The document summarizes the long-term performance of the Terra and Aqua MODIS instruments. It finds that both instruments have successfully operated for over 9 years, with Terra at 11 years. Key findings include that instrument temperatures have steadily increased but remain stable, on-board calibrators continue to function well, and radiometric, spectral, and spatial performance remains stable, though some degradation occurs over time. Challenges include large changes in visible band responses and solar diffuser degradation.
This document presents a new approach for classifying multispectral remote sensing imagery using weighted pixel statistics. The approach combines spectral signatures from an image to perform accurate classification. Simulation results on synthesized test images show the approach provides more accurate classifications with fewer unclassified zones compared to traditional weighted order statistics methods, demonstrating the efficiency of the proposed approach. Future work is outlined to further evaluate performance.
The document outlines the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) calibration and validation plan. It discusses pre-launch and post-launch validation activities, including establishing core validation sites and conducting field experiments like the Canadian Experiment (CanEx) campaign. The plan aims to validate SMAP's soil moisture products to meet mission requirements and improve algorithms over the mission lifetime through ongoing calibration and validation efforts.
1. The document discusses unsupervised classification of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data using information geometry of covariance matrices.
2. It presents the spherical and independently and identically distributed (SIRV) model for non-Gaussian clutter and proposes a maximum likelihood estimator of covariance matrices under the SIRV assumption.
3. Results on real SAR data show that accounting for the non-Gaussian nature of the data using the SIRV model and a Riemannian geometric mean of covariances outperforms conventional Gaussian methods.
The document summarizes validation work for SMOS land products using data from the Valencia Anchor Station. An integrated approach is used combining ground measurements, modeling, and aircraft campaigns. Ground networks monitor soil moisture across environmental units. Aircraft campaigns provide temporal profiles over different land covers. The work aims to define representative matching points between SMOS observations and ground data to validate SMOS soil moisture products.
The document presents a new technique called C-2PO for retrieving wind speeds from cross-polarized synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data during hurricanes. C-2PO uses the cross-polarization ratio, which is insensitive to wind direction and incidence angle, making it easier to map to wind speed compared to existing techniques. Comparisons show C-2PO provides more accurate wind speed retrievals than existing methods for hurricanes, with lower biases and errors. Reasons C-2PO performs better include existing models saturating at high winds and not accounting for rain and other factors.
The Cultural / Civic Entrepreneurs Forum油is aimed at highlighting initiatives that have the potential to stimulate and enliven the public and community spaces of the city. Great places are not just an outcome of design but management , programming & Community Engagement & enabling social networks & partnerships. The forum 油presented cultural change agents who organize and adding to the cultural & social capital of the city. It was jointly hosted by 油The Urban Vision & Thomson Reuters Foundation. Below is the presentations.
The document evaluates different focusing and motion compensation techniques for processing single-pass airborne polarimetric interferometric synthetic aperture radar (PolInSAR) data at L-band. It finds that omega-k focusing with dual-line motion compensation is sufficient for moderate resolutions but that time domain backprojection with terrain-based motion compensation improves performance for high-resolution and high-squint applications. Future work includes system re-calibration, further PolInSAR performance evaluation, and speeding up the time domain implementation.
This document provides an overview of key infrastructure projects underway or recently completed in New York City, including the Second Avenue Subway expansion, East Side Access connecting the Long Island Rail Road to Grand Central Terminal, the #7 subway line extension, and the ongoing construction of new Water Tunnel #3 to replace the city's aging water tunnels #1 and #2. It details the scale, costs, and timelines of these massive underground infrastructure projects that underpin transportation and water delivery networks in New York City.
This document provides information on participial phrases and how they can function as adjective or adverb clauses. It explains the two forms of participial phrases - present participial phrases using the "-ing" form and past participial phrases using the "-ed" form. Examples are given to illustrate how participial phrases can be used in different positions within a sentence and how the verb form (-ing or -ed) depends on whether the clause is in active or passive voice. Guidance is provided on how to transform participial phrases into adjective or adverb clauses by omitting relative pronouns and changing verbs to the appropriate participial form while maintaining the same subject.
This document describes a method for nonlinear unmixing of hyperspectral images using radial basis functions and orthogonal least squares. It introduces radial basis function networks for modeling nonlinear mixing and describes how the network is trained by selecting radial basis function centers using orthogonal least squares to reduce complexity. It then explains how constrained abundance estimation is performed for inversion using the trained network. Simulation results are presented using both synthetic data and a real hyperspectral image to demonstrate the approach.
