The document outlines the schedule and sessions for a two-day regional ELT conference taking place on February 25-26, 2013 in Ilo, Peru. The conference includes 9 sessions over the two days, presented by experts in areas such as critical literacy, content and language integrated learning, encouraging participation, and reading circles. Presenters include Cecilia Rosas Delgado, Fernando Amado Lopez, Gabriela Martinez, Jeanne Luz Ortiz, and Ricardo Benavides Scott. The conference is organized by Dr. MajidSafadaranMosazadeh and aims to provide teachers with the latest knowledge and strategies for teaching English as a foreign language.
Diseminare curs Comenius octombrie 2010, LONDRA,prof. Velicu Magdalena, Coleg...Maggy72
This document summarizes a teacher's experience attending a 10-day English language course in London. It provides details about the course, including the activities covered each day, teaching approaches used, and insights gained. The teacher found the course to be dynamic and captivating, using a variety of engaging activities and group work to actively involve students in learning. New techniques for teaching mixed-ability classes, pronunciation, listening skills and other topics were explored. Overall, the teacher felt it was a valuable experience that would help improve their English teaching.
Diseminare curs Comenius formare continua Londra 18-29.10.2010Maggy72
Curs de metodica predarii limbii engleze destinat profesorilor de limba engleza care vor sa descopere metode noi si in acelasi timp moderne de predare a limbii
This document outlines a project at CEPA El Font叩n in Oviedo, Spain to address learner diversity and prevent dropouts through adaptive teaching methods. The project aims to 1) increase learner attendance and prevent dropouts, 2) address diverse learner needs through flexible teaching, 3) improve academic performance, and 4) connect learners to the job market. Teachers will develop flexible lessons, apply adaptive teaching, connect learners to the local employment agency, and design new e-learning materials. The project involves secondary and adult education students and teachers from various subject areas.
Estimados usuarios. Bienvenidos a nuestro sitio virtual de la UNIVERSIDAD MAGISTER en 際際滷 Share donde podr叩 encontrar los resultados de importantes trabajos de investigaci坦n pr叩cticos producidos por nuestros profesionales. Esperamos que estos Mares Azules que les ponemos a su disposici坦n sirvan de base para otras investigaciones y juntos cooperemos en el Desarrollo Econ坦mico y Social de Costa Rica y otras latitudes. Queremos ser enf叩ticos en que estos trabajos tienen Propiedad Intelectual por lo que queda totalmente prohibida su reproducci坦n parcial o total, as鱈 como ser utilizados por otro autor, a excepci坦n de que los compartan como citas de autor o referencias bibliogr叩ficas. Toda esta informaci坦n tambi辿n quedar叩 a su disposici坦n desde nuestro sitio web, Disfruten con nosotros de este magno contenido bibliogr叩fico Magister esperando sus amables comentarios, no sin antes agradecer a nuestro Ing. Jerry Gonz叩lez quien est叩 administrando este sitio. Rector鱈a, Universidad Magister. 2016.
This document provides a template for an open educational CLIL project on the topic of "People and the Environment" to be conducted with 5th grade students. The project involves 8 sessions using ICT resources and focuses on developing students' language skills, digital skills, and understanding of key concepts like pollution and endangered species. Students will work in groups to research the topic, create a PowerPoint presentation, and present their findings to the class. They will be assessed based on criteria like content, visual support, explanation, and cooperation within groups. The goal is for students to construct their own knowledge on the environmental issues through cooperative work and use of technology.
Reading is a complex process that involves comprehending letters, pictures, and text structure. The key aspect of reading is comprehension, which is gaining meaning from what is read. Comprehension relies on word recognition skills, background knowledge, vocabulary, and the ability to monitor one's understanding. Several factors can impact learning to read, including decoding ability, comprehension strategies, fluency, and academic language skills. Motivation is also important for reading development. The document provides an overview of the reading process and various components involved in early literacy instruction.
