The Document Foundationについて / About The Document FoundationNaruhiko Ogasawara
第8回 九州LibreOffice勉強会のPart IIの発表資料です。午前中と午後で聴衆が異なることを想定して作ったので、内容は若干重複していますが、TDFマニフェスト、TDFの組織構造などについても説明しました。
This is the description of The Document Foundation for end-users of LibreOffice
TDFと寄付、メンバーシップ、認定制度 / TDF and donation, membership and certificationNaruhiko Ogasawara
第8回 九州LibreOffice勉強会 PartI (コミュニティトーク)のディスカッションペーパーです。TDFについての概略と、寄付、メンバーになることの意義、認定制度について説明しています。Franklin Weng氏の発表を日本語で補足したものです。
This is a discussion paper for Part I (community meetup) of Kyushu LibreOffice meetup.
Make It Better Together: コミュニティを主体としたLibreOffice翻訳 / : Community-centered Lib...Naruhiko Ogasawara
English follows Japanese:
LibreOffice Kaigi 2016.12でお話したスライドです。LibreOfficeのUI翻訳プロセス一般についてと、日本語UI翻訳の現状と課題について解説しています。
For the talk of LibreOffice Kaigi 2016.12. Describe about LibreOffice translation process in global, and current status and future works of Japanese UI translation.
Status of CJK language support in LibreOffice 2024 (in COSCUP 2024)Shinji Enoki
This is the presentation slide for COSCUP 2024. It was the 8/4 session of the OSPN (Japanese community) track.
Status of CJK language support in LibreOffice 2023.pdfShinji Enoki
This is the COSCUP 2023 talk slide.
This PDF file is a hybrid pdf, so it can be opened with LibreOffice Impress
TDFと寄付、メンバーシップ、認定制度 / TDF and donation, membership and certificationNaruhiko Ogasawara
第8回 九州LibreOffice勉強会 PartI (コミュニティトーク)のディスカッションペーパーです。TDFについての概略と、寄付、メンバーになることの意義、認定制度について説明しています。Franklin Weng氏の発表を日本語で補足したものです。
This is a discussion paper for Part I (community meetup) of Kyushu LibreOffice meetup.
Make It Better Together: コミュニティを主体としたLibreOffice翻訳 / : Community-centered Lib...Naruhiko Ogasawara
English follows Japanese:
LibreOffice Kaigi 2016.12でお話したスライドです。LibreOfficeのUI翻訳プロセス一般についてと、日本語UI翻訳の現状と課題について解説しています。
For the talk of LibreOffice Kaigi 2016.12. Describe about LibreOffice translation process in global, and current status and future works of Japanese UI translation.
Status of CJK language support in LibreOffice 2024 (in COSCUP 2024)Shinji Enoki
This is the presentation slide for COSCUP 2024. It was the 8/4 session of the OSPN (Japanese community) track.
Status of CJK language support in LibreOffice 2023.pdfShinji Enoki
This is the COSCUP 2023 talk slide.
This PDF file is a hybrid pdf, so it can be opened with LibreOffice Impress
Improve features about our language: CJK issues of LibreOffice in 2022Shinji Enoki
This document summarizes Shinji Enoki's presentation about CJK issues in LibreOffice given at COSCUP 2022. It discusses features for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean text such as vertical writing, font selection, and input methods. It provides examples of typical CJK bugs and highlights a case study of redesigning the font dialog to improve usability for CJK users based on feedback. The presentation emphasizes the importance of communication between developers and CJK language communities to continue enhancing LibreOffice's support of these languages.
State of CJK issues of LibreOffice 2021 in COSCUPShinji Enoki
This document summarizes Shinji Enoki's presentation on the state of CJK issues in LibreOffice in 2021. Shinji discussed typical CJK functions in LibreOffice like vertical writing, phonetic guides, and line breaking rules. He explained how to properly report CJK bugs, including gathering details, searching for existing reports, and attaching samples. Shinji then reviewed the status of reported CJK bugs and some typical ongoing issues, like incorrect traditional Japanese numbers and font setting issues in Impress templates. He concluded by welcoming contributions to help resolve the many existing CJK function and bug issues.
This document discusses the LibreOffice global community and the Japanese community. It provides an overview of how the LibreOffice project is organized globally as a community-driven open source project. It then describes the activities and role of the Japanese community, including translation, events, QA, and collaborating with the global community. It also discusses other Asian communities and efforts to strengthen collaboration across East Asia for LibreOffice.
State of CJK issues of LibreOffice,2020 editionShinji Enoki
This document summarizes CJK issues in LibreOffice and provides an overview of typical CJK functions such as vertical writing, phonetic guides, and line composition rules. It discusses the status of reported CJK bugs in LibreOffice and provides examples of common CJK bugs such as issues with vertical text boxes, exporting ODS files with phonetic guides, and inputting Japanese characters in headers and footers. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of CJK community members in testing and reporting CJK bugs to improve LibreOffice's support for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages.
The challenge of growing the LibreOffice Japanese community through events ...Shinji Enoki
This document discusses the challenges of growing the LibreOffice Japanese community through online events during the COVID-19 pandemic. It describes the community's history of in-person events over the past 10 years and its recent shift to online activities like weekly hackfests on Jitsi Meet and seminars/discussions at the Online OpenSource Conference. While online events provide more accessibility, outreach has been limited and face-to-face interaction is still preferable for building trust and facilitating communication. The community will continue exploring effective online formats while restrictions on in-person gatherings remain.
This document summarizes Shinji Enoki's talk on OpenDatathons in Japan. The key points are:
1. OpenDatathons combine OpenStreetMap mapping parties and Wikipedia editing events to introduce people to open data contributions. They have been held regularly in Japan since 2013.
2. Major OpenDatathon organizer groups are the Kyoto OpenData Community and ShokokuRoman OpenData Community. Events typically involve city tours, introductory tutorials, and editing sessions.
3. The goals are to increase open data learning opportunities, connect communities, and grow the number of contributors. Challenges include balancing OSM and Wikipedia activities and maintaining cultural respect between groups.
1. LibreOffice 日本語チーム
in LibreOffice Kaigi 2023 オンライン
2023-07-15 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License.
この 1 年の LibreOffice の状況を振り返る (2023)