How to kickstart your co-creation platform - 20 examples by @boardofinnoBoard of Innovation
This document summarizes 20 existing co-creation platforms. It describes different types of co-creation such as clubs of experts, crowds of people, coalitions of parties, and communities of kindred spirits. Key principles of successful co-creation are inspiring participation, selecting the best ideas and people, connecting creative minds, sharing results, and continuing development. Platforms are compared based on parameters like number of people involved, frequency of interaction, competition level, project duration, and return for participants. The goal is to learn from existing examples of co-creation between industries, governments, and consumers.
A Guide to 狠狠撸Share Analytics - Excerpts from Hubspot's Step by Step Guide ...狠狠撸Share
This document provides a summary of the analytics available through 狠狠撸Share for monitoring the performance of presentations. It outlines the key metrics that can be viewed such as total views, actions, and traffic sources over different time periods. The analytics help users identify topics and presentation styles that resonate best with audiences based on view and engagement numbers. They also allow users to calculate important metrics like view-to-contact conversion rates. Regular review of the analytics insights helps users improve future presentations and marketing strategies.
How to kickstart your co-creation platform - 20 examples by @boardofinnoBoard of Innovation
This document summarizes 20 existing co-creation platforms. It describes different types of co-creation such as clubs of experts, crowds of people, coalitions of parties, and communities of kindred spirits. Key principles of successful co-creation are inspiring participation, selecting the best ideas and people, connecting creative minds, sharing results, and continuing development. Platforms are compared based on parameters like number of people involved, frequency of interaction, competition level, project duration, and return for participants. The goal is to learn from existing examples of co-creation between industries, governments, and consumers.
A Guide to 狠狠撸Share Analytics - Excerpts from Hubspot's Step by Step Guide ...狠狠撸Share
This document provides a summary of the analytics available through 狠狠撸Share for monitoring the performance of presentations. It outlines the key metrics that can be viewed such as total views, actions, and traffic sources over different time periods. The analytics help users identify topics and presentation styles that resonate best with audiences based on view and engagement numbers. They also allow users to calculate important metrics like view-to-contact conversion rates. Regular review of the analytics insights helps users improve future presentations and marketing strategies.
A. 為各單位提供一致性的架構。
B. 視組織為網路,標出所有單位,易分析彼此間的關係。
C. 指出人力或資源,應在何時為任務所用。
D. 促進跨功能單位的溝通。
E. 可指出關鍵性任務。
F. 指出各單位應如何協調,避免資源或時間衝突。
G. 指出那些任務可能同時進行。
H. 可指出任務間資源相依的情形,減少人事衝突。