Proform 6.0 Rt Treadmill Buying GuideSharon HamlinHello!
Our one of the top rated product is ProForm 6.0 RT .This product is highly successfully purchased all around the world & all customers give very good review on this product. . By their positive reviews it was reflected that a good percentage of the users were pretty much happy with the performance of the product.
Welcome to TEDxSiliconAlleyChristopher GraysonThis document provides an introduction and overview for a TEDx event in New York City. It summarizes that 19 speakers from New York's tech sector will share ideas on the creative or unexpected uses of technology. It then gives two historical examples of unintended technological innovations: the microwave oven and GPS. The introduction discusses how startups often find unexpected uses for their products and need to pivot. It highlights several industries and traits that make New York unique for tech, such as access to capital, media, fashion, and diversity. It argues New York is well-positioned to capitalize on mobile technology growth since it is a walking city where people rely heavily on smartphones.
6º básico b semana 14 al 18 marzoColegio Camilo HenríquezEl resumen proporciona información sobre los requerimientos y actividades académicas para los estudiantes de sexto año básico de la semana del 14 al 18 de marzo en el Colegio Camilo Henríquez. Se informa sobre una reunión de apoderados, horarios de atención de profesores, un plan de lectura, certificados médicos requeridos, libros y materiales necesarios, temas que se abordarán en cada asignatura, y evaluaciones programadas.
Rotina1Grupo Espírita MensageirosUma mulher cansada da rotina diária de trabalho, família e afazeres domésticos tem um sonho onde deseja descansar eternamente. No sonho, uma entidade diz que arrumou outra pessoa para seu trabalho e lar e que sua família agora está feliz com outra pessoa. Ao acordar assustada, seu marido a acalma e ela percebe os riscos de desejar escapar da vida.
Issues with Pay Per Click Advertising & Search Engine Optimisation Rob NobleThe document discusses issues surrounding pay per click (PPC) advertising and search engine optimization (SEO). It outlines some common problems like outsourcing, hosting issues, lack of time and control, questionable traffic, and landing page errors. It then provides suggestions for overcoming these issues, such as ensuring quality content and testing landing pages. The document also provides examples of how a company called Student Beans utilizes SEO and PPC advertising.
Visionary Speech 2013 - Michael Kidd - How to Be a Resilient Doctor in the 21...Vasco da Gama MovementThis document discusses how to be a resilient doctor in the 21st century. It outlines 6 ways to build resilience: 1) value strong relationships, 2) make home a sanctuary, 3) recognize conflict as an opportunity, 4) stand up for what is right, 5) have your own doctor, and 6) create your legacy. The document emphasizes serving others, upholding integrity, and finding meaning and purpose in one's work as a physician.
Industrial revolution 2dustinweber Here are some potential things that happened since newspapers became cheaper to produce:
- The cost of newspapers decreased, making them more affordable for common people.
- More newspapers could be produced, increasing circulation numbers and availability.
- Newspapers could be sold at a lower price point while still being profitable, opening the market up to a wider readership audience.
- Publishing newspapers became a more viable business since costs decreased, potentially leading to more newspapers being established.
- Literacy rates may have increased as newspapers were more accessible and affordable to the general public.
The reality of moving towards precision medicineElia StupkaHow do we move towards precision medicine? How can we deliver on the big data in health promise? Who will be the enablers and players? Pharma, Big Tech, or newcomers?
NamSor at RapidMiner Wisdom 2015 (Ljubljana, Slovenia)Elian CARSENATNamSor Applied Onomastics extension for RapidMiner, includes the following operators:
Extract Gender
Extract Origin
Parse Name
Extract Gender operator infers the gender from international names (male/female), calling NamSor GendRE API. Register for an API Key for faster processing and higher throughput.
Extract Origin operator will guess the likely country of origin of a personal name, based on the sociolinguistics of the name (language, culture).
Parse Name will guess the likely structure of a personal name (firstName-lastName order, or lastName-firstName order) based on language/culture.
Understanding dyslexia and other learning disabilities by Linda Siegel Dyslexia InternationalThis book addresses how the educational system has failed to properly identify many children with learning disabilities. It calls for simpler diagnostic techniques to identify disabilities like dyslexia at a younger age so treatment options can be implemented. Currently, complex testing is used which is time-consuming and does not help children receive support. The book provides real stories of people who achieved success despite learning disabilities and encourages supporting those struggling to learn. It asks educators to provide more resources for students with learning difficulties.
