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eHealth and Health Reform

       April 29, 2010
    HIMSS Advocacy Day

1- Bay Area Population:
                           7.3 million
                           6th largest metropolitan area
                          2- Los Angeles County Population:
                           10.4 million
                           8th most populous State
                                           3  Southern California
                                           Population (LA, San
                                           Diego, Orange,
                                           Riverside and San
Rural                                      20.7 million
75% of                                     2nd most populous
landmass is                                State (bigger than rest of
rural             2                        California, only Texas is
- Larger than                              bigger)
land mass of 45       3
Successes and Failures

   Kaiser Permanentes $4+ Billion EHR initiative
   Santa Barbara Countys $10 million Care Data
     Teachable moments
     The power of market forces
   HIE Planning effort mantra: provide value

Market Forces in the Federal HIE Program

 Medicare and Medicaid meaningful use incentives are
 anticipated to create demand for products and
 services that enable HIE among eligible providers
 The resulting demand for health information exchange
 will likely be met by an increased supply of marketed
 products and services to enable HIE, resulting in a
 competitive marketplace for HIE services.

                       -Federal HIE Cooperative Agreement FOA

Get it Done Yesterday

 The four-year project period is intended to allow
 recipients time to complete the goals of the program.
 However, applicants are strongly encouraged to plan
 projects and budgets that accomplish most of the
 project goals and milestones within the first two years
 of the project period to best enable HIE capacity.

                        -Federal HIE Cooperative Agreement FOA

Medicare Incentives
Medicare may provide up to $44,000 per provider for
meaningful use.
 Calendar Year   First CY in which the EP Receives Incentive Payments
                   2011        2012         2013        2014            2015 +
     2011         $18,000      ------       ------      ------          ------
     2012         $12,000     $18,000       ------      ------          ------
     2013         $8,000      $12,000     $15,000       ------          ------
     2014         $4,000       $8,000     $12,000     $12,000           ------
     2015         $2,000       $4,000      $8,000      $8,000            $0
     2016          ------      $2,000      $4,000      $4,000            $0
   TOTAL          $44,000     $44,000     $39,000     $24,000            $0

Regional Center (REC) Cooperative
Agreement Program

        Health IT RECs Funding-Partnership Summary
 Year    Federal Amount of Costs   Recipient Amount of Costs
  1             90 percent                 10 percent
  2             90 percent                 10 percent
  3             10 percent                 90 percent
  4             10 percent                 90 percent

Stage 1 HIE Priorities

   Pushing messages from point to point
   Critical Functions:
     Hospital, Provider (and patient) document (CCD) delivery
     Public health reporting (immunization registries and
   Required core services:
     Provider identity registry
     Directory service (aka: phone book/routing service)

Cal eConnect

 Formed when the California eHealth Collaborative
  (CAeHC) and CalRHIO submitted a joint proposal in
  response to the RFI
      Manage a collaborative process to develop and enforce
       policy guidance (privacy and security policies) through
       grants and contracts
      Support grant making and procurement processes
      Revise strategic and operational plans as needed
      Develop sustainability model and business plan
      Carry out additional requirements described in state

Board of Directors Constituency
1. California Assembly Committee on        10. Employer
   Health Chair                            11. Health Informatics
2. California Senate Committee on Health   12. Health information exchange
   Chair                                       organization
3. California Secretary of the Health &    13. Health information exchange
   Human Services Agency                       organization
4. California State Administrator          14. Health Plan  private
   (determined by State, may include the   15. Health Plan - public
   Department of Health Care Services,
   Department of Managed Health Care or    16. Hospital - private
   other departments)                      17. Hospital - public
5. CEO of the HIE-GE                       18. Labor
6. Co-chair (at-large  1)                 19. Physician  Independent
7. Co-chair (at-large - 2)                 20. Physician  Medical Group
8. Consumer (1)                            21. Public health (local public health
9. Consumer (2)                                officer)
                                           22. Safety net clinic
Governance Entity Initial Board of
 1. David Lansky (Co-chair)
 2. Don Crane (Co-chair)
 3. Marge Ginsburg (Consumer)
 4. Bill Beighe (Health Information Exchange Organization)
 5. Howard Kahn (Public Health Plan)
 6. David Joyner (Private Health Plan)
 7. Tom Priselac (Private Hospital)
 8. Brennan Cassidy, MD (Independent physician)
 9. Ron Jimenez, MD (Public Hospital)
 10. Ralph Silber (Community Clinic)

Proposed Technical Architecture                                                                                                     Other