5 Rules of Thumb (designing HOTS classroom activities)Darren Kuropatwa
Ideas to include in planning learning activities for students at all levels that helps move them from exercising Lower Order Thinking Skills to Higher Order Thinking Skills.
See what's in store on the day of the conference!
- Keynote Speaker: Professor Stephen Heppell
- 38 workshops
- Recorded Interviews and highlights
- Full live experience
Lopez Alvarez Ana Belen Portfolio Phonology IIAna Belen Lopez
This syllabus outlines a phonology course taken by a student named Ana Belen Lopez Alvarez at the Universidad T辿cnica de Ambato in Ecuador, which aims to develop students' phonological knowledge and teaching strategies through identifying concepts related to morphology, comparing word formation patterns, analyzing word origins, applying morphological structures, and predicting morphological issues in the target language. The course will take place over one semester with weekly classes and independent study hours to meet its objectives of applying linguistic and sociocultural aspects to language teaching and learning.
The document provides guidance for evaluating instructional materials for California's Reading/Language Arts Framework. It outlines five types of instructional programs and details the purpose, guiding principles, and components of the Reading/Language Arts Basic Program and Reading/Language Arts/English Language Development Program for grades K-8. It also describes new evaluation criteria focusing on vocabulary, oral reading fluency, writing, and support for English learners and struggling readers.
- Mind maps
- Charts
- Essays
- Oral presentations
2. Compare different patterns of word formation and their pronunciation.
Techniques and
Knowledge survey
Oral Presentations
Written Works
Task-based activities
The document provides an agenda and program details for the event "Teaching Grown Ups III" taking place on November 9th from 9:00 AM to 6:30 PM. The program includes 4 workshops on topics such as teaching the Y-generation student, the seven deadly sins of 1-2-1 classes, designing effective training, and incorporating creative ideas and humor into the English classroom. Each workshop is presented by an experienced English teacher and covers strategies and best practices for teaching adult learners. The event aims to help teachers develop their skills for engaging and motivating non-traditional students.
The document announces a teaching conference with the following schedule and speakers:
- Mar鱈a Bel辿n Gonz叩lez Milbrandt will discuss how to teach the Y-generation of adult students.
- Carolina Marcote and Luciana Lago will explore the seven deadly sins of one-on-one teaching.
- Alejandra Mercedes Jorge will provide tips for designing and evaluating effective training sessions.
- Gustavo Gonz叩lez will share ideas for engaging students through the creative use of songs, movies, and humor in English classes.
Diego jimenez mauricio cadavid-tesis unad clil-its effects on speaking perfo...Mauricio Cadavid
This document summarizes a research study that investigated the impact of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) on the English speaking performance of 8th grade students at a private high school in Colombia. The study involved diagnostic testing, 7 CLIL workshops on geography topics, and evaluation testing. Results found that CLIL improved students' speaking performance, vocabulary, and content knowledge in social sciences. CLIL was determined to be an effective curriculum innovation that increased student interest, enthusiasm, and language understanding. The study concluded CLIL resources can improve language performance and recommended including CLIL in future curriculum planning.
BAAL-SIG-LLT-2016-Programme-Booklet_FINALHelen Lee
This document provides an agenda and details for a conference on language learning and teaching from June 30th to July 1st, 2016. It includes information on plenary speakers, the program schedule, session details, rooms, poster abstracts, and venues. The conference will take place at Lancaster University and explore topics related to crossing boundaries in language learning and teaching inside and outside the classroom. Key speakers will discuss the role of spoken language in the classroom and inclusion of students with learning difficulties.
The document provides information about the IATEFL Teacher Training and Education Special Interest Group (TTEd SIG), including its aims, activities, and committee members. The TTEd SIG aims to support teacher trainers and educators worldwide through organizing events, producing newsletters, and providing scholarships. It welcomes involvement from members. Information is provided about past and upcoming pre-conference events focused on topics like classroom discipline, teacher development, and internationalization of teacher training and education. Committee members and their roles are also outlined.
