on palvelu, jonka avulla voidaan lähettää tekstiviestejä ryhmille tai yksittäisille henkilöille kätevästi Internetistä.
This document provides a prayer update from a church. It includes prayers for several people and families who are experiencing illness or loss. It also provides information about upcoming bible studies, prayer groups, and church events.
1. The document provides an overview of statistical analysis methods for clinical research trials.
2. It discusses key concepts like randomization, intention-to-treat analysis, multiplicity, and mixed effects models.
3. Mixed effects models that treat subjects as random effects are recommended for analyzing longitudinal or repeated measures data as they properly account for within- and between-subject variation.
Advanced english i uvm guadalajara norte essay i 3 rd parcialJosadac Flores
This document provides instructions for students taking an Advanced English academic writing skills course. It outlines that students will write a four paragraph essay choosing a Mexican presidential candidate and discussing one positive and one negative aspect of their political campaign. Students must cite one electronic and one printed source using APA format and cannot use a translator. The essay will be graded based on the process, structure, and format, including an outline, thesis statement, topic sentences, paragraph structure, citations, and reference page.
This document provides information about Central Christian Church in Marshalltown, Iowa, including its mission, upcoming events, prayer requests, and ways for people to get involved. It highlights the church's commitment to sharing God's love and welcoming all people. Various groups within the church such as the Disciples Women Fellowship and Comfort Quilters are mentioned. The church's support for local and global missions is also noted.
The document summarizes the progress of a school campus in improving its technology readiness over a three year period from 2006-2009 based on assessments using the Texas STaR Chart. It describes how the campus upgraded from outdated equipment to new facilities and infrastructure in 2007. Though budget cuts slowed progress in some areas in 2007-2008, a new focus on technology training helped the campus achieve advanced status across all categories by 2008-2009. The campus saw overall improvements that benefited students, staff, and administrators.
This document provides a schedule of topics for a Web 2.0 Institute including wikis and video/picture sharing, podcasting, virtual worlds and gaming, Google Educator tools, sharing PowerPoints and videos through various sites like ºÝºÝߣShare, Hippocampus and Annenberg Media. It also mentions exploring the iTunes U site for educational content from K-12 schools.
Un hombre le pide a otra persona que corte un poco de madera para que sea más fácil de cargar, y luego le pide que corte un poco más. Luego agradece y sugiere usar la madera cortada para cruzar algo, pero dice que ahora es demasiado corta.
This document appears to be a worksheet for a student to identify whether illustrations are by famous artist Mary Engelbreit or not, as it contains 10 unlabeled images to be identified as either "yes" or "no" if they are examples of Engelbreit's art. The student is to complete the worksheet as part of a 3rd grade study of the famous artist during the 2nd trimester.
Advanced english i uvm guadalajara norte essay i 3 rd parcialJosadac Flores
This document provides instructions for students taking an Advanced English academic writing skills course. It outlines that students will write a four paragraph essay choosing a Mexican presidential candidate and discussing one positive and one negative aspect of their political campaign. Students must cite one electronic and one printed source using APA format and cannot use a translator. The essay will be graded based on the process, structure, and format, including an outline, thesis statement, topic sentences, paragraph structure, citations, and reference page.
This document provides information about Central Christian Church in Marshalltown, Iowa, including its mission, upcoming events, prayer requests, and ways for people to get involved. It highlights the church's commitment to sharing God's love and welcoming all people. Various groups within the church such as the Disciples Women Fellowship and Comfort Quilters are mentioned. The church's support for local and global missions is also noted.
The document summarizes the progress of a school campus in improving its technology readiness over a three year period from 2006-2009 based on assessments using the Texas STaR Chart. It describes how the campus upgraded from outdated equipment to new facilities and infrastructure in 2007. Though budget cuts slowed progress in some areas in 2007-2008, a new focus on technology training helped the campus achieve advanced status across all categories by 2008-2009. The campus saw overall improvements that benefited students, staff, and administrators.
