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Minnesota High Tech Foundation (MHTF)
                                  Scholarship Application

The Minnesota High Tech Foundation (MHTF) will award scholarships to undergraduate students
in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) disciplines. These awards include six
$2,000 scholarships and three $10,000 awards. The purpose of the scholarship program is to
strengthen Minnesotas future technology workforce by providing financial support to
undergraduate students of accredited, Minnesota-based higher education institutions pursuing
careers in STEM or STEM teaching. These esteemed awards provide a unique opportunity for
students to meet Minnesota business leaders and network into future careers and internships.

The $2,000 scholarships are supported entirely by the MHTF. These awards will be presented in
front of over 1,000 technology executives gathered to celebrate innovation and technology at the
Minnesota Tekne Awards in November 2010. The $10,000 scholarships are sponsored by
Minnesota businesses and will be paid in equal dividends as part of a multi-year program.
Students receiving the $10,000 awards will be recognized at the Minnesota High Tech Association
(MHTA) Spring Conference where more than 500 companies will gather to share information on
current technology trends and the global economy in the spring of 2011. Recipients of the $2,000
scholarships must attend the Minnesota Tekne Awards. Students who receive the $10,000
multi-year awards are required to attend the MHTA Spring Conference.

Applications will be reviewed by members of the MHTF Board of Directors. The MHTF Board of
Directors represents Minnesota companies and higher education institutions committed to the
development of a well-educated workforce for Minnesotas technology industry. The MHTF Board
of Directors supports diversity in the application and award process.

Applications for the MHTF scholarship program must be postmarked, emailed or faxed by April 23,
2010, for consideration. Applicants will be notified of award status by September 15, 2010.

Eligibility Requirements:
     Must be pursuing an undergraduate degree in a STEM field or in STEM teaching.
     Only students with sophomore through senior status for the 2010-2011 school year from an
        accredited, Minnesota-based higher education institution may apply. Sophomore status
        may include students who have achieved this status via advanced placement (AP) credit or
        post secondary options (PSEO).

Send completed application to:
                             Minnesota High Tech Foundation
                                       Taylor Pettis
                               2470 Highcrest Road Suite 100
                                    Roseville, MN 55113
                        Email: tpettis@mhta.org Fax: 952.230.4550

Please direct questions in email format to tpettis@mhta.org. Incomplete applications cannot be
accepted. Please review your application for errors and exclusions before submitting.
Minnesota High Tech Foundation (MHTF)
                                        Scholarship Application

Applicant Data

Current Status (please circle one): FR (1st Year)           SO (2nd Year)        JR (3rd Year)     SR (4th Year)
Students status may include college credits received as part of AP credit or PSEO programs.

Current Campus/ University/ College Name: ____________________

What institution will you attend during the 2010  2011 School year?

__University of Minnesota          __Minnesota State Colleges & Universities          __Minnesota Private Colleges

2010 -2011 Campus/University/College Name: _______________________

Current Major: _____________ Current GPA in Major: _____                        Current overall GPA_______

Applicant First Name: _________________                       Applicant Last Name: _______________

Mailing Address: _____________________                        City/St: ____________              Zip: ____

E-mail address: ______________________                        Daytime Phone: ____________

Gender (please mark one):          ___M ___F

Race/ Ethnicity Category (please mark one):
___ American Indian or Alaska Native
___ Asian
___ Black or African American
___ Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
___ White
___ More than one race

Are you the first person in your immediate family to attend a post secondary institution?
___Yes          ___ No (please mark one)

Academic Advisor: ___________________                         Daytime Phone: ____________

Mailing Address: _____________________                        City/State: ____________           Zip: ______

Email address: ______________________

Have you received any grants or scholarships for the current academic year? YES NO (circle one)

If yes, list the grant/scholarship sources and their dollar amount: ___________________________

Have you applied for a previous MHTF Scholarship: Yes No If yes, indicate year:____________
Have you been the recipient of a MHTF Scholarship: Yes No If yes, indicate year:_____________
Essay Questions (Please complete all questions. Write 100 words or less per response)

   1. Summarize your academic accomplishments in your major program of study. This should
      focus on coursework or special projects.