                                    Identity management for           Addressing and formatting        Identity management and            HIOs
                                    legal entities                    information for intended         authentication for principals
                                                                      recipients of HIE transactions   in HIE transactions                PHRs
    Core                                                                                                                               SureScripts
                                   Entity Registry            Provider Directory           Provider Identity                           EHR-Specific
                                      Service                      Service                     Service                                  Networks
  Services                                                                                                                               Secure
CS-HIE Service

     Patients and
       Families                                               Enterprise-A
                                                                  IPA                        Enterprise-B

           Solo Practice

                     Principal-1                     Principal-3                     Principal-5

                                   Principal-2                     Principal-4
                                                                    Physician                      Principal-6
                               Hospital                          Group Practice

Entity Registry Service
 A trusted Certificate Authority for legal entities that wish to
  exchange health information using the CS-HIE resources
    Legal Entity = Physician practice, hospital, pharmacy, lab,
     immunization registry, etc.
    Not individual physicians, administrative staff, or consumers
 Certificate Authority provisions entities in a widely trusted manner
    Certifies legitimacy of the entity and its conformance to
     security/privacy policies
    Revokes certification for entities when appropriate
 Entity Registry = repository of valid, active certificates for
  provisioned legal entities

Legal Entity Responsibilities

  Maintain internal registry of its providers
  Reliably authenticate these providers when they log
   in within the entitys domain
       Providers may be authenticated locally by their entities
  Provide an electronic directory of the providers within
   the legal entity
       The directory must be accessible in a standard format
        as a web service, available to all other entities with
        access to the Entity Registry Service

Provider Directory Service

   Centrally hosted repository of Provider Directory
        Intended for entities that cannot or choose not to host
         their own Provider Directory
        Any legal entity can choose to use it
        The source entity (not the service) is responsible for
         accuracy and timeliness of the entries
   Smaller organizations may especially benefit
    from this service

Provider Identity Service

   Centralized, trusted service for provisioning
    and authenticating providers involved in HIE
     Intended for entities that are not trusted to
      authenticate their own providers
   Use of Provider Identity Service is entirely
             may provision and authentication their
      own providers
   May or may not prove to be needed

     Proposed Technical Architecture
                                     Identity management for            Addressing and formatting        Identity management and
                                     legal entities                     information for intended         authentication for principals           PHRs
                                                                        recipients of HIE transactions   in HIE transactions
Cooperative                   Entity Registry           Provider Directory               Provider Identity
  Shared                                                                                                                                     Networks
                                 Service                     Service                         Service
   HIE                                                                                                                                         Secure
 Services                                                                                                                                     Messaging



                                                             IPA                           Enterprise-B
                                                                                               IDN                                   Legend

                                                                                                                                     Transactions involving
        Solo Practice                                                                                                                CS-HIE Services and using
                                                                                                                                     the protocols and standards
                Principal-1                      Principal-3                       Principal-5
                                                                                    Hospital                                         required by these services

                              Principal-2                        Principal-4
                                                                  Physician                      Principal-6
                                                                                                                                     Transactions not involving
                          Hospital                             Group Practice                                                        CS-HIE Services and not
                                                                                                                                     necessarily using the
                                                                                                                                     protocols and standards
                                                                                                                                     required by these services

 Example: Hospital Discharge Summary
          Legal Entity               Principal                      Transaction                         Address                     Protocol

   Montrose Internist Group       Dr. Jonah Hill     Receive Hospital Discharge Summary   www.valleyIPA.org/InBox/DcSummary     CCD Level 2

Cooperative                        Entity Registry      Pointer     Provider Directory     Provider Identity
  Shared                              Service                            Service               Service

                             Look up           Look up
                         Montrose Internist Dr. Jonah Hill
    John Smith is a patient,                                      Valley IPA                                                  Legend
    His PCP is Dr. Jonah Hill        Formulate and Send
    at Montrose Internist                                                                                                     Transactions involving
                                        Transaction                                                                           CS-HIE Services and using
                                                                                                                              the protocols and standards
                                                                                                                              required by these services

                                    Dr. Beth Cramer                  Dr. Jonah Hill
                                                                                                                              Transactions not involving
                                                                                                                              CS-HIE Services and not
                                  Seaview Hospital           Montrose Internist Group                                         necessarily using the
                                                                                                                              protocols and standards
                                                                                                                              required by these services

