This document provides information about the future progressive and future perfect tenses in English. The future progressive signifies an action that will be in progress at a specific time in the future, such as "Tonight, I will be studying at the library." It uses the structure of "will be + verb-ing." The future perfect signifies an action that will be completed by a specific time in the future, such as "By the time you arrive, the party will have ended." It uses the structure of "will have + past participle." The difference is that the future progressive focuses on the ongoing nature of the action, while the future perfect focuses on the completion of the action.
This document presents a new approach for classifying multispectral remote sensing imagery using weighted pixel statistics. The approach combines spectral signatures from an image to perform accurate classification. Simulation results on synthesized test images show the approach provides more accurate classifications with fewer unclassified zones compared to traditional weighted order statistics methods, demonstrating the efficiency of the proposed approach. Future work is outlined to further evaluate performance.
The document discusses the use of NASA satellite data in weather and environmental analysis by the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA). The JCSDA is an interagency partnership that works to improve forecast models through better use of satellite observations. It assimilates many NASA sensors operationally, including MODIS, AIRS, and Jason altimetry, and is working to prepare other sensors like SMAP for assimilation testing. Highlights are presented on atmospheric, ocean, and land data assimilation using NASA data to improve analysis and forecasts.
The document discusses SAR (synthetic aperture radar) imagery algorithms for target detection. It presents simulated and real SAR data showing a target in a forest. New SAR processing techniques are introduced that incorporate prior knowledge of target and interference scattering properties to increase target detection and reduce false alarms. The conclusion discusses future work.
This document describes a measurement setup used to extract the reflectivity of a microwave blackbody target using free-space measurements. Theoretical background is provided on modeling the non-ideal behavior of calibration targets. Measurements were made in an anechoic chamber on a Rexolite sample and a 13-inch GSFC target from 400 MHz to 40 GHz. Results showed the GSFC target had reflectivity lower than 40 dB in K-band, consistent with specifications, and was unaffected by temperature. The technique was verified and uncertainties were estimated.
The document summarizes the long-term performance of the Terra and Aqua MODIS instruments. It finds that both instruments have successfully operated for over 9 years, with Terra at 11 years. Key findings include that instrument temperatures have steadily increased but remain stable, on-board calibrators continue to function well, and radiometric, spectral, and spatial performance remains stable, though some degradation occurs over time. Challenges include large changes in visible band responses and solar diffuser degradation.
The document summarizes initial results from the SMOS satellite mission regarding spatial variations of L-band emissivity in Antarctica. Key findings include:
1) L-band brightness temperature is fairly constant in dry snow zones, suggesting potential to retrieve snow temperature from SMOS data in these areas.
2) Wet snow zones exhibit more temporal brightness temperature variations due to liquid water absorption and formation of icy layers during melt-refreeze cycles.
3) Radiative transfer modeling suggests snowpack density profiles are important for accurately modeling brightness temperature, particularly at horizontal polarization. Further data is needed to refine emissivity estimates and potential snow temperature retrievals from SMOS in dry snow zones.
This document discusses using multi-baseline Pol-InSAR at L-band to estimate vertical forest structure and biomass mapping globally. It presents a model for volume coherence over height that can be inverted to retrieve height. It tests the method on a temperate forest site in Traunstein, Germany between 2003 and 2008, achieving height estimates that match a digital elevation model and show growth over time.
Exploration and discovery are important parts of learning about the world. Key terms related to exploration include exploring an area to learn about it, discovering something new, scanning or looking around carefully, and detecting things that may be hard to see. Tools like maps, knowledge of topography, and using satellites, robots, weather balloons and radio telescopes can help locate and find evidence of new things.
The document discusses the use of ASCAT satellite ocean surface wind data at the NOAA Ocean Prediction Center. It finds that while operational ASCAT data detects some high wind speeds from extratropical cyclones, it has a low bias compared to QuikSCAT data. A new ASCAT wind retrieval algorithm developed by NOAA provides improved high wind speed detection, detecting hurricane-force winds where operational ASCAT only detected storm-force winds. However, reliance solely on ASCAT data after the loss of QuikSCAT degrades warning capability for dangerous high wind events due to ASCAT's nadir gap and coarser resolution.
