El documento describe dos actividades relacionadas con herramientas de programación en Microsoft Word. La primera actividad implica preparar una presentación sobre diagramas de flujo y pseudocódigo. La segunda actividad implica expresar expresiones algebraicas como algoritmos usando el editor de ecuaciones de Word.
The document discusses wikis and their uses for education. It begins with common questions about wikis, explaining that they are websites that allow anyone to easily create and edit pages without technical skills. It then outlines several benefits of wikis for classrooms, including facilitating collaboration on group projects, serving as platforms for discussion boards and study guides, and allowing students to create online stories and glossaries together. The document also provides step-by-step instructions for setting up wikis using the Pbwiki platform and introduces other related web 2.0 tools like blogs, podcasts, and social bookmarking.
The document describes a Digital Sign System (DSS) for indoor wayfinding assistance for visually impaired individuals. The system uses passive retroreflective tags that are detected by a handheld "Magic Flashlight" device with a camera. Machine vision software identifies the tags and an Indoor Guidance System provides navigation information to the user via synthetic speech. The system was tested across various conditions and further optimization of the tag identification and evaluation of the search mode is still needed.
This document provides an overview of various technologies that were used by ACE Explorers 2007 to connect, communicate, collaborate and share resources including Delicious, YouTube, Flickr, podcasting, Wikis, blogs, online surveys and DiscoverE. It discusses how these tools helped build community capacity, share ideas and experiences, deliver training, and connect people in flexible and innovative ways.
The document discusses key actors and initiatives in global tobacco control. It outlines governmental and non-governmental organizations that are important in the area, including the WHO, UN agencies, and NGOs like the Framework Convention Alliance. It also describes WHO tobacco control initiatives such as the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and World No Tobacco Day, which has an annual theme focused on the health impacts of tobacco.
This document reminds the reader to enable sounds on their mouse before proceeding, and states that a true friend is always there when needed. It then discusses receiving nostalgic emails with photos and music, but this message is intended to be different. It wishes the reader a fantastic day.
Overview of HR monitoring, fact finding and documentationNone
Monitoring involves close observation of situations to determine further actions needed and usually involves investigating and documenting many events over time. Fact-finding identifies violations in events by establishing relevant facts, while documentation systematically records investigation results. Monitoring assesses situations against standards to produce reports guiding further actions. It can evaluate universal standards, domestic laws, and domestic application to identify gaps. Methodologies include indicators measuring progress and investigating/documenting specific violation acts. Fact-finding and documentation collect victim, perpetrator, and intervention information through tools like interviews and forms.
The document discusses concepts and strategies related to human rights advocacy and video advocacy. It provides an overview of key human rights advocacy approaches like rights-based approaches and popular education. It also outlines best practices for developing targeted video advocacy campaigns, including setting clear goals, analyzing relevant audiences, and crafting focused messaging and stories to drive specific policy changes. The overall aim is to empower marginalized groups and promote social transformation through strategic advocacy and non-violent pressure tactics.
Overview of HR monitoring, fact finding and documentationNone
Monitoring involves close observation of situations to determine further actions needed and usually involves investigating and documenting many events over time. Fact-finding identifies violations in events by establishing relevant facts, while documentation systematically records investigation results. Monitoring assesses situations against standards to produce reports guiding further actions. It can evaluate universal standards, domestic laws, and domestic application to identify gaps. Methodologies include indicators measuring progress and investigating/documenting specific violation acts. Fact-finding and documentation collect victim, perpetrator, and intervention information through tools like interviews and forms.
The document discusses concepts and strategies related to human rights advocacy and video advocacy. It provides an overview of key human rights advocacy approaches like rights-based approaches and popular education. It also outlines best practices for developing targeted video advocacy campaigns, including setting clear goals, analyzing relevant audiences, and crafting focused messaging and stories to drive specific policy changes. The overall aim is to empower marginalized groups and promote social transformation through strategic advocacy and non-violent pressure tactics.