 Example: Hospital Discharge Summary
    Transaction:   Header          Certificate for        Authentication Assertion         Authorization Assertion
                                  Seaview Hospital          for Dr. Beth Cramer              for Dr. Beth Cramer
                                  (with public key)    (Signed by Seaview Hospital)         vis--vis John Smith
                                                                                        (Signed by Seaview Hospital)

                   Payload                             Discharge Summary as CCD
                                                        (with patient identifiers for
                                                               John Smith)

Cooperative                  Entity Registry                Provider Directory          Provider Identity
  Shared                        Service                          Service                    Service
                                  Validate    Inspect
                               Seaview Hosps
                                 Certificate Header

                                                          Valley IPA                                                   Legend
                               Formulate and Send
                                                                                                                       Transactions involving
                                  Transaction                          Deliver to
                                                                                                                       CS-HIE Services and using
                                                                       Recipients                                     the protocols and standards
                                                                         EHR                                           required by these services

                             Dr. Beth Cramer                 Dr. Jonah Hill
                                                                                                                       Transactions not involving
                                                                                                                       CS-HIE Services and not
                            Seaview Hospital          Montrose Internist Group                                         necessarily using the
                                                                                                                       protocols and standards
                                                                                                                       required by these services

     Proposed Technical Architecture
                         Non-Core                                                         Lab Result Router/Translator              Other
                        Cooperative                                                       Eligibility Determination Hub              HIE
                          Shared                   TBD, as needed                                                                  Services
                                                                                          NHIN Gateway
                           HIE                                                            Others                                     HIOs

Cooperative                   Entity Registry         Provider Directory        Provider Identity
  Shared                                                                                                                          Networks
                                 Service                   Service                  Service
   HIE                                                                                                                              Secure
 Services                                                                                                                          Messaging



                                                          IPA                     Enterprise-B
                                                                                      IDN                                 Legend

                                                                                                                          Transactions involving
        Solo Practice                                                                                                     CS-HIE Services and using
                                                                                                                          the protocols and standards
                Principal-1                     Principal-3                 Principal-5
                                                                             Hospital                                     required by these services

                              Principal-2                     Principal-4
                                                               Physician                  Principal-6
                                                                                                                          Transactions not involving
                            Hospital                      Group Practice                                                  CS-HIE Services and not
                                                                                                                          necessarily using the
                                                                                                                          protocols and standards
                                                                                                                          required by these services
   The Core CS-HIE Services are intended to provide
        A trust infrastructure in which parties can determine the authenticity of HIE
         transactions that they receive from arbitrary counterparties
        A directory infrastructure in which parties can determine where and how to direct
         HIE transactions intended for specific recipients via the internet
   Much technical and policy work remains to flesh out the design of these services
        Define the policies surrounding the HIE certificate authority and the granting of
         Entity Registry entries
        Define the technical design of Entity Registry entries and Provider Directory entries
        Define the technical design of authentication and authorization assertions
   Functions not addressed in current architecture:
        Master Patient Index
        Record Locator Service
        Patient Consent Registry
        Why not?
              Vexing technical, business and privacy issues
              Not needed for majority of Stage 1 meaningful use functions

Whats in it (potentially for Health IT)

   Grants for long-term care facilities for EHRs:
     Nationally, only $67.5 million over four years
   Insurance Exchange
   Enrollment modernization and administrative simplification
   Accountable Care Organizations
   Primary Care Extension Programs

Why we need to understand Medical Loss
   What is it?
     The proportion of premium dollars that must be spent on
      medical care
   Why its important in HCR:
       Requires plans in the individual and small group market to spend 80 percent of
        premium dollars on medical services, and plans in the large group market to spend
        85 percent. Insurers that do not meet these thresholds must provide rebates to
        policyholders. Effective on January 1, 2011.

     If health IT is considered an administrative expense, the
      incentives for plans is to reduce this expense
     Secretary Sebelius has the authority to make the
      determination if HIT is an administrative or clinical expense
And why 2011 will be a watershed year

     First checks for incentive programs will issued
   Health Reform:
     7.3 million CA residents who do not currently have
      insurance could begin to get affordable coverage
   HIPAA 5010 transactions required by January 1, 2011
   Prerequisite for ICD-10; required by October 2013 for

Health Information Exchange (HIE) Timeline
                        Submitted            Narrative
   Application &                             Landscape Assessment
                      October 16, 2009       Letters of Support
   Strategic Plan
                                             Budget (over 4 years)

                        Announced         Intent to select
                                          Planning grant in April
 Governance Entity    Cal eConnect on     Full grant and ONC approval in
                       March 8, 2010        June

