations still rely heavily on text and slides lack relevant images. To be effective, presentations should develop around a clear message, use simple and relevant visuals, and put the audience's perspective first.
Data Visualization Challenge - Product Performance analysisNicola Sandoli“How our beers are performing since the beginning of the year ?”
This is quite a standard question!
Product performances are usually defined by 3 KPIs:
- Revenues; Budget; Last Year
2. 버디제 소개
2005년 5월 부산에서 처음으로 버디제가 시작되
여러 나라의 영상에 관심은 젊은 대학생들이 모여 자
기의 상상력을 발산하는 공간으로 올해 26개국 350편
의 작품이 출시된 부산의 대표적인 대학생 페스티벌로
명칭은 2010 부산디저털콘텐츠유니버사이드 (Busan
Universiade For Digital content 2010 이하 BUDi 2010)
3. 버디 영화제 즐기는 관람방법
온라인 상영
기간: 11월 1일~11월 5일 (금)
상영작품: 2010 부산티지털콘텐츠유니버시아드 보선진출작
(10개국 51편)
오프라인 상영
기간:11월 3일~ 11월 5일까지
상영작품:2005~2009년 부산티지털콘테츠유니버시아드 수
장작 (24편)
장소: 경성대 누리 소강당, 부경대학교 도서관 내 영상세미나
실, 동명대학교 중앙도서관 내 지하1층 대 회의실, 부산시
4. 버디 영화제에 대한 언론보도
[부산·경남] '2010 부산디지털콘텐츠유니버시아드' 열려
세계 각국의 대학생 감독들이 만든 영상작품들을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 '2010 부산디지털콘텐츠유니버
시아드(BUDI)'가 1일 온라인 개막을 시작으로 부산 남구 대연동 경성대 등지에서 5일간의 축제에 들
종전 봄에 열리던 것을 가을로 옮겨 처음 개최하는 이번 행사는 픽션 다큐멘터리 애니메이션·모션그
래픽 등 3개 장르로 이뤄져 진행된다.
3개 장르에 출품된 작품은 26개국 345편에 이른다. 이 중 치열한 경합을 뚫고 본선에 올라온 51편이
이번 행사 기간에 BUDI 홈페이지(에서 온라인으로 상영된다.
또 '5년~, 미래를 위하여'를 주제로 지난 5년간의 BUDI 수상작 24편을 3~5일 경성대 콘서트홀·누리소
강당, 부경대 영상세미나실, 동명대 중앙도서관 대회의실, 부산시청자미디어센터에서 상영한다.
이와 함께 요즘 화두가 되고 있는 3D콘텐츠 기술·촬영 및 제작 노하우를 배우는 워크숍과 모바일 콘
텐츠 제작자·애니메이션 제작자·감독 등 융합콘텐츠를 지향하는 전문가들의 특강, 애니메이션 '오디
션' 상영, 민경조 감독의 관객과의 대화 등 부대행사도 다채롭게 펼쳐진다.
폐막식은 5일 오후 7시 경성대 콘서트홀에서 열려 대상 등 수상작 시상과 감상회 등으로 진행될 예정
5. 나의 생각
부산에서 버디 영화제를 한다는 자체를 알지 못했다.
내가 이런데 관심이 없었던 것도 있겠지만 그만큼 홍
보도 부족한 것 같다. 생각했던 것보다 많은 많은 대학
생들이 참여하고 좋은 작품들도 많이 있는 것 같다.
다음 해는 더 많은 홍보로 더 많은 사람들이 관심 가질
수 있는 영화제가 되길 바란다.