The document summarizes research on bistatic forward-looking synthetic aperture radar (BFSAR) with a stationary transmitter. It describes a BFSAR system setup using a stationary transmitter and an airborne receiver to image targets in the forward-looking direction of the receiver. Experimental results demonstrate imaging using this approach, with a resolution of 1-3 meters over an area of 3x5 km. Current work involves developing keystone-based azimuth nonlinear chirp scaling imaging algorithms to correct for range walk and equalize frequency modulation rates to improve imaging quality.
The document provides information about logistics and handling logistics for an upcoming workshop. It discusses that logistics refers to completing an entire operation from start to finish. It also mentions that Jane needs to handle the logistics for ABC Co.'s upcoming regional workshop, which includes confirming details, booking accommodations, arranging facilities, and transportation. Useful phrases for communication are also listed.
Model-based Polarimetric Decomposition using PolInSAR Coherence_v11(FILEminim...grssieee
This document presents a new model-based polarimetric decomposition technique that utilizes polarimetric synthetic aperture radar interferometry (PolInSAR) coherence. Current decomposition models have limitations in discriminating certain scattering mechanisms like skew-oriented buildings. The proposed method adapts the volume scattering model using PolInSAR coherence, which is sensitive to diverse terrains. It also indirectly modifies double-bounce and single-bounce models. Experiments on PolInSAR data show the new technique better discriminates scattering mechanisms like buildings and fits diverse forest terrains compared to existing methods.
This document discusses the use of lidar and radar data from the proposed DESDynI mission to characterize 3D vegetation structure for assessments of biodiversity and habitat. It identifies key variables like canopy height, height profiles, biomass, and cover that influence habitat suitability and have been correlated with species diversity. Fusion of lidar and radar is highlighted as providing more complete and accurate global maps of these important structural metrics compared to either sensor alone. The document concludes that lidar-radar fusion holds promise for advancing scientific understanding of biodiversity patterns in relation to forest structure and how these may change in response to disturbance events.
Green Factory 竪 un format che declina, nell'ambito di iniziative territoriali diffusamente partecipate per la promozione e lo sviluppo sociale ed economico, declina, dicevo, i 4 elementi fondamentali, le 4 gambe su cui si fonda la sostenibilit.
Per fare ci嘆 Green Factory coinvolge nei rispettivi ruoli, creativit propria ed in sinergia con agenzie pubblicitarie e creativi FREE lance, aziende operanti nel mercato della green economy, PA, commercianti dell'area territoriale su cui si svolge l'iniziativa e persone, attraverso la dinamica dell'intrattenimento educativo orientato al "learning by doing", sviluppando, in ultimo ma non per ultimo, un'azione tecnico - commerciale coerente e correlata, dato che i progetti operativi declinati, vengono totalmente sponsorizzati dalla squadra in seno al format.
This document provides information about the future progressive and future perfect tenses in English. The future progressive signifies an action that will be in progress at a specific time in the future, such as "Tonight, I will be studying at the library." It uses the structure of "will be + verb-ing." The future perfect signifies an action that will be completed by a specific time in the future, such as "By the time you arrive, the party will have ended." It uses the structure of "will have + past participle." The difference is that the future progressive focuses on the ongoing nature of the action, while the future perfect focuses on the completion of the action.
This document presents a new approach for classifying multispectral remote sensing imagery using weighted pixel statistics. The approach combines spectral signatures from an image to perform accurate classification. Simulation results on synthesized test images show the approach provides more accurate classifications with fewer unclassified zones compared to traditional weighted order statistics methods, demonstrating the efficiency of the proposed approach. Future work is outlined to further evaluate performance.
The document discusses the use of NASA satellite data in weather and environmental analysis by the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA). The JCSDA is an interagency partnership that works to improve forecast models through better use of satellite observations. It assimilates many NASA sensors operationally, including MODIS, AIRS, and Jason altimetry, and is working to prepare other sensors like SMAP for assimilation testing. Highlights are presented on atmospheric, ocean, and land data assimilation using NASA data to improve analysis and forecasts.
