2018 Feb 03 Becoming a Better Student - [ab] - for Methodist Engineering College [ Please download and view to appreciate better the animation aspects ]
This document summarizes an interactive session focused on becoming a better engineering student. It discusses developing soft skills like communication, networking, and time management. It emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, asking questions, and gaining real-world experience. It also encourages students to improve study habits, prioritize assignments, take good notes, and engage with their engineering community. The overall message is that becoming a better student leads to personal growth and discipline that benefits one's career and life.
2018 Feb 12 - Becoming a Better Engineering Student - Anubose Institute of Te...viswanadham vangapally
2018Feb12 - Becoming a Better Engineering Student - Morning and Afternoon Sessions - with the Students of Diploma in Engineering of Anubose Institute of Technology, Paloncha, Bhadrachalam-Kothagudem District, Telangana
This power point presentation was used for the Morning and Afternoon sessions with the students of the Diploma in Engineering in Anu Bose Institute of Technology,
The live audio recording of the session, mainly in Telugu, with a sprinkling of English, can be easily accessed:
You are most welcome to give your valuable feedback:
4 Powerful CAD Learning Hacks. The continuous CAD education strengthens your skills, increases your pay and proofs your career. But the only problem is Time and its management.
Five people at one computer? How can that possibly be productive?
While this seems like a reasonable question, it's not easily answered - until we begin to understand the power of flow.
Mob Programming grew from the quest of one team to learn how to work well together. Once we started We almost immediately noticed that working this way provided better results in a variety of ways:
We were getting more done, and they were the more important thing
The quality of our work was increasing dramatically
Our Knowledge, skills, and capabilities were improving rapidly
And all while we were having a lot of fun as well!
While we noticed these benefits and more, and it was clear this was in a large part due to working well together throughout the day - we didn't have an understanding of why this was working so wonderfully for us.
A hint came early on when we recognized we were achieving a one-piece flow - but we didn't realize the importance of this until we started exploring the meaning and power of "flow".
In this presentation, we'll share the results of that exploration, and see if we can get a better understanding of Mob Programming and the power of flow.
More details:
Conference link: https://2019.agileindia.org
May the Forss be with you - Lean Kanban Centeral Europe 2012H奪kan Forss
It is a period of process efficiency war. Rebel flow-based change agents, striking with hidden knowledge, have won their first victory against the evil of Resource Efficiency and Big Planning Upfront.
During the battle, Rebel spies managed to uncover the ultimate weapons, the Kanban Method and Toyota Kata.
Pursued by sinister agents of Resource Efficiency, the change agents races home to their teams, custodians of the uncovered weapons that can save the organizations and restore customer delight in the galaxy.
Lets hear what the Rebel change agent H奪kan Forss has to share
This document summarizes Alexei Zheglov's presentation on A3 Thinking for solving complex problems and evolutionary change. The presentation discusses using A3 reports and the improvement kata approach to facilitate continuous improvement efforts. It emphasizes establishing a clear problem or challenge statement, analyzing the root causes, developing hypotheses to address the problem, and testing proposed countermeasures.
The document discusses organizational skills and time management techniques. It recommends prioritizing tasks, setting timetables, spending time wisely, enjoying free time, getting organized, breaking large tasks into smaller pieces, and adapting to change. Good organizational skills such as checking work, reserving time for assignments, and arriving on time can reduce stress and bring greater satisfaction.
This document introduces the Improvement Kata, a four-step scientific practice pattern for continuous learning and improvement. The four steps are: 1) Describe an overall challenge to strive for; 2) Study the current condition and understand where you are now; 3) Describe a measurable next target condition to reach within 1-3 months; and 4) Iterate daily experiments using the PDCA cycle to find the path toward the target condition. The kata pattern is meant to make continuous learning and experimentation toward challenges a habit.
Math Mindset Comes First: Closing the Achievement GapDreamBox Learning
Students who are behind in math may suffer from failure fatigue. Symptoms may include feeling of nausea when math class approaches, answer getting, and feelings of frustration with no cure. To relieve the symptoms, we must first treat the cause a fixed mindset where students believe that they are bad at math and will never get it. In this EdWeb webinar, Leland Kriegh explored the reasons why we need to focus on building a math mindset within each student before we focus on specific skills. He also shared five resources to help you develop your students math mindset and how you can foster this in the math classroom and outside-the-classroom programs. This webinar will benefit all K-12 math educators, especially those teaching in K-8; and administrators, including principals, assistant principals, superintendents, district administrators, and curriculum directors.
