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The future of Public Newscasting
How to survive hypercompetition
                yp     p

20071212-EBU Thematic Visit News DEF-CDJ
The past: dramatic impact of competition
               Launch 1st commercial TV-channel
                                        Prime-time news at ex acquo
                                             > 1991
                                    Commercial news takes the lead
   59%   59%
                56%    57%
                                                         2nd and 3th TV-competitor

                                   29%      30%   30%   30%   29%

   85    86     87     88    89    90       91    92    93    94      95

                      Evolution marketshare BRTN
Recovery plan: re-connect with the audience

                                                      R tl


      Personal                                                                 Social

                        Added Value


             BRT                           Controle
                                           C t l

Source: Motivational research Censydiam 1996
First stage: branding strategy (1997)


 Personal                               Social

                    C t l
Second stage : news project 2002

      TARGETING               PROGRAMING

  P                 S


Result: the negative trend is stopped and inversed

                                                                                   > 2002
                                                                       Re-established leadership in news

                                                            Head-on sheduling
                                                          of the prime-time news
          9 3 59,2
         59,3 59 2
          % % 55,9
                   % %

                                                                                           36% %
                                        30,1 29,5 28,9                 30,7 30,6 31,3
                            % 28,8 29,8                           27,8
                                    % % % %                             % % %
                                %                             25,0 %
                                                            6 %

         85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 .00 .01 .02 .03 .04

                              Evolution marketshare VRT

m 8
se 8
m 9
se 9
m 0
se 0

                   > 1997: recovery
m 1
se 1
m 2
se 2
                                                               7u Journaal

m 3
se 3
m 4
                             > 2002

se 4
                                                               Nieuws 19u VTM

m 5
                                                                                Prime-time news: evolution marketshare

                       regained leadership

se 5
                                                                                                                         Present : well-established leadership

m 6
se 6
m 7

Future : the changing media-landscape


                                                                          Enjoyment                            Retreat in the Land of Nod
                                                                                                    Escape the daily p
                                                                                                        p          y practice
                                                         Live ones life to the full                                    Friendly
                Discovering new ideas
                                                                                Playful                  CD/iPOD/MP3
                                                                            cheerful      With passion
                                                                                                                  Get carried away by his emotions
                                                                                             Pamper yourself
                      Expanding borders                                                           Sociability
                                            energetic                                                       Bursting with energy
                                                                 Superior                        Have f with others
                                                                                                 H    fun ith th
                            INTERNET                                             MEDIA                                                                      Belonging
                                         Leading a unique life                                    Solidarity            Homely
                                 Be somebody
                          A sense of power                                                   Take care                             Sympathize

         Perfection       GAMINGCapable                                                          TELEVISION
                                       Reach perfection
                                                                                                   RADIO                      Empathize with the surroundings

         Excel form time to time Structured                               Be part of a group
                                                                                                                      Keep in touch with friends
                      To be able to do things others cant                                     Peaceful
                                                             Live an efficient life
                                          Specialized                                                              Maintain the relations with the family
                         Functional                                                    NEWSPAPERS
                                                   Gain clarity and certainty              Brave
                                                                                            Appreciate routine

Future trends: the 4Cs

 Convergence in the market and in the mind
    Traditional borders are blurred
    New entrants and rise of distribution power
    TV & radio become increasingly social media
    Satisfying individual information needs is challenged by new media
 Concentration cross-country and cross-media
    If you arent strong, you have to be smart
 Choice multiplication and fragmentation of audiences
    Content is king but it is not the entire realm.
    Provide well-differentiated landmarks built upon fundamental motivations
             well differentiated
 Control shift from broadcaster to public
    From push (supply) to pull (demand) marketing
    From Share of Market to Share of Mind,
Positioning strategy

  Our purpose is unambiguous
     Contribute to a diverse and pluralistic democratic society of
      well-informed citizens is at the core of our public purpose

  But the motivation of people isnt single-minded
     News and information is not a homogeneous market
     The diversity of needs and wants of people with regard to news
      compares to the wide diversity of motivations towards media
          p                        y
     There is no single promise that can embrace them all

