Презентацијата е направена за учениците од средно училиште, но истата би можела да им користи на оние кои сакаат да ги рекламираат нивните услуги и производи на Интернет.
Помогнете и вие со ваши идеи за оваа презентација.Кажете ми како вие ги користевте овие информации. Контактирајте ме.Можете да ми пратите меил anicapetkoska@gmail.comЈас сум @anicap na twitter. Ако додадете нешто, дури и ако не додадете, споделете го линкот на twitter, за да можат и други да ја дополнуваат презентацијата.Благодарам за вашата помош.
10 Do's and Don'ts for Using Stock Photos in Your MarketingHubSpotDo you know how to use stock photos in your marketing? Check out this ݺߣShare to find out what you should -- and shouldn't -- be doing.
Бизнис центар на општина ДелчевоAnastasov KircoПрезентација на Алистер Чрчвард-волонтер на Мировен корпус на САД во општина Делчево. Презентацијата се одржа на 26.11.2012 година во рамки на Бизнис форумот на општина Делчево
Лифлет и Пријава за обуката: ,,Дизајнирање на проект"Market Com ConsultancyМаркет Ком Kонсалтинг - Менаџмент Aкадемија
23 – 24 Септември 2015
Времетраење: 10:00 – 18:00 часот
Локација: Скопје
Рок за пријавување: 10 Септември, 2015
E-mail: contact@marketcomconsultancy.com
Лифлет, Пријава за учество
Treasure Hunt Board GameAnica PetkoskaPeter found a treasure map one day. He went on a treasure hunt with Lion, Eagle, Sheep, Camel, Turtle, and Owl. Together they passed through a forest, mountains, valley, desert, and ocean. When they reached the island, Owl told them they had found the greatest treasure of friendship by working together.
Kако да креирате графикон во Power PointAnica PetkoskaДетално yпатство како да креирајте фантастичен инфографикон во Microsoft Power Point за вашиот блог или wikispaces страна.
VPT virtual project tour templateAnica PetkoskaThis document provides an overview of a classroom project on an unspecified topic. It describes the project's objectives and gives a brief description. It also lists the software used and keywords. Finally, it provides background documents on planning, management, and technology resources to help understand and implement the project. The author is not named but the school location is not provided.
Editing you tube videos onlineAnica PetkoskaYouTube allows users to edit videos online by adding annotations or notes. Annotations can be used to add captions, links, callouts and more directly onto YouTube videos. This document discusses annotations and was written by Anica Petkoska on February 29, 2012.
Lemon treeAnica PetkoskaThe song describes a person who is bored and lonely on a Sunday afternoon. They pass the time driving around but feel disconnected. All they can see outside is a yellow lemon tree. In the refrain, they wonder how and why things have changed from the "blue, blue sky" they were once told about. Now all they see is the lemon tree and feel isolated.
The prisoner of zendaAnica PetkoskaThe narrator falls asleep in the forest and dreams that he is engaged to Princess Flavia and lives in the castle at Zenda. In his dream, he is about to kiss the princess when he is woken by loud voices. Upon waking, he sees two men looking at him - Colonel Sapt and Count Fritz from Tarlenheim. They explain that they serve the King of Ruritania, and as another man emerges from the trees, the narrator is shocked by how similar they look. The man could have been Rudolf Rasendiel, and the narrator realizes he could have been mistaken for Rudolf, the King of Ruritania.
Which of these is the adjectiveAnica PetkoskaThe document lists multiple sets of 5 words and asks which word in each set is the adjective. It appears to be providing examples to help determine adjectives within sets of nouns. There are 20 sets of 5 words each testing adjective identification.
Which of these is the adjectiveAnica PetkoskaThe document lists multiple sets of 5 words and asks which word in each set is the adjective. It appears to be providing examples to help distinguish adjectives from other parts of speech like nouns and verbs. There are a total of 20 sets of 5 words each for analysis.
NounsAnica PetkoskaThe document contains a series of words and asks the reader to identify which one in each line is a noun. It presents 10 sets of 5 words each and asks the reader to determine which word in each set is a noun. The words cover a range of parts of speech including verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in addition to the requested noun in each line.
