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February 3, 2018 1
Hearty WelcomeHearty Welcome ~~ to thisto this interactiveinteractive sessionsession
Prof. V. ViswanadhamProf. V. Viswanadham
Enthusiastic Engineering StudentsEnthusiastic Engineering Students ofof
February 3, 2018 2
T = QT = Q
Unconscious IncompetenceUnconscious Incompetence
Conscious IncompetenceConscious Incompetence
Conscious CompetenceConscious Competence
Unconscious CompetenceUnconscious Competence
February 3, 2018 4
Why thisWhy this
Interactive Session ?Interactive Session ?
To makeTo make
the most ofthe most of
what is availablewhat is available
February 3, 2018 5
News Paper Report dt. 14News Paper Report dt. 14thth
Dec. 2017Dec. 2017
according to FICCI, Nasscom & EYaccording to FICCI, Nasscom & EY
Indian job landscape isIndian job landscape is
in transitory phase in transitory phase 
thanks to the Emerging Technologies andthanks to the Emerging Technologies and
by 2023,by 2023,
9%9% of the countrysof the countrys 600 million estimated600 million estimated
workforce would be deployed in new jobsworkforce would be deployed in new jobs
that do not even exist today.that do not even exist today.
There would be job slowdownThere would be job slowdown
for the next 2 years  as companies strugglefor the next 2 years  as companies struggle
to restructure their business modelsto restructure their business models
and by 2022, the entire job landscapeand by 2022, the entire job landscape
would undergo drastic changes.would undergo drastic changes.
The Report highlighted the impact ofThe Report highlighted the impact of
DemographicsDemographics andand Exponential TechnologiesExponential Technologies
on Job Landscape ~on Job Landscape ~
~ 9% would be deployed in the new~ 9% would be deployed in the new
that do not exist todaythat do not exist today
~ 37% would be in jobs that~ 37% would be in jobs that
have radically changed Skillshave radically changed Skills
~ 21% would face existential~ 21% would face existential
Are you awareAre you aware andand are you ready ?are you ready ?
To day is the
First Day of the
Rest of your LIFE
Are you Living ?Are you Living ?
Are you livingAre you living
in thein the Past orPast or
in the Future orin the Future or
in the Present ?in the Present ?
February 3, 2018 11
ThinkThink andand GrowGrow
You are your ThoughtsYou are your Thoughts
VarietyVariety andand
February 3, 2018 12
Current jobCurrent job
environment isenvironment is
conducive to thoseconducive to those
who showcasewho showcase
high Learnabilityhigh Learnability
and theand the ability toability to
re-skill themselvesre-skill themselves
February 3, 2018 13Are you ready ?Are you ready ?
Soft SkillsSoft Skills
Soft Skills are related to onesSoft Skills are related to ones
Attitudes andAttitudes and
Some examples of Soft Skills areSome examples of Soft Skills are
Communication Skills,Communication Skills,
Interpersonal Skills,Interpersonal Skills,
Emotional Intelligence,Emotional Intelligence,
Time Management, etc.Time Management, etc.
Soft SkillsSoft Skills
Soft Skills help you toSoft Skills help you to
work more efficiently and betterwork more efficiently and better
with peoplewith people
Evaluate as toEvaluate as to
how good you arehow good you are
in each one of these Soft skills in each one of these Soft skills 
and sincerely begin to developand sincerely begin to develop
each one of these skills.each one of these skills.
Become consciously aware of the need forBecome consciously aware of the need for
Self ManagementSelf Management
It would become easier for you to manageIt would become easier for you to manage
any responsibility later.any responsibility later.
This helps the transition fromThis helps the transition from
Campus to the Corporate environment.Campus to the Corporate environment.
As Industry expectations are increasing,As Industry expectations are increasing,
it is better you prepare in anticipation andit is better you prepare in anticipation and
acquire the required competencies.acquire the required competencies.
Think Global  Act LocalThink Global  Act Local
Develop global competencies.Develop global competencies.
