Power point tegnologiakfcrpEl documento describe los elementos principales de la pantalla de inicio de PowerPoint, incluyendo el área de esquema que muestra los títulos y números de las diapositivas, la barra de herramientas que contiene las opciones más utilizadas, y la cinta de opciones que proporciona las herramientas necesarias para realizar acciones en PowerPoint.
Esquema tema 7 ismaelismarodriysuEl documento presenta diferentes actividades relacionadas con el lenguaje divididas en las siguientes categorías: lectura, expresión escrita, expresión oral, juego con el lenguaje, vocabulario, ortografía, gramática y repaso de contenidos anteriores. Las actividades incluyen leer un texto sobre Don Quijote, dramatizar una escena, jugar con el lenguaje a través de juegos lingüísticos, definir adjetivos, usar signos de puntuación, aprender sobre el verbo y repasar unidades anteriores.
Policía Local detiene a tironero de móvilSEVILLAAgentes de la Policía Local de Sevilla han detenido a un joven de 19 años acusado de dar un tirón de un móvil a una chica a la que preguntó la hora en Pío XII.
Acórdão nº 70020986733 de tribunal de justiça do rsClaudia Braz1. O autor necessita de uma prótese para retomar suas atividades habituais devido a problemas vasculares.
2. O Estado tem o dever de fornecer a prótese, conforme legislação e atestado médico.
3. Foi determinado o bloqueio de valores públicos para garantir a aquisição da prótese caso o Estado não cumpra a decisão, medida justificada para proteger os direitos à vida e saúde.
l-NThomas2Norman ThomasThis letter recommends Norman Thomas for a position. The author used to be Norman's supervisor and has known him since 1995. Under Norman's leadership, the Hardware Publications department implemented processes and tools that improved accuracy, reduced time to market, and increased cost savings. Norman was also responsible for strategic planning, budgeting, resource management, and mentoring a global team across several countries. The author gives Norman her highest recommendation and endorsement.
L3 gd cv_template_260115rwbybomb21This curriculum vitae is for Kieran Dixon, who is studying a 90-credit diploma in creative media production with a focus on games design at Eccles Sixth Form Centre. The CV includes Kieran's contact information, education history, a brief work experience at Pet Medics, and lists skills like good attendance, ability to work in a team, and knowledge of modern technology. His interests are listed as video games and writing.
Present simpleProud N. BoonrakThis document contains 20 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of the present simple tense in English grammar. The questions cover common verbs and phrases used in the present simple, including daily routines, natural phenomena, negatives, and yes/no question forms. Sample questions ask about things like what someone's mother drinks every morning, when shops open in Paris, and whether a person likes to watch movies.
Present simpleProud N. BoonrakThis document contains 20 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of the present simple tense in English grammar. The questions cover common verbs and phrases used in the present simple, including daily routines, natural phenomena, negatives, and yes/no question forms. Sample questions ask about things like what someone's mother drinks every morning, when shops open in Paris, and whether a person likes to watch movies.
ASEANProud N. BoonrakThe document summarizes key information about ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), including:
1) ASEAN was established in 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand by 5 founding members and has since expanded to include 10 members.
2) The ASEAN emblem and flag represent unity, peace, and prosperity among member states.
3) ASEAN's motto is "One Vision, One Identity, One Community".