Jak by zarbistym developerem w oczach szefa i ... klientaWojciech Seliga
(Polish language / jzyk polski)
Slajdy z mojej prezentacji z konferencji Confitura 2018 w Warszawie.
Pamitacie mo甜e wystpenia z Confitury sprzed paru lat - "How to be awesome at a Java developer job interview" czy "Java Developer Career Unplugged", kt坦re budziy spore emocje i kt坦re po latach nadal s komentowane. Lata lec nieubaganie. Z developera staem si w midzyczasie szefem 150-osobowej firmy. Nabraem nowych dowiadcze, nowego spojrzenia, musz polega jeszcze bardziej na ludziach ni甜 kiedy. I coraz bardziej polegam nie tylko na ich umiejtnociach programistycznych, ale na czym znacznie istotniejszym. Jeli chcecie zmierzy si ze szczer opini dotyczc tego jakie cechy charakteru, umiejtnoci, zachowania software developer坦w pozwalaj wedug os坦b zarzdzajcych przetrwa i rozwija si ich firmom na wyjtkowo konkurencyjnym rynku globalnym IT w XXI wieku, to jest to prezentacja dla Was. "People are our biggest assets". W praktyce r坦甜ni ludzie przedstawiaj r坦甜n warto dla firm. Pewnie zale甜y Wam na jej maksymalizacji. Nam - te甜 :)
Making Critical Thinking Real with Digital Content - CUE 2017Julie Evans
Lets get digital with critical thinking. Using art, science and civics as the context, this workshop examines new digital content for developing and measuring critical thinking skill development. Participants need to bring in their own device.
The document discusses challenges in agile transformations and provides suggestions to address them. It begins by introducing the speaker and their experience in agile transformations. It then lists some common challenges faced in IT transformations, such as friction in various areas. It suggests taking a systemic approach to transformations rather than splitting problems. It emphasizes the importance of breaking down organizational silos and aligning organizations at multiple levels. It also discusses mindset challenges and provides examples of addressing problems by understanding root causes.
an introduction to agile development & scrum as presented and discussed with students @ Aristotle University of Thessalonki, School of Informatics, February 2014
The document provides advice and best practices for managing development teams. It discusses holistic management, focusing on the entire team rather than individual tasks. Technical management responsibilities include design, quality, and implementation. Effective recruiting involves building a great team and keeping the right people. Execution emphasizes continuous integration, reflection, and improvement. Providing frequent feedback in a positive 10:1 ratio is important. Finally, managers are responsible for employees' careers by understanding their goals, providing challenges, and ensuring ongoing development.
Successful attributes for making you a valuable IT asset. Rolta
In IT industry there is a myth that only technical knowledge can deliver you success. But, a general research shows that only 15% success is dependent on technical knowledge. Other 85% is dependent on some other attributes. Presentation speaks of these traits.
GreenBiz 17 Tutorial 際際滷s: "Transformative Organizational Success through L...GreenBiz Group
Many sustainability programs struggle because they are developed or integrated in ways that miss important organizational dimensions. Participants will learn how to incorporate four key pillars of success for lasting, sustainable change: leadership, strategy, communication and global-context. This cross-functional team of expert practitioners and faculty will provide insights on how to:
Create and identify sustainability strategies that promote broad organizational success through an effective suite of actions.
Apply global sustainability principles to your specific organizational context by integrating your organization's own perspective through a lens of sustainability with a global-context.
Employ leadership competencies and behaviors that are critical to leading lasting, transformational change.
Communicate effectively about sustainability with key stakeholders and audiences.
At the end of the session, the participants shall be able to :油
recall the principles embedded in multidimensional assessment framework in designing test items
Understand SOLO model as HOTS principle in structuring assessment tools
develop a multiple-choice type of assessment tool following the basic test construction guidelines
The 5-day training program provides an overview of its daily activities which are aimed at helping participants with their job search and career success. The schedule includes sessions on building self-marketing skills, networking, resume and cover letter preparation, mock interviews, and goal setting. The document also discusses concepts like emotional intelligence, dealing with fears, and using accomplishments to showcase value to potential employers during the hiring process.
20100811 jwv dommel valley group workshopDommelValley
This document discusses facilitating informal learning in the workplace. It begins by asking why informal learning is needed given trends like newer, more complex equipment and a decreasing experienced workforce. It then discusses assessing reality through questions about equipment, technologies, information access, and learner expectations. The rest of the document focuses on adapting a teaching approach to incorporate both formal and informal learning methods like case studies, discussions and learner participation. It emphasizes the facilitator role in creating an engaging environment, managing group dynamics, and ensuring the group feels ownership over the learning process.