You must learn to compete withYou must learn to compete with
the best of the rest of the worldthe best of the rest of the world
February 3, 2018 18
Every SUNRISE ~ a new BeginningEvery SUNRISE ~ a new Beginning
Please observePlease observe
What can we LEARN for our LIFE ?What can we LEARN for our LIFE ?
Experience, Explain, Express, Expand, Enhance, EnrichExperience, Explain, Express, Expand, Enhance, Enrich andand ExcelExcel
What is this ? Please describe.What is this ? Please describe.
February 3, 2018 19
February 3, 2018 20
Stand Out  Prove your UniquenessStand Out  Prove your Uniqueness
U r UU r U
M.A.P. and M.A.D.M.A.P. and M.A.D.February 3, 2018 21
February 3, 2018 22
Learn toLearn to
February 3, 2018 23
1313things tothings to
February 3, 2018 24
1. Lack of Prioritization
2. Tendency to Procrastinate
3. Unwillingness to accept Change
4. Escaping from Work and Responsibility
5. Living an Aimless life
6. Lack of Clarity about Quality
7. Inability to Concentrate
8. Unprepared to improve Time Management
9. Telling Lies and Exaggerations
10. Lack of Self Confidence
11. Not managing Superiority or Inferiority Complex
12. Inability to control Pride and Jealousy
13. Laziness to pursue the PATH OF EXCELLENCE
Any more ?Any more ?
February 3, 2018 25
Becoming aa
Better Engineering Student
Better Engineering Student
Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
About 33,80,00,000 resultsAbout 33,80,00,000 results
1. Identify the people who inspire you,油 and find
out what makes them tick油
2. Develop a portfolio of projects.油Participate in
every hands-on, experiential learning
opportunity that a balanced schedule
3. Learn the value of networking
4. Work in teams as much as you can
5. Seek informal leadership roles
6. Find your flawsand fix them
7. Take a business class / course  at least,
read a book or two and become familiar
8. Develop effective communication skills,
besides other soft skills
9. Seek out internship opportunities actively
and early in your academic career
Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
1. Never neglect studies  never have any
backlogs  get tuned to both hard work
and smart work
2. Attentive listening paves the way for
effective communication
3. Be Attentive in the classes  whether fast-
faced or otherwise
4. Take good running notes  by the way, WHY ?
5. Reading lessons before hand  is it necessary
6. Get involved with the engineering student
community  by joining Activity Clubs
7. Make friends and get along with your peers;
with seniors also
8. Improve your Study Habits
Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
9. Assignments and Exams should be your
number one priority
10. Stay Updated with Technology  never say
that it was not included in the syllabus
11. Brush up on all basics of engineering
concepts  Why ?
12. Always give 100% concentration
13. You have to have a really solid foundation --
in high school  if not, make up now
14. Simplify, summarize, and compress the
information  never rote learning
15. Test yourself frequently
16. 30 minutes30 minutes of good exercise, every day 
Exercise at least three times a
Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
17. Study Smart 
1. Study the same information in a
variety of ways  reading the class notes,
looking up for online resources, creating
a mind map, teaching someone what you
have learned, etc.
2. Study 2 or 3 subjects each day 
instead of concentrating on one subject,
3. Review the information
periodically, instead of cramming 
next day after learning,
3 days after,
7 days after,
21 days after,
30 days after,
45 days after,
60days after, and so on 
for better reinforcement
Each time
further condensing
Leading to
Unconscious Competence
Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
4. Prefer to sit at the front of the
class  helps in better concentration
5. Summarize the information into a
Mind Map or a diagram or something suitable
like that
6. Read aloud the key information
like key concepts and equations, aloud 
helps in memorizing
7. Take regular study breaks 
a 5 minute break after about 40 minutes of
study  break to be used productively to
mentally review
8. Drink at least 8 glasses of water 
irrespective of the season
9. Exercise  Sweat  improves
memory and of course, physical health
Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
10. Sleep at least for 6 hours 
adequate sleep improves your focus and thus
memory improves and you learn faster
11. Eat balanced, nutritious food 
avoid junk food
12. Plan to improve your Grades 
grades are important
13. Get involved in as many
activities as possible
14. Stay out of trouble  all sorts 
fights, drugs, etc.
Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
18. Learn and practice proven efficient and
effective study tools like:
Review and
At the end of the Class Lecture, or at the
end of the day, always do a quick Recap,
Review and Reinforce  if you do not do
this, within 24 hours, you are likely to lose
about 80% of new information inputs
Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
19. Notes:
1. Preliminary notes from your text book
reading, the night before the class
2. Notes taken and made during the lecture,
3. Notes taken and made from Lecture
handouts, if any
4. Notes taken and made from class
discussions, or group work, if any
5. Notes from Lab Reports and / or field work
6. Other Notes  from Research at rhe Library,
or from Internet
Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
20. Segregation of Study Material
Learn to identify and segregate
core material and elaborative material
21. Practice Writing from Memory
Your ability to put your thoughts on paper
clearly will serve you more in the long run.
22. Experience cannot be bought
Get as much as possible of real world
experience  Apprentice programmes etc. 
may be Industrial visits  I suggest, even
relevant YOUTUBE videos
Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student
23. Remember no more Spoon
Change your mindset from
spoon feeding to self-dependency
What would happenWhat would happen
if you NOW beginif you NOW begin
to becometo become
a Better Student ?a Better Student ?
You will surely becomeYou will surely become
a disciplined,a disciplined,
responsible andresponsible and
constructive citizenconstructive citizen
February 3, 2018 36
What happensWhat happens
When you begin toWhen you begin to
Become a BetterBecome a Better
Student ?Student ?
You begin toYou begin to
Observe better,Observe better,
Learn better,Learn better,
Think better,Think better,
Choose betterChoose better
Talk better,Talk better,
Plan better,Plan better,
Do better,Do better,
Achieve better,Achieve better, and so onand so on
February 3, 2018 38
With reflectionWith reflection,,
Life becomes PurposefulLife becomes Purposeful
Leads toLeads to
Careful ObservationCareful Observation
Continuous ImprovementContinuous Improvement
TheThe 77 CsCs
Thinking and QuestioningThinking and Questioning
Indians are theIndians are the
Smartphone usersSmartphone users
[ spend over 4 hours a day ][ spend over 4 hours a day ]February 3, 2018 40
February 3, 2018 41
Realise the need forRealise the need for
while using your cell phonewhile using your cell phone
The two most important life-goalsThe two most important life-goals
I would like every youth to have:I would like every youth to have:
One,One, increaseincrease the amount ofthe amount of timetime
that you have at your disposal;that you have at your disposal;
Two,Two, increaseincrease what you canwhat you can achieveachieve
in the time available.in the time available.
February 3, 2018 42
Clarity  Purity  Infinity  Eternity  DivinityClarity  Purity  Infinity  Eternity  Divinity
U r UU r U
You areYou are
your Choicesyour Choices
to become yourto become your
Best FriendBest Friend
Developing a fine personality
1. Clarity of goals and purpose in life
2. Doing beyond expectation
3. Continuous Learning [ including learning from failures ]
4. Being enthusiastic and taking initiative
5. Character
6. Self discipline
7. Positive mental attitude
8. Managing self and managing teams
9. Sound physical and mental health
10. Team work and developing Leadership qualities
11. Honest and Hard working (including smart work)
12. Growing in ones knowledge and skills
How about
Time Management ?
February 3, 2018 47
If you want toIf you want to
Shine like a SUN,Shine like a SUN,
Learn toLearn to
Burn like a SUNBurn like a SUN
~ Abdul Kalam~ Abdul Kalam
We are our ThoughtsWe are our Thoughts
We are our ChoicesWe are our Choices
We are our DecisionsWe are our Decisions
We are our ActionsWe are our Actions
48February 3, 2018
Curious Minds = Successful MindsCurious Minds = Successful Minds
Spiritual Minds = Value-oriented MindsSpiritual Minds = Value-oriented Minds
A life of joy and happiness is possible only on theA life of joy and happiness is possible only on the
basis of knowledge and science.basis of knowledge and science.February 3, 2018
Scientific Minds = Achievement -oriented MindsScientific Minds = Achievement -oriented Minds
February 3, 2018
Curious Minds = Successful MindsCurious Minds = Successful Minds
Spiritual Minds = Value-oriented MindsSpiritual Minds = Value-oriented Minds
Scientific Minds = Achievement -oriented MindsScientific Minds = Achievement -oriented Minds
So, you need a MIND So, you need a MIND 
a willing, Learning, Inspired Minda willing, Learning, Inspired Mind
Creating such a Mind is yourCreating such a Mind is your own responsibilityown responsibilityFebruary 3, 2018
February 3, 2018
The purpose of LIFE
is to live a LIFE of PURPOSE
ADD ValueADD Value
Improving Soft Skills
helps you to ADD ValueADD Value
February 3, 2018
while thinking,while thinking,
about thinkingabout thinking
the quality of thinkingthe quality of thinking andand
more importantly,more importantly,
the quality of ourthe quality of our LIFELIFE..
