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+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
5 Marks
1. Electrostatics:
1. Equatorial line (or) Axial line.
2. Potential due to dipole.
3. VandeGraff generator.
4. Elec.field due to infinitely long charged
Wire (using Gausss law ) - (Mar 2020)
5 Marks
2. Current Electricity :
1. Microscopic form of ohms law.
2. Internal resistance using Voltmeter
(or) Potentiometer.
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
5 Marks
3. Effects of electric current:
1. Motion of charged particle in a magnetic field.
2. Magnetic field due to long Straight conductor
carrying current (or) - circular coil (or)
3. 4. Force on a current carrying conductor in a
magnetic field.
Force bet. two long parallel current carrying
conductor. (Mar 2020)
5 Marks
4. EMI & AC:
1. Transformer with Energy losses.
2. RLC ct.
3. RMS value of AC.
Orientation (Mar 2020)
AC ct. containing inductor .(Mar 2020)
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
5 Marks
5. EM Waves:
1. Absorption (or) Emission spectrum .
2. Maxwells equations. (Mar 2020)
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
5 Marks
6. Ray Optics:
1. Refrn. at single spherical surface .
[OR] Lens makers formula.
2. Fizeaus method.
Mirror equation. (Mar 20)
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
5 Marks
7. Wave Optics:
1. Expression for bandwidth.
2. Laws of refln. [or] refrn.using Huygens
3. Interference.
4. Diffrn. in single slit.
5. Compound Microscope.
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
5 Marks
8. Dual nature of radn & matter:
1. Laws of photoelectric effect
2. Einstein photoelectric equation.
Davisson  Germer experiment. (Mar 2020)
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
5 Marks
9. Atomic & Nuclear Physics:
1. Thomson expt.
2. N = N0e-了t
3. Radius of the electron in nth orbit.
4. Milikans expt.
Energy of an electron in nth orbit. (Mar 2020)
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
5 Marks
10. Electronics & Communications :
1. Full wave rectifier.
2. Transistor as a switch.
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
3 Marks
1. Electrostatics :
1. Electric Potential due to point charge.
2. Energy stored in a capacitor.
3. Aspects of Coulombs law.[or ] electric field.
4. Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor.
5. Torque (t=P  E)
6. Electrostatic potential energy of a dipole in a 
uniform electric field(U=-PEcos慮=-P .E)
7. Effect of a dielectric in capacitors ( battery is
disconnected & battery remains connected)
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
3 Marks
2. Current electricity:
1. Resistors in series [or] parallel.
2. I = nAeVd
3. Wheatstone Bridge.
4. Temp.dep.on resistivity.
5. Macroscopic form of Ohms law.
6. Meter Bridge.
7. Cells in series [or] parallel.
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
3 Marks
3. Magnetism & Mag.effects of electric current:
1. Biot- Savart law.
2. Lorentz force (Force on a moving charge in a
mag. field)
3. Galvanometer converted into ammeter.
4. Mag. field due to current carring wire using
Amperes law.
Galvanometer converted into voltmeter.(Mar
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
3 Marks
4. EMI & AC:
1. Prodn. of induced emf by Changing area.
2. Energy stored in an inductor.
3. Self inductance of a long solenoid.
4. Motional emf from lorentz force.
5. Average value of AC.
6. AC ct. containing resistor.
7. AC ct. containing capacitor .
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
3 Marks
5. Wave optics:
1. Properties of E.M waves
2. Displacement current.
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
3 Marks
6. Ray Optics:
1. Dispersive power
2. Angle of deviation produced by a prism
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
3 Marks
7. Wave Optics:
1. Brewters Law
2. Malus Law
3. Corpuscular theory
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
3 Marks
8. Dual nature of radn & matter:
1. Char. of photons
2. Continuous x-ray spectra.
3. Electron microscope
4. Photo emissive cell
5. Prodn. of X-rays.
6. Prop. of X-rays.
7. De-Broglie wavelength of electron.(Mar 2020)
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
3 Marks
9. Atomic & nuclear physics:
1. Spectral series of hydrogen atom.
2. Postulates of Bohrs atom model.
3. -decay
4. Properties of Cathode rays [OR] Nuclear force.
Prop. of Neutrino (Mar 2020) .
5. Carbon dating .
6. Moderators & control rods.
7. Elementary particles.
Important features of BE curve (Mar 2020)
+2 Physics
Expected questions for 2022
3 Marks
10. Electronics & Communications:
1. Half wave rectifier.
2. De  Morgans Theorem.
3. N-type [or] P-type semiconductor
4. Zener & Avalanche Break down.
5. VI char. of zener diode.
6. Input char.of transistor.
Now it is time to start
working towards the goal
Concentrate ,work hard
be consistent 
this is the strategy.