                                            eHealth Summit March 11
                       Submitted:           Public comment through
  Operational Plan                           March 22
                      April 6, 2010
                                            Submit to ONC on April 6

                                           Revised four year budget
                          Begin:           Initiate grant and
 HIE Implementation                         procurements
                        July, 2010
                                           Fully staffed and operational

Two issues to consider for Advocacy Day

1. Ensure that we meet our timelines here in the State
    Appropriate funding for HIE as quickly as possible, dont
     let it get caught up in budget delays
2. Health Reform:
    Ensure the Health IT is not incorporated into
     administrative overhead in the medical loss ratio

Government 2.0
 Twitter: http://Twitter.com/CAeHealth
 Website: www.ehealth.ca.gov
 Operational and strategic plan:
 Sign up for listserv, bulletins, send comments and
  questions: ehealth@chhs.ca.gov
 Next Public Webinar Thursday May 13 1pm  2pm
                     webinar sign-up:


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2010 HIMSS Advocacy Day - Jonah Frohlich

  • 1. eHealth and Health Reform April 29, 2010 HIMSS Advocacy Day 1
  • 2. 1- Bay Area Population: 7.3 million 6th largest metropolitan area 2- Los Angeles County Population: 10.4 million 8th most populous State 1 3 Southern California Population (LA, San Diego, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino): Rural 20.7 million 75% of 2nd most populous landmass is State (bigger than rest of rural 2 California, only Texas is - Larger than bigger) land mass of 45 3 States 2
  • 3. Successes and Failures Kaiser Permanentes $4+ Billion EHR initiative Santa Barbara Countys $10 million Care Data Exchange Teachable moments The power of market forces HIE Planning effort mantra: provide value 3
  • 4. Market Forces in the Federal HIE Program Medicare and Medicaid meaningful use incentives are anticipated to create demand for products and services that enable HIE among eligible providers The resulting demand for health information exchange will likely be met by an increased supply of marketed products and services to enable HIE, resulting in a competitive marketplace for HIE services. -Federal HIE Cooperative Agreement FOA 4 4
  • 5. Get it Done Yesterday The four-year project period is intended to allow recipients time to complete the goals of the program. However, applicants are strongly encouraged to plan projects and budgets that accomplish most of the project goals and milestones within the first two years of the project period to best enable HIE capacity. -Federal HIE Cooperative Agreement FOA 5 5
  • 6. Medicare Incentives Medicare may provide up to $44,000 per provider for meaningful use. Calendar Year First CY in which the EP Receives Incentive Payments 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 + 2011 $18,000 ------ ------ ------ ------ 2012 $12,000 $18,000 ------ ------ ------ 2013 $8,000 $12,000 $15,000 ------ ------ 2014 $4,000 $8,000 $12,000 $12,000 ------ 2015 $2,000 $4,000 $8,000 $8,000 $0 2016 ------ $2,000 $4,000 $4,000 $0 TOTAL $44,000 $44,000 $39,000 $24,000 $0 6
  • 7. Regional Center (REC) Cooperative Agreement Program Health IT RECs Funding-Partnership Summary Year Federal Amount of Costs Recipient Amount of Costs 1 90 percent 10 percent 2 90 percent 10 percent 3 10 percent 90 percent 4 10 percent 90 percent 7
  • 8. Stage 1 HIE Priorities Pushing messages from point to point Critical Functions: Lab Hospital, Provider (and patient) document (CCD) delivery Public health reporting (immunization registries and surveillance) Required core services: Provider identity registry Directory service (aka: phone book/routing service) 8
  • 9. Cal eConnect Formed when the California eHealth Collaborative (CAeHC) and CalRHIO submitted a joint proposal in response to the RFI Role: Manage a collaborative process to develop and enforce policy guidance (privacy and security policies) through grants and contracts Support grant making and procurement processes Revise strategic and operational plans as needed Develop sustainability model and business plan Carry out additional requirements described in state grant 9
  • 10. Board of Directors Constituency 1. California Assembly Committee on 10. Employer Health Chair 11. Health Informatics 2. California Senate Committee on Health 12. Health information exchange Chair organization 3. California Secretary of the Health & 13. Health information exchange Human Services Agency organization 4. California State Administrator 14. Health Plan private (determined by State, may include the 15. Health Plan - public Department of Health Care Services, Department of Managed Health Care or 16. Hospital - private other departments) 17. Hospital - public 5. CEO of the HIE-GE 18. Labor 6. Co-chair (at-large 1) 19. Physician Independent 7. Co-chair (at-large - 2) 20. Physician Medical Group 8. Consumer (1) 21. Public health (local public health 9. Consumer (2) officer) 22. Safety net clinic 10
