Ogólnopolski Tydzień Kariery 2015Powiatowy Urząd Pracy w ZłotoryiWsparcie dla młodych osób wchodzących na rynek pracy. Prezentacja Powiatowego Urzędu Pracy w Złotoryi w ramach Targów Pracy podczas OTK 2015.
SK_CV_Definitive II.pagesScherzando KarasuScherzando Blaise KARASU is a media professional with over 20 years of experience managing editorial projects in over 20 countries. Some of their career highlights include developing a report on the Malaysian halal economy, a country report on the Malawi economy published in USA Today, and an editorial report on the Egyptian economy published in The Economist that generated €750,000 in revenue. They have expertise in project management, sales, journalism, managing multicultural teams, and relationship building with influential stakeholders.
MyBus- Group Work in progress.Melania VastaNew-idea for new business- year 2013
Presentación de pruebatoni lorenteEl documento describe cuatro estilos de composición para escaparates comerciales - composición simétrica para introducir innovación, composición de repetición para reducir el impacto del precio, composición de área para resaltar el estilo único del establecimiento, y composición piramidal para un objetivo de venta masiva. También recomienda ver un video de YouTube sobre el montaje de un escaparate.
StripeEu Twistedbytes PresentationtwistedbytesThis document provides an overview of how to set up a SilverStripe website on a server. It discusses basic server configuration including using Apache or Nginx webservers, MySQL/MariaDB or PostgreSQL databases, and PHP runtime. It also covers SilverStripe-specific optimizations like using php-fpm and opcode caches. Finally, it discusses scaling a small SilverStripe site to larger sizes through techniques like caching, splitting servers, and adding failover.
desktop environmentHindalmThe document contains 4 photos credited to different photographers and organizations including NOAA's National Ocean Service, Golf Resort Achental, Khánh Hmoong, and Marius Brede. It encourages the viewer to get started creating their own Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare by including a button labeled "GET STARTED".
Fall out boy analysisladanakrawiThe front cover of the CD portrays a man in a bear costume giving a piggy back ride to an actual bear, representing the band's trendy and alternative image. The dark tones and colors match the punk rock genre. Simple layout and clear text make the band and album title easy to identify for their target teenage audience. The back cover features small cartoon skeleton pirates and lists the song titles vertically in bright orange text against a red gradient background. The disc uses yellow, blue, and capitalized text in a simple layout consistent with the color scheme and organization of the rest of the packaging.
3 Famous Females of Fantasy MediaMegan FinleySocial and Cultural Identities as expressed though popular works of fantasy written and influenced by female authors.
Ogólnopolski Tydzień Kariery 2015Powiatowy Urząd Pracy w ZłotoryiWsparcie dla młodych osób wchodzących na rynek pracy. Prezentacja Powiatowego Urzędu Pracy w Złotoryi w ramach Targów Pracy podczas OTK 2015.
SK_CV_Definitive II.pagesScherzando KarasuScherzando Blaise KARASU is a media professional with over 20 years of experience managing editorial projects in over 20 countries. Some of their career highlights include developing a report on the Malaysian halal economy, a country report on the Malawi economy published in USA Today, and an editorial report on the Egyptian economy published in The Economist that generated €750,000 in revenue. They have expertise in project management, sales, journalism, managing multicultural teams, and relationship building with influential stakeholders.
MyBus- Group Work in progress.Melania VastaNew-idea for new business- year 2013
Presentación de pruebatoni lorenteEl documento describe cuatro estilos de composición para escaparates comerciales - composición simétrica para introducir innovación, composición de repetición para reducir el impacto del precio, composición de área para resaltar el estilo único del establecimiento, y composición piramidal para un objetivo de venta masiva. También recomienda ver un video de YouTube sobre el montaje de un escaparate.
StripeEu Twistedbytes PresentationtwistedbytesThis document provides an overview of how to set up a SilverStripe website on a server. It discusses basic server configuration including using Apache or Nginx webservers, MySQL/MariaDB or PostgreSQL databases, and PHP runtime. It also covers SilverStripe-specific optimizations like using php-fpm and opcode caches. Finally, it discusses scaling a small SilverStripe site to larger sizes through techniques like caching, splitting servers, and adding failover.
desktop environmentHindalmThe document contains 4 photos credited to different photographers and organizations including NOAA's National Ocean Service, Golf Resort Achental, Khánh Hmoong, and Marius Brede. It encourages the viewer to get started creating their own Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare by including a button labeled "GET STARTED".
Fall out boy analysisladanakrawiThe front cover of the CD portrays a man in a bear costume giving a piggy back ride to an actual bear, representing the band's trendy and alternative image. The dark tones and colors match the punk rock genre. Simple layout and clear text make the band and album title easy to identify for their target teenage audience. The back cover features small cartoon skeleton pirates and lists the song titles vertically in bright orange text against a red gradient background. The disc uses yellow, blue, and capitalized text in a simple layout consistent with the color scheme and organization of the rest of the packaging.
3 Famous Females of Fantasy MediaMegan FinleySocial and Cultural Identities as expressed though popular works of fantasy written and influenced by female authors.
Условия Норма Не норма Пути решения
Проектная деятельность
обязательна; включена в рабочие
программы учителей по всем
Интеграция проектной и
учебной деятельности;
нелинейное расписание
Положение о
Тарификация учебных часов,
факультативных занятий,
САНПиН, учебный план,
стимулирование за результат
Оплата руководства и
сопровождения проекта
изменений в
Положение об
оплате труда
Учителя-предметники, педагоги
доп. образования
Руководители проектов –
областей, тьюторы
Положение о
Организацио Вынесена во внеурочную Интеграция проектной и Изменение
Условия Норма Не норма Пути решения
Общий учебный план.
Учебная и внеурочная
деятельность. Профильный
учебный план. СанПиН
Индивидуальный учебный план. Внесение изменений во все
существующие положения,
педагогическую деятельность
тарификация в рамках
учебного плана
Финансирование комплекса
работ по созданию и
реализации индивидуальных
учебных планов
государственных работ
Учителя-предметники и
педагоги дополнительного
Тьюторы, преподаватели ВУЗов,
привлеченные специалисты,
носители иностранных языков.
Разработка положений,
деятельность по созданию и
реализации индивидуальных
учебных планов
Классно-урочная система Индивидуальный учебный план
для каждого учащегося,
электронная среда, новые
Изменение пространственной
среды, создание электронной
среды, освоение новых