This document provides a brief overview of views from a model home across different seasons. It mentions views from the model in autumn, incredible long range views, and a summer side view of the model.
English360 - Classroom and learning diversity International HouseValentina Dodge
The English360 web-based learning platform is easy-to-use and takes a revolutionary approach to materials development, course design and delivery. English teachers can deliver out-of-the-box courses or tailor personalised learning programmes to respond efficiently to wide-ranging learner needs, diverse learning styles, contexts and classrooms.
This presentation will look at practical ways of:
benefitting from the use of learning technologies and new media;
taking teachers own lesson plans, activities and resources, and combining these with Cambridge content to deliver versatile blended learning programmes using a revolutionary learning platform;
focusing on, and seamlessly integrating, learner-generated material with relevant authentic resources;
embracing new roles and effectively using a range (open or private) communication channels to support and extend language learning beyond the physical classroom;
using time-saving administrative functions such as class scheduling and attendance recording, and easy monitoring of learner progress and results;
addressing common challenges faced when guiding learners towards achieving their personal objectives.
You Choose -Choice and Variety in the Web-based ClassroomValentina Dodge
Variety and choice are powerful stimulants. They result in firmer engagement and more active interest. Making decisions empowers and allows learners to explore paths leading to individual goals. But what happens when this spectrum of choices, this exciting variety, leads to so many opportunities? This talk offers real-life suggestions on dealing with choice in the technology-enhanced classroom.
They really do! For learners entering a new learning environment... for teachers with a technical bent, needing a centralized platform. I will show wikis at work in drafting, reformulating and giving corrective feedback. I will show transferable activities for achieving course aims through the smooth introduction of technology, with surprising results, which stimulate learners' enthusiasm. Two leading wiki software solutions will be compared.
TESOL Rome, Italy
National Convention
Nov 30th -Dec 1st, 2008
Challenges and Changes in the Classroom
Podcasting for Personalized Exam Practice
by Valentina Dodge
sponsored by City&Guilds
What Next? Answering the question of life after chemotherapy at Memorial Sloa...Joseph Gray
A service design concept providing continuity of psychosocial care for chemotherapy patients at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Service Design Seminar, IIT Institute of Design, Chicago. Taught by Mark Jones of IDEO. Team members: Jessica Striebich, Nikhil Mathew, Joe Gray, and Julia Lyoo.
This document provides a brief overview of views from a model home across different seasons. It mentions views from the model in autumn, incredible long range views, and a summer side view of the model.
English360 - Classroom and learning diversity International HouseValentina Dodge
The English360 web-based learning platform is easy-to-use and takes a revolutionary approach to materials development, course design and delivery. English teachers can deliver out-of-the-box courses or tailor personalised learning programmes to respond efficiently to wide-ranging learner needs, diverse learning styles, contexts and classrooms.
This presentation will look at practical ways of:
benefitting from the use of learning technologies and new media;
taking teachers own lesson plans, activities and resources, and combining these with Cambridge content to deliver versatile blended learning programmes using a revolutionary learning platform;
focusing on, and seamlessly integrating, learner-generated material with relevant authentic resources;
embracing new roles and effectively using a range (open or private) communication channels to support and extend language learning beyond the physical classroom;
using time-saving administrative functions such as class scheduling and attendance recording, and easy monitoring of learner progress and results;
addressing common challenges faced when guiding learners towards achieving their personal objectives.
You Choose -Choice and Variety in the Web-based ClassroomValentina Dodge
Variety and choice are powerful stimulants. They result in firmer engagement and more active interest. Making decisions empowers and allows learners to explore paths leading to individual goals. But what happens when this spectrum of choices, this exciting variety, leads to so many opportunities? This talk offers real-life suggestions on dealing with choice in the technology-enhanced classroom.
They really do! For learners entering a new learning environment... for teachers with a technical bent, needing a centralized platform. I will show wikis at work in drafting, reformulating and giving corrective feedback. I will show transferable activities for achieving course aims through the smooth introduction of technology, with surprising results, which stimulate learners' enthusiasm. Two leading wiki software solutions will be compared.
TESOL Rome, Italy
National Convention
Nov 30th -Dec 1st, 2008
Challenges and Changes in the Classroom
Podcasting for Personalized Exam Practice
by Valentina Dodge
sponsored by City&Guilds
What Next? Answering the question of life after chemotherapy at Memorial Sloa...Joseph Gray
A service design concept providing continuity of psychosocial care for chemotherapy patients at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Service Design Seminar, IIT Institute of Design, Chicago. Taught by Mark Jones of IDEO. Team members: Jessica Striebich, Nikhil Mathew, Joe Gray, and Julia Lyoo.