This document provides information about several sociology teacher training courses taking place in London and Manchester between November 2010 and February 2011. The courses will cover topics like contemporary issues in crime and deviance, beliefs in society, global development, and practical ideas for teaching sociology. Each course provides an overview of the topics and speakers, along with dates, times, locations, tutor bios, and registration fees.
Share your assumptions with the larger group.
Ethical Dilemmas
Ethical Dilemmas
Dual Relationships
Confidentiality is a core principle of advising and tutoring.
As advisors and tutors, students may share personal information with you. It is important that this information remains private unless:
- The student gives you permission to share the information
- There is risk of harm to the student or others
Some key points about confidentiality:
- Only share information with other advisors/staff on a "
The natural approach is a language teaching method that aims to mirror how first languages are acquired. It focuses on comprehensible input, meaning, and communication over explicit grammar instruction. A typical lesson involves exposing students to language through pictures, listening activities, and tasks done in pairs or groups to promote comprehension and use of the target language. The natural approach emphasizes making input comprehensible and creating a low-anxiety environment for language learning.
This document summarizes a presentation on improving speaking skills in the foreign language classroom. It discusses common difficulties that students and teachers face with speaking activities, such as lack of fluency, confidence, and creativity. It proposes a pedagogical framework using dynamic, communicative exercises to enhance student speaking abilities. Examples of activities are provided to practice fluency, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation in a low-pressure, game-like manner. The goal is to help students move past their speaking challenges by creating more opportunities for practice.
This document contains summaries of presentations from a language teaching conference. It lists the name, title, and brief content description of each presentation. Some of the presentations discuss using things like drama, visuals, authentic materials and Edmodo to enhance language teaching. Others provide overviews of teaching approaches like the new IB Language B curriculum or a dual language program at an international school. The document serves to inform attendees of the variety of topics that will be covered.
This document contains a portfolio for a Phonology II course. The portfolio includes sections such as a cover page, index, vision and mission statements of the university and language program, curriculum vitae of the student, course syllabus, and evidence of assignments completed for various elements of the course. The portfolio was created by a student named Ana Belen Acurio Armas for the Phonology II course taught from October 2015 to March 2016.
Beatrice Caston gave the opening speech. Carlos Rico Castillo's presentation was divided into three sections introducing dynamic systems theory, having participants reflect on being part of a dynamic classroom system, and sharing ideas to increase student interactions. Lori Langer de Ramirez's presentation discussed having student-run language classes to celebrate linguistic diversity in international schools. Victor Gonzalez's presentations focused on using digital resources and activities in the language classroom.
This document is the teacher's guide for the English A1.2 textbook series used in Ecuadorian high schools. It provides an overview of the series' objectives, characteristics, and approach to teaching and learning English. The series is designed to develop students' language skills through topics and activities relevant to their lives. It incorporates principles of multiple intelligences, task-based learning, cooperative work, cross-curricular studies, and intercultural awareness. Individual lessons follow a structure of warm-up, presentation, practice, and application. The guide also describes the components of the series, including the student book, teacher resources, and planned additional materials.
The document provides information on several reading strategies that can be taught to students, including reciprocal teaching, K-W-L charts, and seed discussions. Reciprocal teaching involves students taking turns leading a discussion about a text using strategies like predicting, question generating, clarifying, and summarizing. The K-W-L chart is used before, during, and after reading to track what students already know, what they want to learn, and what they learned. Seed discussions involve students identifying key concepts or "seeds" in a text and then discussing them in small groups.
Selections is a 6-level English anthology for young learners aged 7-12. Each level contains 12 units divided into fiction, non-fiction, poems, and practical texts. The anthology uses a communicative approach and integrates the four language skills. It encourages reading for pleasure while developing language skills. Each unit follows a 10-lesson structure incorporating various activities like songs, vocabulary practice, reading, phonics, and reviews. The program also includes a student's book, audio CDs, teacher's edition, resource CD, and picture packs to support teaching and learning.