Think ThingsThink Things
February 3, 2018
W. A. T. C.
A Thinking Head,
A Feeling Heart, and
A Performing Set of Hands
3 H3 H
3 H3 H
Have you ever carefully analyzed your own
StrengthsStrengths and WeaknessesWeaknesses ?
unlike a Maths Text Bookunlike a Maths Text Book
February 3, 2018 58
Future, by definition,Future, by definition,
is uncertain.is uncertain.
Becoming BetterBecoming Better isis
preparing for apreparing for a
Better future.Better future.
What is the purpose of life ?What is the purpose of life ?
To KnowTo Know
To DoTo Do
To BeTo Be
To Live TogetherTo Live Together
February 3, 2018
L = T = T = Q = P = EL = T = T = Q = P = E
February 3, 2018 60
L = TL = T
TimeTime TimeTime
EntryEntry ExitExit
Time between Birth and DeathTime between Birth and Death
K + S + A + W
+ W
K + S + A + W
+ W
LL == TT == TT == QQ == PP == EE
62February 3, 2018
LL == TT == TT == QQ == PP == EE
63February 3, 2018
LL == TT == TT == QQ == PP == EE
February 3, 2018 64
LL == TT == TT == QQ == PP ==
the purpose of life isthe purpose of life is
pursuit ofpursuit of
2018 Feb 03   Becoming a Better Student - [ab] - for Methodist Engineering College [ Please download and view to appreciate better the animation aspects ]
1.1. Wake up before SunriseWake up before Sunrise
2.2. S.M.I.L.ES.M.I.L.E
3.3. At least 1 % Time for ReadingAt least 1 % Time for Reading
4.4. Develop taste for Soft MusicDevelop taste for Soft Music
5.5. Friendship only with Good QualitiesFriendship only with Good Qualities
6.6. Dream BIGDream BIG
7.7. Have written GoalsHave written Goals
8.8. Be Self-MotivatedBe Self-Motivated
9.9. Review before Retiring for the dayReview before Retiring for the day
10.10. Dont Sleep without planning for the next dayDont Sleep without planning for the next day
11.11. Sharpen, DeepenSharpen, Deepen andand Widen your Thinking CapacityWiden your Thinking Capacity
12.12. Yoga, Dyana and PranayaamaYoga, Dyana and Pranayaama
For making aFor making a BIGBIG DifferenceDifference
66February 3, 2018
February 3, 2018
Learn ~ Connect ~ Collaborate ~ Communicate ~ CreateLearn ~ Connect ~ Collaborate ~ Communicate ~ Create
What characteristics you notice ?
What characteristics you notice ?
What qualities you need
What qualities you need
to succeed in life ?
to succeed in life ?
