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vs. Lord of the Rings By: Reece Massey
Epic Hero - Tony Stark Tony Stark is captured, held as prisoner. Escapes, plots against the enemy. Parallel to Bilbo being held captive by the ring. Ring is given to Frodo, travels to Rivendell to plan.
Hero cont.  Stark builds suit that gives him special abilities. Fights against many enemies alone. Frodo is given special gifts with magical powers. Travels with Sam through many lands.
Sub hero Pepper Potts, his assistant, gives emotional support and advice. Parallel to Sam, who helps guide Frodo and supplies optimism and good things.
Quest Stark (Iron Man) plots to remove the threat in the middle east by destroying the weapons he created. Frodo has to destroy the Ring and keep it from enemy hands.
Vast Setting Iron Man travels from home (U.S.) to the middle east (Afghanistan) in order to protect innocent people from terrorists. Frodo journeys from the Shire, through Middle Earth to Mordor, in order to destroy the Ring, and save Gondor.
Valor Tony Stark is a vigilante. He has to battle the terrorists and a new enemy, Obadiah Stane. Stane steals Starks Iron Man invention and uses it against him. Betrayed by Stane, Stark is truly alone in his fight against evil.
Stane vs. Gollum Stane - Starks vice-president of the company, his fathers friend, helped him achieve success. Has him kidnapped and almost killed, develops suit against him. Dies by arc reactor explosion. Gollum - Frodos guide, helps him along the way. Secretly planning to betray him, and tries to kill Frodo by leading him to Shelob. Tries to take ring at the very end, ends up dying in volcano.
Sam vs. Rhodey Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes (Rhodey) is Starks best friend and liaison. Finds him in desert after capture. Saves his life by distracting Stane (Iron Monger). Rhodey becomes War Machine in Iron Man 2. Sam is Frodos best friend and guide. Saves Frodos life many times, and gives him support and optimism along the trip. At the end, Sam carries Frodo up the rocks to the volcano.
Supernatural Forces No genuine supernatural forces.  Iron Man suit. Enhances abilities. Fly, shoot missiles, bullets, and pulse cannons.  Fully functional HUD, and his sarcastic computer AI Jarvis who runs all his systems.  Arc reactor that powers his suit/heart.
In Medias Res Film starts out with explosion of convoy, Stark is kidnapped. Flashback to the very beginning of Stark being awarded, and gambling at a casino.  Displays the Jericho cluster-missile. Back to kidnapping of Stark.
Themes Bravery - single missions. Courage - escaping kidnappers. Trust - Rhodey/Stane, Sam/Gollum. Faith - returns from kidnapping, Frodo makes the journey. Friendship - Potts/Rhodey, Sam/The Fellowship.
Camera Shots Upward angle on Iron Monger to show size, and evil. Long shot of Jericho missile. Medium-long shot of Stark in desert.
Conflicts Stark vs. Terrorists - captured, weapons. Stark vs. himself - company, alone. Stark vs. Stane - betrayal, tries to kill him.
Iron Man 2 is coming soon!  Go watch Iron Man! :)

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Iron Man vs. LOTR

  • 1. vs. Lord of the Rings By: Reece Massey
  • 2.
  • 3. Epic Hero - Tony Stark Tony Stark is captured, held as prisoner. Escapes, plots against the enemy. Parallel to Bilbo being held captive by the ring. Ring is given to Frodo, travels to Rivendell to plan.
  • 4. Hero cont. Stark builds suit that gives him special abilities. Fights against many enemies alone. Frodo is given special gifts with magical powers. Travels with Sam through many lands.
  • 5. Sub hero Pepper Potts, his assistant, gives emotional support and advice. Parallel to Sam, who helps guide Frodo and supplies optimism and good things.
  • 6. Quest Stark (Iron Man) plots to remove the threat in the middle east by destroying the weapons he created. Frodo has to destroy the Ring and keep it from enemy hands.
  • 7. Vast Setting Iron Man travels from home (U.S.) to the middle east (Afghanistan) in order to protect innocent people from terrorists. Frodo journeys from the Shire, through Middle Earth to Mordor, in order to destroy the Ring, and save Gondor.
  • 8. Valor Tony Stark is a vigilante. He has to battle the terrorists and a new enemy, Obadiah Stane. Stane steals Starks Iron Man invention and uses it against him. Betrayed by Stane, Stark is truly alone in his fight against evil.
  • 9. Stane vs. Gollum Stane - Starks vice-president of the company, his fathers friend, helped him achieve success. Has him kidnapped and almost killed, develops suit against him. Dies by arc reactor explosion. Gollum - Frodos guide, helps him along the way. Secretly planning to betray him, and tries to kill Frodo by leading him to Shelob. Tries to take ring at the very end, ends up dying in volcano.
  • 10.
  • 11. Sam vs. Rhodey Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes (Rhodey) is Starks best friend and liaison. Finds him in desert after capture. Saves his life by distracting Stane (Iron Monger). Rhodey becomes War Machine in Iron Man 2. Sam is Frodos best friend and guide. Saves Frodos life many times, and gives him support and optimism along the trip. At the end, Sam carries Frodo up the rocks to the volcano.
  • 12.
  • 13. Supernatural Forces No genuine supernatural forces. Iron Man suit. Enhances abilities. Fly, shoot missiles, bullets, and pulse cannons. Fully functional HUD, and his sarcastic computer AI Jarvis who runs all his systems. Arc reactor that powers his suit/heart.
  • 14. In Medias Res Film starts out with explosion of convoy, Stark is kidnapped. Flashback to the very beginning of Stark being awarded, and gambling at a casino. Displays the Jericho cluster-missile. Back to kidnapping of Stark.
  • 15. Themes Bravery - single missions. Courage - escaping kidnappers. Trust - Rhodey/Stane, Sam/Gollum. Faith - returns from kidnapping, Frodo makes the journey. Friendship - Potts/Rhodey, Sam/The Fellowship.
  • 16. Camera Shots Upward angle on Iron Monger to show size, and evil. Long shot of Jericho missile. Medium-long shot of Stark in desert.
  • 17. Conflicts Stark vs. Terrorists - captured, weapons. Stark vs. himself - company, alone. Stark vs. Stane - betrayal, tries to kill him.
  • 18.
  • 19. Iron Man 2 is coming soon! Go watch Iron Man! :)