Testing Forest-Isomorphismin the Adjacency List Modelirrrrr
The document discusses testing forest isomorphism in the adjacency list model. It proposes a partitioning oracle that removes small fractions of edges to partition graphs into parts with good properties, like bounded degree trees. It then checks if each corresponding part in the two forests is isomorphic or far. This reduces the problem to poly(log n) queries by testing individual parts. The approach provides a general technique for testing any graph property on forests in poly(log n) queries. A lower bound of Ω(√log n) queries is also shown.
The document summarizes solutions to problems from an ICPC competition. It discusses solutions to 8 problems:
1. Problem B on squeezing cylinders can be solved in O(N2) time by moving cylinders from left to right using Pythagorean theorem.
2. Problem C on sibling rivalry can be solved in O(n3) time using matrix multiplication to track reachable vertices, and iterating to minimize/maximize number of turns.
3. Problem D on wall clocks can be solved greedily in O(n2) time by sorting interval positions and placing clocks at rightmost positions.
4. Problem K on the min-max distance game can be solved by binary searching the distance t and
The document discusses solving the L∞ Jumps problem, which involves assigning jump vectors between base vectors representing points to minimize the maximum distance traveled. It proposes sorting the base vectors clockwise, fixing the number of jump vectors in each direction, and using a greedy algorithm to assign jump vectors. The overall complexity is O(n5) due to considering all combinations of jump vector directions and offsets for the greedy assignment.
Treasure Data Summer Internship Final ReportRitta Narita
Ritta Narita interned at The University of Tokyo researching physics simulation. For two intern projects, she developed an original virtual machine for random forests in hivemall and implemented a socket manager with ServerEngine for fluentd's new multiprocess model. For hivemall, the virtual machine was 10 times faster than JavaScript and restricted code execution. For fluentd, the socket manager allows workers to share a listening socket and fully utilize multicore processors without additional configuration.
Testing Forest-Isomorphismin the Adjacency List Modelirrrrr
The document discusses testing forest isomorphism in the adjacency list model. It proposes a partitioning oracle that removes small fractions of edges to partition graphs into parts with good properties, like bounded degree trees. It then checks if each corresponding part in the two forests is isomorphic or far. This reduces the problem to poly(log n) queries by testing individual parts. The approach provides a general technique for testing any graph property on forests in poly(log n) queries. A lower bound of Ω(√log n) queries is also shown.
The document summarizes solutions to problems from an ICPC competition. It discusses solutions to 8 problems:
1. Problem B on squeezing cylinders can be solved in O(N2) time by moving cylinders from left to right using Pythagorean theorem.
2. Problem C on sibling rivalry can be solved in O(n3) time using matrix multiplication to track reachable vertices, and iterating to minimize/maximize number of turns.
3. Problem D on wall clocks can be solved greedily in O(n2) time by sorting interval positions and placing clocks at rightmost positions.
4. Problem K on the min-max distance game can be solved by binary searching the distance t and
The document discusses solving the L∞ Jumps problem, which involves assigning jump vectors between base vectors representing points to minimize the maximum distance traveled. It proposes sorting the base vectors clockwise, fixing the number of jump vectors in each direction, and using a greedy algorithm to assign jump vectors. The overall complexity is O(n5) due to considering all combinations of jump vector directions and offsets for the greedy assignment.
Treasure Data Summer Internship Final ReportRitta Narita
Ritta Narita interned at The University of Tokyo researching physics simulation. For two intern projects, she developed an original virtual machine for random forests in hivemall and implemented a socket manager with ServerEngine for fluentd's new multiprocess model. For hivemall, the virtual machine was 10 times faster than JavaScript and restricted code execution. For fluentd, the socket manager allows workers to share a listening socket and fully utilize multicore processors without additional configuration.
Deck used for my talk during PyDataNYC in which I described how we improved thumbnail cropping in our news app, Kamelio. We used Deep Learning object detection to identify the interesting regions of the image which was subsequently fed into image cropping logic.
The document discusses particle filter tracking in Python. Particle filters use a distribution of samples, or "particles", to approximate the posterior distribution of the state. The particle filter algorithm involves predicting the movement of particles, updating weights based on observation and likelihood, and resampling particles. Example Python code is provided to implement a particle filter for tracking an object in video frames using OpenCV.