   2. Summarize accomplishments in research, community service, teaching or work that relates
       to your interest in STEM.

   3. How are you paying for college and how will the scholarship enhance your collegiate

   4. Explain your future academic or career goals after completing your undergraduate degree
       and how will your career path benefit Minnesota?

   5. Please list any other information pertaining to life circumstances, academics, volunteerism,
      or interests that you would like us to know.
Minnesota High Tech Foundation (MHTF)
                                   Scholarship Application
Letter(s) of Recommendation
Two letters of recommendation are required and must be postmarked, emailed or faxed by the
application deadline of April 23, 2010. One letter must be from a current professor or academic
advisor in the major program of study. Letters of recommendation must include the contact
information of the writer. Letters of recommendation should be submitted directly to MHTF
from the students reference separately from the application. Two letters are required;
additional letters will not be read.

                             Minnesota High Technology Foundation
                                           Taylor Pettis
                                 2470 Highcrest Road Suite 100
                                       Roseville, MN 55113
                            Email: tpettis@mhta.org Fax: 952.2304550
Please submit a resume outlining your academic, work, research/or community service
Proof of Unmet Need:
Please provide a copy of your Financial Aid Award Letter (please provide the entire letter
received from the Financial Aid Office for the current school year).
Informal Transcript:
A copy of the students transcript should be attached to the application. MHTF will accept informal
Terms of Agreement
I agree to provide additional information if it will assist the organization in evaluating my
application. I understand that if I receive a $2,000 scholarship, I must attend the Minnesota Tekne
Awards in November 2010 and that if I receive a $10,000 multi-year award I am required to attend
the MHTA Spring Conference, spring 2011. I understand that if I am selected a recipient of any
scholarship award, my name will be used in various publications to promote the Tekne Awards,
MHTA Spring Conference, and the MHTF scholarship program.
I give MHTA permission to share my application materials with MHTA member companies
for possible consideration for: (Check all that apply)

____ Internships              ____ Mentoring Relationships                 ____ Job Opportunities

Applicant Signature: ___________________________ Date:____________________________

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2010 MHTF Scholarship Application