This document discusses demystifying agile coaching. It begins by explaining why agile coaching is needed in today's complex systems where innovation is key. Agile coaching involves helping agile teams improve their understanding and performance through mentoring and facilitating problem solving. An agile coach enables individuals to improve their skills and embrace positive behaviors. The document discusses what an agile coach must focus on, including learning to see issues from a systems perspective and overcoming learning disabilities. It also briefly introduces concepts like the Cynefin framework and lean startup principles to further explain agile coaching approaches.
An overview of the PREP model that is utilized at Michigan State University. PREP helps doctoral students achieve success in both academic and nonacademic realms.
DevLearn Notes - Ashley's four days at the DevLearn Conference! Ashley Porter
This document summarizes notes from a three-day e-learning conference called DevLearn. The conference included keynote speakers, certification courses, and small group courses on topics like applying brain science to learning, the X-API standard, designing effective learning experiences, and more. The notes highlight takeaways like using stories and scenarios to provide context for learning, engaging learners in practicing skills, and creating a collaborative environment where learners can become contributors.
The document discusses the importance of the venture team and the entrepreneur's role as a manager. It emphasizes that the team is the most important success factor and should have a mix of passion, commitment, and vision. The entrepreneur must test the team's vision, skills, commitment, and synergy. As a manager, the entrepreneur's goals include meeting financial and business targets, organizing work, and sustaining the venture over time by making optimal resource allocation decisions. The entrepreneur must understand both the opportunity and the team to ensure success.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
TLE 7 - 2nd Topic - Codes and Standards in Industrial Arts Services.pptxRizaBedayo
Industrial Arts
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Math Mindset Comes First: Closing the Achievement GapDreamBox Learning
Students who are behind in math may suffer from failure fatigue. Symptoms may include feeling of nausea when math class approaches, answer getting, and feelings of frustration with no cure. To relieve the symptoms, we must first treat the cause a fixed mindset where students believe that they are bad at math and will never get it. In this EdWeb webinar, Leland Kriegh explored the reasons why we need to focus on building a math mindset within each student before we focus on specific skills. He also shared five resources to help you develop your students math mindset and how you can foster this in the math classroom and outside-the-classroom programs. This webinar will benefit all K-12 math educators, especially those teaching in K-8; and administrators, including principals, assistant principals, superintendents, district administrators, and curriculum directors.
Jak by zarbistym developerem w oczach szefa i ... klientaWojciech Seliga
(Polish language / jzyk polski)
Slajdy z mojej prezentacji z konferencji Confitura 2018 w Warszawie.
Pamitacie mo甜e wystpenia z Confitury sprzed paru lat - "How to be awesome at a Java developer job interview" czy "Java Developer Career Unplugged", kt坦re budziy spore emocje i kt坦re po latach nadal s komentowane. Lata lec nieubaganie. Z developera staem si w midzyczasie szefem 150-osobowej firmy. Nabraem nowych dowiadcze, nowego spojrzenia, musz polega jeszcze bardziej na ludziach ni甜 kiedy. I coraz bardziej polegam nie tylko na ich umiejtnociach programistycznych, ale na czym znacznie istotniejszym. Jeli chcecie zmierzy si ze szczer opini dotyczc tego jakie cechy charakteru, umiejtnoci, zachowania software developer坦w pozwalaj wedug os坦b zarzdzajcych przetrwa i rozwija si ich firmom na wyjtkowo konkurencyjnym rynku globalnym IT w XXI wieku, to jest to prezentacja dla Was. "People are our biggest assets". W praktyce r坦甜ni ludzie przedstawiaj r坦甜n warto dla firm. Pewnie zale甜y Wam na jej maksymalizacji. Nam - te甜 :)
Making Critical Thinking Real with Digital Content - CUE 2017Julie Evans
Lets get digital with critical thinking. Using art, science and civics as the context, this workshop examines new digital content for developing and measuring critical thinking skill development. Participants need to bring in their own device.
The document discusses challenges in agile transformations and provides suggestions to address them. It begins by introducing the speaker and their experience in agile transformations. It then lists some common challenges faced in IT transformations, such as friction in various areas. It suggests taking a systemic approach to transformations rather than splitting problems. It emphasizes the importance of breaking down organizational silos and aligning organizations at multiple levels. It also discusses mindset challenges and provides examples of addressing problems by understanding root causes.
an introduction to agile development & scrum as presented and discussed with students @ Aristotle University of Thessalonki, School of Informatics, February 2014
The document provides advice and best practices for managing development teams. It discusses holistic management, focusing on the entire team rather than individual tasks. Technical management responsibilities include design, quality, and implementation. Effective recruiting involves building a great team and keeping the right people. Execution emphasizes continuous integration, reflection, and improvement. Providing frequent feedback in a positive 10:1 ratio is important. Finally, managers are responsible for employees' careers by understanding their goals, providing challenges, and ensuring ongoing development.