 We need to go wide in casting the general public,
   yet narrow in profiling and positioning the offer
The duality in news

   Stand-out from the crowd         media           Be part of the community

Personal tool to blow the mind news             Social agent in relationships

                         Implications for newsprofiling
   The Specialist                 positioning                 The Reference
   The meta-vision/expert view     content        A guide/template to rely on
   To the point, up-tempo          rhythm                    Calm, in-contol
   Bright, edgy, esteemed         anchors               Storytelling, familiar
   Contemporary, i
   C t             innovative
                         ti         style
                                     t l             Accessible, convenient
                                                     A      ibl           i t
Research: segmentation of needs

          Stand-out via rebellion
        Driven by the need to express oneself
                                                        Outward oriented
                                                    Focus on the external world at large
              What is there to discover
                                                       What is there to experience ?
          thatt is novel and extraordinary ?

 PERSONAL TOOL                                                         SOCIAL AGENT
TO BLOW THE MIND                                                     IN RELATIONSHIPS

   Stand-out through competence                            Inward oriented
         Driven by the search for recognition       Focus on the smaller, surrounding world
               What is going on in                     What is going on in my region?
              Economy   Culture    Sports
Research: our brand-portfolio is almost perfect

                                      kids news
       STUDIO BRUSSEL                                      DONNA
     the rebellious news                          the macroscopic news

    CANVAS                                                          EEN
 high brow news                                            the news standard
                         RADIO 1
                    the current affairs

                                                          RADIO 2
      ?                       SPORZA
                           the sport news          the microscopic news
            the cultural news
Research : vrtnieuws

 The spontaneous awareness is low (16%)
    Much lower than the other brands in our portfolio
    Despite the link with VRT that is known by all

 For those who know the brand, the meaning is limited
    Perceived as the online news-department of VRT
    Not associated with news and information programs on TV
    Valued for its reliability: objective, factual, well-documented
    Not compatible with the subjectivity of opinion-programs.
    Opinion should issue from the media brands according to the
     particular and differentiated profile of each one.
    Definitely a seal of guarantee but not a brand
Re-building the news brand

We need a real news brand in our portfolio,
that integrates both performance and emotion in the relation

Primary positioned as a 100% dedicated news brand
With a relevant and differentiated offer
   Complete & update news
   Available anytime (24/7), anywhere (at home and out-of-home)
   Made by passionate news people with great expertise and ethics

In a direct relation with the public
Whats in a name ?

 VRT is an institution that is valued by the public for its great
 know-how in the development of media-products but it is not
 a lovemark in the heart of the people
 A VRT-linked name restricts the potential of a specialized
                                    p              p
 news brand due to transfer of technical associations that
 inhibit emotionalism in a direct relationship with the public

 The fi t t k Re-brand t i
 Th first task: R b d vrtnieuws.net .The new name should
                                  t Th             h ld
 - be evocative for news and the experts that make it
 - be media-neutral to allow cross-media development
What about news & info on the various brands ?

   The psychology of the relation between individual media-brands
   and people should at all times be respected
        Both in the programming and profiling of news productions

   In this context we need a brand that reminds the public that
   behind all news-related programs lies another force
        That never will compromise on ethics ( a super-ego)
        That is a guarantee of reliability and a source of confidence

   The second task: grow vrtnieuws to become a source brand
        That endorses all the news productions of the various brands*
        That facilitates migration within our brand portfolio (1+1=3)

* The endorsement should be unobtrusive in order to not interfere with the individual identity of the brands
Two distinct brands, two distinct roles

 Newname = the specialist brand
   The missing piece in our brand portfolio
   Strongly differentiated and in direct relation with the audience

 Vrtnieuws = the source brand
   A transversal mark of expertise & ethics backing all news products
   Aimed at the public and the stakeholders
The total effort

                                         kids news
          STUDIO BRUSSEL                                      DONNA
         the rebellious news                         the macroscopic news

       CANVAS                                                          EEN
   high brow news                                             the news standard
                            RADIO 1
                       the current affairs
       NEWNAME                                               RADIO 2
 the dedicated newsbrand
                newsbrand        SPORZA                the microscopic news
                                                        the             news
                              the sport news
              the cultural news

