1. The document discusses the need for all believers to have full knowledge of the truth revealed in Scripture and emphasizes the importance of spreading this truth through publications of the ministry.
2. It provides recommendations for reading the Recovery Version Bible and Life-study messages to understand Scripture and receive spiritual nourishment.
3. The author encourages developing habits of regular reading, promoting the ministry publications, and creating an atmosphere where truth and spiritual reading are prioritized to revive the church and spread the gospel.
? The document discusses the faithful and diligent spreading of spiritual truths through the publication work.
? It emphasizes getting publications into believers' homes so the contents can be deposited into their hearts, and it encourages developing the habit of studying the rich truths found in the publications.
? The goal is not to make money but to spread the truths to accomplish God's goal of building up the church in every place.
This document provides information about the Lord's move in Sri Lanka from October 2015 to September 2016. It summarizes key statistics about Sri Lanka including its population, languages, and religions. It then outlines the growth of 12 local churches established during this period. Tables show increases in average Sunday meetings and numbers of saints, baptisms, gospel preaching, shepherding of new ones, and other activities. Goals for 2017-2020 include raising up more local churches and numbers of saints involved in church life. Training plans are outlined for full-timers, serving ones, young people, families, and churches. Areas of prayer are also listed including literature translation, Rhema printing and gospel promotion, and work among youth and on university
This document provides demographic information about Myanmar:
- It has 7 states and 7 divisions with a population of 50 million people
- There are 8 major tribes and 127 minor tribes, totaling 135 tribes
- The primary language is Burmese
- Buddhism is the dominant religion at 87.9% of the population, with Christianity, Islam, animism, and other religions making up the remainder
- There are 330 towns and 52 churches in Myanmar
- The total number of saints in Myanmar is approximately 2,500
The Lord's work in India over the past year saw growth in several areas:
1) The number of churches increased to 162 with nearly 8,000 saints.
2) 10 new churches were established and over 800 people were baptized.
3) Efforts are being made to build up local churches, raise up the next generation of workers, and establish new churches.
4) Goals for the coming years include strengthening existing churches, clustering churches in major cities, and raising up 500 serving ones.
This document summarizes the Lord's direction and activities in Cambodia. It discusses the focus on gospel preaching through campus, community and children's ministry. Literature work includes translating books and hymns. Training includes sessions for responsible brothers, college students, and families. International blending conferences in Phnom Penh bring together local and foreign saints. The goal is to increase the number of saints from 550 to 800 and churches from 16 to 21 by October 2017.
This document provides guidelines for regular health screenings and checkups for co-workers ages 40-64. It recommends screening for blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, colon cancer, dental/eye exams, immunizations, osteoporosis, physical exams, prostate cancer, and lung cancer. The guidelines aim to detect potential health issues early, encourage healthy habits, and help people stay well-informed about their health.
The document discusses the religious backgrounds and conversion experiences of asylum seekers in Germany from various Middle Eastern and North African countries. It notes that about 50% of refugees in Germany are from Syria, where Christians make up 10% of the population. It also discusses that 1/3 of refugees are from Iran, where hundreds have converted to Christianity at a church in Berlin. The document outlines the decreasing Christian populations in Iraq and Kurdish regions. It further examines the religious demographics and experiences of asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Albania, Serbia, Somalia, Libya, Morocco, Eritrea and their conversion to Christianity upon arriving in Germany.
The document discusses proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom through free ministry literature. It notes that from the time of Jesus, he began proclaiming that the kingdom of heaven was near and that people cannot hear without a proclaimer. It then discusses physical distribution of literature and electronic distribution of literature to bring people to the gospel in various countries around the world like Norway, Thailand, Turkey, India, Cambodia, the Philippines, Latin America, and personally. It closes by quoting Jesus saying the harvest is great but the workers are few, so we should pray for more workers to be sent out into the harvest.
The document summarizes the Lord's move in Sri Lanka from November 2014 to September 2015. Key aspects included spreading the gospel through free medical treatments, intensified propagation that established new churches, perfecting the saints through trainings and conferences, translating literature into local languages, and a calendar of upcoming events aiming to raise up more golden lampstands and increase the number of saints. The summary provides an overview of the various activities in a concise 3 sentences.
This document summarizes the Lord's move in Nepal from February to September 2015. It describes how two major earthquakes in April and May 2015 affected the country, killing over 9,000 people. It then outlines the churches established in Kathmandu, Maidi, Pokhara, and Bhaktapur, with a total of 142 saints. During this time period, the ministry saw 89 baptisms and 66 being shepherded. The ministry intensified in the Kathmandu Valley with over 1,400 gospel preaches and hundreds of other ministry contacts. Literature translation and printing continued. Young people were trained in Maidi and a national blending conference was held after the earthquakes. The document concludes with a request