Este documento proporciona informaci┏n sobre las t└cnicas y herramientas para mejorar la b┣squeda de empleo, incluyendo el uso de las redes sociales, portales de empleo y motores de b┣squeda. Tambi└n discute los desaf┴os como la gran cantidad de candidatos y la necesidad de filtrar los perfiles de candidatos. Finalmente, recomienda varias v┴as para buscar trabajo como empresas temporales, agencias de colocaci┏n, portales de empleo en l┴nea y bolsas de trabajo del gobierno.
The document discusses the history and capabilities of Chrome Apps. It describes how Chrome Apps were introduced in 2011 and the various API's they can utilize like filesystem, sockets, and system info. It provides examples of Chrome Apps that have been developed including a MySQL client, Dropbox file manager, and SFTP file system provider. The document emphasizes that Chrome Apps can be used to create a wide variety of applications and that developers have many opportunities to build useful apps for users.
The document outlines a branding campaign proposal for Kitables to position it as a leader in do-it-yourself projects and empower the maker movement. The proposal includes benchmarking other successful branding campaigns, developing a brand strategy and creative campaign in Phase I, and exploring further digital efforts and video in Phase II. Phase I will focus on brand strategy, website, and digital/social execution to make Kitables synonymous with innovative makers and their products. The proposal recommends partnering with HubSpot for digital marketing and producing short informative videos to tell Kitables' story across different platforms.
The document provides a summary of the main principles of Al-Mostafa Islamic Heritage Foundation. It states that the foundation aims to spread authentic Islamic knowledge and teachings according to the Quran and Sunnah. It summarizes the foundation's efforts to publish and distribute Islamic books and publications online in order to guide Muslims according to the teachings of Islam.
Rajeev Kumar Joshi is seeking a position in computer applications. He has an MCA from National Institute of Technology, Durgapur and a BCA from Saraswati College of Computer Science, Chhatarpur. His technical skills include programming languages like C, C++, and Java as well as tools like Android Studio. He has experience developing Android and school management applications.
This document contains a resume for Md Nazim Uddin. It lists his personal details such as name, contact information, family background, education qualifications and work experience. Nazim Uddin has over 15 years of experience working in logistics, procurement and storekeeping roles for construction companies in Bangladesh and the UAE. His most recent role is as an Assistant Clerk and Material Coordinator for Saif Bin Darwish in Abu Dhabi since 2014, where he is responsible for purchase requests, receipts, issues, inventory management and other office duties using Oracle software.
The document outlines common codes and conventions used on magazine covers featuring music artists, including positioning the lead singer prominently at the front of the cover photo in a manner fitting the genre of music. Additional conventions are using a simple background, including pricing and date information, and employing consistent font sizes, colors, and layouts across covers.
Designing a Reliable Software Factory for the CloudAnkaraCloud
This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on designing reliable software. The presenter graduated from Bilkent University in 2011 and has worked at several companies, currently at Ar?elik on IoT infrastructure. The presentation covers topics like software factory, DevOps, serverless computing, development pipelines, and DevOps concepts before and after failures. It also discusses microservice architecture, advantages and challenges, distributed systems, and Conway's Law relating system design to organizational structure.
This presentation is all about Google Location Services. What is Google Location Service, What is provides to you, How to use it in Android Programming, how to perform nearby search using Android and many more is explained in detail with steps.
El documento describe el desarrollo de la odontolog┴a legal y forense en la pr│ctica profesional. Abarca 20 campos de desarrollo que incluyen aplicar principios legales y └ticos, realizar peritajes judiciales, valorar da?os bucodentales, y aplicar t└cnicas de identificaci┏n forense. Tambi└n discute la legislaci┏n de salud y odontolog┴a en el Per┣, aspectos └ticos y deontol┏gicos, responsabilidad civil y penal para odont┏logos, y tipos de delitos y faltas.
Este documento presenta informaci┏n sobre la preparaci┏n de hospitales para desastres. Explica las funciones de un hospital, los tipos de desastres que pueden afectarlos, y las condiciones de un hospital seguro. Tambi└n define el Comit└ Hospitalario para Emergencias y Desastres, el cual es responsable de desarrollar e implementar un plan para gestionar riesgos y responder a emergencias y desastres.