See what's in store on the day of the conference!
- Keynote Speaker: Professor Stephen Heppell
- 38 workshops
- Recorded Interviews and highlights
- Full live experience
Lopez Alvarez Ana Belen Portfolio Phonology IIAna Belen Lopez
This syllabus outlines a phonology course taken by a student named Ana Belen Lopez Alvarez at the Universidad T辿cnica de Ambato in Ecuador, which aims to develop students' phonological knowledge and teaching strategies through identifying concepts related to morphology, comparing word formation patterns, analyzing word origins, applying morphological structures, and predicting morphological issues in the target language. The course will take place over one semester with weekly classes and independent study hours to meet its objectives of applying linguistic and sociocultural aspects to language teaching and learning.
The document provides guidance for evaluating instructional materials for California's Reading/Language Arts Framework. It outlines five types of instructional programs and details the purpose, guiding principles, and components of the Reading/Language Arts Basic Program and Reading/Language Arts/English Language Development Program for grades K-8. It also describes new evaluation criteria focusing on vocabulary, oral reading fluency, writing, and support for English learners and struggling readers.
- Mind maps
- Charts
- Essays
- Oral presentations
2. Compare different patterns of word formation and their pronunciation.
Techniques and
Knowledge survey
Oral Presentations
Written Works
Task-based activities
The document provides an agenda and program details for the event "Teaching Grown Ups III" taking place on November 9th from 9:00 AM to 6:30 PM. The program includes 4 workshops on topics such as teaching the Y-generation student, the seven deadly sins of 1-2-1 classes, designing effective training, and incorporating creative ideas and humor into the English classroom. Each workshop is presented by an experienced English teacher and covers strategies and best practices for teaching adult learners. The event aims to help teachers develop their skills for engaging and motivating non-traditional students.
The document announces a teaching conference with the following schedule and speakers:
- Mar鱈a Bel辿n Gonz叩lez Milbrandt will discuss how to teach the Y-generation of adult students.
- Carolina Marcote and Luciana Lago will explore the seven deadly sins of one-on-one teaching.
- Alejandra Mercedes Jorge will provide tips for designing and evaluating effective training sessions.
- Gustavo Gonz叩lez will share ideas for engaging students through the creative use of songs, movies, and humor in English classes.
Diego jimenez mauricio cadavid-tesis unad clil-its effects on speaking perfo...Mauricio Cadavid
This document summarizes a research study that investigated the impact of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) on the English speaking performance of 8th grade students at a private high school in Colombia. The study involved diagnostic testing, 7 CLIL workshops on geography topics, and evaluation testing. Results found that CLIL improved students' speaking performance, vocabulary, and content knowledge in social sciences. CLIL was determined to be an effective curriculum innovation that increased student interest, enthusiasm, and language understanding. The study concluded CLIL resources can improve language performance and recommended including CLIL in future curriculum planning.
BAAL-SIG-LLT-2016-Programme-Booklet_FINALHelen Lee
This document provides an agenda and details for a conference on language learning and teaching from June 30th to July 1st, 2016. It includes information on plenary speakers, the program schedule, session details, rooms, poster abstracts, and venues. The conference will take place at Lancaster University and explore topics related to crossing boundaries in language learning and teaching inside and outside the classroom. Key speakers will discuss the role of spoken language in the classroom and inclusion of students with learning difficulties.
The document provides information about the IATEFL Teacher Training and Education Special Interest Group (TTEd SIG), including its aims, activities, and committee members. The TTEd SIG aims to support teacher trainers and educators worldwide through organizing events, producing newsletters, and providing scholarships. It welcomes involvement from members. Information is provided about past and upcoming pre-conference events focused on topics like classroom discipline, teacher development, and internationalization of teacher training and education. Committee members and their roles are also outlined.