Successful attributes for making you a valuable IT asset. Rolta
In IT industry there is a myth that only technical knowledge can deliver you success. But, a general research shows that only 15% success is dependent on technical knowledge. Other 85% is dependent on some other attributes. Presentation speaks of these traits.
GreenBiz 17 Tutorial 際際滷s: "Transformative Organizational Success through L...GreenBiz Group
Many sustainability programs struggle because they are developed or integrated in ways that miss important organizational dimensions. Participants will learn how to incorporate four key pillars of success for lasting, sustainable change: leadership, strategy, communication and global-context. This cross-functional team of expert practitioners and faculty will provide insights on how to:
Create and identify sustainability strategies that promote broad organizational success through an effective suite of actions.
Apply global sustainability principles to your specific organizational context by integrating your organization's own perspective through a lens of sustainability with a global-context.
Employ leadership competencies and behaviors that are critical to leading lasting, transformational change.
Communicate effectively about sustainability with key stakeholders and audiences.
At the end of the session, the participants shall be able to :油
recall the principles embedded in multidimensional assessment framework in designing test items
Understand SOLO model as HOTS principle in structuring assessment tools
develop a multiple-choice type of assessment tool following the basic test construction guidelines
The 5-day training program provides an overview of its daily activities which are aimed at helping participants with their job search and career success. The schedule includes sessions on building self-marketing skills, networking, resume and cover letter preparation, mock interviews, and goal setting. The document also discusses concepts like emotional intelligence, dealing with fears, and using accomplishments to showcase value to potential employers during the hiring process.
20100811 jwv dommel valley group workshopDommelValley
This document discusses facilitating informal learning in the workplace. It begins by asking why informal learning is needed given trends like newer, more complex equipment and a decreasing experienced workforce. It then discusses assessing reality through questions about equipment, technologies, information access, and learner expectations. The rest of the document focuses on adapting a teaching approach to incorporate both formal and informal learning methods like case studies, discussions and learner participation. It emphasizes the facilitator role in creating an engaging environment, managing group dynamics, and ensuring the group feels ownership over the learning process.
This document discusses demystifying agile coaching. It begins by explaining why agile coaching is needed in today's complex systems where innovation is key. Agile coaching involves helping agile teams improve their understanding and performance through mentoring and facilitating problem solving. An agile coach enables individuals to improve their skills and embrace positive behaviors. The document discusses what an agile coach must focus on, including learning to see issues from a systems perspective and overcoming learning disabilities. It also briefly introduces concepts like the Cynefin framework and lean startup principles to further explain agile coaching approaches.
An overview of the PREP model that is utilized at Michigan State University. PREP helps doctoral students achieve success in both academic and nonacademic realms.
DevLearn Notes - Ashley's four days at the DevLearn Conference! Ashley Porter
This document summarizes notes from a three-day e-learning conference called DevLearn. The conference included keynote speakers, certification courses, and small group courses on topics like applying brain science to learning, the X-API standard, designing effective learning experiences, and more. The notes highlight takeaways like using stories and scenarios to provide context for learning, engaging learners in practicing skills, and creating a collaborative environment where learners can become contributors.
The document discusses the importance of the venture team and the entrepreneur's role as a manager. It emphasizes that the team is the most important success factor and should have a mix of passion, commitment, and vision. The entrepreneur must test the team's vision, skills, commitment, and synergy. As a manager, the entrepreneur's goals include meeting financial and business targets, organizing work, and sustaining the venture over time by making optimal resource allocation decisions. The entrepreneur must understand both the opportunity and the team to ensure success.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwal
This PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy language.in this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
N.C. DPI's 2023 Language Diversity BriefingMebane Rash
2018 Feb 03 Becoming a Better Student - [ab] - for Methodist Engineering College [ Please download and view to appreciate better the animation aspects ]
2. Hearty WelcomeHearty Welcome ~~ to thisto this interactiveinteractive sessionsession
Prof. V. ViswanadhamProf. V. Viswanadham
Enthusiastic Engineering StudentsEnthusiastic Engineering Students ofof
February 3, 2018 2
5. Why thisWhy this
Interactive Session ?Interactive Session ?