What skills are necessary
What skills are necessary
to succeed ?
to succeed ?
to succeed in lifeto succeed in life
68February 3, 2018
01. Reasoning ability01. Reasoning ability
02. Intellectual curiosity02. Intellectual curiosity
03. Rapid learning rate03. Rapid learning rate
04. Complex thinking04. Complex thinking
05. Lengthy attention span05. Lengthy attention span
06. Divergent thinking06. Divergent thinking
07. Capacity for reflection07. Capacity for reflection
08. Language or Reading development08. Language or Reading development
09. Clarity09. Clarity
10. Effective Communication Skills10. Effective Communication Skills
Some CharacteristicsSome Characteristics
~ contd~ contd
11. Insightfulness11. Insightfulness
12. Developed sense of humor12. Developed sense of humor
13. Intellectual stimulation13. Intellectual stimulation
14. Precision14. Precision
15. Intensity15. Intensity
16. Nonconformity16. Nonconformity
17. Questioning ability17. Questioning ability
18. Self Motivation18. Self Motivation
19. Self Development19. Self Development
20. Self Evaluation20. Self Evaluation
and so on
and so onand so on
Qualities you need to succeed in lifeQualities you need to succeed in life
71February 3, 2018
2018 Feb 03   Becoming a Better Student - [ab] - for Methodist Engineering College [ Please download and view to appreciate better the animation aspects ]
2018 Feb 03   Becoming a Better Student - [ab] - for Methodist Engineering College [ Please download and view to appreciate better the animation aspects ]
74 Kerala
February 3, 201874
Self scoreSelf score
as on todayas on today
Score as you would like toScore as you would like to
have in 3 months from nowhave in 3 months from now
and so onand so on
Self feedback chartSelf feedback chart
75February 3, 2018
February 3, 2018 76
If you are notIf you are not
with Enthusiasmwith Enthusiasm
You will beYou will be
with Enthusiasmwith Enthusiasm
February 3, 2018 77
~ Wanted~ Wanted andand notnot UnwantedUnwanted
~ Indispensable~ Indispensable andand notnot DispensableDispensable
~ Disciplined~ Disciplined andand notnot IndisciplinedIndisciplined
~ un-caged~ un-caged andand notnot CagedCaged
~ Unleashed~ Unleashed andand notnot LeashedLeashed
~ Extraordinary~ Extraordinary andand notnot OrdinaryOrdinary
How to Execute anHow to Execute an
idea ?idea ?
1.1. Join an existing voluntaryJoin an existing voluntary
2.2. Start one on your ownStart one on your own
February 3, 2018 79
The StoneThe Stone
The SculptorThe Sculptor
The StatueThe Statue
February 3, 2018
S.G.A.  Small Group ActivityS.G.A.  Small Group Activity
Encourage yourself to develop your PersonalityEncourage yourself to develop your Personality
Small Booklets areSmall Booklets are freelyfreely availableavailable
both in English and Teluguboth in English and Telugu
81 Kerala
February 3, 201881
Respect knowledgeRespect knowledge
Respect parentsRespect parents
Respect womanhoodRespect womanhood
Respect valuesRespect values
Respect the nationRespect the nation
February 3, 2018 82
55 == 5050
83February 3, 2018
What next ?What next ?
Please go throughPlease go through
my presentations onmy presentations on
and many other useful subjectsand many other useful subjects
Love your Motherland
Do your bit to increase the Good
Stop the habit of merely talking
Contemplate on doing real Good
February 3, 2018 85
Please visit:
and search for
to read freelyfreely
5 publications in Telugu
and 2 publications in English
relating to Personality Development
Also, please search for Deshamunu Preminchumanna
for a small booklet in Telugu
February 3, 2018
Love Mother IndiaLove Mother India
February 3, 2018 87
In case YOU liked this speech and presentation
~ for listening to more speeches and for viewing more presentations,
Please Visit:Please Visit: www.viswam.infowww.viswam.info
Visit: http://
and Search for Prof. V. Viswanadham
~ please download and then kindly listen.
~ for viewing more presentations,
Please visit: www.slideshare.net/viswanadhamwww.slideshare.net/viswanadham
In case you want to give some feedback / contact me :
Prof. V. Viswanadham
Cell: 9493 101 328Cell: 9493 101 328February 3, 2018
For the sake of record As on 3rd
Feb 2018
Prof. V. Viswanadham has uploaded live audio recordings of
1,852 + of his speeches to www.archive.orgwww.archive.org
Communication SkillsCommunication Skills [
www.archive.org/details/CommunicationSkills ]
was viewed, 22,907 + times.
More than 328 + Power Point Presentations,
[ slides ]
can be freely viewed at:
So far, 8,80,800+ have viewed.
