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EFL Pre-Intermediate
01/29/15 A.Petkoska SEOU Gostivar, Gostivar 1
01/29/15 A.Petkoska SEOU Gostivar, Gostivar 2
What is the main shopping street in your town?
What can you buy there that's special?
01/29/15 A.Petkoska SEOU Gostivar, Gostivar 3
What are some of the famous brands and products that you can
buy in many countries of the world?
Think of clothes, food, cars ....
Make a list. Work in groups and choose the most famous three.
Compare your list with the class.
What do you think?
01/29/15 A.Petkoska SEOU Gostivar, Gostivar 4
Have you ever bought any of these products?
01/29/15 A.Petkoska SEOU Gostivar, Gostivar 5
Street Town Store Product
Oxford Street
Fifth Avenue
New York
Marks and Spencer
leather goods
Match a famous shopping street with a town, a store, and a product.
01/29/15 A.Petkoska SEOU Gostivar, Gostivar 6
01/29/15 A.Petkoska SEOU Gostivar, Gostivar 7
TIFFANY, Fifth Avenue
01/29/15 A.Petkoska SEOU Gostivar, Gostivar 8
01/29/15 A.Petkoska SEOU Gostivar, Gostivar 9
MARKS &SPENCER, Oxford Street
01/29/15 A.Petkoska SEOU Gostivar, Gostivar 10
01/29/15 A.Petkoska SEOU Gostivar, Gostivar 11
GUCCI, Via Montenapoleone
01/29/15 A.Petkoska SEOU Gostivar, Gostivar 12
01/29/15 A.Petkoska SEOU Gostivar, Gostivar 13
GUERLAIN, Champs-Elysees
01/29/15 A.Petkoska SEOU Gostivar, Gostivar 14
The best shopping street in the world
No, isn’t Oxford Street, the Champs-Elysées, or even Fifth Avenue. A
new survey shows that the most popular shopping street in the world
is… Nowy Swiat. Where’s that? In Warsaw, Poland, of course.
3 Here is the headline and the introduction of the
newspaper article.
Does anything surprise you?
01/29/15 A.Petkoska SEOU Gostivar, Gostivar 15
01/29/15 A.Petkoska SEOU Gostivar, Gostivar 16
Nowy Swiat in Warsaw, Poland is the best shopping street in the world
1. What sort of shops are there?
2. How many people go there to do the shopping?
4. What do you want to find out about the Nowy Swait
street when you read the article?
Work in pairs to write some questions.
01/29/15 A.Petkoska SEOU Gostivar, Gostivar 17
5. Read the article quickly and answer the questions
you have written.
The article, ‘The best shopping street’ will be distributed now.
01/29/15 A.Petkoska SEOU Gostivar, Gostivar 18

6. What is the best summary of the article?
01/29/15 A.PetkoskaSEOUGostivar,Gostivar 19

2 Whyisitsuchaniceplacetogoshopping?
8What'sgoodaboutCafé Blikle?
9 WhatisspecialabouttheshopsinNowySwiat?
7. Read the article again and answer the questions.
01/29/15 A.PetkoskaSEOUGostivar,Gostivar 20

01/29/15 A.PetkoskaSEOUGostivar,Gostivar 21
01/29/15 A.PetkoskaSEOUGostivar,Gostivar 22
01/29/15 A.PetkoskaSEOUGostivar,Gostivar 23
consumption (n) - The act of using something until it is gone, by eating, fire, etc.

