Esegui il backup off-site senza dover ricorrere a costose e complesse soluzioni.
Backup di interi ambienti on-premise
Console di gestione unica
Data Center TIER3
Dati sul territorio nazionale italiano
Monitoraggio e invio di promemoria
Dati al sicuro da disastri ambientali
La ling端鱈stica estudia el lenguaje y los fen坦menos culturales a trav辿s de textos escritos. Se compone de varias disciplinas como la fon辿tica, que estudia los sonidos del habla; la sem叩ntica, que analiza el significado de las palabras; la morfolog鱈a, que examina la estructura interna de las palabras; y la sintaxis, que describe c坦mo se combinan las palabras para formar oraciones. Juntas, estas ramas de la ling端鱈stica buscan comprender el funcionamiento y desarrollo de los lenguajes humanos.
Hamlet se entera de que su t鱈o Claudius mat坦 a su padre y ahora es rey de Dinamarca y est叩 casado con la madre de Hamlet. Hamlet finge locura para vengarse de Claudius. En una obra de teatro, Claudius demuestra su culpabilidad. Sin embargo, Hamlet duda en matar a Claudius cuando est叩 orando. M叩s adelante, Hamlet mata accidentalmente a Polonio, padre de Ofelia. Esto lleva a la locura y muerte de Ofelia. Finalmente, en un duelo envenenado organizado por Claudius, varios person
Nedal Alasmar is a Jordanian marketing and banking professional seeking new opportunities. He has over 5 years of experience in marketing, banking, customer service, and credit. His skills include credit analysis, loan approvals and recommendations, financial analysis, and marketing strategy development. He is proficient in MS Office, Windows, and the internet. Currently he works as a Credit Officer at Arab Bank in Jordan, having previously held roles in customer relations and marketing management. He holds an MBA and BA in Marketing from Jordan University.
The document outlines Cathy Ortega-Contrera's mortgage loan processing steps and communication plan. It explains that once documents are received from the buyer, an appraisal and title will be ordered and the file will go to underwriting in 5-7 days. It also details how Cathy will send automatic co-branded status update videos to borrowers at different loan stages and provide regular communication through phone calls, emails, postcards and gifts to keep borrowers informed and satisfied during the process.
El documento proporciona un algoritmo de 2 pasos para ir de Ciclo B叩sico a Zelarrayan 578 que incluye girar a la izquierda despu辿s de salir de la escuela, caminar 3 cuadras y media y luego girar a la derecha, caminar 2 cuadras.
Este documento describe dos modalidades y varios subtipos del habeas data. La modalidad tradicional (propia) protege los datos personales y su tratamiento, mientras que la modalidad no tradicional (impropia) busca acceder a informaci坦n estatal para controlar la gesti坦n p炭blica. Entre los subtipos se encuentran el habeas data informativo, que permite acceder a datos personales; el exhibitorio, que permite conocer los datos almacenados sobre una persona; y el finalista, que permite conocer la finalidad del tratamiento de datos personales.
Camilo Andr辿s Hurtado Jaramillo es un estudiante de primer semestre de medicina de 18 a単os originario de Villavicencio que se mud坦 a Bogot叩 para estudiar. Su objetivo es convertirse en m辿dico militar para ayudar a quienes protegen el pa鱈s y salvar vidas. Actualmente vive solo mientras su familia se muda a Bogot叩 y estudia en la FUCS, sinti辿ndose orgulloso de estudiar all鱈.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre algoritmos y sus estructuras principales. Incluye dos ejemplos de algoritmos para hacer un omelette y lavarse los dientes. Cada algoritmo describe los pasos secuenciales a seguir utilizando palabras clave como "primero", "luego" y "una vez que". Tambi辿n marca cuando se usan estructuras de control como secuencia, decisi坦n o repetici坦n/iteraci坦n.
Goldilocks gets hunted down by a bounty hunter after eating porridge from the three bears' house. The story is told through images and references several websites about Goldilocks, bears with guns, hospitals, and blood spatter analysis. The bibliography cites sources for the images and background information.