  • 11. Governance Entity Initial Board of Directors 1. David Lansky (Co-chair) 2. Don Crane (Co-chair) 3. Marge Ginsburg (Consumer) 4. Bill Beighe (Health Information Exchange Organization) 5. Howard Kahn (Public Health Plan) 6. David Joyner (Private Health Plan) 7. Tom Priselac (Private Hospital) 8. Brennan Cassidy, MD (Independent physician) 9. Ron Jimenez, MD (Public Hospital) 10. Ralph Silber (Community Clinic) 11
  • 12. Proposed Technical Architecture Other HIE Services Identity management for Addressing and formatting Identity management and HIOs legal entities information for intended authentication for principals recipients of HIE transactions in HIE transactions PHRs Core SureScripts Cooperative Entity Registry Provider Directory Provider Identity EHR-Specific Shared Service Service Service Networks HIE Services Secure Messaging CS-HIE Service Others IDN Patients and Families Enterprise-A IPA Enterprise-B IDN Solo Practice Physician Principal-1 Principal-3 Principal-5 Hospital Laboratory Principal-2 Principal-4 Physician Principal-6 Physician Hospital Group Practice 12
  • 13. Entity Registry Service A trusted Certificate Authority for legal entities that wish to exchange health information using the CS-HIE resources Legal Entity = Physician practice, hospital, pharmacy, lab, immunization registry, etc. Not individual physicians, administrative staff, or consumers Certificate Authority provisions entities in a widely trusted manner Certifies legitimacy of the entity and its conformance to security/privacy policies Revokes certification for entities when appropriate Entity Registry = repository of valid, active certificates for provisioned legal entities 13
  • 14. Legal Entity Responsibilities Maintain internal registry of its providers Reliably authenticate these providers when they log in within the entitys domain Providers may be authenticated locally by their entities Provide an electronic directory of the providers within the legal entity The directory must be accessible in a standard format as a web service, available to all other entities with access to the Entity Registry Service 14
  • 15. Provider Directory Service Centrally hosted repository of Provider Directory entries Intended for entities that cannot or choose not to host their own Provider Directory Any legal entity can choose to use it The source entity (not the service) is responsible for accuracy and timeliness of the entries Smaller organizations may especially benefit from this service 15
  • 16. Provider Identity Service Centralized, trusted service for provisioning and authenticating providers involved in HIE transactions Intended for entities that are not trusted to authenticate their own providers Use of Provider Identity Service is entirely optional Entities may provision and authentication their own providers May or may not prove to be needed 16
  • 17. 17 Proposed Technical Architecture Other HIE Services HIOs Identity management for Addressing and formatting Identity management and legal entities information for intended authentication for principals PHRs recipients of HIE transactions in HIE transactions SureScripts Core Cooperative Entity Registry Provider Directory Provider Identity EHR-Specific Shared Networks Service Service Service HIE Secure Services Messaging Others IDN Enterprise-A IPA Enterprise-B IDN Legend Transactions involving Solo Practice CS-HIE Services and using the protocols and standards Physician Principal-1 Principal-3 Principal-5 Hospital required by these services Laboratory Principal-2 Principal-4 Physician Principal-6 Physician Transactions not involving Hospital Group Practice CS-HIE Services and not necessarily using the protocols and standards required by these services
  • 18. 18 Example: Hospital Discharge Summary Legal Entity Principal Transaction Address Protocol Montrose Internist Group Dr. Jonah Hill Receive Hospital Discharge Summary www.valleyIPA.org/InBox/DcSummary CCD Level 2 Core Cooperative Entity Registry Pointer Provider Directory Provider Identity Shared Service Service Service HIE Services Look up Look up Montrose Internist Dr. Jonah Hill Group John Smith is a patient, Valley IPA Legend His PCP is Dr. Jonah Hill Formulate and Send at Montrose Internist Transactions involving Transaction CS-HIE Services and using Group the protocols and standards required by these services Dr. Beth Cramer Dr. Jonah Hill Transactions not involving CS-HIE Services and not Seaview Hospital Montrose Internist Group necessarily using the protocols and standards required by these services