Thank you dear friends for helping me to reach many more.
February 3, 2018 88
Please feel Free
and use
My Power Point Presentations
in any manner you like.
In case
you want
a copy of
this presentation :
Please drop a line to :
No copyrights Please
AboutAbout 1818 videos ofvideos of
Prof. V. ViswanadhamProf. V. Viswanadham
are available.are available.
[ amongst 100s of IMPACT[ amongst 100s of IMPACT
videos ]videos ]
Please viewPlease view

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2018 Feb 03 Becoming a Better Student - [ab] - for Methodist Engineering College [ Please download and view to appreciate better the animation aspects ]

  • 2. Hearty WelcomeHearty Welcome ~~ to thisto this interactiveinteractive sessionsession FacilitatorFacilitator Prof. V. ViswanadhamProf. V. Viswanadham www.viswam.infowww.viswam.info Leave anLeave an IMPRESSIONIMPRESSION that Makes athat Makes a DIFFERENCEDIFFERENCE Enthusiastic Engineering StudentsEnthusiastic Engineering Students ofof MethodistMethodist February 3, 2018 2
  • 3. T = QT = Q
  • 4. Unconscious IncompetenceUnconscious Incompetence Conscious IncompetenceConscious Incompetence Conscious CompetenceConscious Competence Unconscious CompetenceUnconscious Competence February 3, 2018 4
  • 5. Why thisWhy this Interactive Session ?Interactive Session ? SSWWOOCC To makeTo make the most ofthe most of what is availablewhat is available February 3, 2018 5
  • 6. News Paper Report dt. 14News Paper Report dt. 14thth Dec. 2017Dec. 2017 according to FICCI, Nasscom & EYaccording to FICCI, Nasscom & EY Indian job landscape isIndian job landscape is in transitory phase in transitory phase thanks to the Emerging Technologies andthanks to the Emerging Technologies and by 2023,by 2023, 9%9% of the countrysof the countrys 600 million estimated600 million estimated workforce would be deployed in new jobsworkforce would be deployed in new jobs that do not even exist today.that do not even exist today.
  • 7. There would be job slowdownThere would be job slowdown for the next 2 years as companies strugglefor the next 2 years as companies struggle to restructure their business modelsto restructure their business models and by 2022, the entire job landscapeand by 2022, the entire job landscape would undergo drastic changes.would undergo drastic changes.
  • 8. The Report highlighted the impact ofThe Report highlighted the impact of Globalization,Globalization, DemographicsDemographics andand Exponential TechnologiesExponential Technologies on Job Landscape ~on Job Landscape ~ ~ 9% would be deployed in the new~ 9% would be deployed in the new jobsjobs that do not exist todaythat do not exist today ~ 37% would be in jobs that~ 37% would be in jobs that have radically changed Skillshave radically changed Skills SetsSets ~ 21% would face existential~ 21% would face existential threatthreat Are you awareAre you aware andand are you ready ?are you ready ?
  • 10. To day is the First Day of the Rest of your LIFE
  • 11. Are you Living ?Are you Living ? Are you livingAre you living in thein the Past orPast or in the Future orin the Future or in the Present ?in the Present ? February 3, 2018 11
  • 12. ThinkThink andand GrowGrow You are your ThoughtsYou are your Thoughts Quantity,Quantity, Quality,Quality, VarietyVariety andand CreativityCreativity February 3, 2018 12
  • 13. Current jobCurrent job environment isenvironment is conducive to thoseconducive to those who showcasewho showcase high Learnabilityhigh Learnability and theand the ability toability to re-skill themselvesre-skill themselves rapidlyrapidly February 3, 2018 13Are you ready ?Are you ready ?
  • 14. Soft SkillsSoft Skills Soft Skills are related to onesSoft Skills are related to ones Personality,Personality, Attitudes andAttitudes and Behaviour.Behaviour. Some examples of Soft Skills areSome examples of Soft Skills are Communication Skills,Communication Skills, Interpersonal Skills,Interpersonal Skills, Emotional Intelligence,Emotional Intelligence, Time Management, etc.Time Management, etc.