Atl辿tico Nacional cuenta con una nomina de 22 jugadores para el segundo semestre de 2012, incluyendo solo 2 extranjeros. Realizaron pocos refuerzos como John Freddy Pajoy, Jefferson Duque, Fernando Uribe, Cristian Bonilla y F辿lix Micolta. Actualmente se ubican en la posici坦n 15 del rentado con 3 puntos, y a pesar de que el t辿cnico Osorio es respaldado, la hinchada muestra inconformidad con los resultados. Este mi辿rcoles juegan la vuelta de octavos de final de la copa postob坦n ante Independ
Comportamientos saludables en convivencia con la utilizaci坦n dejhonfher
Este documento describe una pr叩ctica pedag坦gica para desarrollar competencias en convivencia escolar. La pr叩ctica consta de cinco partes: 1) investigaci坦n sobre conceptos de convivencia, 2) relaci坦n con una situaci坦n personal de conflicto, 3) esquema de actividades para abordar un problema de convivencia, 4) uso de un video o historia para presentar el tema, y 5) dise単o de diapositivas sobre el tema. El objetivo es que los estudiantes analicen situaciones de convivencia, propongan soluciones,
B-Report is a mobile and web application that allows users to create and manage reports from the field in a team environment. It allows users to include photos, text, geolocation, and priority in their reports. Users can create reports on the app, defining details like subject, priority, geolocation, and time, which auto-populates based on location. Reports can then be viewed and edited by administrators on the web application, where they can sort by priority or user. B-Report aims to keep reports organized, secure, and easily accessible for multiple teams in need of quick reporting.
This document discusses requirements for change request forms at URC Thailand. It begins by outlining the objectives of setting a meeting to discuss IT requirements for business value maps and clarify the change request form fields. It then defines business value maps and outlines what requestors must consider before drafting a request. The key input fields for the change request form are identified. The purpose of the business value map is to show the cost-benefit of the request. Finally, it outlines the protocol for preparing, approving, testing and transporting change requests, including a review of an actual change request form and business value map assessment.
Maharashtra Steel Sales provides steel products and services to customers in Thane, Maharashtra. They offer a wide range of steel items including TMT bars, angles, channels, beams, flats, rounds, square bars, G.I. sheets, G.I. pipes and fittings and PVC pipes and fittings. Established in 1972, they aim to achieve the highest customer satisfaction through their dedicated team and end-to-end service.
Este documento presenta las herramientas principales de los programas de Microsoft Office, incluyendo Word, Excel y PowerPoint. Describe las partes b叩sicas de una ventana de Word, como las vistas de documentos y la barra de estado. Explica la composici坦n de una hoja de c叩lculo de Excel con columnas, renglones y celdas. Tambi辿n cubre c坦mo crear una tabla en Excel y las herramientas b叩sicas de PowerPoint para crear presentaciones. El objetivo es capacitar a los estudiantes en el uso de estas herramientas de productividad de
Italian .NEXT on Tour Keynote and Technical 際際滷deckNEXTtour
If you missed the sold-out Nutanix .NEXT Conference, register now to attend .NEXT On Tour and get a front row seat as we reveal Nutanix Acropolis and Prism - solutions that will power the next generation of enterprise computing.
Nedal Alasmar is a Jordanian marketing and banking professional seeking new opportunities. He has over 5 years of experience in marketing, banking, customer service, and credit. His skills include credit analysis, loan approvals and recommendations, financial analysis, and marketing strategy development. He is proficient in MS Office, Windows, and the internet. Currently he works as a Credit Officer at Arab Bank in Jordan, having previously held roles in customer relations and marketing management. He holds an MBA and BA in Marketing from Jordan University.
The document outlines Cathy Ortega-Contrera's mortgage loan processing steps and communication plan. It explains that once documents are received from the buyer, an appraisal and title will be ordered and the file will go to underwriting in 5-7 days. It also details how Cathy will send automatic co-branded status update videos to borrowers at different loan stages and provide regular communication through phone calls, emails, postcards and gifts to keep borrowers informed and satisfied during the process.
