The document outlines an agenda for a workshop on writing literature reviews. It discusses the key components of a literature review including defining what a literature review is, its purpose, different sources to find literature, how to read and analyze literature, taking notes, common structures for organizing literature reviews, and writing the literature review. It also provides examples of different citation styles like APA, MLA, Harvard, and others and includes links to citation generator websites. The workshop aims to help participants understand how to effectively conduct a literature review and write it in a structured manner.
This document discusses interdisciplinary research. It defines interdisciplinary research as integrating knowledge and methods from different disciplines to address a research question. The document outlines the need for interdisciplinary research to solve interconnected problems in an interconnected world. It also discusses the process of conceptual design, technical design, integration, and addressing scientific and ethical considerations. Some benefits of interdisciplinary research include addressing bigger questions, developing a wider audience, and gaining new perspectives. However, challenges can include differences in theoretical backgrounds, operationalizing concepts, intellectual traditions, and methodological approaches between disciplines.
医療データベース研究の信頼性?透明性?再生性を高めるための研究の手続きに関する、ISPOR&ISPE合同タスクフォースのリコメンデーション「Good Practices for Real-World Data Studies of Treatment and/or Comparative Effectiveness: Recommendations from the Joint ISPOR-ISPE Special Task Force on Real-World Evidence in Health Care Decision Making 」のまとめです。REQUIRE研究会での報告内容になります。
The document discusses phenomenology as a research method. Phenomenology aims to understand lived experiences and how phenomena appear to consciousness. It examines presence and how phenomena present themselves without making claims about objective truth. Key aspects of phenomenological research include collecting verbal data through open-ended interviews, analyzing the data by identifying meaning units in the subjects' language, and transforming these meanings into a disciplinary description while bracketing past knowledge. Hermeneutics also examines lived experience but through interpretation of context, whereas phenomenology is descriptive. Skills for phenomenological researchers include developing an attitude of doubt or suspension of belief to avoid contaminating data, as well as involvement in reflection and conveying interest through active listening techniques during interviews.
Open Access Publishing, Self archiving, Predatory publishing issues, and Jour...Venkitachalam Sriram
Lecture on Open Access Publishing, Self archiving, Predatory publishing issues, and Journal selection tools by V. Sriram. Research and Publication Ethics Course, PhD Programme, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. 25th August 2021.
In the race to publish more papers, some researchers indulge in unethical practices, one of which is salami slicing. Salami slicing means fragmenting one study and publishing it in multiple papers. This practice is considered improper and can affect your career, besides being damaging to science. This 狠狠撸Share explains in detail what salami slicing is and why it is considered unethical. It also includes opinions of journal editors on the issue.
This document summarizes a virtual workshop on thesis writing and publication organized by Lavender Literacy Club and Cape Comorin Trust in collaboration with other institutions. It discusses research metrics, which are quantitative measures used to assess scholarly research outputs and impacts. Various metrics are explained, including journal metrics like impact factor, author metrics like h-index, and alternative metrics. The importance of research profiles, publishing ethics, and increasing research visibility and impacts are also covered.
Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.pptxsheelu57
Intellectual honesty is an applied method of problem solving, characterized by an unbiased, honest attitude, which can be demonstrated in a number of different ways including:
Ensuring support for chosen ideologies does not interfere with the pursuit of truth;
Relevant facts and information are not purposefully omitted even when such things may contradict one's hypothesis;
Facts are presented in an unbiased manner, and not twisted to give misleading impressions or to support one view over another;
References, or earlier work, are acknowledged where possible, and plagiarism is avoided. practices.
For individuals, research integrity is an aspect of moral character and experience. It involves above all a commitment to intellectual honesty and personal responsibility for one's actions and to a range of practices that characterize responsible research conduct.
2019年10月25日、CTC Forum 2019@品川。楽天ではどのようにビッグデータの活用を行っているのか、データサイエンスおよびAIの視点でプレゼンテーションが行われた。登壇者:勝山 公雄(Senior Manager, Global Data Supervisory Department, Rakuten, Inc.)
This document provides an introduction to databases and how to search them. It defines databases as online containers that hold a variety of academic materials like journal articles and peer-reviewed papers. It describes two types of databases - open access databases that are freely available and closed access databases that require institutional access. It highlights some key library databases and their benefits over sources like Google Scholar or Google for finding reliable scholarly information. It provides guidance on searching databases, including using keywords, Boolean operators, subject headings from thesauruses, and tips for developing effective search strategies.
Web of Science and Scopus: Understanding the indexing systemDr. Sharad Chand
In this article, Ii is explained about the Web of Science and Scopus indexing databases and their quality measures. This provides a basic insight into the selection of a good quality journal for publications.
Altmetrics are alternative metrics for measuring the impact of scholarly work that use social media and online mentions. They provide a more comprehensive view of impact across different sectors. Altmetric tools track how often research is mentioned online, including the number of tweets, likes, shares and saves. This provides a more timely measure of impact than traditional citations alone. While altmetrics don't tell the whole story, they can help understand broader impacts beyond academia. Librarians can help researchers understand and use altmetrics to track engagement and influence.