This document provides information about several sociology teacher training courses taking place in London and Manchester between November 2010 and February 2011. The courses will cover topics like contemporary issues in crime and deviance, beliefs in society, global development, and practical ideas for teaching sociology. Each course provides an overview of the topics and speakers, along with dates, times, locations, tutor bios, and registration fees.
Share your assumptions with the larger group.
Ethical Dilemmas
Ethical Dilemmas
Dual Relationships
Confidentiality is a core principle of advising and tutoring.
As advisors and tutors, students may share personal information with you. It is important that this information remains private unless:
- The student gives you permission to share the information
- There is risk of harm to the student or others
Some key points about confidentiality:
- Only share information with other advisors/staff on a "
The natural approach is a language teaching method that aims to mirror how first languages are acquired. It focuses on comprehensible input, meaning, and communication over explicit grammar instruction. A typical lesson involves exposing students to language through pictures, listening activities, and tasks done in pairs or groups to promote comprehension and use of the target language. The natural approach emphasizes making input comprehensible and creating a low-anxiety environment for language learning.
This document summarizes a presentation on improving speaking skills in the foreign language classroom. It discusses common difficulties that students and teachers face with speaking activities, such as lack of fluency, confidence, and creativity. It proposes a pedagogical framework using dynamic, communicative exercises to enhance student speaking abilities. Examples of activities are provided to practice fluency, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation in a low-pressure, game-like manner. The goal is to help students move past their speaking challenges by creating more opportunities for practice.
This document contains summaries of presentations from a language teaching conference. It lists the name, title, and brief content description of each presentation. Some of the presentations discuss using things like drama, visuals, authentic materials and Edmodo to enhance language teaching. Others provide overviews of teaching approaches like the new IB Language B curriculum or a dual language program at an international school. The document serves to inform attendees of the variety of topics that will be covered.
This document contains a portfolio for a Phonology II course. The portfolio includes sections such as a cover page, index, vision and mission statements of the university and language program, curriculum vitae of the student, course syllabus, and evidence of assignments completed for various elements of the course. The portfolio was created by a student named Ana Belen Acurio Armas for the Phonology II course taught from October 2015 to March 2016.
Beatrice Caston gave the opening speech. Carlos Rico Castillo's presentation was divided into three sections introducing dynamic systems theory, having participants reflect on being part of a dynamic classroom system, and sharing ideas to increase student interactions. Lori Langer de Ramirez's presentation discussed having student-run language classes to celebrate linguistic diversity in international schools. Victor Gonzalez's presentations focused on using digital resources and activities in the language classroom.
This document is the teacher's guide for the English A1.2 textbook series used in Ecuadorian high schools. It provides an overview of the series' objectives, characteristics, and approach to teaching and learning English. The series is designed to develop students' language skills through topics and activities relevant to their lives. It incorporates principles of multiple intelligences, task-based learning, cooperative work, cross-curricular studies, and intercultural awareness. Individual lessons follow a structure of warm-up, presentation, practice, and application. The guide also describes the components of the series, including the student book, teacher resources, and planned additional materials.
The document provides information on several reading strategies that can be taught to students, including reciprocal teaching, K-W-L charts, and seed discussions. Reciprocal teaching involves students taking turns leading a discussion about a text using strategies like predicting, question generating, clarifying, and summarizing. The K-W-L chart is used before, during, and after reading to track what students already know, what they want to learn, and what they learned. Seed discussions involve students identifying key concepts or "seeds" in a text and then discussing them in small groups.
Selections is a 6-level English anthology for young learners aged 7-12. Each level contains 12 units divided into fiction, non-fiction, poems, and practical texts. The anthology uses a communicative approach and integrates the four language skills. It encourages reading for pleasure while developing language skills. Each unit follows a 10-lesson structure incorporating various activities like songs, vocabulary practice, reading, phonics, and reviews. The program also includes a student's book, audio CDs, teacher's edition, resource CD, and picture packs to support teaching and learning.