  • 1. Minnesota High Tech Foundation (MHTF) Scholarship Application The Minnesota High Tech Foundation (MHTF) will award scholarships to undergraduate students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) disciplines. These awards include six $2,000 scholarships and three $10,000 awards. The purpose of the scholarship program is to strengthen Minnesotas future technology workforce by providing financial support to undergraduate students of accredited, Minnesota-based higher education institutions pursuing careers in STEM or STEM teaching. These esteemed awards provide a unique opportunity for students to meet Minnesota business leaders and network into future careers and internships. The $2,000 scholarships are supported entirely by the MHTF. These awards will be presented in front of over 1,000 technology executives gathered to celebrate innovation and technology at the Minnesota Tekne Awards in November 2010. The $10,000 scholarships are sponsored by Minnesota businesses and will be paid in equal dividends as part of a multi-year program. Students receiving the $10,000 awards will be recognized at the Minnesota High Tech Association (MHTA) Spring Conference where more than 500 companies will gather to share information on current technology trends and the global economy in the spring of 2011. Recipients of the $2,000 scholarships must attend the Minnesota Tekne Awards. Students who receive the $10,000 multi-year awards are required to attend the MHTA Spring Conference. Applications will be reviewed by members of the MHTF Board of Directors. The MHTF Board of Directors represents Minnesota companies and higher education institutions committed to the development of a well-educated workforce for Minnesotas technology industry. The MHTF Board of Directors supports diversity in the application and award process. Applications for the MHTF scholarship program must be postmarked, emailed or faxed by April 23, 2010, for consideration. Applicants will be notified of award status by September 15, 2010. Eligibility Requirements: Must be pursuing an undergraduate degree in a STEM field or in STEM teaching. Only students with sophomore through senior status for the 2010-2011 school year from an accredited, Minnesota-based higher education institution may apply. Sophomore status may include students who have achieved this status via advanced placement (AP) credit or post secondary options (PSEO). Send completed application to: Minnesota High Tech Foundation Taylor Pettis 2470 Highcrest Road Suite 100 Roseville, MN 55113 Email: tpettis@mhta.org Fax: 952.230.4550 Please direct questions in email format to tpettis@mhta.org. Incomplete applications cannot be accepted. Please review your application for errors and exclusions before submitting.
  • 2. Minnesota High Tech Foundation (MHTF) Scholarship Application Applicant Data Current Status (please circle one): FR (1st Year) SO (2nd Year) JR (3rd Year) SR (4th Year) Students status may include college credits received as part of AP credit or PSEO programs. Current Campus/ University/ College Name: ____________________ What institution will you attend during the 2010 2011 School year? __University of Minnesota __Minnesota State Colleges & Universities __Minnesota Private Colleges 2010 -2011 Campus/University/College Name: _______________________ Current Major: _____________ Current GPA in Major: _____ Current overall GPA_______ Applicant First Name: _________________ Applicant Last Name: _______________ Mailing Address: _____________________ City/St: ____________ Zip: ____ E-mail address: ______________________ Daytime Phone: ____________ Gender (please mark one): ___M ___F Race/ Ethnicity Category (please mark one): ___ American Indian or Alaska Native ___ Asian ___ Black or African American ___ Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander ___ White ___ More than one race Are you the first person in your immediate family to attend a post secondary institution? ___Yes ___ No (please mark one) Academic Advisor: ___________________ Daytime Phone: ____________ Mailing Address: _____________________ City/State: ____________ Zip: ______ Email address: ______________________ Have you received any grants or scholarships for the current academic year? YES NO (circle one) If yes, list the grant/scholarship sources and their dollar amount: ___________________________ Have you applied for a previous MHTF Scholarship: Yes No If yes, indicate year:____________ Have you been the recipient of a MHTF Scholarship: Yes No If yes, indicate year:_____________
  • 3. Essay Questions (Please complete all questions. Write 100 words or less per response) 1. Summarize your academic accomplishments in your major program of study. This should focus on coursework or special projects. 2. Summarize accomplishments in research, community service, teaching or work that relates to your interest in STEM. 3. How are you paying for college and how will the scholarship enhance your collegiate experience? 4. Explain your future academic or career goals after completing your undergraduate degree and how will your career path benefit Minnesota? 5. Please list any other information pertaining to life circumstances, academics, volunteerism, or interests that you would like us to know.
  • 4. Minnesota High Tech Foundation (MHTF) Scholarship Application Cont. Letter(s) of Recommendation Two letters of recommendation are required and must be postmarked, emailed or faxed by the application deadline of April 23, 2010. One letter must be from a current professor or academic advisor in the major program of study. Letters of recommendation must include the contact information of the writer. Letters of recommendation should be submitted directly to MHTF from the students reference separately from the application. Two letters are required; additional letters will not be read. Minnesota High Technology Foundation Taylor Pettis 2470 Highcrest Road Suite 100 Roseville, MN 55113 Email: tpettis@mhta.org Fax: 952.2304550 Resume: Please submit a resume outlining your academic, work, research/or community service involvement. Proof of Unmet Need: Please provide a copy of your Financial Aid Award Letter (please provide the entire letter received from the Financial Aid Office for the current school year). Informal Transcript: A copy of the students transcript should be attached to the application. MHTF will accept informal transcripts. Terms of Agreement I agree to provide additional information if it will assist the organization in evaluating my application. I understand that if I receive a $2,000 scholarship, I must attend the Minnesota Tekne Awards in November 2010 and that if I receive a $10,000 multi-year award I am required to attend the MHTA Spring Conference, spring 2011. I understand that if I am selected a recipient of any scholarship award, my name will be used in various publications to promote the Tekne Awards, MHTA Spring Conference, and the MHTF scholarship program. I give MHTA permission to share my application materials with MHTA member companies for possible consideration for: (Check all that apply) ____ Internships ____ Mentoring Relationships ____ Job Opportunities Applicant Signature: ___________________________ Date:____________________________