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Let’s Go Shopping

Editor's Notes

  • #7: All are correctly matched, as I don’t expect students would know the answers.
  • #19: The article: The best shopping street in the world No, isn’t Oxford Street, the Champs-Elysées, or even Fifth Avenue. A new survey shows that the most popular shopping street in the world is… Nowy Swiat. Where’s that? In Warsaw, Poland, of course.A recent survey has shown that the busiest shopping street in the world is not in London, New York, or Paris, but in Warsaw. It’s called Nowy Swiat , which means New World. An incredible 14,000 Poles walk down this main street every hour. It is a lovely place to shop. The pavements are very wide. There are statues, palaces, attractive town houses, exclusive cafés, and high-class restaurants. The buildings aren’t too tall. They look old, but in fact the whole city was rebuilt after World War II. There aren’t any billboards or neon lights. There isn’t any loud music, and there aren’t many tourists. People think that Polish shops have nothing to sell, so nobody comes shopping here. The world doesn’t know about this paradise for shoppers – yet.It is now possible to buy almost everything in Warsaw. There are a lot of shops from the West, but the interesting thing is that Polish manufacturers are now producing high quality goods. They are good because they are not mass produced for world consumption.Nowy Swiat has a lot of small shops, specialist shops, and chic shops. It hasn’t got the huge department stores that sell the same things everywhere. If you want an exquisite handmade suit, Nowy Swiat is the place to go. It isn’t cheap. You will pay up to £1.000. for beautiful French baby clothes, go to Petit Bateau. You will pay £50 for pair of blue jeans for a baby. A dress for a baby girl is about £90. At Désa, a famous antique shop, a desk costs £5.000, and a 19th century Russian icon is £200.Not everuthing is expensive. At the shop Pantera you can buy leather goods – handbags, purses, coats, and belts. Cepelia specializes in folk art. There are also book shops and record shops. And there are a lot of small boutiques that sell men’s and women’s clothes that aren’t too expensive.If you’re tired, stop at Café Blikle. This is a fashionable place to meet. You’ll find a lively atmosphere, and a lot of well-known Poles. The frozen yoghurt and ice-creams are excellent, and its famous doughnuts are delicious.It is possible to travel the world and find the same things for sale in every country. But Warsaw is different because its shops are unique – and they’re in Nowy Swiat. Possibly London's busiest shopping street, yet until the turn of the century, Oxford Street and the Piccadilly area were mainly residential. Today Oxford Street is a solid mile of shops. You are likely to find everything you want in the street's shops and department stores. Major stores include John Lewis, DH Evans and Marks and Spencer. Bookshops include Dillions and Books Etc, and top music shops are HMV and the new Virgin Megastore. However the street's most famous shop is Selfridges, a vast department store near Bond Street tube station. The shop was built in 1909 by the American Gordon Selfridge, and was the biggest shop in Britain. The shop is so large that a printed floor plan is available near the entrance to help you navigate around. As well as the usual big store departments, Selfridges has a highly popular food hall. Oxford Street is always very busy, especially at Christmas time, when crowds get so large that various measures have to be used to prevent gridlock, both for traffic and for pedestrians. At that time of year mounted police control the traffic lights and signal pedestrians to cross, using loud hailers. When the number of shoppers got very large one recent Christmas, the police tried an experiment whereby pedestrians had to use a one-way system and travel up one side of the road and down the other. That experiment has not been repeated. The street is closed throughout the day to all traffic, except for buses and taxis. Traffic jams however, are still common. Watch out for mock auctions that are sometimes held in empty shops in Oxford Street. Fifth Avenue Fifth Avenue is considered as one of the most expensive streets in the world. It is a major thoroughfare in Manhattan and is the traditional route for many celebrity parades in New York City. There are a lot of over-the-top shopping opportunities on Fifth Avenue that will satisfy every shopper’s tastes. The St. Patrick Cathedral is also found on Fifth Avenue. This church is the seat of the Archbishop of New York. Aside from these, Fifth Avenue houses the famous Plaza Hotel which earned a reputation of being the best and the Trump Tower which offers stunning views and luxurious rooms.
  • #20: Answer: d
  • #21: Answers: 1. From a recent survey 2. There are a lot of reasons, including wide pavements, attractive buildings, exclusive cafes, and restaurants, no billboards or neon lights, no loud music or tourists 3. Nowy Swait: the shopping street, café Blikle- an exclusive café, wide pavements with chic shops 4. Because people think Polish shops have nothing to sell. 5. They are not mass produced. 6. You can buy almost everything: hand made suits, French baby clothes, antiques, leather goods, folk art, books, records, clothes You can’t buy mass produced goods that you normally find in big department stores. 7. Hand- made suits, French baby clothes and antiques are expensive. Items from Pantera, the leather-goods shop, Cepelia, the folk art shop, and other shops and small boutiques are not expensive. 8. It is fashionable, lively, and the food is delicious. 9. They are unique.