The document discusses SAR (synthetic aperture radar) imagery algorithms for target detection. It presents simulated and real SAR data showing a target in a forest. New SAR processing techniques are introduced that incorporate prior knowledge of target and interference scattering properties to increase target detection and reduce false alarms. The conclusion discusses future work.
This document describes a measurement setup used to extract the reflectivity of a microwave blackbody target using free-space measurements. Theoretical background is provided on modeling the non-ideal behavior of calibration targets. Measurements were made in an anechoic chamber on a Rexolite sample and a 13-inch GSFC target from 400 MHz to 40 GHz. Results showed the GSFC target had reflectivity lower than 40 dB in K-band, consistent with specifications, and was unaffected by temperature. The technique was verified and uncertainties were estimated.
The document summarizes the long-term performance of the Terra and Aqua MODIS instruments. It finds that both instruments have successfully operated for over 9 years, with Terra at 11 years. Key findings include that instrument temperatures have steadily increased but remain stable, on-board calibrators continue to function well, and radiometric, spectral, and spatial performance remains stable, though some degradation occurs over time. Challenges include large changes in visible band responses and solar diffuser degradation.
The document summarizes initial results from the SMOS satellite mission regarding spatial variations of L-band emissivity in Antarctica. Key findings include:
1) L-band brightness temperature is fairly constant in dry snow zones, suggesting potential to retrieve snow temperature from SMOS data in these areas.
2) Wet snow zones exhibit more temporal brightness temperature variations due to liquid water absorption and formation of icy layers during melt-refreeze cycles.
3) Radiative transfer modeling suggests snowpack density profiles are important for accurately modeling brightness temperature, particularly at horizontal polarization. Further data is needed to refine emissivity estimates and potential snow temperature retrievals from SMOS in dry snow zones.
This document discusses using multi-baseline Pol-InSAR at L-band to estimate vertical forest structure and biomass mapping globally. It presents a model for volume coherence over height that can be inverted to retrieve height. It tests the method on a temperate forest site in Traunstein, Germany between 2003 and 2008, achieving height estimates that match a digital elevation model and show growth over time.
Exploration and discovery are important parts of learning about the world. Key terms related to exploration include exploring an area to learn about it, discovering something new, scanning or looking around carefully, and detecting things that may be hard to see. Tools like maps, knowledge of topography, and using satellites, robots, weather balloons and radio telescopes can help locate and find evidence of new things.
The document discusses the use of ASCAT satellite ocean surface wind data at the NOAA Ocean Prediction Center. It finds that while operational ASCAT data detects some high wind speeds from extratropical cyclones, it has a low bias compared to QuikSCAT data. A new ASCAT wind retrieval algorithm developed by NOAA provides improved high wind speed detection, detecting hurricane-force winds where operational ASCAT only detected storm-force winds. However, reliance solely on ASCAT data after the loss of QuikSCAT degrades warning capability for dangerous high wind events due to ASCAT's nadir gap and coarser resolution.
The document summarizes research on bistatic forward-looking synthetic aperture radar (BFSAR) with a stationary transmitter. It describes a BFSAR system setup using a stationary transmitter and an airborne receiver to image targets in the forward-looking direction of the receiver. Experimental results demonstrate imaging using this approach, with a resolution of 1-3 meters over an area of 3x5 km. Current work involves developing keystone-based azimuth nonlinear chirp scaling imaging algorithms to correct for range walk and equalize frequency modulation rates to improve imaging quality.
The document provides information about logistics and handling logistics for an upcoming workshop. It discusses that logistics refers to completing an entire operation from start to finish. It also mentions that Jane needs to handle the logistics for ABC Co.'s upcoming regional workshop, which includes confirming details, booking accommodations, arranging facilities, and transportation. Useful phrases for communication are also listed.