This document provides a schedule of topics for a Web 2.0 Institute including wikis and video/picture sharing, podcasting, virtual worlds and gaming, Google Educator tools, sharing PowerPoints and videos through various sites like ºÝºÝߣShare, Hippocampus and Annenberg Media. It also mentions exploring the iTunes U site for educational content from K-12 schools.
Un hombre le pide a otra persona que corte un poco de madera para que sea más fácil de cargar, y luego le pide que corte un poco más. Luego agradece y sugiere usar la madera cortada para cruzar algo, pero dice que ahora es demasiado corta.
This document appears to be a worksheet for a student to identify whether illustrations are by famous artist Mary Engelbreit or not, as it contains 10 unlabeled images to be identified as either "yes" or "no" if they are examples of Engelbreit's art. The student is to complete the worksheet as part of a 3rd grade study of the famous artist during the 2nd trimester.
Luento Lapin yliopiston Sosiaalityön laitoksen Sosiaalityön informaatioteknologisen maisterikoulutuksen opiskelijoille Oulussa 9.9.2010.
Mystes Oy:n järjestämän DigiAamun teemana oli digitalisaatio ja digitaalinen asiakaskokemus. Tässä esityslista:
Maailma muuttuu - voittaako digitaliÂsointi vai digitaliÂsaatio?
Panu Kause / Necorpoint Oy
AsiakasÂkokemuksen digitalisoiÂtuminen
Aleksi Grym / Hublet Oy
Digitaaliset lääkäripalvelut
Heli Tuoriniemi / Klinik Finland Oy
Kaupan digitaalinen asiakaspolku
Antti Ekonen / Gigantti Oy Ab
Mille pohjalle rakennat digitaalisen liiketoiminnan?
Erno Lahtinen / Mystes Oy verkkopalvelu ja sen rinnakkaispalvelu vapaaehtoistoiminnan verkosto lisäävät järjestöjen näkyvyyttä ja helpottavat järjestötoiminnan löytämistä. Esitys luotu Pohjois-Pohjanmaan liiton kansalaisjärjestöiltoja varten.
Suomen mielenterveysseuran koulutuspäivät 15-16.10.2011:
Sosiaalisen median ja verkkoauttamisen keinoja yhdistystoiminnassa – Elinvoimainen yhdistys.
Puheenvuoro Virtuaalisuudesta elinvoimaa järjestötoimintaan
Monipuolistaako sosiaalinen media järjestötoimintaa?Saara Pajunpää
Kaikki(ko) sosiaalisesta mediasta -seminaari, Monipuolistaako sosiaalinen media järjestötoimintaa? Esimerkkejä järjestöjen ratkaisuista, työkaluista ja vähän tutkimustietoakin käytetyistä ohjauksen ja neuvonnan välineistä.
3. Internetin käyttötarkoitukset 2009, prosenttia internetin käyttäjistä Sähköpostien lähettäminen tai vastaanotto 91% Pankkiasiat 87% Tavaroita ja palveluita koskeva tiedonetsintä 86% Verkkolehtien lukeminen 77% Matka- ja majoituspalvelujen selailu 68% Etsinyt sairauksiin, ravitsemukseen tai terveyteen liittyvää tietoa 68% Tiedonhaku viranomaisten verkkosivuilta 55% Internetradion kuuntelu tai internettelevision katselu 47% Musiikin kuuntelu tai lataaminen verkosta tietokoneelle 42% Blogien lukeminen 41% Virallisten lomakkeiden lataaminen tietokoneelle 38% Koulutus- ja kurssitarjonnan etsintä 38% Pikaviestien käyttö 37% Verkkokaupasta ostaminen 37% Ohjelmien lataaminen omalle tietokoneelle 34% Viestien kirjoittaminen keskustelupalstoille tai uutisryhmiin 33% Mihin nettiä käytetään?
4. Blogit ja mikroblogit Avoimia kirjoituksia, ajatuksia Yhdessä blogissa voi olla yksi tai useita kirjoittajia jotka kirjoittavat säännöllisesti Kommentointi mahdollisuus Keino tuoda oma mielipide, tuote tai toiminta esille Vrt. lehtikirjoitus