  • 19. 19 Example: Hospital Discharge Summary Transaction: Header Certificate for Authentication Assertion Authorization Assertion Seaview Hospital for Dr. Beth Cramer for Dr. Beth Cramer (with public key) (Signed by Seaview Hospital) vis--vis John Smith (Signed by Seaview Hospital) Payload Discharge Summary as CCD (with patient identifiers for John Smith) Core Cooperative Entity Registry Provider Directory Provider Identity Shared Service Service Service HIE Services Validate Inspect Transaction Seaview Hosps Certificate Header Valley IPA Legend Formulate and Send Transactions involving Transaction Deliver to CS-HIE Services and using Recipients the protocols and standards EHR required by these services Dr. Beth Cramer Dr. Jonah Hill Transactions not involving CS-HIE Services and not Seaview Hospital Montrose Internist Group necessarily using the protocols and standards required by these services
  • 20. 20 Proposed Technical Architecture Non-Core Lab Result Router/Translator Other Cooperative Eligibility Determination Hub HIE Shared TBD, as needed Services NHIN Gateway HIE Others HIOs Services PHRs SureScripts Core Cooperative Entity Registry Provider Directory Provider Identity EHR-Specific Shared Networks Service Service Service HIE Secure Services Messaging Others IDN Enterprise-A IPA Enterprise-B IDN Legend Transactions involving Solo Practice CS-HIE Services and using the protocols and standards Physician Principal-1 Principal-3 Principal-5 Hospital required by these services Laboratory Principal-2 Principal-4 Physician Principal-6 Physician Transactions not involving Hospital Group Practice CS-HIE Services and not necessarily using the protocols and standards required by these services
  • 21. Summary The Core CS-HIE Services are intended to provide A trust infrastructure in which parties can determine the authenticity of HIE transactions that they receive from arbitrary counterparties A directory infrastructure in which parties can determine where and how to direct HIE transactions intended for specific recipients via the internet Much technical and policy work remains to flesh out the design of these services Define the policies surrounding the HIE certificate authority and the granting of Entity Registry entries Define the technical design of Entity Registry entries and Provider Directory entries Define the technical design of authentication and authorization assertions Functions not addressed in current architecture: Master Patient Index Record Locator Service Patient Consent Registry Why not? Vexing technical, business and privacy issues Not needed for majority of Stage 1 meaningful use functions 21
  • 22. 22 22
  • 23. Whats in it (potentially for Health IT) Grants for long-term care facilities for EHRs: Nationally, only $67.5 million over four years Insurance Exchange Enrollment modernization and administrative simplification Accountable Care Organizations Primary Care Extension Programs 23
  • 24. Why we need to understand Medical Loss Ratios What is it? The proportion of premium dollars that must be spent on medical care Why its important in HCR: Requires plans in the individual and small group market to spend 80 percent of premium dollars on medical services, and plans in the large group market to spend 85 percent. Insurers that do not meet these thresholds must provide rebates to policyholders. Effective on January 1, 2011. Implications: If health IT is considered an administrative expense, the incentives for plans is to reduce this expense Secretary Sebelius has the authority to make the determination if HIT is an administrative or clinical expense 24
  • 25. And why 2011 will be a watershed year HITECH: First checks for incentive programs will issued Health Reform: 7.3 million CA residents who do not currently have insurance could begin to get affordable coverage HIPAA 5010 transactions required by January 1, 2011 Prerequisite for ICD-10; required by October 2013 for payment! 25
  • 26. Health Information Exchange (HIE) Timeline Submitted Narrative Application & Landscape Assessment October 16, 2009 Letters of Support Strategic Plan Budget (over 4 years) Announced Intent to select Planning grant in April Governance Entity Cal eConnect on Full grant and ONC approval in March 8, 2010 June eHealth Summit March 11 Submitted: Public comment through Operational Plan March 22 April 6, 2010 Submit to ONC on April 6 Revised four year budget Begin: Initiate grant and HIE Implementation procurements July, 2010 Fully staffed and operational 26
  • 27. Two issues to consider for Advocacy Day 1. Ensure that we meet our timelines here in the State Appropriate funding for HIE as quickly as possible, dont let it get caught up in budget delays 2. Health Reform: Ensure the Health IT is not incorporated into administrative overhead in the medical loss ratio calculation 27
  • 28. Government 2.0 Twitter: http://Twitter.com/CAeHealth Website: www.ehealth.ca.gov Operational and strategic plan: http://www.ehealth.ca.gov/eHealthPlan/tabid/72/Default.aspx Sign up for listserv, bulletins, send comments and questions: ehealth@chhs.ca.gov Next Public Webinar Thursday May 13 1pm 2pm webinar sign-up: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/778130384 28