Combustion Chamber 5/5Jio GayonThe combustion chamber liner is made of welded high-nickel steel and experiences the hottest operating temperatures, especially during engine idle and maximum rpm. To ensure continuous ignition of the flame, turbulence is purposefully created around the flame using the fast-moving air. Materials like dye, chalk, and some markers can be used to mark combustion and turbine components during assembly and disassembly since they are acceptable for use in areas directly exposed to engine gas paths.
Combustion Chamber 3/5Jio GayonThe document discusses ignition and fuel supply in gas turbines. It describes how ignition occurs during start up when an igniter plug lights the fuel injected into the combustion chamber. Some gas turbines can burn mixtures of gas and liquid fuels. It also describes the different types of fuel nozzles used, including vaporizer, atomizer, swirl, simplex, duple, duplex, spill, and rotary nozzles. The fuel nozzles inject and atomize fuel into the combustion chamber for combustion.
JAR 23 and FAR 23 Comparison part 2Jio GayonThe document discusses regulations regarding gust loads, emergency landing conditions, metallic pressurized cabin structures, flutter, artificial stall barrier systems, takeoff warning systems, limit drop tests, reserve energy absorption drop tests, and brakes for aircraft certified under FAR 23 and CS-23. It provides the applicable regulations in both English units and Metric units and notes sections that have no corresponding regulation between FAR 23 and CS-23.
Combustion Chamber 1/5Jio GayonThe combustion chamber is located between the compressor and turbine sections of a gas turbine engine. It mixes fuel and air efficiently and controls the burning of fuel. It also dampens hot combustion gases and ensures air is expanded and accelerated through the turbine with minimal pressure loss and maximum heat release. The combustion chamber plays a crucial role in determining many of an engine's operating characteristics including fuel efficiency, emission levels, and response to changing conditions.
LiberalizationJio GayonLiberalization refers to the relaxation of government restrictions to encourage competition and efficiency. It has led to substantial economic and aviation growth through increased competition and productivity. Countries that have liberalized their aviation markets have seen benefits for both their aviation industries and overall economies, including positive externalities, through bilateral and plurilateral agreements allowing greater commercial flight opportunities between contracting states.
Wind tunnelJio GayonA wind tunnel is a facility that provides a controlled airflow for testing aerodynamic models. It has a test section where models are placed and sensors measure forces like lift and drag. Wind tunnels are classified based on speed of airflow, air pressure, and size. They can have open or closed designs and use various flow visualization techniques to study airflow patterns.
Combustion Chamber 2/5Jio GayonThere are three main types of combustion chambers discussed in the document: multiple, annular, and tubo-annular. The multiple type has individual burner cans that are easier to dismantle but take up more space. The annular type is more compact and efficient. The tubo-annular type combines aspects of the annular and multiple types for maintenance and efficiency benefits. It discusses the basic design and benefits of each type.
Civil Aviation ConventionsJio GayonThe document discusses several international conventions related to civil aviation:
- The Warsaw Convention of 1929 regulates international carriage by air and limits airline liability.
- The Chicago Convention of 1944 established the International Civil Aviation Organization and rules regarding airspace, safety, and taxation.
- The Tokyo Convention of 1963 addresses offenses committed on aircraft and the powers of aircraft commanders.
- The Hague Convention focuses on hijacking and requires states to prosecute or extradite offenders.
- The Montreal Convention of 1999 amended the Warsaw Convention by introducing a two-tier liability system and facilitating compensation for air disasters.
Freedoms of the AirJio GayonThe document discusses the Freedoms of the Air, which are commercial aviation rights that allow airlines to enter and operate in other countries' airspaces. It defines the nine Freedoms:
1) fly over a foreign country without landing
2) refuel/maintenance in a foreign country en route to another
3) fly from one's country to another
4) fly from another country to one's own
5) fly between two foreign countries with a stop in one's own country
6) fly between two foreign countries using one's country as a transit point
7) fly between two foreign countries without stopping in one's country
8) fly domestically in a foreign country while continuing to
Hi FashionKunal ParekhThis document provides a market analysis and product recommendations for a clothing brand called Hi Fashion. It analyzes the estimated market size and growth rates for t-shirts, vests, and briefs across four Indian states. It recommends a product mix and market share objectives for the brand, focusing on producing t-shirts and briefs within current production capacity. Finally, it suggests Delhi as the redistribution hub due to its central location and high sales volumes in the region.
MekanismKunal ParekhViral marketing encourages individuals to share marketing messages to expand exposure exponentially. Mekanism is a digital marketing agency specializing in viral campaigns through storytelling on emerging platforms. While Mekanism grew 68% annually from 2007-2010, growth slowed to 10% in 2010 despite increased profits. This document discusses analyzing Mekanism's core competencies and considering expanding into traditional marketing services or focusing solely on digital.