Model-based Polarimetric Decomposition using PolInSAR Coherence_v11(FILEminim...grssieee
This document presents a new model-based polarimetric decomposition technique that utilizes polarimetric synthetic aperture radar interferometry (PolInSAR) coherence. Current decomposition models have limitations in discriminating certain scattering mechanisms like skew-oriented buildings. The proposed method adapts the volume scattering model using PolInSAR coherence, which is sensitive to diverse terrains. It also indirectly modifies double-bounce and single-bounce models. Experiments on PolInSAR data show the new technique better discriminates scattering mechanisms like buildings and fits diverse forest terrains compared to existing methods.
This document discusses the use of lidar and radar data from the proposed DESDynI mission to characterize 3D vegetation structure for assessments of biodiversity and habitat. It identifies key variables like canopy height, height profiles, biomass, and cover that influence habitat suitability and have been correlated with species diversity. Fusion of lidar and radar is highlighted as providing more complete and accurate global maps of these important structural metrics compared to either sensor alone. The document concludes that lidar-radar fusion holds promise for advancing scientific understanding of biodiversity patterns in relation to forest structure and how these may change in response to disturbance events.
Green Factory 竪 un format che declina, nell'ambito di iniziative territoriali diffusamente partecipate per la promozione e lo sviluppo sociale ed economico, declina, dicevo, i 4 elementi fondamentali, le 4 gambe su cui si fonda la sostenibilit.
Per fare ci嘆 Green Factory coinvolge nei rispettivi ruoli, creativit propria ed in sinergia con agenzie pubblicitarie e creativi FREE lance, aziende operanti nel mercato della green economy, PA, commercianti dell'area territoriale su cui si svolge l'iniziativa e persone, attraverso la dinamica dell'intrattenimento educativo orientato al "learning by doing", sviluppando, in ultimo ma non per ultimo, un'azione tecnico - commerciale coerente e correlata, dato che i progetti operativi declinati, vengono totalmente sponsorizzati dalla squadra in seno al format.
This brochure represent the result of all the work I've done with the Efit srl staff, turning a small but innovative company into a brand.
(All rights belong to Efit srl)
2015-11-01 - Case e Stili - focus parquetFiemme3000
This Italian magazine article profiles the Fiemme 3000 ski resort located in northern Italy. The article provides details about the resort's ski slopes and facilities, noting that it caters to intermediate skiers and has 27,000 annual visitors. It concludes by recommending Fiemme 3000 as an ideal ski destination for those seeking a more low-key experience compared to larger Italian resorts.
This article discusses the Fiemme 3000 ski resort located in Italy. The article provides details about the resort across multiple pages, including its location in the country of Italy, readership and circulation statistics. Reproduction or distribution of the article's content is prohibited.
This 3-page Italian newspaper article discusses the Fiemme 3000 ski resort located in northern Italy. The article provides details about the resort's facilities, including ski lifts and slopes, as well as an overview of upcoming events planned for the winter season. It also mentions the resort's goal of attracting more international visitors through new marketing initiatives.
This Italian magazine article discusses Fiemme 3000, a ski resort located in the Dolomites mountain range in northern Italy. The article provides details about the resort's ski slopes, lifts, and amenities for visitors. It aims to inform readers about recreational options available at Fiemme 3000 during the winter season.
2015-07-01 - Casa Naturale - Nuove essenze 2015Fiemme3000
2014-05-30 - Fiemme3000 Starpool per Wood Wellness
6 - 7 giugno 2014
Il benessere applicato al mondo dellabitare e la sinergia aziendale:
sono questi i punti cardine che hanno portato Fiemme 3000 e Starpool,
aziende deccellenza della Val di Fiemme, a bissare il ciclo di incontri
per architetti lanciato con successo durante il 2013.
Prossimo appuntamento al via venerd狸 6 giugno.
Val di Fiemme, 30 maggio 2014 _ Un format capace di comunicare
leccellenza dei prodotti made in Fiemme insieme ai valori culturali
associati al concetto di benessere attraverso lunione sinergica e
strategica di due aziende di punta del territorio trentino e del mondo
dell'abitare contemporaneo: Fiemme 3000 e Starpool.
