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* Music’s influence
 Mikheyeva L., Knyazeva A. 11B
Many people like to listen to music
in different situations.
Music helps us relax, change our
mood, fall asleep. Everyone
chooses music that can express his
How many people listen to different types of
Pop music 20%
Rock 30%
Rap 15%
Classics 5%
Other 30%

Pythagoras was the first, who
proved that any melody syncs
work of internal organs. Any of
them is energy source and
electromagnetic waves with
certain frequency, like a sound.
They resonate and work of
organs changes. Field of music is
imposed on field of body, and
we can feel something like
cellular massage.

The scientists set up an experiment. They
froze the water with music. Crystal lattice
of ice became different with different
music. The most beautiful snowflakes are
formed with Classical music. There were
not any snowflakes with Rock.

“Pastoral” Bethoven

Hillbilly music

                      Hard Rock

“Yesterday” Beatles               Vivaldy
Music’s influence by Mikheyeva L., Knyazeva A.
Music’s influence by Mikheyeva L., Knyazeva A.
The first song of «The Beatles» «Helter Skelter» is very
dangerous for human. Its basic rhythm (6,4 Hz) bad
influences health. You can have pain in stomach after
this song. There is a real chance to get crazy if the
song’s frequency coincides with one of our brain’s
The second song «The Beatles» «Yesterday» has
reverse influence.

1.   Music can make pain weaker
2.   Looney tunes help to recover after heart surgery. Listening
     to joyful and cheerful music can bring us positive emotions
     and good mood and it’s used in preventing cardiovascular
     diseases. Music helps people to improve blood
     circulation, lowers blood pressure, dilates blood vessels
     and slows the heart rate.
3.   Music prevents hearing loss.

Sounds that come with some frequencies and in
certain pitch are able to kill disease-causing germs.
As in the Middle Ages the cities were embraced by
the plague, people all time rang the bells. And it
really helped. Today it is known that the activity of
microbes in the human body decreases by 40% after
listening to church music for a long time or the
church bells ringing. Church music can cure.

Tranquil melodies in stores give a comfortable
atmosphere, encouraging and stimulating shoppers to
take the time so they can spend more time on
shopping. And quite a different effect is created by
fast and energetic music, most of it is used during
peak hours, to accelerate customers.
Music is very important in films to create the right

Stringed instruments (violin, guitar, harp and cello) - have a
improving effect on the cardiovascular system and cause a
sense of gratitude and compassion.
Playing the piano harmonizes mind, clears the thyroid, leads
to normal operation of the genitourinary system. Organ
sounds normalize the flow of energy in the spine and
stimulate brain activity.
Wind instruments clean bronchi and improve the respiratory
system and have positive effect on blood circulation.
Drums treat liver and circulatory system.

There are some songs for everyone
    which return them to the past with
    some emotions.



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Music’s influence by Mikheyeva L., Knyazeva A.

  • 1. * Music’s influence Mikheyeva L., Knyazeva A. 11B
  • 2. Many people like to listen to music in different situations. Music helps us relax, change our mood, fall asleep. Everyone chooses music that can express his emotions.
  • 3. How many people listen to different types of music: Pop music 20% Rock 30% Rap 15% Classics 5% Other 30% *
  • 4. Pythagoras was the first, who proved that any melody syncs work of internal organs. Any of them is energy source and electromagnetic waves with certain frequency, like a sound. They resonate and work of organs changes. Field of music is imposed on field of body, and we can feel something like cellular massage. *
  • 5. The scientists set up an experiment. They froze the water with music. Crystal lattice of ice became different with different music. The most beautiful snowflakes are formed with Classical music. There were not any snowflakes with Rock. *
  • 6. “Pastoral” Bethoven Hillbilly music Hard Rock “Yesterday” Beatles Vivaldy
  • 9. The first song of «The Beatles» «Helter Skelter» is very dangerous for human. Its basic rhythm (6,4 Hz) bad influences health. You can have pain in stomach after this song. There is a real chance to get crazy if the song’s frequency coincides with one of our brain’s frequencies. The second song «The Beatles» «Yesterday» has reverse influence. *
  • 10. 1. Music can make pain weaker 2. Looney tunes help to recover after heart surgery. Listening to joyful and cheerful music can bring us positive emotions and good mood and it’s used in preventing cardiovascular diseases. Music helps people to improve blood circulation, lowers blood pressure, dilates blood vessels and slows the heart rate. 3. Music prevents hearing loss. *
  • 11. Sounds that come with some frequencies and in certain pitch are able to kill disease-causing germs. As in the Middle Ages the cities were embraced by the plague, people all time rang the bells. And it really helped. Today it is known that the activity of microbes in the human body decreases by 40% after listening to church music for a long time or the church bells ringing. Church music can cure. *
  • 12. Tranquil melodies in stores give a comfortable atmosphere, encouraging and stimulating shoppers to take the time so they can spend more time on shopping. And quite a different effect is created by fast and energetic music, most of it is used during peak hours, to accelerate customers. Music is very important in films to create the right atmosphere. *
  • 13. Stringed instruments (violin, guitar, harp and cello) - have a improving effect on the cardiovascular system and cause a sense of gratitude and compassion. Playing the piano harmonizes mind, clears the thyroid, leads to normal operation of the genitourinary system. Organ sounds normalize the flow of energy in the spine and stimulate brain activity. Wind instruments clean bronchi and improve the respiratory system and have positive effect on blood circulation. Drums treat liver and circulatory system. *
  • 14. There are some songs for everyone which return them to the past with some emotions. *