      With one common point of intersection: the source brand
Whats next ?
Strategy is a dynamic process

 What is successful at a given moment, can become
 contra-productive as times are changing
 Anticipate evolutions and dare-to-change when everything
 ( )g
 (still) goes well is the challenge
2007 EBU Training VRT public newscasting future

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2007 EBU Training VRT public newscasting future

  • 1. The future of Public Newscasting How to survive hypercompetition yp p 20071212-EBU Thematic Visit News DEF-CDJ
  • 2. The past: dramatic impact of competition 1989 Launch 1st commercial TV-channel 1991 Prime-time news at ex acquo > 1991 Commercial news takes the lead 59% 59% 56% 57% 1995 2nd and 3th TV-competitor 32% 29% 30% 30% 30% 29% 23% 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 Evolution marketshare BRTN
  • 3. Recovery plan: re-connect with the audience Release Restless R tl Discovery Pleasure Personal Social Family Added Value Addicts BRT Controle C t l Source: Motivational research Censydiam 1996
  • 4. First stage: branding strategy (1997) Release Personal Social Controle C t l
  • 5. Second stage : news project 2002 TARGETING PROGRAMING Release P S Controle LOOK & FEEL BRANDING & ADVERTISING
  • 6. Result: the negative trend is stopped and inversed > 2002 Re-established leadership in news 1997 Head-on sheduling of the prime-time news 9 3 59,2 59,3 59 2 57,3 % % 55,9 % % 40% 36% % 38% 34% 31,5 30,1 29,5 28,9 30,7 30,6 31,3 % 28,8 29,8 27,8 % % % % % % % % 25,0 % 22,6 6 % % 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 5 Evolution marketshare VRT
  • 7. se 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 p/ 97 ja n/ 9 m 8 ei /9 se 8 p/ 98 ja n/ 9 m 9 ei /9 se 9 p/ 99 ja n/ 0 m 0 ei /0 se 0 > 1997: recovery p/ 00 ja n/ 0 m 1 ei /0 se 1 p/ 01 ja n/ 0 m 2 ei /0 se 2 7u Journaal p/ 02 ja n/ 0 m 3 ei /0 se 3 p/ 03 ja n/ 0 m 4 ei /0 > 2002 se 4 Nieuws 19u VTM p/ 04 ja n/ 0 m 5 Prime-time news: evolution marketshare ei /0 regained leadership se 5 p/ 05 Present : well-established leadership ja n/ 0 m 6 ei /0 se 6 p/ 06 ja n/ 0 m 7 ei /0 7 se p/ 07 43 36,6
  • 8. Future : the changing media-landscape Release Surprising Enjoyment Retreat in the Land of Nod Escape the daily p p y practice Live ones life to the full Friendly Discovering new ideas Playful CD/iPOD/MP3 cheerful With passion Get carried away by his emotions Pamper yourself MAGAZINES VIDEO/DVD Expanding borders Sociability energetic Bursting with energy Spontaneous Exclusive Practical Superior Have f with others H fun ith th Status Richness INTERNET MEDIA Belonging Leading a unique life Solidarity Homely Be somebody A sense of power Take care Sympathize Perfection GAMINGCapable TELEVISION Reach perfection Familiar RADIO Empathize with the surroundings Excel form time to time Structured Be part of a group Keep in touch with friends To be able to do things others cant Peaceful Live an efficient life Specialized Maintain the relations with the family Functional NEWSPAPERS MOBILE Gain clarity and certainty Brave Appreciate routine Control
  • 9. Future trends: the 4Cs Convergence in the market and in the mind Traditional borders are blurred New entrants and rise of distribution power TV & radio become increasingly social media Satisfying individual information needs is challenged by new media Concentration cross-country and cross-media If you arent strong, you have to be smart Choice multiplication and fragmentation of audiences Content is king but it is not the entire realm. Provide well-differentiated landmarks built upon fundamental motivations well differentiated Control shift from broadcaster to public From push (supply) to pull (demand) marketing From Share of Market to Share of Mind,
  • 10. Positioning strategy Our purpose is unambiguous Contribute to a diverse and pluralistic democratic society of well-informed citizens is at the core of our public purpose But the motivation of people isnt single-minded News and information is not a homogeneous market The diversity of needs and wants of people with regard to news compares to the wide diversity of motivations towards media p y There is no single promise that can embrace them all We need to go wide in casting the general public, yet narrow in profiling and positioning the offer