To makeTo make
the most ofthe most of
what is availablewhat is available
February 3, 2018 5
6. News Paper Report dt. 14News Paper Report dt. 14thth
Dec. 2017Dec. 2017
according to FICCI, Nasscom & EYaccording to FICCI, Nasscom & EY
Indian job landscape isIndian job landscape is
in transitory phase in transitory phase
thanks to the Emerging Technologies andthanks to the Emerging Technologies and
by 2023,by 2023,
9%9% of the countrysof the countrys 600 million estimated600 million estimated
workforce would be deployed in new jobsworkforce would be deployed in new jobs
that do not even exist today.that do not even exist today.
7. There would be job slowdownThere would be job slowdown
for the next 2 years as companies strugglefor the next 2 years as companies struggle
to restructure their business modelsto restructure their business models
and by 2022, the entire job landscapeand by 2022, the entire job landscape
would undergo drastic changes.would undergo drastic changes.
8. The Report highlighted the impact ofThe Report highlighted the impact of
DemographicsDemographics andand Exponential TechnologiesExponential Technologies
on Job Landscape ~on Job Landscape ~
~ 9% would be deployed in the new~ 9% would be deployed in the new
that do not exist todaythat do not exist today
~ 37% would be in jobs that~ 37% would be in jobs that
have radically changed Skillshave radically changed Skills
~ 21% would face existential~ 21% would face existential
Are you awareAre you aware andand are you ready ?are you ready ?
10. To day is the
First Day of the
Rest of your LIFE
11. Are you Living ?Are you Living ?
Are you livingAre you living
in thein the Past orPast or
in the Future orin the Future or
in the Present ?in the Present ?
February 3, 2018 11
12. ThinkThink andand GrowGrow
You are your ThoughtsYou are your Thoughts
VarietyVariety andand
February 3, 2018 12
13. Current jobCurrent job
environment isenvironment is
conducive to thoseconducive to those
who showcasewho showcase
high Learnabilityhigh Learnability
and theand the ability toability to
re-skill themselvesre-skill themselves
February 3, 2018 13Are you ready ?Are you ready ?
14. Soft SkillsSoft Skills
Soft Skills are related to onesSoft Skills are related to ones
Attitudes andAttitudes and
Some examples of Soft Skills areSome examples of Soft Skills are
Communication Skills,Communication Skills,
Interpersonal Skills,Interpersonal Skills,
Emotional Intelligence,Emotional Intelligence,
Time Management, etc.Time Management, etc.
15. Soft SkillsSoft Skills
Soft Skills help you toSoft Skills help you to
work more efficiently and betterwork more efficiently and better
with peoplewith people
Evaluate as toEvaluate as to
how good you arehow good you are
in each one of these Soft skills in each one of these Soft skills
and sincerely begin to developand sincerely begin to develop
each one of these skills.each one of these skills.
16. Become consciously aware of the need forBecome consciously aware of the need for
Self ManagementSelf Management
It would become easier for you to manageIt would become easier for you to manage
any responsibility later.any responsibility later.
This helps the transition fromThis helps the transition from
Campus to the Corporate environment.Campus to the Corporate environment.
17. As Industry expectations are increasing,As Industry expectations are increasing,
it is better you prepare in anticipation andit is better you prepare in anticipation and
acquire the required competencies.acquire the required competencies.
Think Global Act LocalThink Global Act Local
Develop global competencies.Develop global competencies.
You must learn to compete withYou must learn to compete with
the best of the rest of the worldthe best of the rest of the world
18. February 3, 2018 18
Every SUNRISE ~ a new BeginningEvery SUNRISE ~ a new Beginning
19. Please observePlease observe
What can we LEARN for our LIFE ?What can we LEARN for our LIFE ?
Experience, Explain, Express, Expand, Enhance, EnrichExperience, Explain, Express, Expand, Enhance, Enrich andand ExcelExcel
What is this ? Please describe.What is this ? Please describe.
February 3, 2018 19
24. February 3, 2018 24
1. Lack of Prioritization
2. Tendency to Procrastinate
3. Unwillingness to accept Change
4. Escaping from Work and Responsibility
5. Living an Aimless life
6. Lack of Clarity about Quality
7. Inability to Concentrate
8. Unprepared to improve Time Management
9. Telling Lies and Exaggerations
10. Lack of Self Confidence
11. Not managing Superiority or Inferiority Complex
12. Inability to control Pride and Jealousy
13. Laziness to pursue the PATH OF EXCELLENCE
Any more ?Any more ?
