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www.mainline.com | 866.490.MAIN(6246)
Mainline Information Systems | Storage and Data Services Practice
You know you are supposed to, so either you ignore it or you save everything forever. So either it is
time to pay the piper and get compliant or it is time to save you some money.
If company-wide application landscaping and data rationalization is important to define the greater storage and backup architecture and appropriate service classes,
enterprise archive and compliance must drill down a level further within the HR and Legal departments and some infrastructure services related to email/groupware,
conference recordings and instant messaging.
Depending on the industry, many more healthcare enterprise application teams (medical records and imaging), telecom (call records for law enforcement), financial
industries and others need to look at archive storage to ensure compliance.
The focus of this service is to establish a company-wide compliance process
achieving these six objectives:
While Mainline does not provide legal advice, once you know what is needed to be compliant, let Mainline help you define applications in scope; define the related
data and build compliance, archive and data protection policies; provide the archive solution, implement that solution; implement related data protection policies; and
migrate applicable data to the archive.
The Regulations
1.	 Assess the impact to the business and IT of the applicable regulations (see
the list below) and translate those regulations into IT requirements
2.	 Identify initial vulnerabilities and deviations
3.	 Define a process owner and administrator
4.	 Define your IT archive architecture
5.	 Acquire records management and archive storage solutions
6.	 Identify data to be included in that archive
	 Sarbanes-Oxley Act
	 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
	 Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act
	 Bank Secrecy Act
	 Federal Information Security Management Act
	 Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
	 California Senate Bill 1386
	 International Convergence of Capital
Measurement and Capital StandardsA
Revised Framework
	 Personal Information Protection and Electronic
Documents Act
This list of fairly involved laws presents a challenge for many organizations. If your legal team has not defined what IT will need to do, we can partner with them and
your infrastructure team to take those findings and translate them into infrastructure; or, if there is no legal department or an inability to establish findings, we will
partner with a firm to get to those findings and then proceed to define your archive requirements both for compliance and for inactive data as required. Let us help you
by leveraging our facilitation skills, our experience and our methodology to help your organization converge on the right solution. Mainline will:
	 Our technical requirements for an archive architecture, including examples that would meet those requirements from HDS, IBM, EMC, HP, NetApp and others
	 Address process gaps, identifying missing processes to be defined and who might define them
	 Identify missing archive and compliance process owners and administrators
	 Assist in establishing a company-wide team of stakeholders and user communities for compliance and archive
www.mainline.com | 866.490.MAIN(6246)
A facilitated and managed approach to
defining infrastructure strategy.
Facilitate infrastructure and
application teams working together to
build a score card, score application
requirements and agree on the future
onboarding process.
Define current and target data storage
and protection environment, identify the
gaps, and provide an actionable
roadmap of recommendations. The
core of any storage assessment.
Define and illustrate both your current and future
environment, including both logical and physical
diagram modeling growth over 12, 24 and 36
months by data center.
Define and enable a loaded unit cost of storage
supporting showbacks/chargebacks through the
development of TCO, ROI and CBA.
Use Mainlines scoring tool to establish a service
delivery baseline and compare against your industry
average. Use to measure improvement.
Organize your infrastructure services into a catalog of
your choosing based on strategy, data requirements
and agreements with application teams by service
class, or build a starting point to update as you
learn more.
Using an agentless, cloud-based
Storage Resource Management tool,
define valid and invalid data,
recommend residency and retention
policies, and classify application
data/servers into service tiers.
Document and detail ITIL-based
process definitions within an
IT-based process reference model,
starting with storage and backup
processes and building an operational
guide delivering auditable, repeatable
one-way-to-implement infrastructure.
For any large transformation or migration
project, define a project plan to be
delivered by your team, a third party,
Mainline or some combination.
Mainlines Enterprise Storage Assessment
methodology consists of ten service areas
that can be delivered as a whole to exploit the
inherent synergy, or they can be delivered as
stand-alone services depending on where you
are in the storage transformation journey.
Archive and Compliance provides additional
value when delivered with the following
services within the methodology...
	 Infrastrucure Application Landscaping
with Archive and Compliance allows the
same topic to be covered in the application
scoring workshops, leveraging a single
data-gathering effort to establish the
data to be protected and moved into the
	 Infrastructure Data Analysis with
Archive and Compliance allows archive
data identified by each application (within
an Application Landscaping effort) to
be measured and classified into archive
retention policy recommendations.
	 Data Storage and Protection
Architecture Design with Archive and
Compliance enables an archive solution as
part of the storage design.