Game Studies Download 3.0Jane McGonigalThe Game Studies Download is compiled annually by Jane McGonigal, Ian Bogost, and Mia Consalvo for the Game Developers Conference.
It's a summary of the top ten research findings from academic game studies from the previous calendar year.
Our main criteria for selecting studies is simple: the direct relevance of the researchers' insights to the future innovation of game design and development.
Renewing the Ashoka U commitmentTim CurtisThe University of Northampton is seeking to renew its commitment to the Ashoka U Changemaker initiative for 2017-2021. It has made progress in developing knowledgeable and socially responsible graduates since first becoming a Changemaker Campus in 2013. For the renewal process, the University will undergo another self-evaluation and host a two-day site visit to showcase achievements and discuss plans for continued leadership and collaboration within the Ashoka U network in areas like impact measurement, knowledge sharing, and developing changemaker students. Senior leaders and stakeholders will participate in workshops to help shape the new five-year strategic plan.
השוואת מדדי איכות ניהול מוניטין רשתות מלונות בישראל ינואר עד 11 לדצמבר 2016Carmelon Digital Marketingהשוואה מקיפה של מדדי איכות ניהול מוניטין בקרב תשע רשתות מלונות מובילות בישראל – פתאל, ישרוטל, אטלס, דן, פרימה, רימונים, אפריקה ישראל, אורכידיאה וטמרס.
ההשוואה נעשתה על בסיס נתונים של חברת טראסטיו העולמית, המספקת מערכת לניהול מוניטין וחוות דעת על מלונות באינטרנט ומרכזת חוות דעת מכ-250 מקורות אינטרנטיים מובילים ( לרבות : בוקינג, אקספדיה, טריפאדוויזר, גוגל, פייסבוק ) ב-30 שפות.
הצגתי ההשוואה ביום עיון של התאחדות המלונות על חשיבות חוות דעת "החופשה מתחילה ומסתיימת בדיגיטל", במלון הרודס תל אביב בשביעי לדצמבר..
ניהול מקצועי של מוניטין ברשת ומענה על חוות הדעת אודות המלון - הוא גורם מכריע וחיוני בתהליך הזמנת חופשה ומוביל לגידול בכמות ההזמנות ולהגדלת התשואה.
רוצה לדעת איזו רשת מלונות עם ציון חוות הדעת הממוצע למלון הטוב ביותר ?
איזו רשת מלונות עונה להכי הרבה חוות דעת בהשוואה למתחרות ?
איזו רשת המלונות המשתפרת בשנת 2016 ?
אילו רשתות מלונות זכו לחוות דעת מצטיינות בקטגוריות האירוח השונות – תנאי השירות, ניקיון, חדרים, מזון ומשקאות ועוד?
Everything you need to know about 1 on 1s to prevent turnover and motivate yo...Jason EvanishThis document summarizes a webinar on one-on-one meetings between managers and their direct reports. It discusses why one-on-ones are important for information sharing, engagement, and retention. Experts like Andy Grove and Ben Horowitz emphasize their value. The document then covers best practices for one-on-ones, including making them consistent, building rapport, providing feedback, and discussing goals. Common excuses for not having effective one-on-ones are debunked. The key is to make one-on-ones a priority and stick to some basic guidelines.
Future of advertising - Some thoughts from the present to predict the future ...Agustín SorianoI was asked to make this presentation for a conference and, despite the topic being really tricky, I've tried to place some bets about the future for agencies and brands. Don't take this really seriously because the future can't be guessed and there is only one prediction that is 100% sure...
W2O Group GeekATea: Storytizing and Audience ArchitectureW2O GroupThe document discusses how media is shifting from advertising to "storytizing" based on audience needs. Key points:
1) Audiences now spend their time on media outlets that understand and provide content for them, like Vice, Buzzfeed, and social networks. New media will succeed or fail based on the experience they provide audiences.
2) In this new environment, companies can become media outlets themselves if they are authentic and understand their audiences. Advertising will focus on creating experiences, not just reminders.