25. February 3, 2018 25
Becoming aa
Better Engineering Student
Better Engineering Student
26. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
About 33,80,00,000 resultsAbout 33,80,00,000 results
1. Identify the people who inspire you,油 and find
out what makes them tick油
2. Develop a portfolio of projects.油Participate in
every hands-on, experiential learning
opportunity that a balanced schedule
3. Learn the value of networking
4. Work in teams as much as you can
5. Seek informal leadership roles
6. Find your flawsand fix them
7. Take a business class / course at least,
read a book or two and become familiar
8. Develop effective communication skills,
besides other soft skills
9. Seek out internship opportunities actively
and early in your academic career
27. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
1. Never neglect studies never have any
backlogs get tuned to both hard work
and smart work
2. Attentive listening paves the way for
effective communication
3. Be Attentive in the classes whether fast-
faced or otherwise
4. Take good running notes by the way, WHY ?
5. Reading lessons before hand is it necessary
6. Get involved with the engineering student
community by joining Activity Clubs
7. Make friends and get along with your peers;
with seniors also
8. Improve your Study Habits
28. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
9. Assignments and Exams should be your
number one priority
10. Stay Updated with Technology never say
that it was not included in the syllabus
11. Brush up on all basics of engineering
concepts Why ?
12. Always give 100% concentration
13. You have to have a really solid foundation --
in high school if not, make up now
14. Simplify, summarize, and compress the
information never rote learning
15. Test yourself frequently
16. 30 minutes30 minutes of good exercise, every day
Exercise at least three times a
29. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
17. Study Smart
1. Study the same information in a
variety of ways reading the class notes,
looking up for online resources, creating
a mind map, teaching someone what you
have learned, etc.
2. Study 2 or 3 subjects each day
instead of concentrating on one subject,
3. Review the information
periodically, instead of cramming
next day after learning,
3 days after,
7 days after,
21 days after,
30 days after,
45 days after,
60days after, and so on
for better reinforcement
Each time
further condensing
Leading to
Unconscious Competence
30. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
4. Prefer to sit at the front of the
class helps in better concentration
5. Summarize the information into a
Mind Map or a diagram or something suitable
like that
6. Read aloud the key information
like key concepts and equations, aloud
helps in memorizing
7. Take regular study breaks
a 5 minute break after about 40 minutes of
study break to be used productively to
mentally review
8. Drink at least 8 glasses of water
irrespective of the season
9. Exercise Sweat improves
memory and of course, physical health
31. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
10. Sleep at least for 6 hours
adequate sleep improves your focus and thus
memory improves and you learn faster
11. Eat balanced, nutritious food
avoid junk food
12. Plan to improve your Grades
grades are important
13. Get involved in as many
activities as possible
14. Stay out of trouble all sorts
fights, drugs, etc.
32. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
18. Learn and practice proven efficient and
effective study tools like:
Review and
At the end of the Class Lecture, or at the
end of the day, always do a quick Recap,
Review and Reinforce if you do not do
this, within 24 hours, you are likely to lose
about 80% of new information inputs
33. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
19. Notes:
1. Preliminary notes from your text book
reading, the night before the class
2. Notes taken and made during the lecture,
3. Notes taken and made from Lecture
handouts, if any
4. Notes taken and made from class
discussions, or group work, if any
5. Notes from Lab Reports and / or field work
6. Other Notes from Research at rhe Library,
or from Internet
34. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
20. Segregation of Study Material
Learn to identify and segregate
core material and elaborative material
21. Practice Writing from Memory
Your ability to put your thoughts on paper
clearly will serve you more in the long run.
22. Experience cannot be bought
Get as much as possible of real world
experience Apprentice programmes etc.
may be Industrial visits I suggest, even
relevant YOUTUBE videos
35. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
23. Remember no more Spoon
Change your mindset from
spoon feeding to self-dependency
36. What would happenWhat would happen
if you NOW beginif you NOW begin
to becometo become
a Better Student ?a Better Student ?
You will surely becomeYou will surely become
a disciplined,a disciplined,
responsible andresponsible and
constructive citizenconstructive citizen
February 3, 2018 36
37. What happensWhat happens
When you begin toWhen you begin to
Become a BetterBecome a Better
Student ?Student ?