Let’s Go ShoppingAnica PetkoskaNowy Swiat in Warsaw, Poland has been identified as the best shopping street in the world according to a recent survey. It is popular due to its wide pavements and attractive buildings without billboards or loud music. The street has many chic boutique shops that sell high quality, handmade goods that cannot be found elsewhere and are not mass produced. Cafes like Cafe Blikle also add to the appeal of Nowy Swiat as an enjoyable place for shopping.
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Treasure Hunt Board GameAnica PetkoskaPeter found a treasure map one day. He went on a treasure hunt with Lion, Eagle, Sheep, Camel, Turtle, and Owl. Together they passed through a forest, mountains, valley, desert, and ocean. When they reached the island, Owl told them they had found the greatest treasure of friendship by working together.
Kако да креирате графикон во Power PointAnica PetkoskaДетално yпатство како да креирајте фантастичен инфографикон во Microsoft Power Point за вашиот блог или wikispaces страна.
VPT virtual project tour templateAnica PetkoskaThis document provides an overview of a classroom project on an unspecified topic. It describes the project's objectives and gives a brief description. It also lists the software used and keywords. Finally, it provides background documents on planning, management, and technology resources to help understand and implement the project. The author is not named but the school location is not provided.
Editing you tube videos onlineAnica PetkoskaYouTube allows users to edit videos online by adding annotations or notes. Annotations can be used to add captions, links, callouts and more directly onto YouTube videos. This document discusses annotations and was written by Anica Petkoska on February 29, 2012.
Lemon treeAnica PetkoskaThe song describes a person who is bored and lonely on a Sunday afternoon. They pass the time driving around but feel disconnected. All they can see outside is a yellow lemon tree. In the refrain, they wonder how and why things have changed from the "blue, blue sky" they were once told about. Now all they see is the lemon tree and feel isolated.
The prisoner of zendaAnica PetkoskaThe narrator falls asleep in the forest and dreams that he is engaged to Princess Flavia and lives in the castle at Zenda. In his dream, he is about to kiss the princess when he is woken by loud voices. Upon waking, he sees two men looking at him - Colonel Sapt and Count Fritz from Tarlenheim. They explain that they serve the King of Ruritania, and as another man emerges from the trees, the narrator is shocked by how similar they look. The man could have been Rudolf Rasendiel, and the narrator realizes he could have been mistaken for Rudolf, the King of Ruritania.
Which of these is the adjectiveAnica PetkoskaThe document lists multiple sets of 5 words and asks which word in each set is the adjective. It appears to be providing examples to help determine adjectives within sets of nouns. There are 20 sets of 5 words each testing adjective identification.
Which of these is the adjectiveAnica PetkoskaThe document lists multiple sets of 5 words and asks which word in each set is the adjective. It appears to be providing examples to help distinguish adjectives from other parts of speech like nouns and verbs. There are a total of 20 sets of 5 words each for analysis.
NounsAnica PetkoskaThe document contains a series of words and asks the reader to identify which one in each line is a noun. It presents 10 sets of 5 words each and asks the reader to determine which word in each set is a noun. The words cover a range of parts of speech including verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in addition to the requested noun in each line.
Let’s Go ShoppingAnica PetkoskaNowy Swiat in Warsaw, Poland has been identified as the best shopping street in the world according to a recent survey. It is popular due to its wide pavements and attractive buildings without billboards or loud music. The street has many chic boutique shops that sell high quality, handmade goods that cannot be found elsewhere and are not mass produced. Cafes like Cafe Blikle also add to the appeal of Nowy Swiat as an enjoyable place for shopping.
Top 15 Smartest AnimalsAnica PetkoskaThis list ranks the 15 smartest animal species from least to most intelligent, with sheep ranked 15th, pigeons 14th, rats 13th, octopuses 12th, and squirrels 11th. Pigs are 10th, cats 9th, dogs 8th, parrots 7th, and crows 6th. Elephants are 5th, monkeys 4th, whales 3rd, dolphins 2nd, and apes are considered the most intelligent animal.
Top 15 Smartest AnimalsAnica PetkoskaThis list ranks the 15 smartest animal species, with apes ranked as the most intelligent based on their problem-solving abilities and use of tools. Other highly intelligent animals include dolphins, whales, monkeys, elephants, crows, parrots, dogs, cats, pigs, squirrels, octopuses, rats, pigeons, and sheep based on their learning capabilities and ability to adapt to their environments.
