Educational Technology- Basic Concepts and DefinitionsJoevi Jhun Idul
Educational Technology is a course wherein technology is integrated in education and learning for the purposes of improving the curriculum and the teaching-learning process.
Educational Technology- Basic Concepts and DefinitionsJoevi Jhun Idul
Educational Technology is a course wherein technology is integrated in education and learning for the purposes of improving the curriculum and the teaching-learning process.
Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance through appropriate technological processes and resources. The objectives of an educational technology course are to: orient learners to the role of technology in education, demonstrate how technology can enhance teaching and learning, and impart skills in designing, using, and evaluating technology-enhanced lessons. The three main theories that guide educational technology are behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism.
This document discusses key concepts of existentialism philosophy including its focus on individual existence, personal freedom, and authentic choice. It outlines existentialism's views on ontology, epistemology, and axiology. It also profiles three influential existentialist philosophers - Soren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Jean-Paul Sartre - and summarizes some of their major ideas. Finally, it provides implications of existentialism for education, emphasizing the importance of encouraging students to pursue authentic lives through independent choices and responsibility.
This document discusses three approaches to educational technology:
1) Hardware approach (Educational Technology I) which focuses on machines and equipment like audiovisual aids and computers.
2) Software approach (Educational Technology II) which is based on theories of learning and uses instructional procedures and aids like pictures, maps, and programmed learning packages.
3) System approach (Educational Technology III) which takes a systematic view of the entire educational process and the roles of people, machines, and media within an educational system.
Tami Saito created a personal timeline of her educational experiences and technology use from kindergarten through her current pursuit of a master's degree. She attended schools in Maui from 1994 to 2007 and then the University of Hawaii, where she earned her bachelor's degree in elementary education. Currently enrolled in an educational technology master's program, she hopes to become an elementary school teacher and utilize tools like iPads, smart boards, and online resources in her future classroom.
This document discusses the meaning of educational technology. It provides various definitions from different sources that define educational technology as the application of technology to satisfy educational needs and desires through systematic methods. Educational technology involves people, procedures, ideas, devices and organization to analyze and solve problems in human learning. It can include both the technology and processes used in education, as well as instructional methods that integrate technology into teaching. The document also discusses how technology can be either a boon or bane to education, and the various roles technology can play in supporting learning through tools, information, context, social interaction and intellectual partnership.
By 慧開法師 (南華大學副校長兼生死學系教授)
Department of Life-and-Death Studies
College of Humanities, Nanhua University.
Chiayi County
The document discusses addiction in general and internet addiction specifically. It defines addiction as a compulsive behavior that is difficult to stop despite negative consequences. Characteristics of addiction include tolerance, withdrawal, loss of control, and continued use despite problems. Internet addiction shares these characteristics and risk factors include spending large amounts of time online, negative impacts on life, and an inability to reduce internet use. The document provides tools to evaluate one's own risk of internet addiction.
The document discusses eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. It defines the two conditions and provides diagnostic criteria. Anorexia involves maintaining a body weight significantly lower than normal and an intense fear of gaining weight. Bulimia involves recurrent binge eating and compensatory behaviors like purging to avoid weight gain. The document outlines prevalence, subtypes, risk factors and differences between the two disorders.
Anorexia nervosa has a prevalence of 0.2-1.5% and predominantly affects women at a peak age of 14-19. The DSM-IV criteria include refusal to maintain a normal body weight, an intense fear of gaining weight, a disturbance in how their body weight or shape is experienced, and amenorrhea in females. Medical complications can include feeling cold, lanugo hair growth, fatigue, and fainting. There are two subtypes - restricting anorexia where caloric intake is tightly controlled, and binge-eating/purging anorexia where periods of binge-eating are followed by purging. Between 30-50% of eating disorder cases are considered eating disorder not
15. 存在主义疗法 命题三: 追求自我认同与人际关系 人们都有维护自己的独特性和以自我为中心的需求,同时又有兴趣走出自我的世界,与别人及大自然产生关系。问题是,大部分人通常会向外在世界中的重要他人寻问自己生命的方向、答案、信仰与价值,而却不去信任自己。对于我们生活中的冲突,不从自己内心深处去探索症结所在,反而为了别人的期望而出卖自己,导致我们变成别人思想的产物,与真正的自我背道而驰。 所以治疗师要帮助当事人正确面对: 1 ) 存在的勇气( the courage to be ) 2 )孤独的经验( the experience of aloneness ) 3 )关系的经验( the experience of relatedness ) 4 )认同的挣扎( struggling with our identity )
20. 存在主义疗法 命题四: 追求意义 寻求咨询与治疗的人,大多是在存在的问题上遭遇内心冲突,例如,“我为什么在这里?在此人生中我想要什么?我生命的目的是什么?我生命的意义来自何处?”包括工作的意义、爱的意义和苦难的意义等。 存在主义治疗提供一套概念性架构,来协助当事人探索其人生的意义。治疗者可问当事人如下的问题:“你喜欢自己的人生方向吗?你满意现在的你及将要变成的你吗?你会主动做任何事以接近理想的自我吗?你知道自己需要什么吗?如果你怀疑自己到底是谁、需要什么,你会做些什么事来澄清这些问题呢?” 1 )扬弃旧价值观的问题( the problem of discarding old values ) 2 )无意义( meaninglessness ) 3 )创造新的意义( creating new meaning )
21. 存在主义疗法 扬弃旧价值观的问题 ( the problem of discarding old values ) 治疗的问题之一是,当事人可能是扬弃传统价值观(及被强制的价值观)后,却又找不到合适的价值体系加以替代。当当事人不再墨守那些没有挑战与未曾内化的旧价值观,而面临真空状态时,治疗应做些什么呢?或许治疗历程的任务,即是协助当事人创造一种基于他个人生活方式的价值体系,使他的生活方式与存在方式一致。治疗者的任务就在于提供给当事人信心,相信对方必有能力去找到一套能内化的价值观,并据以过着有意义的生活。他们无疑的会有一段挣扎期,并因缺乏明确的价值观而感到焦虑。此时,治疗者的信任与鼓励会是一股重要的泉源。
39. 存在主义疗法 罗格梅 罗洛梅 是存在主义从欧洲传至美国的代言人之一,他的著作对美国的存在主义治疗实务有重大的影响。《存在:精神病理学和心理学的新领域》( Existence A New Dimension in Psychiatry and Psycholpogy )是他将存在主义推介至美国的重要著作。罗洛梅认为, “ 存在 ” 需要勇气,而且我们的抉择决定了我们成为怎样的人。在我们内心深处,不时会有挣扎交战。虽然我们想追求成熟与独立,但也知道这种扩张通常会是一个痛苦的过程。因此,我们就徘徊在依赖时的安全感以及追求成长时的喜悦与痛苦感之间的挣扎交战。