You begin toYou begin to
Observe better,Observe better,
Learn better,Learn better,
Think better,Think better,
Choose betterChoose better
Talk better,Talk better,
Plan better,Plan better,
Do better,Do better,
Achieve better,Achieve better, and so onand so on
38. February 3, 2018 38
With reflectionWith reflection,,
Life becomes PurposefulLife becomes Purposeful
39. Leads toLeads to
Careful ObservationCareful Observation
Continuous ImprovementContinuous Improvement
TheThe 77 CsCs
Thinking and QuestioningThinking and Questioning
40. Indians are theIndians are the
Smartphone usersSmartphone users
[ spend over 4 hours a day ][ spend over 4 hours a day ]February 3, 2018 40
41. February 3, 2018 41
Realise the need forRealise the need for
while using your cell phonewhile using your cell phone
42. The two most important life-goalsThe two most important life-goals
I would like every youth to have:I would like every youth to have:
One,One, increaseincrease the amount ofthe amount of timetime
that you have at your disposal;that you have at your disposal;
Two,Two, increaseincrease what you canwhat you can achieveachieve
in the time available.in the time available.
February 3, 2018 42
43. Clarity Purity Infinity Eternity DivinityClarity Purity Infinity Eternity Divinity
U r UU r U
46. Developing a fine personality
1. Clarity of goals and purpose in life
2. Doing beyond expectation
3. Continuous Learning [ including learning from failures ]
4. Being enthusiastic and taking initiative
5. Character
6. Self discipline
7. Positive mental attitude
8. Managing self and managing teams
9. Sound physical and mental health
10. Team work and developing Leadership qualities
11. Honest and Hard working (including smart work)
12. Growing in ones knowledge and skills
How about
Time Management ?
47. February 3, 2018 47
If you want toIf you want to
Shine like a SUN,Shine like a SUN,
Learn toLearn to
Burn like a SUNBurn like a SUN
~ Abdul Kalam~ Abdul Kalam
We are our ThoughtsWe are our Thoughts
We are our ChoicesWe are our Choices
We are our DecisionsWe are our Decisions
We are our ActionsWe are our Actions
49. 49
Spiritual Minds = Value-oriented MindsSpiritual Minds = Value-oriented Minds
A life of joy and happiness is possible only on theA life of joy and happiness is possible only on the
basis of knowledge and science.basis of knowledge and science.February 3, 2018
51. 51
Curious Minds = Successful MindsCurious Minds = Successful Minds
Spiritual Minds = Value-oriented MindsSpiritual Minds = Value-oriented Minds
Scientific Minds = Achievement -oriented MindsScientific Minds = Achievement -oriented Minds
So, you need a MIND So, you need a MIND
a willing, Learning, Inspired Minda willing, Learning, Inspired Mind
Creating such a Mind is yourCreating such a Mind is your own responsibilityown responsibilityFebruary 3, 2018
53. 53
The purpose of LIFE
is to live a LIFE of PURPOSE
ADD ValueADD Value
Improving Soft Skills
helps you to ADD ValueADD Value
February 3, 2018
54. Thinking,Thinking,
while thinking,while thinking,
about thinkingabout thinking
the quality of thinkingthe quality of thinking andand
more importantly,more importantly,
the quality of ourthe quality of our LIFELIFE..
Think ThingsThink Things
55. February 3, 2018
W. A. T. C.
A Thinking Head,
A Feeling Heart, and
A Performing Set of Hands
3 H3 H
3 H3 H
56. Have you ever carefully analyzed your own
StrengthsStrengths and WeaknessesWeaknesses ?
58. February 3, 2018 58
Future, by definition,Future, by definition,
is uncertain.is uncertain.
Becoming BetterBecoming Better isis
preparing for apreparing for a
Better future.Better future.
59. What is the purpose of life ?What is the purpose of life ?
To KnowTo Know
To DoTo Do
To BeTo Be
To Live TogetherTo Live Together
February 3, 2018
L = T = T = Q = P = EL = T = T = Q = P = E
February 3, 2018 60
61. L = TL = T
TimeTime TimeTime
EntryEntry ExitExit
Time between Birth and DeathTime between Birth and Death
K + S + A + W
+ W
K + S + A + W
+ W
LL == TT == TT == QQ == PP == EE
64. February 3, 2018 64
LL == TT == TT == QQ == PP ==
the purpose of life isthe purpose of life is
pursuit ofpursuit of
66. 1.1. Wake up before SunriseWake up before Sunrise
2.2. S.M.I.L.ES.M.I.L.E
3.3. At least 1 % Time for ReadingAt least 1 % Time for Reading
4.4. Develop taste for Soft MusicDevelop taste for Soft Music
5.5. Friendship only with Good QualitiesFriendship only with Good Qualities
6.6. Dream BIGDream BIG
7.7. Have written GoalsHave written Goals
8.8. Be Self-MotivatedBe Self-Motivated
9.9. Review before Retiring for the dayReview before Retiring for the day
10.10. Dont Sleep without planning for the next dayDont Sleep without planning for the next day
11.11. Sharpen, DeepenSharpen, Deepen andand Widen your Thinking CapacityWiden your Thinking Capacity
12.12. Yoga, Dyana and PranayaamaYoga, Dyana and Pranayaama
For making aFor making a BIGBIG DifferenceDifference
66February 3, 2018
68. What characteristics you notice ?
What characteristics you notice ?