V P T, Teen Voices S E O U Gostivar M K DAnica Petkoska160 students from SEOU Gostivar in Macedonia collaborated on a Wikispaces platform to collect resources and produce multimedia for a contest raising awareness of teen victimization. They gained a bank of URLs by starting personal profiles and adding video links. In phase 1, they analyzed, categorized and compared resources. In phase 2, they created innovative presentations. In phase 3, students voted, assessed, reflected and celebrated success. The project used software like Office, Synthesizer, and Internet to organize meetings, write to government, and inspire peers to take action against teen victimization.
9. Помогнете и вие со ваши идеи за оваа презентација. Кажете ми како вие ги користевте овие информации Контактирајте ме. Можете да ми пратите меил anicapetkoska@gmail.com Јас сум @anicap na twitter Ако додадете нешто, дури и ако не додадете, споделете го линкот на twitter , за да можат и други да ја дополнуваат презентацијата. Благодарам за вашата помош.
10. Зошто? Презентацијата е направена за учениците од средно училиште, но истата би можела да им користи на оние кои сакаат да ги рекламираат нивните услуги и производи на Интернет.
11. Ресурси · 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business · 32 Ways to Use Facebook for Business · Using LinkedIn As a Small Business Owner · YouTube Marketing – 11 Terrific Ways to Promote Your Business on YouTube · How to use video to promote your small business · How to Produce “Business-Quality” Online Video on a Small Business Budget 10 Rules For Driving Traffic Using Forums · The New Rules of PR (PDF – 21 pages) · 20+ Free Press Release Distribution Sites · Online Press Release Checklist ·List your businesson Google Maps, Yahoo Local & More · GetListed.org · Local Search Ranking Factors · A Look at Important Local Business Listing Attributes · 5 Common Newbie Mistakes · Choosing An Email Newsletter Provider · 50 Ways to Get Email Newsletter Subscribers · Anatomy of a Successful Blog Contest · 14 tips for Twitter contests that build followers and brand visibility
Editor's Notes
#3: На Социјалните Мрежи Twitter , Facebook , МySpace , Linkedin бизнисите се поврзуваат со нивните клиенти и учествуваат во разговори во врска со услугите или производите. Видеата се одличен начин да се привлечат клиенти. Без оглед на тоа дали се промовираат услуги или производи, пожелно е да се направи видео. Би требало да се почне со YouTube . Блоговите и форумите се исто така уште една форма за разговори со клиентите. Треба да се даваат квалитетни информации. Најпрво треба да се почне со пребарување на "google blog search", а потоа да се започне блог на WordPress , Blogger , TypePad Соопштенијата за печат се уште еден начин за добивање на нови клиенти. Локални ресурси Бизнисите треба да бидат вклучени во сите сајтови кои се однесуваат на регионот. Ова би биле, весници, локални портали, жолти весници. Почнете со Google Local, Google maps (Се надевам наскоро) Испраќање билтен по е-маил. Е-маил листата помага за почесто контактирање со клиентите. Тоа е исто така одличен начин да се промовираат луѓето кои се заинтересирани са услугите или производот. Ова можеби е една од најмоќните маркетинг алатки на инернет, затоа што на тој начин бизнисот помалку зависи од пребарувачите како google, и др.Почнете со: Constant Contact , MailChimp , Aweber , and iContact
#12: · 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business · 32 Ways to Use Facebook for Business · Using LinkedIn As a Small Business Owner · YouTube Marketing – 11 Terrific Ways to Promote Your Business on YouTube · How to use video to promote your small business · How to Produce “Business-Quality” Online Video on a Small Business Budget 10 Rules For Driving Traffic Using Forums · The New Rules of PR (PDF – 21 pages) · 20+ Free Press Release Distribution Sites · Online Press Release Checklist ·List your businesson Google Maps, Yahoo Local & More · GetListed.org · Local Search Ranking Factors · A Look at Important Local Business Listing Attributes · 5 Common Newbie Mistakes · Choosing An Email Newsletter Provider · 50 Ways to Get Email Newsletter Subscribers · Anatomy of a Successful Blog Contest · 14 tips for Twitter contests that build followers and brand visibility