Research philosophy by zewde alemayehu tilahunzewde alemayehu
This document provides an overview of research philosophy presented by Zewde Alemayehu at Arba Minch University. It defines research philosophy and discusses key considerations in determining one's own research philosophy. Several philosophical paradigms and schools of thought in research are outlined, including positivism, phenomenology, pragmatism, and postmodernism. The differences between deductive and inductive reasoning approaches and between positivist and phenomenological paradigms are also summarized.
Open Access Publishing, Self archiving, Predatory publishing issues, and Jour...Venkitachalam Sriram
Lecture on Open Access Publishing, Self archiving, Predatory publishing issues, and Journal selection tools by V. Sriram. Research and Publication Ethics Course, PhD Programme, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. 25th August 2021.
In the race to publish more papers, some researchers indulge in unethical practices, one of which is salami slicing. Salami slicing means fragmenting one study and publishing it in multiple papers. This practice is considered improper and can affect your career, besides being damaging to science. This 狠狠撸Share explains in detail what salami slicing is and why it is considered unethical. It also includes opinions of journal editors on the issue.
This document summarizes a virtual workshop on thesis writing and publication organized by Lavender Literacy Club and Cape Comorin Trust in collaboration with other institutions. It discusses research metrics, which are quantitative measures used to assess scholarly research outputs and impacts. Various metrics are explained, including journal metrics like impact factor, author metrics like h-index, and alternative metrics. The importance of research profiles, publishing ethics, and increasing research visibility and impacts are also covered.
Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.pptxsheelu57
Intellectual honesty is an applied method of problem solving, characterized by an unbiased, honest attitude, which can be demonstrated in a number of different ways including:
Ensuring support for chosen ideologies does not interfere with the pursuit of truth;
Relevant facts and information are not purposefully omitted even when such things may contradict one's hypothesis;
Facts are presented in an unbiased manner, and not twisted to give misleading impressions or to support one view over another;
References, or earlier work, are acknowledged where possible, and plagiarism is avoided. practices.
For individuals, research integrity is an aspect of moral character and experience. It involves above all a commitment to intellectual honesty and personal responsibility for one's actions and to a range of practices that characterize responsible research conduct.
2019年10月25日、CTC Forum 2019@品川。楽天ではどのようにビッグデータの活用を行っているのか、データサイエンスおよびAIの視点でプレゼンテーションが行われた。登壇者:勝山 公雄(Senior Manager, Global Data Supervisory Department, Rakuten, Inc.)
This document provides an introduction to databases and how to search them. It defines databases as online containers that hold a variety of academic materials like journal articles and peer-reviewed papers. It describes two types of databases - open access databases that are freely available and closed access databases that require institutional access. It highlights some key library databases and their benefits over sources like Google Scholar or Google for finding reliable scholarly information. It provides guidance on searching databases, including using keywords, Boolean operators, subject headings from thesauruses, and tips for developing effective search strategies.
Web of Science and Scopus: Understanding the indexing systemDr. Sharad Chand
In this article, Ii is explained about the Web of Science and Scopus indexing databases and their quality measures. This provides a basic insight into the selection of a good quality journal for publications.
Altmetrics are alternative metrics for measuring the impact of scholarly work that use social media and online mentions. They provide a more comprehensive view of impact across different sectors. Altmetric tools track how often research is mentioned online, including the number of tweets, likes, shares and saves. This provides a more timely measure of impact than traditional citations alone. While altmetrics don't tell the whole story, they can help understand broader impacts beyond academia. Librarians can help researchers understand and use altmetrics to track engagement and influence.
Research philosophy by zewde alemayehu tilahunzewde alemayehu
This document provides an overview of research philosophy presented by Zewde Alemayehu at Arba Minch University. It defines research philosophy and discusses key considerations in determining one's own research philosophy. Several philosophical paradigms and schools of thought in research are outlined, including positivism, phenomenology, pragmatism, and postmodernism. The differences between deductive and inductive reasoning approaches and between positivist and phenomenological paradigms are also summarized.
Db2 Warehouseを理由するユーザー及び、構築、運用管理を行うユーザー向けに作成したガイドです。Db2 Warehouseの構築、運用管理の際に必要に応じて参照ください。本ドキュメントはDb2 Warehouse v3.0をベースに作成されています。
It is a guide created for users who reason for Db2 Warehouse, and for users who conduct construction and operation management. Please refer to Db 2 Warehouse as necessary for construction and operation management. This document is based on Db 2 Warehouse v 3.0.
Db2 Warehouseは分析用途に最適化されたDockerコンテナで提供されるDWHソフトウェアアプライアンスです。高速性、簡易性、柔軟性に優れた特長を持つプライベートクラウド向けデータ分析基盤です。本ガイドはDb2 Warehouse SMP(シングルノード構成)の導入手順書です。
2 Warehouse is a DWH software appliance offered in a Docker container optimized for analysis purposes. It is a data analysis infrastructure for private clouds with superior features of high speed, simplicity and flexibility. This guide is the installation procedure of Db 2 Warehouse SMP (single node configuration).
12. SPSS Statistics Small TIPS
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ス交付者からいかなる保証または表明を引きだすことを意図したものでも、IBM ソフトウェアの使用を規定する適用ライセン
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機会またはその他の要因に基づいて IBM 独自の決定権をもっていつでも変更できるものとし、いかなる方法においても将
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IBM、IBM ロゴ、、SmarterPlanet アイコンは、世界の多くの国で登録された International Business Machines
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