  • 11. The duality in news Stand-out from the crowd media Be part of the community Personal tool to blow the mind news Social agent in relationships Implications for newsprofiling The Specialist positioning The Reference The meta-vision/expert view content A guide/template to rely on To the point, up-tempo rhythm Calm, in-contol Bright, edgy, esteemed anchors Storytelling, familiar Contemporary, i C t innovative ti style t l Accessible, convenient A ibl i t
  • 12. Research: segmentation of needs Stand-out via rebellion Driven by the need to express oneself Outward oriented Focus on the external world at large What is there to discover What is there to experience ? thatt is novel and extraordinary ? PERSONAL TOOL SOCIAL AGENT TO BLOW THE MIND IN RELATIONSHIPS Stand-out through competence Inward oriented Driven by the search for recognition Focus on the smaller, surrounding world What is going on in What is going on in my region? Politics Economy Culture Sports
  • 13. Research: our brand-portfolio is almost perfect KETNET kids news STUDIO BRUSSEL DONNA the rebellious news the macroscopic news CANVAS EEN high brow news the news standard RADIO 1 the current affairs VRTNIEUWS RADIO 2 ? SPORZA the sport news the microscopic news KLARA the cultural news news
  • 14. Research : vrtnieuws The spontaneous awareness is low (16%) Much lower than the other brands in our portfolio Despite the link with VRT that is known by all For those who know the brand, the meaning is limited brand Perceived as the online news-department of VRT Not associated with news and information programs on TV Valued for its reliability: objective, factual, well-documented Not compatible with the subjectivity of opinion-programs. Opinion should issue from the media brands according to the media-brands, particular and differentiated profile of each one. Definitely a seal of guarantee but not a brand
  • 15. Re-building the news brand We need a real news brand in our portfolio, that integrates both performance and emotion in the relation Primary positioned as a 100% dedicated news brand With a relevant and differentiated offer Complete & update news Available anytime (24/7), anywhere (at home and out-of-home) Made by passionate news people with great expertise and ethics In a direct relation with the public
  • 16. Whats in a name ? VRT is an institution that is valued by the public for its great know-how in the development of media-products but it is not media-products, a lovemark in the heart of the people A VRT-linked name restricts the potential of a specialized p p news brand due to transfer of technical associations that inhibit emotionalism in a direct relationship with the public The fi t t k Re-brand t i Th first task: R b d vrtnieuws.net .The new name should t Th h ld - be evocative for news and the experts that make it - be media-neutral to allow cross-media development
  • 17. What about news & info on the various brands ? The psychology of the relation between individual media-brands and people should at all times be respected Both in the programming and profiling of news productions In this context we need a brand that reminds the public that behind all news-related programs lies another force That never will compromise on ethics ( a super-ego) That is a guarantee of reliability and a source of confidence The second task: grow vrtnieuws to become a source brand That endorses all the news productions of the various brands* That facilitates migration within our brand portfolio (1+1=3) * The endorsement should be unobtrusive in order to not interfere with the individual identity of the brands
  • 18. Two distinct brands, two distinct roles Newname = the specialist brand The missing piece in our brand portfolio Strongly differentiated and in direct relation with the audience Vrtnieuws = the source brand A transversal mark of expertise & ethics backing all news products Aimed at the public and the stakeholders
  • 19. The total effort KETNET kids news STUDIO BRUSSEL DONNA the rebellious news the macroscopic news CANVAS EEN high brow news the news standard RADIO 1 the current affairs NEWNAME RADIO 2 the dedicated newsbrand newsbrand SPORZA the microscopic news the news the sport news KLARA the cultural news With one common point of intersection: the source brand
  • 21. Strategy is a dynamic process What is successful at a given moment, can become contra-productive as times are changing Anticipate evolutions and dare-to-change when everything ( )g (still) goes well is the challenge g