The document summarizes initial results from the SMOS satellite mission regarding spatial variations of L-band emissivity in Antarctica. Key findings include:
1) L-band brightness temperature is fairly constant in dry snow zones, suggesting potential to retrieve snow temperature from SMOS data in these areas.
2) Wet snow zones exhibit more temporal brightness temperature variations due to liquid water absorption and formation of icy layers during melt-refreeze cycles.
3) Radiative transfer modeling suggests snowpack density profiles are important for accurately modeling brightness temperature, particularly at horizontal polarization. Further data is needed to refine emissivity estimates and potential snow temperature retrievals from SMOS in dry snow zones.
The document summarizes the long-term performance of the Terra and Aqua MODIS instruments. It finds that both instruments have successfully operated for over 9 years, with Terra at 11 years. Key findings include that instrument temperatures have steadily increased but remain stable, on-board calibrators continue to function well, and radiometric, spectral, and spatial performance remains stable, though some degradation occurs over time. Challenges include large changes in visible band responses and solar diffuser degradation.
This document presents a new approach for classifying multispectral remote sensing imagery using weighted pixel statistics. The approach combines spectral signatures from an image to perform accurate classification. Simulation results on synthesized test images show the approach provides more accurate classifications with fewer unclassified zones compared to traditional weighted order statistics methods, demonstrating the efficiency of the proposed approach. Future work is outlined to further evaluate performance.
The document outlines the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) calibration and validation plan. It discusses pre-launch and post-launch validation activities, including establishing core validation sites and conducting field experiments like the Canadian Experiment (CanEx) campaign. The plan aims to validate SMAP's soil moisture products to meet mission requirements and improve algorithms over the mission lifetime through ongoing calibration and validation efforts.
1. The document discusses unsupervised classification of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data using information geometry of covariance matrices.
2. It presents the spherical and independently and identically distributed (SIRV) model for non-Gaussian clutter and proposes a maximum likelihood estimator of covariance matrices under the SIRV assumption.
3. Results on real SAR data show that accounting for the non-Gaussian nature of the data using the SIRV model and a Riemannian geometric mean of covariances outperforms conventional Gaussian methods.
The document summarizes validation work for SMOS land products using data from the Valencia Anchor Station. An integrated approach is used combining ground measurements, modeling, and aircraft campaigns. Ground networks monitor soil moisture across environmental units. Aircraft campaigns provide temporal profiles over different land covers. The work aims to define representative matching points between SMOS observations and ground data to validate SMOS soil moisture products.
The document presents a new technique called C-2PO for retrieving wind speeds from cross-polarized synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data during hurricanes. C-2PO uses the cross-polarization ratio, which is insensitive to wind direction and incidence angle, making it easier to map to wind speed compared to existing techniques. Comparisons show C-2PO provides more accurate wind speed retrievals than existing methods for hurricanes, with lower biases and errors. Reasons C-2PO performs better include existing models saturating at high winds and not accounting for rain and other factors.
The Cultural / Civic Entrepreneurs Forum油is aimed at highlighting initiatives that have the potential to stimulate and enliven the public and community spaces of the city. Great places are not just an outcome of design but management , programming & Community Engagement & enabling social networks & partnerships. The forum 油presented cultural change agents who organize and adding to the cultural & social capital of the city. It was jointly hosted by 油The Urban Vision & Thomson Reuters Foundation. Below is the presentations.
The document evaluates different focusing and motion compensation techniques for processing single-pass airborne polarimetric interferometric synthetic aperture radar (PolInSAR) data at L-band. It finds that omega-k focusing with dual-line motion compensation is sufficient for moderate resolutions but that time domain backprojection with terrain-based motion compensation improves performance for high-resolution and high-squint applications. Future work includes system re-calibration, further PolInSAR performance evaluation, and speeding up the time domain implementation.
This document provides an overview of key infrastructure projects underway or recently completed in New York City, including the Second Avenue Subway expansion, East Side Access connecting the Long Island Rail Road to Grand Central Terminal, the #7 subway line extension, and the ongoing construction of new Water Tunnel #3 to replace the city's aging water tunnels #1 and #2. It details the scale, costs, and timelines of these massive underground infrastructure projects that underpin transportation and water delivery networks in New York City.