We have learned about the importance of tobacco control policies over voluntary restrictions. Effective strategies include laws, taxes, and pack warnings rather than school programs. Participants have gained skills in networking, research, advocacy, public speaking and working with the media. Moving forward, teams should create workplans, discuss strategies with others, review lessons, and check progress regularly. While the work is difficult, focusing on tobacco industry opposition and public health goals will motivate continued effort over the long term.
The document discusses designing effective warning messages for cigarette packs. It questions whether current warnings adequately inform smokers of health risks and whether the warnings are visible, legible, easily understood, and frightening enough. The document recommends that good warnings be large, preferably covering 50% of the pack, very visible with black on white or white on black text and images, and have a clear, simple message about specific diseases and risks. Possible warning content and rotating multiple messages are discussed, along with using pictures and packaging inserts to provide more information. Group work is suggested to design new warning concepts.
The document discusses how to become an effective tobacco control advocate. It explains that advocacy involves encouraging the government to pass laws and policies that benefit the public, such as smoke-free restaurants. It provides tips for direct advocacy, such as writing letters to and meeting with politicians, and being prepared, specific, and enlisting others for help. As an example, it outlines lobbying the government to require smoke-free restaurants and the key arguments in the debate.
20. 世界衛生組織之运作,乃透過 WHO 秘書長所領導位於日內瓦 WHO 組織各部門,和六個區域辦事處 (Regional offices) 工作人員共 3500 人,執行由理事會 (The Executive Board ) 擬訂和由世界衛生組織年會 (World Health Assembly; WHA) 通過的政策和計畫。 WHO 執行計畫之協同單位包括各國政府機構、各區域協作中心 (Collaborating Centers) 、及國際性非政府組織;諸如世界公共衛生組織聯盟 (World Federation of Public Health Associations; WFPHA) 、國際小兒科醫學會 (International Pediatric Association; IPA ) 、國際青少年保健學會 (International Association for Adolescent Health; IAAH) 、國際婦產科聯盟 (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics; IFGO) 、世界家庭醫學會組織 (World Organizations of Family Doctors; WONCA) 等約 200 個 NGOs 。 世界衛生組織與非政府組織
21. 1.???? 經該組織最高權力機構決議與 WHO 建立關係 2.???? WHO 在審核其組織結構、任務、功能和活動後,與該組 織簽立官方關係並建立檔案 3.???? 該組織指派一名連絡員 (Liaison person) ,而 WHO 則相對指 派其相關部門官員一人,負責與該組織聯繫 4.???? WHO 就其所擬訂之工作計畫邀請該組織一同協作或提供 專家意見,或該組織就其所擬訂之計畫邀請 WHO 一同協作 或提供行政支援或經費補助 5.???? 較常見的協作模式包括共同研究、出版手冊,合辦會議等 國際性非政府組織與 WHO 之協作
22. 1.? WHO 理事會於每年一月舉行第一次會議,決定下一年度之政 策、計畫和預算並提交 WHA 2.?? 每年五月中之 WHA 核可這些政策和決定重大人事案及入會案 3.?? 每年五月 WHA 後隨即召開 WHO 理事會第二次會議,針對 WHA 之決議案進行執行層面的對策決議 每年六月底 WHO 邀集與該年度計畫及下年度計畫有關的重要 會員國代表 WHO 工作人員,及 NGOs 於日內瓦 WHO 總部集會 二週,稱為相關團體會議 (Meeting of Interested Parties ; MIP) , 該會中進行更細部的工作規畫、經費分派,以及聽取各方意見 和接受對下一年度政策及計畫之建議 世界衛生組織之政策制訂和執行與 NGOs 之關係
23. 經由 NGOs 邁向 WHO 全民建立參與國際衛生組織之共識 透過 NGOs 參與 WHO 工作 加入 WHO 尚需政治解決
24. 國際衛生工作 without WHO 其他國際衛生組織架構:如 WTO 、 APECT 雙邊合作:我與友邦及友好國家間 NGOs :慈濟、路竹會
25. 國際衛生工作 with WHO 全球性 NGOs :世展會、紅十字會 全球性疫情防治: SARS 經由 WHO 之 Collaborative Centers