The document summarizes the National Rural Knowledge Exchange, a consortium of 14 UK universities that brokers knowledge transfer services related to rural issues. It aims to establish a national rural portal allowing members like universities, colleges, and organizations to upload their contact details, services, and events. The portal will provide search capabilities across technical subjects and a "honeypot" for accessing university work brokerage. It focuses on signposting members nationally and regionally and allowing discoverability of content.
El documento discute la historia de la misoginia y la desigualdad de género. Explica que históricamente las mujeres no han tenido derechos y han sido tratadas como esclavas e inferiores a los hombres. Aunque la situación ha mejorado en algunas partes del mundo, todavía existen países donde se permite el maltrato y esclavitud de las mujeres, como en algunos países árabes donde las mujeres necesitan el permiso de sus maridos para salir de casa y trabajar. El documento concluye que las mujeres son tan importantes como los hombres
The document summarizes the National Rural Knowledge Exchange, a consortium of 14 UK universities that brokers knowledge transfer services related to rural issues. It aims to establish a national rural portal allowing members like universities, colleges, and organizations to upload their contact details, services, and events. The portal will provide search capabilities across technical subjects and a "honeypot" for accessing university work brokerage. It focuses on signposting members nationally and regionally and allowing discoverability of content.
El documento discute la historia de la misoginia y la desigualdad de género. Explica que históricamente las mujeres no han tenido derechos y han sido tratadas como esclavas e inferiores a los hombres. Aunque la situación ha mejorado en algunas partes del mundo, todavía existen países donde se permite el maltrato y esclavitud de las mujeres, como en algunos países árabes donde las mujeres necesitan el permiso de sus maridos para salir de casa y trabajar. El documento concluye que las mujeres son tan importantes como los hombres
Las cataratas Victoria se encuentran en el río Zambeze entre Zambia y Zimbabwe y tienen una longitud de 1,7 km y una altura de 108 metros. Las cataratas mostradas en la imagen son las cataratas ?ngel en Venezuela, que tienen una altura de 979 metros.
Ponencia del Mtro. Jorge Alberto Hidalgo Toledo presentada en el marco del Vigésimo Encuentro Nacional de la Asociación Mexicana de Investigadores de la Comunicación AMIC 2008
The document summarizes workshops held by the Hood River County School District to train teachers on using Web 2.0 tools like blogging, podcasting, and Google Docs. It discusses the goals of strengthening connections between elementary, middle, and high schools through technology learning communities. Over 25 teachers attended initial workshops where they shared meals and learned about tools. Follow up workshops provided sharing, creating, and problem solving help. Teachers commented positively about using tools like blogs and Google Docs in their classrooms.
El documento presenta una serie de caudillos y líderes políticos mexicanos que lucharon por la independencia de México y la justicia social, incluyendo a Hidalgo, Morelos, Cárdenas y López Obrador. Resalta las reformas agraria y petrolera de Cárdenas y la defensa del petróleo mexicano por parte de López Obrador contra los intentos de privatización. Critica a varios políticos del PAN por supuestamente querer robar a México y beneficiarse a costa del pueblo.
El documento promueve el uso de software libre, se?alando que es gratuito, transparente, cooperativo y permite un progreso continuo. El software libre ofrece independencia y ventajas económicas sobre otras opciones y es recomendable para la educación.
The document discusses museums and their role in preserving cultural artifacts and educating the public. Museums acquire, care for, and exhibit important objects that represent science, art, and history. They make their collections accessible for all to enjoy and provide resources to learn about both iconic and obscure aspects of human civilization.
El documento habla sobre la intervención del estado en la economía a través de la política fiscal. Explica que la política fiscal involucra los impuestos y gastos del gobierno y puede usarse para estimular o contraer la demanda agregada. También describe los diferentes tipos de impuestos y las posiciones keynesianas y monetaristas sobre el rol del estado en la economía.
This document announces a coaching conference to take place in Bucharest, Romania on May 28, 2008 at the JW Marriott hotel. The conference is aimed at providing attendees with a new perspective through coaching. More information can be found at the listed website.