This document discusses reading strategies and skills for the 21st century, including cooperative learning, differentiation, and inquiry-based instruction. It emphasizes reading for pleasure and outlines the four skills of reading: reflective, productive, vocabulary, and writing skills. It also presents stages for reading like activating prior knowledge, predicting, and summarizing after reading. Finally, it discusses reading subskills like scanning, skimming, and reading for detail and different kinds of reading.
This document discusses how technology has changed teaching and learning. It notes that students now have shorter attention spans, so teachers need to incorporate more graphics and entertainment into their lessons. However, everything used must have an educational purpose, such as using history facts in a game. The document provides examples of using the weather, word of the day, and digital books to engage students in a fun yet informative way. It emphasizes that teachers must adapt to modern times by using technology to win over students and teach them life skills.
The document discusses Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), including definitions of CLIL, its key principles and features, how CLIL compares to English as a Foreign Language, considerations for CLIL curriculum, teachers, and lessons, and frameworks for CLIL lesson planning focusing on content, communication, cognition, and culture.
The document describes Reading Circles, which are small groups of students who meet to discuss stories. Each student takes on a role like Discussion Leader or Word Master. The Bookworms Club Stories are collections for Reading Circles that include short stories and teacher resources. The workshop involved participants doing a sample Reading Circle discussion in groups, taking on roles and discussing a story. They then discussed the benefits of Reading Circles for enjoyable English discussions.
This document discusses using the arts, such as music, drama, and visual arts, to teach young learners. It argues that the current educational system is not designed for today's students. Using the arts can help shift to a more complex, ecosystemic paradigm that is student-centered. The arts allow students to learn skills like collaboration, judgment, and networking. Music in particular can help break the cycle of poverty by providing spiritual wealth. Dramatic play is important for developing empathy and self-control. Teachers should provide clear instructions, allow time for practice, and give feedback when using arts-based activities. Overall, the document advocates for incorporating more arts into teaching to engage modern students.
This document discusses critical thinking skills and their importance for students. It defines critical thinking as an active cognitive process used to identify assumptions, explore alternatives, and make decisions. The document outlines Bloom's taxonomy of cognitive domains - knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. It provides examples of how to develop these skills through activities that encourage logical thinking, reasoning, creative thinking, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The document emphasizes developing these skills is important for students to become independent thinkers who can make evidence-based decisions.
Teachers play an important role in facilitating student participation in several ways:
1) They can encourage participation by asking open-ended questions that spark discussion and close-ended questions that elicit longer answers from students.
2) Teachers should use techniques like pausing after asking a question to allow students time to respond, and asking another student for help if no one answers initially.
3) Framing participation as a collective responsibility of the whole class, rather than just individuals, can also help facilitate discussion where students build on each other's responses.
This document discusses Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), an approach to teaching additional languages where subjects like history or geography are taught through the medium of the additional language. It explains that CLIL aims to teach both content and language simultaneously. It provides examples of how CLIL can be integrated into the classroom, such as selecting familiar topics, simplifying language used, and providing opportunities for students to use the target language productively. The document notes benefits of CLIL for students, such as increased motivation and preparation for future studies where English is used.
This document discusses lower-order thinking skills (LOTS) and higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) based on Bloom's Taxonomy. LOTS involve basic comprehension skills like recalling facts and details. HOTS involve more complex skills like analysis, evaluation, and synthesis. The document provides examples of lower and higher-order questions for the story of Cinderella. It explains that while critical thinking involves both sides of the brain, HOTS focus more on analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Higher-order questions are best for deep, critical thinking rather than just testing comprehension.
