Abstract:A tracking and registration method based on SURF and optical flow in the AR is proposed. The moving object
region is tracked by the optical flow method. This paper extracts and matches the features of the region with SURF because
the algorithm maintains advantages of affine invariance, scale invariance and fast computing speed. The final registration
matrix is calculated using the homographies between adjacent frames. This method reduces the computational time deeply
while the accuracy of the registration unchanges. Convinced by experimental results, this approach can work at almost real
time and achieves accurate registration, and can keep a good robustness in some environment changes.
Fast fading, Slow fading and Multipath effect in wireless communicationsPei-Che Chang
Fast fading, Slow fading and multipath effect in wireless communications
QPSK in AWGN channel
QPSK in AWGN + Rayleigh fading channel
using GNU Octave simulation
Study on the image stitching approach and execute comparative experiments on a variety of image recognition and stitching algorithm. Implement a photo stitching program using the SIFT algorithm with MATLAB.
C2 discrete time signals and systems in the frequency-domainPei-Che Chang
Discrete-Time Signals and Systems in the Frequency-Domain
Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
time domain convolution theorem
frequency domain convolution theorem
Z transform
This document provides an overview of augmented reality technologies for smartphones, including AR browsers and tools for publishing augmented reality content. It discusses key AR concepts and several major AR browsers, evaluating them based on criteria like registration and tracking abilities, built-in actions, publishing and application APIs, supported content, and offline capabilities. The document also reviews tools for authoring and publishing augmented reality points of interest and provides resources for AR standards and best practices.
Fast fading, Slow fading and Multipath effect in wireless communicationsPei-Che Chang
Fast fading, Slow fading and multipath effect in wireless communications
QPSK in AWGN channel
QPSK in AWGN + Rayleigh fading channel
using GNU Octave simulation
Study on the image stitching approach and execute comparative experiments on a variety of image recognition and stitching algorithm. Implement a photo stitching program using the SIFT algorithm with MATLAB.
C2 discrete time signals and systems in the frequency-domainPei-Che Chang
Discrete-Time Signals and Systems in the Frequency-Domain
Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
time domain convolution theorem
frequency domain convolution theorem
Z transform
This document provides an overview of augmented reality technologies for smartphones, including AR browsers and tools for publishing augmented reality content. It discusses key AR concepts and several major AR browsers, evaluating them based on criteria like registration and tracking abilities, built-in actions, publishing and application APIs, supported content, and offline capabilities. The document also reviews tools for authoring and publishing augmented reality points of interest and provides resources for AR standards and best practices.
Augmented reality adds contextual information and meaning to real objects or places through technologies that overlay digital content. It can help students learn by supplementing field trips and experiences with educational notes, photos, and data. As computing devices become more powerful and ubiquitous, augmented reality has potential to enhance learning across disciplines by giving students an active role in gathering information about the real world. While it provides rich contextual experiences, augmented reality also faces challenges in developing and maintaining specialized hardware and ensuring educational value over entertainment aspects.
1. The document discusses how to build C++ projects using the ARTag augmented reality library. It provides information on required files, setup for OpenGL and OpenCV, and functions for initializing, detecting markers, and rendering augmented reality content.
2. Example applications of ARTag are described, including basic marker detection and OpenGL rendering. Functions for finding markers, getting the camera transform, and mapping between objects are explained.
3. Guidelines are given for designing augmented reality games using ARTag, such as loading marker patterns and 3D models, texture mapping, and programming the camera.
1. 中国科技论文在线 http://www.paper.edu.cn
基于 ARToolkit 的增强现实研究和实现
(北京邮电大学计算机学院,北京 100876)
究和探索。本文对增强现实系统开发工具包 ARToolkit 的基本运行原理进行了研究,并针对
关键词: 增强现实;ARToolkit;三维注册
Research and Implementation of Augmented Reality based
on ARToolkit
Zhang Xiaobo
(Computer School, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876)
Abstract: Augmented reality is a hot research topic in recent years, and is an interdisciplinary research
field. Also, it has broad application prospects in the medical, military, education, entertainment, etc,
and many domestic and foreign universities and research institutions engaged in this aspect of research
and exploration. This paper studied the basic operation principle of ARToolkit, which is a development
kit of augmented reality system, and improved the three dimensional registration when the marker was
sheltered. This paper put forward multi-marker assisted three dimensional registration algorithm and
another three dimensional registration algorithm when the non angular point is sheltered. Finally,
combining three dimensional model retrieval system, this paper finished the augmented three
dimensional model retrieval system.
Key words: Augmented Reality; ARToolkit; Three Dimensional Registration
0 引言
增强现实(Augmented Reality,简称 AR)技术是近年来的研究热点,是一个多学科交
是虚拟现实的一个分支,从狭义上讲,AR 与虚拟现实又有本质的区别,虚拟现实是利用计
而 AR 则是在用户所处的现实环境的基础上加载虚拟场景,实现用户与虚拟场景以及现实之
间的交互。AR 最终实现的目标就是:使用户处于一种融合的环境中,不能区分真实和虚拟,
为了能够进行 AR 应用开发,现在已经有多种用于 AR 系统开发的工具包和 API,如
ARToolkit、ARTag、Coin3D 和 MR Platform 等,其中 ARToolKit 是一套基于 C 语言以及
OpenGL 的 AR 系统开发包,该开发包的最初版本是由日本大阪大学的 Hirokazo Kato 博士于
1999 年在华盛顿大学人机接口实验室(HITLab)设计开发的[2],用于快速编写 AR 应用,
作者介绍:张晓波,男,硕士研究生,虚拟现实与增强现实. E-mail: skyoung09@gmail.com
2. 中国科技论文在线 http://www.paper.edu.cn
现在的最新版本是 Version 2.72.1。它通过识别已知标识完成三维注册,并在其上叠加虚拟
物体实现 AR 开发。
但是,ARToolKit 只有在标识完全可见的情况下才能完成三维注册,当标识部分被遮挡
时,三维注册无法正常工作。本文对 ARToolkit 做了深入的研究,通过两种方法改进了标识
1 ARToolkit 基本原理
1.1 ARToolkit 工作流程
ARToolkit 工作流程如图 1-1 所示。ARToolkit 首先检测摄像机设备是否正常,初始化摄
匹配,如果产生匹配,则 ARToolkit 认为找到了一个标识,并利用该标识区域的变形来计算
图 1-1 ARToolkit 工作流程
Fig. 1-1 Workflow of ARToolkit
1.2 ARToolkit 坐标体系
在 ARToolkit 中引入坐标体系是为了解决三维注册问题,而三维注册问题可归结为计算
标识坐标系与摄像机坐标系之间的转换关系,即摄像机相对标识的变换矩阵。ARToolkit 的
坐标体系如图 1-2 所示,(Xm, Ym, Zm) 为标识坐标系,(Xc, Yc, Zc) 为摄像机坐标系,(xc,
yc) T 为理想屏幕坐标系,(xd, yd) T 为实际屏幕坐标系。