3) Marketing will change to focus on agile creative based on audience insights, audience planning not media planning, search optimized for important audiences/outlets, and product positioning based on pre-launch
Explicit implicit questionselanglerExplicit questions have clear, obvious answers directly stated in the text and usually start with who, what, where, and when. Implicit questions require inferring answers that are not directly stated and usually start with why or how, forcing the reader to think deeply and search the text for implied meanings and interpretations.
Chromosomes and dna packagingHSE ZOOLOGY SHOWSThe document discusses how DNA is packaged in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. In eukaryotes, DNA is wrapped around histone proteins to form nucleosomes, which are further packaged into chromatin. Chromatin exists in a "beads on a string" structure. Additional non-histone proteins help package chromatin into higher-level structures. In prokaryotes, DNA is loosely organized into loops within the nucleoid region. Eukaryotic chromatin also exists in two forms - loosely packaged euchromatin and tightly packaged heterochromatin.
[Infographic] Daily Routines of Famous Creative PeoplePodioTurns out great minds don’t think alike. Discover how some of the world’s most original artists, writers and musicians structured their day, based on ‘Daily Rituals’ by Mason Currey. Filter the different categories by toggling on or off, and hover over the colored bars to learn more about the daily. See full interactive infographic here:
Issues with Pay Per Click Advertising & Search Engine Optimisation Rob NobleThe document discusses issues surrounding pay per click (PPC) advertising and search engine optimization (SEO). It outlines some common problems like outsourcing, hosting issues, lack of time and control, questionable traffic, and landing page errors. It then provides suggestions for overcoming these issues, such as ensuring quality content and testing landing pages. The document also provides examples of how a company called Student Beans utilizes SEO and PPC advertising.
Visionary Speech 2013 - Michael Kidd - How to Be a Resilient Doctor in the 21...Vasco da Gama MovementThis document discusses how to be a resilient doctor in the 21st century. It outlines 6 ways to build resilience: 1) value strong relationships, 2) make home a sanctuary, 3) recognize conflict as an opportunity, 4) stand up for what is right, 5) have your own doctor, and 6) create your legacy. The document emphasizes serving others, upholding integrity, and finding meaning and purpose in one's work as a physician.
Industrial revolution 2dustinweber Here are some potential things that happened since newspapers became cheaper to produce:
- The cost of newspapers decreased, making them more affordable for common people.
- More newspapers could be produced, increasing circulation numbers and availability.
- Newspapers could be sold at a lower price point while still being profitable, opening the market up to a wider readership audience.
- Publishing newspapers became a more viable business since costs decreased, potentially leading to more newspapers being established.
- Literacy rates may have increased as newspapers were more accessible and affordable to the general public.
The reality of moving towards precision medicineElia StupkaHow do we move towards precision medicine? How can we deliver on the big data in health promise? Who will be the enablers and players? Pharma, Big Tech, or newcomers?
NamSor at RapidMiner Wisdom 2015 (Ljubljana, Slovenia)Elian CARSENATNamSor Applied Onomastics extension for RapidMiner, includes the following operators:
Extract Gender
Extract Origin
Parse Name
Extract Gender operator infers the gender from international names (male/female), calling NamSor GendRE API. Register for an API Key for faster processing and higher throughput.
Extract Origin operator will guess the likely country of origin of a personal name, based on the sociolinguistics of the name (language, culture).
Parse Name will guess the likely structure of a personal name (firstName-lastName order, or lastName-firstName order) based on language/culture.
Understanding dyslexia and other learning disabilities by Linda Siegel Dyslexia InternationalThis book addresses how the educational system has failed to properly identify many children with learning disabilities. It calls for simpler diagnostic techniques to identify disabilities like dyslexia at a younger age so treatment options can be implemented. Currently, complex testing is used which is time-consuming and does not help children receive support. The book provides real stories of people who achieved success despite learning disabilities and encourages supporting those struggling to learn. It asks educators to provide more resources for students with learning difficulties.
Game Studies Download 3.0Jane McGonigalThe Game Studies Download is compiled annually by Jane McGonigal, Ian Bogost, and Mia Consalvo for the Game Developers Conference.
It's a summary of the top ten research findings from academic game studies from the previous calendar year.