The document discusses the need for 21st century teaching strategies given changes in technology and information availability. It notes that today's students, or "digital natives", have grown up with access to computers, the internet, mobile devices, and social media. To prepare students for future jobs and life, education must focus less on memorization and more on developing skills like creativity, collaboration, problem solving and digital literacy. This involves teaching academic subjects through real-world examples, making learning relevant and expanding it beyond the classroom with 21st century tools.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwal
This PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
N.C. DPI's 2023 Language Diversity BriefingMebane Rash
0. regional elt conference
1. Regional ELT conference - Enrique Meiggs Ilo
February 25 & 26, 2013
February 25, 2013
08:45 to 09:00 am Opening speech(Mr. Juan Flores, School Principal, Enrique Meiggs school)
(Cecilia Rosas Delgado, consultant, SM publishing)
10:30 to 11:00 am coffee break
11:00 to 12:30 pm 2nd session LOTS vs. HOTS
(Jeanne Luz Ortiz, Academic & technology coordinator, Macmillan)
12:30 to 02:00 pm lunch
(Gabriela Martinez, speaker, Pearson)
03:30 to 04:00 pm coffee break
(Fernando Amado Lopez, Teacher Trainer, Richmond)
February 26, 2013
08:45 to 10:00 am 5thsession ON THE WAY TO TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGES
(Fernando Amado Lopez, Teacher Trainer, Richmond)
10:00 to 10:15 am coffee break
10:15 to 11:30 pm 6thsession CRITICAL THINKING
(Jeanne Luz Ortiz, Academic & technology coordinator, Macmillan)
(Gabriela Martinez, speaker, Pearson)
12:45 to 02:00 pm lunch
(Ricardo Benavides Scott, Senior Educational Consultant, Oxford)
03:15 to 03:30 pm coffee break
03:30 to 04:45 pm 9th session DEMISTIFYING CLIL
(Cecilia Rosas Delgado, consultant, SM publishing)
Organized by: Dr. MajidSafadaranMosazadeh
External advisor for Southern Copper APEC schools
Mrs. Cecilia Rosas Delgado holds a BA in Psychology, a MA in Educational Psychology and English as a Foreign Language, the RSA
from University of Cambridge, and a Diploma in Educational Management, amongst other qualifications. She has worked for the most
prestigious language schools, bilingual schools and publishers in the country, holding coordination positions for the past 15 years. At
present she is the Director of the Language Center at the InstitutoPedag坦gicoNacional de Monterrico, and a consultant in Bilingual
Education and CLIL.
In order to help teachers understand the importance of Global Issues and perspectives in the ELT classroom, and help them
incorporate this new "vision" in their everyday lessons, in this workshop we will discuss how we can shift our focus from our
traditional perspective, to a Global perspective, without adding loads of work and stress to our lesson planning and discuss the
importance and the implications of enabling our students to look at global issues critically from different perspectives.
CLIL is one of the buzz words in ELT these days, but, what is it? In this workshop, teachers will discuss the central features of CLIL
and the demands it makes on schools, teachers and teaching materials. They will also be able to revise the most commonly used
strategies and the structure of a CLIL lesson while they follow a teaching sequence based on CLIL principles.
Fernando Amado holds the Cambridge English Proficiency certificate (CPE), and the certificate in English Language Teaching from
Thomas Jefferson Institute and is currently pursuing his Master卒s Degree in English Teaching from FUNIBER-Universidad de Piura.
Fernando has over ten years of experience in ELT in private schools, and language centers both as teacher and coordinator. He has
also prepared ESP courses tailor-made to suit the needs of the hiring company. He has conducted workshops for several years and
given speeches to young adults about leadership and motivation.
As English Teachers, our work plays an important role in the development of our learners strategies. However, some of our students
do not show much interest despite all our efforts. We need to make our classes more varied and creative as a means to keep our
students motivated and always willing to learn. In this workshop, we will develop several activities which will provide you with an
important battery of material and tips.
Technology is all around us and we have to be up-to-date with all these changes. We will have the chance to see how technology
becomes our 卒friend卒 in the classroom and how we can use it to make our classes more communicative and attractive to our digital-
native students.