El documento proporciona un algoritmo de 2 pasos para ir de Ciclo B叩sico a Zelarrayan 578 que incluye girar a la izquierda despu辿s de salir de la escuela, caminar 3 cuadras y media y luego girar a la derecha, caminar 2 cuadras.
Este documento describe dos modalidades y varios subtipos del habeas data. La modalidad tradicional (propia) protege los datos personales y su tratamiento, mientras que la modalidad no tradicional (impropia) busca acceder a informaci坦n estatal para controlar la gesti坦n p炭blica. Entre los subtipos se encuentran el habeas data informativo, que permite acceder a datos personales; el exhibitorio, que permite conocer los datos almacenados sobre una persona; y el finalista, que permite conocer la finalidad del tratamiento de datos personales.
Camilo Andr辿s Hurtado Jaramillo es un estudiante de primer semestre de medicina de 18 a単os originario de Villavicencio que se mud坦 a Bogot叩 para estudiar. Su objetivo es convertirse en m辿dico militar para ayudar a quienes protegen el pa鱈s y salvar vidas. Actualmente vive solo mientras su familia se muda a Bogot叩 y estudia en la FUCS, sinti辿ndose orgulloso de estudiar all鱈.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre algoritmos y sus estructuras principales. Incluye dos ejemplos de algoritmos para hacer un omelette y lavarse los dientes. Cada algoritmo describe los pasos secuenciales a seguir utilizando palabras clave como "primero", "luego" y "una vez que". Tambi辿n marca cuando se usan estructuras de control como secuencia, decisi坦n o repetici坦n/iteraci坦n.
Goldilocks gets hunted down by a bounty hunter after eating porridge from the three bears' house. The story is told through images and references several websites about Goldilocks, bears with guns, hospitals, and blood spatter analysis. The bibliography cites sources for the images and background information.
Atl辿tico Nacional cuenta con una nomina de 22 jugadores para el segundo semestre de 2012, incluyendo solo 2 extranjeros. Realizaron pocos refuerzos como John Freddy Pajoy, Jefferson Duque, Fernando Uribe, Cristian Bonilla y F辿lix Micolta. Actualmente se ubican en la posici坦n 15 del rentado con 3 puntos, y a pesar de que el t辿cnico Osorio es respaldado, la hinchada muestra inconformidad con los resultados. Este mi辿rcoles juegan la vuelta de octavos de final de la copa postob坦n ante Independ
Comportamientos saludables en convivencia con la utilizaci坦n dejhonfher
Este documento describe una pr叩ctica pedag坦gica para desarrollar competencias en convivencia escolar. La pr叩ctica consta de cinco partes: 1) investigaci坦n sobre conceptos de convivencia, 2) relaci坦n con una situaci坦n personal de conflicto, 3) esquema de actividades para abordar un problema de convivencia, 4) uso de un video o historia para presentar el tema, y 5) dise単o de diapositivas sobre el tema. El objetivo es que los estudiantes analicen situaciones de convivencia, propongan soluciones,
B-Report is a mobile and web application that allows users to create and manage reports from the field in a team environment. It allows users to include photos, text, geolocation, and priority in their reports. Users can create reports on the app, defining details like subject, priority, geolocation, and time, which auto-populates based on location. Reports can then be viewed and edited by administrators on the web application, where they can sort by priority or user. B-Report aims to keep reports organized, secure, and easily accessible for multiple teams in need of quick reporting.
This document discusses requirements for change request forms at URC Thailand. It begins by outlining the objectives of setting a meeting to discuss IT requirements for business value maps and clarify the change request form fields. It then defines business value maps and outlines what requestors must consider before drafting a request. The key input fields for the change request form are identified. The purpose of the business value map is to show the cost-benefit of the request. Finally, it outlines the protocol for preparing, approving, testing and transporting change requests, including a review of an actual change request form and business value map assessment.