24. Eric Blais, Johan H?stad, Rocco Servedio and Li-Yang Tan.
On DNF approximators for monotone Boolean functions
? DNF(積和標準形) とは ↓ こういうの
復習: 任意の n ビット論理関数 f : {0,1}n → {0,1} はサイズ(項数)
が高々 2n の DNF で書ける
?逆に Ω(2n) サイズ必要な論理関数が有る
? f を近似する DNF を表すことにすると?
?ε>0 が与えられた時に,ある g で,Pr[f(x) ≠ g(x)] < ε となる
ようなものをできるだけ小さいサイズの DNF で書きたい
?Ω(2(1-4ε)n) は必要らしい
? 今回
?f を単調関数に制限するとサイズ Θ(2n / √n) でいいらしい
f(x1, x2, x3) = x1x2 + x2x3 + x1
25. (BEST PAPER) Andreas Bj?rklund and Thore Husfeldt.
Shortest Two Disjoint Paths in Polynomial Time
? グラフがあって頂点 s1,t1,s2,t2 が指定される
? s1→t1,s2→t2 に向かうパス対で
? 今まで指数時間解法しか知られていなかった.
? 彼らは多項式時間アルゴリズムを提案した
?ただし O(n11) とかかかる
26. (BEST PAPER) Andreas Bj?rklund and Thore Husfeldt.
Shortest Two Disjoint Paths in Polynomial Time
? 変数入り隣接行列の Permanent を
? Permanent の計算は一般には #P-hard
? しかし今回の目的なら計算したいものが限られているので
27. (BEST PAPER) Andreas Bj?rklund and Thore Husfeldt.
Shortest Two Disjoint Paths in Polynomial Time
? シンプルな問題設定
? 証明はシンプルでありながら非自明
? 指数→多項式 は大きなブレークスルー
? 代数的アルゴリズムの利用
28. Mitsuru Kusumoto and Yuichi Yoshida. Testing Forest-
Isomorphism in the Adjacency List Model
? 僕です
29. Mitsuru Kusumoto and Yuichi Yoshida. Testing Forest-
Isomorphism in the Adjacency List Model
30. Amir Abboud, Virginia Vassilevska Williams and Oren Weimann.
Consequences of Faster Alignment of Sequences
? 文字列マッチング系の問題で,?(n2) 時間より速い
? 今回は配列アラインメントで ?(n2) より真に速いアルゴリズム
? 無さそうとは?
?配列アラインメントが O(n2) より真に速く解けるとすると,
31. Konstantin Makarychev and Yury Makarychev.
Nonuniform Graph Partitioning with Unrelated Weights
? グラフの最小 k 分割:
?グラフの頂点を k 個のクラスタに分けて,異なるクラスタ
?多分NP完全? だが O(√(logn logk)) 近似がある
? Nonuniform グラフ分割
?i 番目のクラスタの大きさは ρin 以下でないといけない
?O(logn) 近似が知られていた
?→ O(√(logn logk)) 近似に改善
? SDPベースのアルゴリズムを使うらしい
32. Andreas Bj?rklund, Rasmus Pagh, Virginia Vassilevska
Williams and Uri Zwick. Listing Triangles
? Triangle listing : グラフ中の△を全部列挙したい!!
? ’78:O(m√m) 時間アルゴリズム (m は枝数)
?△の個数は Θ(m√m) 個ありうるのでタイト
? でも output sensitive (△の個数を t としたとき t に依存する計
算時間) にしたいですよね??
33. Andreas Bj?rklund, Rasmus Pagh, Virginia Vassilevska
Williams and Uri Zwick. Listing Triangles
? ω は行列積にかかる計算時間の指数部
?現在は ω = 2.3728639
? ω = 2 ならこの計算時間はタイト!! という主張
#2: Memo : 20 minutes
Hello, My name Mitsuru Kusumoto. I graduated Kyoto University this year and I’m working for Preferred Infrastructure Inc.
I would give a presentation about testing forest-isomorphism in the adjacency list model.
This is a joint work with Yuichi Yoshida.