Torna dopo il successo dello scorso anno Wood&Wellness, il ciclo di
informal meeting su invito dedicato ad architetti e progettisti, al via con
il primo appuntamento venerd狸 6 giugno.
Gli architetti coinvolti (circa 30 per ogni evento) oltre a conoscere le
sedi operative delle due aziende, avranno modo di visitare la Valle di
Fiemme, abbandonarsi allospitalit delle strutture ricettive coinvolte e
degustare la piacevolezza della cucina trentina. Durante levento
lessenza del legno incontrer il benessere, un legame quasi spontaneo
come la naturalezza dei luoghi che da sempre offrono ispirazione
quotidiana per il lavoro di Fiemme 3000 e Starpool, entrambe
ambasciatrici dei valori di questo territorio in Italia e allestero.
束Riteniamo che il rapporto con gli architetti debba esser sempre pi湛
basato su una vera e forte condivisione di un modello di nuova edilizia,
che metta al centro la cura per il cliente finale損: la dichiarazione
congiunta di Marco Felicetti, Ad Fiemme 3000 e Riccardo Turri, Ad
Wood&Wellness nasce dalla volont di unirsi e lavorare in completa
sinergia. Una volont sbocciata durante gli incontri dellassociazione
Fiemme Piace, e che ha trovato in Starpool e Fiemme3000 i due
riferimenti adatti a percepire il valore dellunione come opportunit di
sviluppo reciproco delle proprie competenze.
Dal 1993 leader nella produzione di pavimenti e rivestimenti
biocompatibili in legno. Fiemme 3000 竪 convinta che il benessere derivi
anche dallo scegliere di abitare bene: una valutazione fatta sulla base
2. non di principi economici da di durata e qualit dei servizi, dei prodotti e
dei risultati.
Ecco perch辿 Fiemme 3000 promuove il benessere come frutto di un
percorso che 竪 prima di tutto culturale. Una scelta biocompatibile come
quella che sta alla base di tutta la produzione di Fiemme 3000 竪
sinonimo di natura, autenticit, qualit, cultura. , in definitiva, una
scelta etica, di cui il legno 竪 anima e cuore, in quanto simbolo e
sostanza di tutto ci嘆 che 竪 naturale e che nella natura si crea e si
Dal 1975 leader nella produzione e progettazione di centri benessere e
Spa per luniverso hospitality e home. Lobiettivo primario di Starpool 竪 di
creare il giusto ambiente, ricercando soluzioni architettoniche adeguate
con percorsi benessere funzionali attrezzati con la giusta combinazione
di calore, acqua e riposo. La creazione del giusto ambiente sottintende
lequilibrio tra tradizione e trend, nonch辿 la continuit architettonica tra
lambiente circostante e il luogo deputato al benessere. Per realizzare
un progetto Spa 竪 fondamentale avere una profonda conoscenza della
storia e della cultura del benessere per prevedere una corretta
progettazione a livello architettonico, impiantistico e funzionale. per
questo motivo che Starpool vuole sensibilizzare gli architetti attraverso la
condivisione del proprio know how.
proprio il territorio della Val di Fiemme con i suoi elementi a dare vita a
quella naturale semplicit che sta alla base della filosofia di Fiemme
3000 e Starpool. Radici autentiche, che non potevano che ispirare la
specializzazione delle due aziende nella produzione effettiva di
benessere applicata al mondo dellabitare. Passione, innovazione,
appartenenza, competenza ed eco-sostenibilit le parole che guidano
la produzione delle aziende hanno radici in questo terra.
6-7 giugno 2014
- dalle ore 11 alle ore 19
19-20 settembre
21-22 novembre,
La stampa interessata a partecipare pu嘆 contattare lufficio stampa
OMNIA Relations.
OMNIA Factory _ T. + 39 051 6939166_6939129 F. +39 051 6939037
OMNIA Lab _ T./F. + 39 051 261449,
Coordinatore: Lucia Portesi,
3. M. +39 349 3692989
Addetto stampa: Giovanna Liberatore,, M. +39 389 8331744