Maharashtra Steel Sales provides steel products and services to customers in Thane, Maharashtra. They offer a wide range of steel items including TMT bars, angles, channels, beams, flats, rounds, square bars, G.I. sheets, G.I. pipes and fittings and PVC pipes and fittings. Established in 1972, they aim to achieve the highest customer satisfaction through their dedicated team and end-to-end service.
Este documento presenta las herramientas principales de los programas de Microsoft Office, incluyendo Word, Excel y PowerPoint. Describe las partes b叩sicas de una ventana de Word, como las vistas de documentos y la barra de estado. Explica la composici坦n de una hoja de c叩lculo de Excel con columnas, renglones y celdas. Tambi辿n cubre c坦mo crear una tabla en Excel y las herramientas b叩sicas de PowerPoint para crear presentaciones. El objetivo es capacitar a los estudiantes en el uso de estas herramientas de productividad de
Italian .NEXT on Tour Keynote and Technical 際際滷deckNEXTtour
If you missed the sold-out Nutanix .NEXT Conference, register now to attend .NEXT On Tour and get a front row seat as we reveal Nutanix Acropolis and Prism - solutions that will power the next generation of enterprise computing.
La collaborazione IBM CRUI
Il Cloud IBM: caratteristiche e punti di forza
Cloud First e la soluzione per qualunque necessit: IBM IaaS, IBM e VMWare, IBM e Skytap, Cloud Object Storage
Modernizzazione applicativa e Cloud Native: IBM PaaS
Soluzioni Cognitive con IBM Watson
IBM: il primo fornitore a qualificare i propri servizi sul MarketPlace di AGID
IBM Garage
Visita al DataCenter Cloud a Cornaredo
Symantec Backup Exec 12.5 Small Business Server Premium And Standard EditionsSymantec Italia
Symantec Backup Exec 12.5 per Windows Small Business Server 竪 la soluzione ideale per la protezione dei dati per Microsoft Windows Small Business Server Standard e Premium Edition. Questa soluzione offre funzionalit di ripristino granulare, protezione dei file aperti, recupero di emergenza e protezione del backup.
10 motivi per scegliere emc vspex con xtremioMaticmind
Le soluzioni di End-User Computing EMC VSPEX con XtremIO offrono prestazioni di I/O eccezionali e coerenti, che consentono a tutti i desktop di fornire un'esperienza utente ideale
Software Defined Data Center
Il Team Software Defined Data Center di Centro Computer, gestisce l'architettura informatica in continua evoluzione del vostro data center.
Software Defined Data Center 竪 linnovativa visione con cui la virtualizzazione e il cloud viene estesa a tutte le risorse IT, compreso storage e network . La virtualizzazione delle risorse di computing, storage e network sta diventando unesigenza imprescindibile con grandi vantaggi per le organizzazioni IT.
Yashi Enterprise e Microsoft Perch竪 aggiornare a windows server 2012 r2Yashi Italia
Yashi divisione enterprise in coillaborazione con Microsoft presentano una guida immediata sul perch竪 conviene migrare ora il vostro Server a Microsoft Windows server 2012 R2
Da luglio 2015 cesser del tutto il supporto sul sistema 2003 Server e verr ridotto il supporto su server 2008. Ma non 竪 solo una questione di affidabilit: il mondo 竪 cambiato e con i nuovi sistemi operativi si affrontano meglio le sfide del mercato globale che inevitabilmente riguardano anche la tecnologia informatica della vostra azienda. Un'occasione anche per i partner e operatori specializzati per increentare il business con soddisfazione del cliente.
This document summarizes an Italian presentation about business continuity solutions for IBM i systems. It discusses various replication technologies for IBM i, including remote journaling, system-based replication, and storage-based replication. It provides examples of how independent auxiliary storage pools (IASPs) can be used to implement replication with PowerHA SystemMirror. The presentation evaluates the functional differences between storage-based and journal-based replication. Customer testimonials are provided that discuss their choices between replication solutions. Contact information is provided at the end for any questions.
This document discusses the advantages of integrating BPM and CRM systems, including having a web-based HTML5 interface, Google-like search and drag-and-drop email capabilities, powerful workflows, and an integrated CRM system. It also mentions that the CRM system is powered by BCD WebSmart, which is a leading web generator for IBMi systems. Finally, it discusses automatically generating graphics, mobile features, maps, and contacts.