This document provides information on participial phrases and how they can function as adjective or adverb clauses. It explains the two forms of participial phrases - present participial phrases using the "-ing" form and past participial phrases using the "-ed" form. Examples are given to illustrate how participial phrases can be used in different positions within a sentence and how the verb form (-ing or -ed) depends on whether the clause is in active or passive voice. Guidance is provided on how to transform participial phrases into adjective or adverb clauses by omitting relative pronouns and changing verbs to the appropriate participial form while maintaining the same subject.
This document describes a method for nonlinear unmixing of hyperspectral images using radial basis functions and orthogonal least squares. It introduces radial basis function networks for modeling nonlinear mixing and describes how the network is trained by selecting radial basis function centers using orthogonal least squares to reduce complexity. It then explains how constrained abundance estimation is performed for inversion using the trained network. Simulation results are presented using both synthetic data and a real hyperspectral image to demonstrate the approach.
The document summarizes initial results from the SMOS satellite mission regarding spatial variations of L-band emissivity in Antarctica. Key findings include:
1) L-band brightness temperature is fairly constant in dry snow zones, suggesting potential to retrieve snow temperature from SMOS data in these areas.
2) Wet snow zones exhibit more temporal brightness temperature variations due to liquid water absorption and formation of icy layers during melt-refreeze cycles.
3) Radiative transfer modeling suggests snowpack density profiles are important for accurately modeling brightness temperature, particularly at horizontal polarization. Further data is needed to refine emissivity estimates and potential snow temperature retrievals from SMOS in dry snow zones.
2015-11-01 - Case e Stili - focus parquetFiemme3000
This Italian magazine article profiles the Fiemme 3000 ski resort located in northern Italy. The article provides details about the resort's ski slopes and facilities, noting that it caters to intermediate skiers and has 27,000 annual visitors. It concludes by recommending Fiemme 3000 as an ideal ski destination for those seeking a more low-key experience compared to larger Italian resorts.
This article discusses the Fiemme 3000 ski resort located in Italy. The article provides details about the resort across multiple pages, including its location in the country of Italy, readership and circulation statistics. Reproduction or distribution of the article's content is prohibited.
This 3-page Italian newspaper article discusses the Fiemme 3000 ski resort located in northern Italy. The article provides details about the resort's facilities, including ski lifts and slopes, as well as an overview of upcoming events planned for the winter season. It also mentions the resort's goal of attracting more international visitors through new marketing initiatives.
This Italian magazine article discusses Fiemme 3000, a ski resort located in the Dolomites mountain range in northern Italy. The article provides details about the resort's ski slopes, lifts, and amenities for visitors. It aims to inform readers about recreational options available at Fiemme 3000 during the winter season.
2015-07-09 - Il Sole 24 Ore - Il fascino del legnoFiemme3000
2014-04-04 - - Progetti
Lavorare qui per stare meglio ovunque / Working here to feel
better everywhereTechnogym Village Cesena
Romagna-Wellness Valley.
Nel nome, reminiscenze
della pi湛 esotica Silicon
Valley doltreoceano.
Nei fatti, un progetto di
economia integrata per
creare proprio qui il primo
distretto del benessere in
Il passo iniziale 竪 gi stato
fatto con linaugurazione del
Technogym Village: a
Cesena 竪 sorto un campus
unico al mondo che affianca
al centro di produzione
della celebre azienda
specializzata in attrezzature
sportive, un centro
culturale, un laboratorio di
innovazione e, ovviamente,
un grande wellness center
dedicato allattivit fisica e alla cultura dello star bene.
A firmare la nuova sede dellazienda leader nel settore del fitness (竪 stata fornitore ufficiale delle
Olimpiadi di Londra), Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel & Partners, studio di architettura italiano fra i pi湛
conosciuti a livello internazionale.
Il complesso, esteso su 150.000 metri quadri di cui 60.000 coperti si ispira a concetti di eco
sostenibilit e bio-architettura, nella forma e nella sostanza.
Lo stabilimento, realizzato con materiali costruttivi che assicurano un alto grado di isolamento
termico, non casualmente 竪 orientato a nord: ci嘆 permette di sfruttare il naturale scambio termico,
cos狸 da avere un ambiente caldo in inverno e fresco nei mesi estivi, contribuendo allo stesso tempo
alla riduzione delle emissioni derivate dallutilizzo degli impianti di riscaldamento e di
Copyright -
Ranking Popolarit
Pi湛 :
Estrazione :Estrazione :Estrazione :Estrazione : 04/04/2014 09:38:00
Categoria :Categoria :Categoria :Categoria : Edilizia - Architettura - Lavori pubblici
File :File :File :File : piwi-3-2-122168-20140404-1434496009.pdf
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Fiemme 3000
Allinterno, i pavimenti e i rivestimenti non potevano che essere quelli a marchio Fiemme 3000.