Our main criteria for selecting studies is simple: the direct relevance of the researchers' insights to the future innovation of game design and development.
Renewing the Ashoka U commitmentTim CurtisThe University of Northampton is seeking to renew its commitment to the Ashoka U Changemaker initiative for 2017-2021. It has made progress in developing knowledgeable and socially responsible graduates since first becoming a Changemaker Campus in 2013. For the renewal process, the University will undergo another self-evaluation and host a two-day site visit to showcase achievements and discuss plans for continued leadership and collaboration within the Ashoka U network in areas like impact measurement, knowledge sharing, and developing changemaker students. Senior leaders and stakeholders will participate in workshops to help shape the new five-year strategic plan.
השוואת מדדי איכות ניהול מוניטין רשתות מלונות בישראל ינואר עד 11 לדצמבר 2016Carmelon Digital Marketingהשוואה מקיפה של מדדי איכות ניהול מוניטין בקרב תשע רשתות מלונות מובילות בישראל – פתאל, ישרוטל, אטלס, דן, פרימה, רימונים, אפריקה ישראל, אורכידיאה וטמרס.
ההשוואה נעשתה על בסיס נתונים של חברת טראסטיו העולמית, המספקת מערכת לניהול מוניטין וחוות דעת על מלונות באינטרנט ומרכזת חוות דעת מכ-250 מקורות אינטרנטיים מובילים ( לרבות : בוקינג, אקספדיה, טריפאדוויזר, גוגל, פייסבוק ) ב-30 שפות.
הצגתי ההשוואה ביום עיון של התאחדות המלונות על חשיבות חוות דעת "החופשה מתחילה ומסתיימת בדיגיטל", במלון הרודס תל אביב בשביעי לדצמבר..
ניהול מקצועי של מוניטין ברשת ומענה על חוות הדעת אודות המלון - הוא גורם מכריע וחיוני בתהליך הזמנת חופשה ומוביל לגידול בכמות ההזמנות ולהגדלת התשואה.
רוצה לדעת איזו רשת מלונות עם ציון חוות הדעת הממוצע למלון הטוב ביותר ?
איזו רשת מלונות עונה להכי הרבה חוות דעת בהשוואה למתחרות ?
איזו רשת המלונות המשתפרת בשנת 2016 ?
אילו רשתות מלונות זכו לחוות דעת מצטיינות בקטגוריות האירוח השונות – תנאי השירות, ניקיון, חדרים, מזון ומשקאות ועוד?
Everything you need to know about 1 on 1s to prevent turnover and motivate yo...Jason EvanishThis document summarizes a webinar on one-on-one meetings between managers and their direct reports. It discusses why one-on-ones are important for information sharing, engagement, and retention. Experts like Andy Grove and Ben Horowitz emphasize their value. The document then covers best practices for one-on-ones, including making them consistent, building rapport, providing feedback, and discussing goals. Common excuses for not having effective one-on-ones are debunked. The key is to make one-on-ones a priority and stick to some basic guidelines.
Future of advertising - Some thoughts from the present to predict the future ...Agustín SorianoI was asked to make this presentation for a conference and, despite the topic being really tricky, I've tried to place some bets about the future for agencies and brands. Don't take this really seriously because the future can't be guessed and there is only one prediction that is 100% sure...
W2O Group GeekATea: Storytizing and Audience ArchitectureW2O GroupThe document discusses how media is shifting from advertising to "storytizing" based on audience needs. Key points:
1) Audiences now spend their time on media outlets that understand and provide content for them, like Vice, Buzzfeed, and social networks. New media will succeed or fail based on the experience they provide audiences.
2) In this new environment, companies can become media outlets themselves if they are authentic and understand their audiences. Advertising will focus on creating experiences, not just reminders.
3) Marketing will change to focus on agile creative based on audience insights, audience planning not media planning, search optimized for important audiences/outlets, and product positioning based on pre-launch
Explicit implicit questionselanglerExplicit questions have clear, obvious answers directly stated in the text and usually start with who, what, where, and when. Implicit questions require inferring answers that are not directly stated and usually start with why or how, forcing the reader to think deeply and search the text for implied meanings and interpretations.