The Theory of Constraints is a holistic management philosophy that views any complex system as being limited in achieving its goals by a small number of constraints. It involves five focusing steps: 1) identify the system's constraint, 2) exploit the constraint, 3) subordinate everything else to the previous decisions, 4) elevate the system's constraint, and 5) if a constraint is broken, repeat the process to identify a new one. It uses thinking processes like cause-and-effect tools to identify and resolve constraints in order to increase throughput in the system.
1. 1
SEcurity Application Center & BYOD
束SEcurity Application Center損
Private & Hybrid Security Cloud Infrastructure
Servizio Centralizzato per la Protezione dei Dati Aziendali
2. 2
SEcurity Application Center & BYOD
Management 束As It Is損 & 束Scalability損
ENF Console
WIN Server
Win Dom Contr.
ENF / CPA SeAC Connect
Admin Console
Secure Access Gateway
Portale accesso
WIN Server
Management Console
Enforcive EES / CPA
Seagate Evault
SeAC Connect
Windows Server
SeAC iVault
Windows Server
WIN Server
Customer Main Site
Customer DR Site
3. 3
SEcurity Application Center & BYOD
Accesso Centralizzato applicazioni Aziendali
(Sistemi Legacy e Applicazioni MS Windows e Linux)
Se.A.C. Connect rappresenta il modello della
moderna organizzazione; senza alcun cambiamento
dellinfrastruttura esistente presso il Cliente, permette in
maniera centralizzata di accedere alle applicazioni
su IBM/i in emulazione (.ed altri sistemi),
utilizzando la tecnologia web-portal ed il modello BYOD;
IBM Host: AS400/5250 e z390/3270
Sistemi Linux / Unix / AIX
Accesso degli Utenti con qualsiasi dispositivo
(PC/Thinclient/Tablet & Smartphone)
VPN integrata per accessi da remoto, in modalit
sicura e certificata
Il Sistema 竪 inoltre integrato con il modulo SAG (Secure Access
Gateway) per il controllo degli accessi ed 竪 certificato per la
conformit alla normativa SOX; registra gli accessi in modalit
criptata, decifrable pertanto solo mediante lutilizzo di un modulo
software fornito separatamente agli enti designati dallAzienda.
Controlla gli accessi ai Server aziendali, assegna i profili secondo le
credenziali definite centralmente dagli amministratori del sistema,
provvede alla sicurezza delle sessioni esterne (SSL3);
4. 4
SEcurity Application Center & BYOD
The 束Marvelous 4損 Security Steps
束SEAC DLP: Data Loss Prevention損:
Logical Data Security for MF390, IBM/i & Open Platform
(Security Operations Center)
Systems Protection Rules
5. 5
SEcurity Application Center & BYOD
束SeAC iVault損
Backup on NAS & DR Service for IBM/i & Open Platform
iVault backup for IBM/i: La soluzione consente il backup su NAS dellintero
ambiente AS400, permettendo al cliente di evitare lutilizzo dei nastri e di tutti
i problemi correlati.
(IBM/ i, MS Windows, Sistema Open (Aix, Linux, )
Native Agent IBM i
Backup Globale del server (Object file system, IFS,
Backup di applicazioni
Accesso immediato ai dati per il ripristino
RTO / RPO reduction
Riduzione dei volumi trasferiti
Livello di blocco incrementale
Alto livello di compressione (10:1)
Riduzione delle esigenze di storage (deduplicazione)
Parallelismo dei backup
Nessun vincolo dovuto al numero di lettori
Cartolarizzazione dei dati di crittografia
Object file System backup
IFS backup
Sistema di backup :
Ripristino completo realizzabile in caso di un ripristino
di emergenza
SAVSYS non 竪 obbligatoria
SAVSYS consigliato solo in caso di un aggiornamento
per evitare un processo di reinstallazione (Bare Metal
The Private & Cloud Storage
All-in-One Platform