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The Prisoner of Zenda
I walked in the__ for about two hours. woodcastleforest
It was pleasantly cool in the ___of the treesShadow Shiny Shade
I sat down by a _______fallen tree.Big LargeLittle
 and the forest was so _______that I soon fell asleep.Quiet QuiteQuick
I dreamed that I was _________to Princess Flavia, and lived in the castle at Zenda.engagedmarriedtravelled
I had never seen the princess in real ______.liveleavelife
but in my dream, I was about to kiss her when I __________a loud voice.Listen toheardhear
If you shaved his __________of, he would be the king.beardbirdboard
I thought it was a part of a ___________, but then I realized that I was awake.drivedreamdragon
I slowly opened my eyes to see two _______looking at me.manmensmen
The younger man ____________ forward. This is colonel Sapt, he said.stepedsteppedstopped
 and I am Count Fritz from TarlenheimCountCountessCountry
We __________the king of Ruritania.serveservesserved
As he spoke a man came ____of the trees.outfrominto
I was _______ surprised, that I almost cried out.seesosaw
We were almost exactly the ____________.samesimilardifferent
He ____________have been Rudolf Rasendielcanwascould
And I could have been Rudolf the King of Ruritania.canamcould

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仆舒 舒仆亟舒亟亳亠 亰舒 仂亠仆于舒亠 仆舒 亠仆亳亳亠 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳亳 亳 舒弍仂仆亳 仄舒
Anica Petkoska
Which of these is the adjective
Which of these is the adjectiveWhich of these is the adjective
Which of these is the adjective
Anica Petkoska
Which of these is the adjective
Which of these is the adjectiveWhich of these is the adjective
Which of these is the adjective
Anica Petkoska
仆仂于舒亳于仆舒 仆舒舒于舒, 个 弌从仂仗亠 2
仆仂于舒亳于仆舒 仆舒舒于舒, 个 弌从仂仗亠 2仆仂于舒亳于仆舒 仆舒舒于舒, 个 弌从仂仗亠 2
仆仂于舒亳于仆舒 仆舒舒于舒, 个 弌从仂仗亠 2
Anica Petkoska
M亠亟亳仄从舒 仗亳仄亠仆仂 仆舒 舒
M亠亟亳仄从舒 仗亳仄亠仆仂 仆舒 舒M亠亟亳仄从舒 仗亳仄亠仆仂 仆舒 舒
M亠亟亳仄从舒 仗亳仄亠仆仂 仆舒 舒
Anica Petkoska
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Anica Petkoska
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Anica Petkoska
Macedonia Anica Petkoska Mac Ned Wiki VCT
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Anica Petkoska

The prisoner of zenda