データマイニングや機械学習をやるときによく問題となる「リーケージ」を防ぐ方法について論じた論文「Leakage in Data Mining: Formulation, Detecting, and Avoidance」(Kaufman, Shachar, et al., ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 6.4 (2012): 1-21.)を解説します。
The document discusses representation learning and the manifold hypothesis. It explains that real-world data can be thought of as concentrating near a lower-dimensional manifold embedded within a high-dimensional space. Representation learning involves modeling the structure of this data-supporting manifold. The geometric notion of manifold provides an important perspective for representation learning, with the goal of learning an intrinsic coordinate system on the embedded manifold.
データマイニングや機械学習をやるときによく問題となる「リーケージ」を防ぐ方法について論じた論文「Leakage in Data Mining: Formulation, Detecting, and Avoidance」(Kaufman, Shachar, et al., ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 6.4 (2012): 1-21.)を解説します。
The document discusses representation learning and the manifold hypothesis. It explains that real-world data can be thought of as concentrating near a lower-dimensional manifold embedded within a high-dimensional space. Representation learning involves modeling the structure of this data-supporting manifold. The geometric notion of manifold provides an important perspective for representation learning, with the goal of learning an intrinsic coordinate system on the embedded manifold.