What qualities you need
What qualities you need
to succeed in life ?
to succeed in life ?
What skills are necessary
What skills are necessary
to succeed ?
to succeed ?
to succeed in lifeto succeed in life
68February 3, 2018
69. SomeSome
01. Reasoning ability01. Reasoning ability
02. Intellectual curiosity02. Intellectual curiosity
03. Rapid learning rate03. Rapid learning rate
04. Complex thinking04. Complex thinking
05. Lengthy attention span05. Lengthy attention span
06. Divergent thinking06. Divergent thinking
07. Capacity for reflection07. Capacity for reflection
08. Language or Reading development08. Language or Reading development
09. Clarity09. Clarity
10. Effective Communication Skills10. Effective Communication Skills
70. Some CharacteristicsSome Characteristics
~ contd~ contd
11. Insightfulness11. Insightfulness
12. Developed sense of humor12. Developed sense of humor
13. Intellectual stimulation13. Intellectual stimulation
14. Precision14. Precision
15. Intensity15. Intensity
16. Nonconformity16. Nonconformity
17. Questioning ability17. Questioning ability
18. Self Motivation18. Self Motivation
19. Self Development19. Self Development
20. Self Evaluation20. Self Evaluation
75. QualityQuality
Self scoreSelf score
as on todayas on today
Score as you would like toScore as you would like to
have in 3 months from nowhave in 3 months from now
and so onand so on
Self feedback chartSelf feedback chart
75February 3, 2018
76. February 3, 2018 76
If you are notIf you are not
with Enthusiasmwith Enthusiasm
You will beYou will be
with Enthusiasmwith Enthusiasm
78. ~ Wanted~ Wanted andand notnot UnwantedUnwanted
~ Indispensable~ Indispensable andand notnot DispensableDispensable
~ Disciplined~ Disciplined andand notnot IndisciplinedIndisciplined
~ un-caged~ un-caged andand notnot CagedCaged
~ Unleashed~ Unleashed andand notnot LeashedLeashed
~ Extraordinary~ Extraordinary andand notnot OrdinaryOrdinary
How to Execute anHow to Execute an
idea ?idea ?
1.1. Join an existing voluntaryJoin an existing voluntary
2.2. Start one on your ownStart one on your own
79. February 3, 2018 79
The StoneThe Stone
The SculptorThe Sculptor
The StatueThe Statue
84. Please go throughPlease go through
my presentations onmy presentations on
and many other useful subjectsand many other useful subjects
86. 86
Please visit:
and search for
to read freelyfreely
5 publications in Telugu
and 2 publications in English
relating to Personality Development
Also, please search for Deshamunu Preminchumanna
for a small booklet in Telugu
February 3, 2018
Love Mother IndiaLove Mother India
87. February 3, 2018 87
In case YOU liked this speech and presentation
~ for listening to more speeches and for viewing more presentations,
Please Visit:Please Visit: www.viswam.infowww.viswam.info
Visit: http://
and Search for Prof. V. Viswanadham
~ please download and then kindly listen.
~ for viewing more presentations,
Please visit: www.slideshare.net/viswanadhamwww.slideshare.net/viswanadham
In case you want to give some feedback / contact me :
Prof. V. Viswanadham
Cell: 9493 101 328Cell: 9493 101 328February 3, 2018
88. For the sake of record As on 3rd
Feb 2018
Prof. V. Viswanadham has uploaded live audio recordings of
1,852 + of his speeches to www.archive.orgwww.archive.org
Communication SkillsCommunication Skills [
www.archive.org/details/CommunicationSkills ]
was viewed, 22,907 + times.
More than 328 + Power Point Presentations,
[ slides ]
can be freely viewed at:
So far, 8,80,800+ have viewed.
Thank you dear friends for helping me to reach many more.
February 3, 2018 88
89. Please feel Free
and use
My Power Point Presentations
in any manner you like.
In case
you want
a copy of
this presentation :
Please drop a line to :
No copyrights Please
90. AboutAbout 1818 videos ofvideos of
Prof. V. ViswanadhamProf. V. Viswanadham
are available.are available.
[ amongst 100s of IMPACT[ amongst 100s of IMPACT
videos ]videos ]