Este documento discute las responsabilidades del gobierno en proveer servicios p┣blicos y las razones por las cuales el sector p┣blico es responsable de proveer ciertos servicios. Tambi└n describe los cambios en la gesti┏n p┣blica despu└s de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la introducci┏n de reformas neoliberales que condujeron a la privatizaci┏n parcial de los servicios. Finalmente, resalta los componentes clave involucrados en la gesti┏n efectiva de los servicios y los modelos que han influido en las organizaciones de salud.
Este edital anuncia a abertura de inscri??es para um concurso p┣blico para o provimento de 30 vagas de Procurador do Estado de Segunda Classe na Procuradoria Geral do Estado do Maranh?o. O concurso consistir│ em prova escrita objetiva, provas escritas discursivas, prova oral e avalia??o de t┴tulos. As inscri??es poder?o ser realizadas via internet entre 04 e 27 de julho de 2016, mediante pagamento de taxa no valor de R$ 300,00, exceto para candidatos desempregados com rend
The document outlines common codes and conventions used on magazine covers featuring music artists, including positioning the lead singer prominently at the front of the cover photo in a manner fitting the genre of music. Additional conventions are using a simple background, including pricing and date information, and employing consistent font sizes, colors, and layouts across covers.
Designing a Reliable Software Factory for the CloudAnkaraCloud
This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on designing reliable software. The presenter graduated from Bilkent University in 2011 and has worked at several companies, currently at Ar?elik on IoT infrastructure. The presentation covers topics like software factory, DevOps, serverless computing, development pipelines, and DevOps concepts before and after failures. It also discusses microservice architecture, advantages and challenges, distributed systems, and Conway's Law relating system design to organizational structure.
This presentation is all about Google Location Services. What is Google Location Service, What is provides to you, How to use it in Android Programming, how to perform nearby search using Android and many more is explained in detail with steps.
El documento describe el desarrollo de la odontolog┴a legal y forense en la pr│ctica profesional. Abarca 20 campos de desarrollo que incluyen aplicar principios legales y └ticos, realizar peritajes judiciales, valorar da?os bucodentales, y aplicar t└cnicas de identificaci┏n forense. Tambi└n discute la legislaci┏n de salud y odontolog┴a en el Per┣, aspectos └ticos y deontol┏gicos, responsabilidad civil y penal para odont┏logos, y tipos de delitos y faltas.
Este documento presenta informaci┏n sobre la preparaci┏n de hospitales para desastres. Explica las funciones de un hospital, los tipos de desastres que pueden afectarlos, y las condiciones de un hospital seguro. Tambi└n define el Comit└ Hospitalario para Emergencias y Desastres, el cual es responsable de desarrollar e implementar un plan para gestionar riesgos y responder a emergencias y desastres.
Este documento discute las responsabilidades del gobierno en proveer servicios p┣blicos y las razones por las cuales el sector p┣blico es responsable de proveer ciertos servicios. Tambi└n describe los cambios en la gesti┏n p┣blica despu└s de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la introducci┏n de reformas neoliberales que condujeron a la privatizaci┏n parcial de los servicios. Finalmente, resalta los componentes clave involucrados en la gesti┏n efectiva de los servicios y los modelos que han influido en las organizaciones de salud.
Este edital anuncia a abertura de inscri??es para um concurso p┣blico para o provimento de 30 vagas de Procurador do Estado de Segunda Classe na Procuradoria Geral do Estado do Maranh?o. O concurso consistir│ em prova escrita objetiva, provas escritas discursivas, prova oral e avalia??o de t┴tulos. As inscri??es poder?o ser realizadas via internet entre 04 e 27 de julho de 2016, mediante pagamento de taxa no valor de R$ 300,00, exceto para candidatos desempregados com rend
This document outlines the design process for a yoga application, including an initial idea, persona creation, task flows, task models, wireframes, interface design, and storyboards. The interface design section specifies the dominant pink color, Roboto and Gotham Rounded fonts, and includes mockups of the login screen, home screen, and in-app screens like a recommended pose of the day.