Della serie Boschi di Fiemme 竪 stata scelta lessenza Riflesso, un rovere senza nodi spazzolato e
oliato con Fiemme 3000 BioPlus, perfetto coronamento di un progetto intimamente collegato al
concetto di salubrit, fulcro anche della produzione dellazienda trentina.
A donare luce e aria a questa immensa struttura, grandi vetrate
pensate con un sistema di apertura intelligente che riesce a sfruttare il naturale ricircolo dellaria e
rinfrescare la temperatura senza ricorrere ai classici sistemi di climatizzazione.
Tre piani, immersi nel verde, addolciti da linee e forme sinuose e morbide.
Qui il concetto di wellness permea anche i luoghi di lavoro, studiati per garantire una corretta
postura in ufficio, una giusta illuminazione e per stimolare leducazione al movimento.
Una visione che diventa realt, una traduzione architettonica della filosofia del benessere che invade
lavoro, vita (il ristorante offre prodotti sani e a chilometro zero) e dunque ambiente.
Unesperienza a disposizione di collaboratori e ospiti che qui arrivano da tutto il mondo.
Wellness - Romagna Valley.
In the name, reminiscent of Silicon Valley's most exotic overseas.
In fact, a project of integrated economy to create right here the first district of well-being in Europe.
The initial step has already been done with the inauguration of the Technogym Village: in Cesena a
campus unique in the world was born that joins the center of the famous production company
specialized in sports equipment , a cultural center , a laboratory of innovation and , of course , a
large wellness center dedicated to the physics activity and to the culture of "feel good" .
To sign the new headquarters of the leader in the fitness industry (it has been the official supplier of
the London Olympics Game) it was Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel & Partners , the italian architectural
firm among the best internationally known.
Copyright -
Ranking Popolarit
Pi湛 :
Estrazione :Estrazione :Estrazione :Estrazione : 04/04/2014 09:38:00
Categoria :Categoria :Categoria :Categoria : Edilizia - Architettura - Lavori pubblici
File :File :File :File : piwi-3-2-122168-20140404-1434496009.pdf
Audience :Audience :Audience :Audience :
Articolo pubblicato sul sitoArticolo pubblicato sul sitoArticolo pubblicato sul sitoArticolo pubblicato sul sito
Fiemme 3000
The complex , which extends over 150,000 square meters - of which 60,000 are covered - is inspired
by the concepts of environmental sustainability and bio- architecture , in form and substance.
The plant, built with construction materials that ensure a high degree of thermal insulation , is not
randomly oriented north : this allows to exploit the natural heat exchange , in order to have warm in
winter and cool in the summer months , while contributing to the reduction of emissions derived from
the use of heating and air-conditioning.
Inside, the floors and walls that could not be the ones signed by Fiemme 3000.
From Boschi di Fiemme Series was chosen the essence Riflesso, a knot- free brushed oak, oiled
with Fiemme 3000 BioPlus oiling system, perfect culmination of a project intimately connected to the
concept of health , one of the backbone of the company based in Val di Fiemme.
To give light and air to this immense structure , large windows designed with a clever opening
system that is able to exploit the natural air circulation and cool the temperature without resorting to
traditional air conditioning systems.
Three floors , surrounded by green landscapes , sweetened by sinuous and soft lines.
Here the concept of wellness permeates the workplace, designed to ensure a correct posture in the
office, the right lighting and to stimulate the movement education.
A vision come true , a translation of the architectural philosophy of wellness that invades working life
( the restaurant offers healthy and zero kilometer products) and therefore environment.
Experience available to employees and guests who come here from all over the world.
Copyright -
Ranking Popolarit
Pi湛 :
Estrazione :Estrazione :Estrazione :Estrazione : 04/04/2014 09:38:00
Categoria :Categoria :Categoria :Categoria : Edilizia - Architettura - Lavori pubblici
File :File :File :File : piwi-3-2-122168-20140404-1434496009.pdf
Audience :Audience :Audience :Audience :
Articolo pubblicato sul sitoArticolo pubblicato sul sitoArticolo pubblicato sul sitoArticolo pubblicato sul sito
Fiemme 3000