+2 Physics  Expected questions 2022 - 25-02-2022.pptx

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+2 Physics Expected questions 2022 - 25-02-2022.pptx

  • 1. +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022 5 Marks 1. Electrostatics: 1. Equatorial line (or) Axial line. 2. Potential due to dipole. 3. VandeGraff generator. 4. Elec.field due to infinitely long charged Wire (using Gausss law ) - (Mar 2020)
  • 2. 5 Marks 2. Current Electricity : 1. Microscopic form of ohms law. 2. Internal resistance using Voltmeter (or) Potentiometer. +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022
  • 3. +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022 5 Marks 3. Effects of electric current: 1. Motion of charged particle in a magnetic field. 2. Magnetic field due to long Straight conductor carrying current (or) - circular coil (or) solenoid. 3. 4. Force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field. Force bet. two long parallel current carrying conductor. (Mar 2020)
  • 4. 5 Marks 4. EMI & AC: 1. Transformer with Energy losses. 2. RLC ct. 3. RMS value of AC. Orientation (Mar 2020) AC ct. containing inductor .(Mar 2020) +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022
  • 5. 5 Marks 5. EM Waves: 1. Absorption (or) Emission spectrum . 2. Maxwells equations. (Mar 2020) +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022
  • 6. 5 Marks 6. Ray Optics: 1. Refrn. at single spherical surface . [OR] Lens makers formula. 2. Fizeaus method. Mirror equation. (Mar 20) +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022
  • 7. 5 Marks 7. Wave Optics: 1. Expression for bandwidth. 2. Laws of refln. [or] refrn.using Huygens principle. 3. Interference. 4. Diffrn. in single slit. 5. Compound Microscope. +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022
  • 8. 5 Marks 8. Dual nature of radn & matter: 1. Laws of photoelectric effect 2. Einstein photoelectric equation. Davisson Germer experiment. (Mar 2020) +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022
  • 9. +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022 5 Marks 9. Atomic & Nuclear Physics: 1. Thomson expt. 2. N = N0e-了t 3. Radius of the electron in nth orbit. 4. Milikans expt. Energy of an electron in nth orbit. (Mar 2020)
  • 10. +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022 5 Marks 10. Electronics & Communications : 1. Full wave rectifier. 2. Transistor as a switch.
  • 11. +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022 3 Marks 1. Electrostatics : 1. Electric Potential due to point charge. 2. Energy stored in a capacitor. 3. Aspects of Coulombs law.[or ] electric field. 4. Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor. 5. Torque (t=P E) 6. Electrostatic potential energy of a dipole in a uniform electric field(U=-PEcos慮=-P .E) 7. Effect of a dielectric in capacitors ( battery is disconnected & battery remains connected)
  • 12. +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022 3 Marks 2. Current electricity: 1. Resistors in series [or] parallel. 2. I = nAeVd 3. Wheatstone Bridge. 4. Temp.dep.on resistivity. 5. Macroscopic form of Ohms law. 6. Meter Bridge. 7. Cells in series [or] parallel.
  • 13. +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022 3 Marks 3. Magnetism & Mag.effects of electric current: 1. Biot- Savart law. 2. Lorentz force (Force on a moving charge in a mag. field) 3. Galvanometer converted into ammeter. 4. Mag. field due to current carring wire using Amperes law. Galvanometer converted into voltmeter.(Mar 2020)
  • 14. +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022 3 Marks 4. EMI & AC: 1. Prodn. of induced emf by Changing area. 2. Energy stored in an inductor. 3. Self inductance of a long solenoid. 4. Motional emf from lorentz force. 5. Average value of AC. 6. AC ct. containing resistor. 7. AC ct. containing capacitor .
  • 15. +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022 3 Marks 5. Wave optics: 1. Properties of E.M waves 2. Displacement current.
  • 16. +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022 3 Marks 6. Ray Optics: 1. Dispersive power 2. Angle of deviation produced by a prism
  • 17. +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022 3 Marks 7. Wave Optics: 1. Brewters Law 2. Malus Law 3. Corpuscular theory
  • 18. +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022 3 Marks 8. Dual nature of radn & matter: 1. Char. of photons 2. Continuous x-ray spectra. 3. Electron microscope 4. Photo emissive cell 5. Prodn. of X-rays. 6. Prop. of X-rays. 7. De-Broglie wavelength of electron.(Mar 2020)
  • 19. +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022 3 Marks 9. Atomic & nuclear physics: 1. Spectral series of hydrogen atom. 2. Postulates of Bohrs atom model. 3. -decay 4. Properties of Cathode rays [OR] Nuclear force. Prop. of Neutrino (Mar 2020) . 5. Carbon dating . 6. Moderators & control rods. 7. Elementary particles. Important features of BE curve (Mar 2020)
  • 20. +2 Physics Expected questions for 2022 3 Marks 10. Electronics & Communications: 1. Half wave rectifier. 2. De Morgans Theorem. 3. N-type [or] P-type semiconductor 4. Zener & Avalanche Break down. 5. VI char. of zener diode. 6. Input char.of transistor.
  • 21. Now it is time to start working towards the goal Concentrate ,work hard and be consistent this is the strategy.