Chromosomes and dna packagingHSE ZOOLOGY SHOWSThe document discusses how DNA is packaged in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. In eukaryotes, DNA is wrapped around histone proteins to form nucleosomes, which are further packaged into chromatin. Chromatin exists in a "beads on a string" structure. Additional non-histone proteins help package chromatin into higher-level structures. In prokaryotes, DNA is loosely organized into loops within the nucleoid region. Eukaryotic chromatin also exists in two forms - loosely packaged euchromatin and tightly packaged heterochromatin.
[Infographic] Daily Routines of Famous Creative PeoplePodioTurns out great minds don’t think alike. Discover how some of the world’s most original artists, writers and musicians structured their day, based on ‘Daily Rituals’ by Mason Currey. Filter the different categories by toggling on or off, and hover over the colored bars to learn more about the daily. See full interactive infographic here:
1학기 작업물 젤리요가 서현파트서현 이This document outlines the design process for a yoga application, including an initial idea, persona creation, task flows, task models, wireframes, interface design, and storyboards. The interface design section specifies the dominant pink color, Roboto and Gotham Rounded fonts, and includes mockups of the login screen, home screen, and in-app screens like a recommended pose of the day.
젤리요가 피피티파이널_김승원, 이서현, 정선지서현 이The document outlines the design process for a new mobile application, including ideation, user research, task flows, wireframes, interface design, and storyboarding. Key steps involve defining the main idea, creating user personas, mapping task flows, designing wireframes, establishing visual design elements like color and fonts, and creating a storyboard to illustrate the user experience.
12. 퍼소나
걱정이 많은 대학교 3학년
나이 : 22
직업 : 대학생
“걱정을 어떻게 하면 잊을 수 있을까?”
Goals Influencers Frustrations & Pain Points
Knowledge Activities Themes
최수영은 올해로 3학년이 된 대학생이다. 졸업을 코앞에 둔 시점, 휴학을 하고 인턴을 해야 할지, 쭉
학교를 다닐지 학업에 관련해 문제가 많다. 그녀에게는 2년동안 사귄 남자친구가 있으나 요즘 권태
기가 와서 남자친구와 자주 싸워 걱정이다. 신입생 때부터 학교 앞에서 자취를 해온 그녀는, 부모님
과 하나뿐인 2살 차이 남동생과도 대화를 안 한지 꽤 되어 거리감이 느껴진다. 학업 문제를 비롯해
연애 문제, 가족간의 관계 문제 때문에 걱정이 이만저만이 아니다.
이러한 걱정은 계속 생각해서 될 문제도 아니고 너무 개인적인 걱정이라 친구와 대화한다고 해결될
것 같지도 않다. 걱정을 말하고는 싶지만 딱히 남들이 해결점을 줄 수 있는 걱정들은 아니기에 말할
수 없다. 그녀는 혼자서 나름대로 걱정을 정리하고 다시 생각해보기 위해 일기를 써보지만 장소나 시
간에 제약을 받고 지속적으로 쓰기 어려워 그만두었다. 결국엔 혼자 스트레스를 받으며 혼자 해결하
려고 노력하지만 해결될 수 없는 걱정은 혼자 삼키게 되었다. 그러한 걱정을 혼자 훌훌 털어버리려고
노력하지만 자꾸 걱정들이 생각나 잠을 이루지 못한다. 어떻게 하면 나의 걱정을 훌훌 털고 다른 곳
에 더 집중할 수 있을까?
- 자꾸 생각나는 걱정을 털어버리고 싶다
- 스트레스를 털고 잠을 잘 자고 싶다.
- 생각을 비우고 더 할일에 집중하고 싶다.
- 취업성공한 선배
- 나보다 학점이 높은 친구
- 권태기 온 남자친구
- 거리가 멀어진 가족
- 걱정이 많아 잠을 이루지 못 할때
- 쓸데없는 걱정 때문에 할 일을 못할때
- 지나면 별 거 아니라는 것을 알지만, 현재의 걱정이 자꾸만
마음에 걸릴 때
- 해결되지 않을 문제를 계속 고민할때
Primary Use
- 학교 커뮤니티
- 일기
- 인터넷 카페(스펙업, 취업관련 사이트)
- 유튜브 asmr