MYSC ???????? 2018? ?? ???_Annual Report Jeongtae Kim
???? ??? ????? MYSC(????????)? 2018? ??? ???? ?? ??, ???? ???? ?? ?????.
?????? ???? ?? MYSC? ????, ????, ????, ????? ???? ???, ??, ????, ????, ????, ???? ?? ?? ????? ??? ???? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ????.
Merry Year Social Company, normally called MYSC, is an innovation company for social impact. We¨re intrapreneurs empowering entrepreneurs and innovators, working together toward the best for the world! Since 2011, we¨ve been a pioneer in the field of social innovation consultancy and impact investing. Our main service areas include acceleration of start-ups/social ventures, corporate impact venturing through open innovation, design thinking/service design consultancy, and impact investing.
MYSC aims to address all kinds of social inequality through social entrepreneurship. Supporting this mission is our values that include human-centered approach innovation, tri-sector collaboration innovation, and hybrid-value creation innovation. We see ourselves as ^an innovation lab ̄ that experiments with various social innovation for partners, and with partners.
3. ? ?? ????
??, ?????, ???, ´ ??? (complex system)
1. ???
2. ?? ??? ??
3. ??? ??? ??
4. ????(goldilocks) ? ??
5. ??????/????
6. ????
7. ?????? ??
Ref: ???
?????(system thinking) ?? ??
Q1 : What could happen?
Q2 : What can we do?
Q3 : What are we going to do?
Q4 : How will we do it?
Q0 : Who am I?
Ref: ???
4. ???? ???
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? (???, ???) ??? ?? ?? (??, ??)
? ??? ???? ??
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??? ?? GDP ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ???
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA); North and South America (NSA); Middle
East and North Africa (MNA); Asia-Pacifi c (APC); and Europe (EUR).
Ref: Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds
(??NIC) 4
5. ????? ?? ??? ???????
. From Modernization and Post-modernization: Cultural, Subjective well-being (SWB), per capita gross domestic
Economic, and Political Change in 43 Societies, by R. Inglehart, product (GDP), and different types of societies Well-being
1997, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Copyright 1997 index is based on reported life satisfaction and happiness,
by Princeton University Press. Reprinted with permission. using mean results from all available surveys conducted 1995C
2007 (cubic curve plotted; r5.62). PPP5purchasing power parity
estimates. 5
6. World Value Survey Cultural Map
1999-2004 2005-2008
Ref: world value survey , 6