Gabriela holds a diploma in Teaching English to Immigrants from St旦rstromsAmt in Denmark. She had the opportunity to teach
children from Latvia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She was an Academic Coordinator at Centro Cultural PeruanoNorteamericano; where
she was in charge of the English for Kids Program. She has taught English for eighteen years at different institutes and schools. She
is currently working as an Academic Consultant for Pearson.
Skills development certainly is an important factor when teaching a second language, however a globalized world demands going
beyond language which will be used for social purposes. It also demands being prepared for dealing with academic content in
competitive academic settings. In this context, it is vital to help students develop skills which will help them succeed in life, such as,
critical thinking skills, transferable academic skills, and others. How can we achieve this? By incorporating content in the language
In this workshop we will explore how both, Content and Language can be integrated for effective learning.
Teaching English to young learners varies in many ways from teaching adults. One of the major differences arises from the course
design and the kind of tasks and activities covered in the books. More varieties of activities are needed to be used in the classroom in
order to teach young learners and make the lesson an attractive process as well as making learning effective by making use of various
intelligences and engaging different competences in the process of learning.
In this workshop we will analyze the benefits of incorporating the arts in the English classroom and come out with some great ideas to
use with young learners.
Jeanne Ortiz is currently following an MA in education. She is also a licentiate in English Language Teaching and has also done
innovative projects regarding education at various levels to university courses. She is currently involved in course design, material
design too.
She has been teaching for over 20 years, she has many years experience working from pre-kids, with adults, secondary students, and
working as a teacher trainer holding supervision and coordination positions in very prestigious language schools.She continues to
teach regularly and particularly enjoys working with low level students. She is currently working as the Academic & technology
coordinator for Macmillan Publishers in Peru.
This session will help teachers to foster higher and lower order thinking skills among students of all ages which are considered an
important educational goal. Teachers often believe that this important goal is not intended for all students. A common belief among
teachers is that tasks that require higher or lower order thinking skills are appropriate only for high-achieving students, whereas low-
achieving students, who can barely master the basic facts, are unable to deal with such tasks.
Critical thinking is not matter of accumulating information, but the ability to think clearly and rationally.
4. Sometimes it is believed that the thinking of our students will remain "invisible" to them. However, it is not true. It is important to
provide them of vital vocabulary, teach them how to ask good questions and think critically, in order to continue the advancement of
the several fields we are teaching.
Critical thinking involves questioning, organizing, deciding, helping our students make decisions by analyzing and evaluating facts.
Why not to work then, on improving our own critical thinking skills and let our students make more intelligent decisions and be aware
of them?
Let卒s all of us discover how to do.
Ricardo Benavides holds a B.A in Latin American Studies from California State University, Hayward, and a Graduate Certificate in
TESOL from San Jose State University in California. He worked in California for several years as an ESL instructor and bilingual
education specialist at different institutions, both private and public.
In Peru, Ricardo taught English at the Instituto de Idiomas de la Pontificia Universidad Cat坦licadel Per炭 (INIPUC) from 1995-1998,
and from 2001-2006. He has also worked as a teacher of History at Markham College, teaching IGCSE and general History courses.
Since 2006, he has been employed by Oxford University Press as an ELT educational consultant, carrying out, among other duties,
product training sessions, workshops, and plenaries both in Peru and abroad.
The development of fluency in both reading and speaking is at the heart of every teachers concern when it comes to working with
readers. Certainly, teaching reading cannot be thought of in terms that are at odds with the broader aims of the Communicative
Approach. The aims are the same: to develop student autonomy, to prioritize meaning, to empower learners and to make them the
protagonists of the learning process. In this 90-minute workshop we will look at a unique proposal for engaging students in a reading
and speaking activity based on the Oxford Bookworms Club Stories for Reading Circles. The activity provides a magic formula for
natural, enjoyable discussions in English, giving teachers a practical solution for the issues of how to use reading as an integral
component of the communicative classroom.
Organized by: Dr. MajidSafadaranMosazadeh
External advisor for Southern Copper APEC schools