Archive and Compliance is part of Mainlines larger storage assessment methodology
Mainline Information Systems | Storage and Data Services Practice
	 Eighty-five storage experts skilled in storage solutions from every major vendor
	 Decades of industry expertise in designing, implementing and optimizing storage
solutions for environments of all sizes
	 Services covering product implementations, complex data migrations, information
lifecycle management, storage assessments, and advanced archiving and
protection strategies
	 Residencies and managed storage services to improve storage operations and
reduce operating cost
Next Steps:
Contact your Account Executive, or you can reach us at
For more information on our storage services, go to

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10 Archive and Compliance

  • 1. www.mainline.com | 866.490.MAIN(6246) ARCHIVE AND COMPLIANCE Mainline Information Systems | Storage and Data Services Practice You know you are supposed to, so either you ignore it or you save everything forever. So either it is time to pay the piper and get compliant or it is time to save you some money. If company-wide application landscaping and data rationalization is important to define the greater storage and backup architecture and appropriate service classes, enterprise archive and compliance must drill down a level further within the HR and Legal departments and some infrastructure services related to email/groupware, conference recordings and instant messaging. Depending on the industry, many more healthcare enterprise application teams (medical records and imaging), telecom (call records for law enforcement), financial industries and others need to look at archive storage to ensure compliance. The focus of this service is to establish a company-wide compliance process achieving these six objectives: While Mainline does not provide legal advice, once you know what is needed to be compliant, let Mainline help you define applications in scope; define the related data and build compliance, archive and data protection policies; provide the archive solution, implement that solution; implement related data protection policies; and migrate applicable data to the archive. The Regulations 1. Assess the impact to the business and IT of the applicable regulations (see the list below) and translate those regulations into IT requirements 2. Identify initial vulnerabilities and deviations 3. Define a process owner and administrator 4. Define your IT archive architecture 5. Acquire records management and archive storage solutions 6. Identify data to be included in that archive Sarbanes-Oxley Act Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Bank Secrecy Act USA PATRIOT Act Federal Information Security Management Act Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard California Senate Bill 1386 International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital StandardsA Revised Framework Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act This list of fairly involved laws presents a challenge for many organizations. If your legal team has not defined what IT will need to do, we can partner with them and your infrastructure team to take those findings and translate them into infrastructure; or, if there is no legal department or an inability to establish findings, we will partner with a firm to get to those findings and then proceed to define your archive requirements both for compliance and for inactive data as required. Let us help you by leveraging our facilitation skills, our experience and our methodology to help your organization converge on the right solution. Mainline will: Our technical requirements for an archive architecture, including examples that would meet those requirements from HDS, IBM, EMC, HP, NetApp and others Address process gaps, identifying missing processes to be defined and who might define them Identify missing archive and compliance process owners and administrators Assist in establishing a company-wide team of stakeholders and user communities for compliance and archive
  • 2. www.mainline.com | 866.490.MAIN(6246) 10110100 10010001 STORAGE STRATEGY WORKSHOP A facilitated and managed approach to defining infrastructure strategy. INFRASTRUCTURE APPLICATION LANDSCAPING Facilitate infrastructure and application teams working together to build a score card, score application requirements and agree on the future onboarding process. ENTERPRISE STORAGE ASSESSMENT Define current and target data storage and protection environment, identify the gaps, and provide an actionable roadmap of recommendations. The core of any storage assessment. DATA STORAGE AND PROTECTION ARCHITECTURE DESIGN Define and illustrate both your current and future environment, including both logical and physical diagram modeling growth over 12, 24 and 36 months by data center. STORAGE INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Define and enable a loaded unit cost of storage supporting showbacks/chargebacks through the development of TCO, ROI and CBA. SERVICE READINESS ASSESSMENT Use Mainlines scoring tool to establish a service delivery baseline and compare against your industry average. Use to measure improvement. SERVICE CATALOG DESIGN Organize your infrastructure services into a catalog of your choosing based on strategy, data requirements and agreements with application teams by service class, or build a starting point to update as you learn more. INFRASTRUCTURE DATA ANALYSIS Using an agentless, cloud-based Storage Resource Management tool, define valid and invalid data, recommend residency and retention policies, and classify application data/servers into service tiers. PROCESS ENGINEERING Document and detail ITIL-based process definitions within an IT-based process reference model, starting with storage and backup processes and building an operational guide delivering auditable, repeatable one-way-to-implement infrastructure. INFRASTRUCTURE TRANSITION PLANNING For any large transformation or migration project, define a project plan to be delivered by your team, a third party, Mainline or some combination. Mainlines Enterprise Storage Assessment methodology consists of ten service areas that can be delivered as a whole to exploit the inherent synergy, or they can be delivered as stand-alone services depending on where you are in the storage transformation journey. Archive and Compliance provides additional value when delivered with the following services within the methodology... Infrastrucure Application Landscaping with Archive and Compliance allows the same topic to be covered in the application scoring workshops, leveraging a single data-gathering effort to establish the data to be protected and moved into the archive. Infrastructure Data Analysis with Archive and Compliance allows archive data identified by each application (within an Application Landscaping effort) to be measured and classified into archive retention policy recommendations. Data Storage and Protection Architecture Design with Archive and Compliance enables an archive solution as part of the storage design. Archive and Compliance is part of Mainlines larger storage assessment methodology Mainline Information Systems | Storage and Data Services Practice EXPERTISE YOU CAN TRUST Eighty-five storage experts skilled in storage solutions from every major vendor Decades of industry expertise in designing, implementing and optimizing storage solutions for environments of all sizes Services covering product implementations, complex data migrations, information lifecycle management, storage assessments, and advanced archiving and protection strategies Residencies and managed storage services to improve storage operations and reduce operating cost Next Steps: Contact your Account Executive, or you can reach us at StorageServices@mainline.com. For more information on our storage services, go to http://mainline.com/storage-transformation.