El documento describe los servicios y características de la ciudad de Cadereyta, incluyendo sus medios de comunicación, vías de comunicación, actividades económicas, servicios públicos y los resultados de una encuesta realizada a los residentes sobre su uso potencial de un nuevo parque lineal propuesto.
O documento conta a história de um menino que quase foi atacado por um jacaré enquanto nadava em um lago. Sua m?e o salvou agarrando-o com for?a e impedindo que o jacaré o levasse. O menino sobreviveu, mas ficou com cicatrizes nos bra?os e nos pés. O documento usa essa história para dizer que todos temos cicatrizes de nosso passado doloroso, mas que Deus às vezes precisa deixá-las para n?o nos deixar ir.
Este documento presenta 10 mandamientos seculares que ofrecen consejos sobre cómo comportarse y relacionarse con los demás de manera positiva, como controlar lo que se dice, cumplir las promesas, ser amable y alentador con los demás, mostrar interés por los demás, mantener una mente abierta, evitar hablar de los defectos de los demás, ser cuidadoso con los sentimientos ajenos, no hacer caso de rumores, y no ser excesivamente celoso de los propios derechos.
The document discusses how libraries are using social networks and mobile technologies to engage with users. It provides examples of libraries that have profiles on networks like MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube. It also discusses how libraries can use these platforms for reference, marketing events and services, networking, and providing a public forum. The document advocates designing websites and content for different devices like mobile phones and using location-based services to engage users within physical library spaces.
这是我在中国定期在开的“整合营销的课程”。2009 年五月份起,新加“ 对 Y 世代的整合营销”。
This is my " Integrated marketing" class in China. I will offer " Integrated marketing for Y generation in China" starts May, 2009.
The title of this presentation is "Constructing Human-Centered Animal Protection Administrative Services." It was presented at the 2024 Ministry of Agriculture's "Public Animal Shelter Management Personnel Training Program." The content reflects the DITLDesign team's two-year service design project for Taiwan's public animal shelters and the reflections on the related diffusion of these efforts.
Through our unique "Three Diamonds" service design process, we entered the field to analyze problems, conducted a thorough review of relevant data for design iterations, and utilized various prototypes to optimize specific design details. Our approach applied service design principles to support processes related to animal protection.
In the first year, we assisted the Taichung Houli Animal Protection and Education Park in optimizing the adoption process, improving the experience for adopters, and reducing the workload for staff. This project won the National Award for Excellence in Construction, receiving the Gold Medal in the Public Construction Management and Maintenance category. The results of this design continue to be implemented, making it one of the few service design projects in Taiwan that has been practically realized.
In the second year, we extended the Houli design to Hualien and Yilan. However, differences in the local environments required us to revise almost half of the original design, with some parts needing to be completely redone. This experience deeply highlighted for us the strong relationship between service design and the specific context of the field.
The master thesis focuses on how to improve the service quality of the world first AR sport competition. The contents include the design concepts and how they are evaluated. The project is done at National Taiwan University and supervised by Prof. Tang, Hsien-Hui.
2019 Service Plus 總結重點報告 Service+2019 summary outline 0418NTUST
Service Plus是DITLDESIGN團隊的服務設計案,試圖建立優良的服務設計知識服務。
Service Plus conference is the service project executed by DITLDESIGN in an attempt to establish a high quality service design knowledge service.
There were 340 participants in the conference on 23rd of March. All tickets were sold out resulting in no seats for volunteers and organizers. 25% of the participants were VIP guests while 22% were students. There were 114 participants for the workshops on 24th of March.
30% of the participants were manager levels. One of them is the CEO of line Taiwan. They were from more than 100 companies, including some international companies.
The 12 speakers were from Europe, China, and Taiwan, and all of them are currently service design practitioners in big companies or design consultancies. We also invited local service design practitioners and publishers.
The core working team includes 17 members, being Prof. TANG and his supervised students.
There were various online and offline activities, including 20 service modules.
The attendance rate reached 98% while there were still 95% remained until the closing ceremony.
The overall NPS reaches 34. Promoters occupied 1/3 of the participants.
We did not apply any governmental support for the evnet because we intended to examine the service quality through financial results. In the end, we reached a break-even-point.