  • 15. Soft SkillsSoft Skills Soft Skills help you toSoft Skills help you to work more efficiently and betterwork more efficiently and better with peoplewith people Evaluate as toEvaluate as to how good you arehow good you are in each one of these Soft skills in each one of these Soft skills and sincerely begin to developand sincerely begin to develop each one of these skills.each one of these skills.
  • 16. Become consciously aware of the need forBecome consciously aware of the need for Self ManagementSelf Management It would become easier for you to manageIt would become easier for you to manage any responsibility later.any responsibility later. This helps the transition fromThis helps the transition from Campus to the Corporate environment.Campus to the Corporate environment.
  • 17. As Industry expectations are increasing,As Industry expectations are increasing, it is better you prepare in anticipation andit is better you prepare in anticipation and acquire the required competencies.acquire the required competencies. Think Global Act LocalThink Global Act Local Develop global competencies.Develop global competencies. You must learn to compete withYou must learn to compete with the best of the rest of the worldthe best of the rest of the world
  • 18. February 3, 2018 18 Every SUNRISE ~ a new BeginningEvery SUNRISE ~ a new Beginning
  • 19. Please observePlease observe What can we LEARN for our LIFE ?What can we LEARN for our LIFE ? Experience, Explain, Express, Expand, Enhance, EnrichExperience, Explain, Express, Expand, Enhance, Enrich andand ExcelExcel What is this ? Please describe.What is this ? Please describe. February 3, 2018 19
  • 20. February 3, 2018 20 M.C.A.M.C.A.
  • 21. Stand Out Prove your UniquenessStand Out Prove your Uniqueness U r UU r U M.A.P. and M.A.D.M.A.P. and M.A.D.February 3, 2018 21
  • 22. February 3, 2018 22 Learn toLearn to MANAGEMANAGE YOURSELFYOURSELF
  • 23. February 3, 2018 23 1313things tothings to considerconsider
  • 24. February 3, 2018 24 1. Lack of Prioritization 2. Tendency to Procrastinate 3. Unwillingness to accept Change 4. Escaping from Work and Responsibility 5. Living an Aimless life 6. Lack of Clarity about Quality 7. Inability to Concentrate 8. Unprepared to improve Time Management 9. Telling Lies and Exaggerations 10. Lack of Self Confidence 11. Not managing Superiority or Inferiority Complex 12. Inability to control Pride and Jealousy 13. Laziness to pursue the PATH OF EXCELLENCE Any more ?Any more ?
  • 25. February 3, 2018 25 Becoming Becoming aa Better Engineering Student Better Engineering Student
  • 26. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student About 33,80,00,000 resultsAbout 33,80,00,000 results 1. Identify the people who inspire you,油 and find out what makes them tick油 2. Develop a portfolio of projects.油Participate in every hands-on, experiential learning opportunity that a balanced schedule allows 3. Learn the value of networking 4. Work in teams as much as you can 5. Seek informal leadership roles 6. Find your flawsand fix them 7. Take a business class / course at least, read a book or two and become familiar 8. Develop effective communication skills, besides other soft skills 9. Seek out internship opportunities actively and early in your academic career
  • 27. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student 1. Never neglect studies never have any backlogs get tuned to both hard work and smart work 2. Attentive listening paves the way for effective communication 3. Be Attentive in the classes whether fast- faced or otherwise 4. Take good running notes by the way, WHY ? 5. Reading lessons before hand is it necessary ? 6. Get involved with the engineering student community by joining Activity Clubs 7. Make friends and get along with your peers; with seniors also 8. Improve your Study Habits
  • 28. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student 9. Assignments and Exams should be your number one priority 10. Stay Updated with Technology never say that it was not included in the syllabus 11. Brush up on all basics of engineering concepts Why ? 12. Always give 100% concentration 13. You have to have a really solid foundation -- in high school if not, make up now 14. Simplify, summarize, and compress the information never rote learning 15. Test yourself frequently 16. 30 minutes30 minutes of good exercise, every day Exercise at least three times a week
  • 29. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student 17. Study Smart 1. Study the same information in a variety of ways reading the class notes, looking up for online resources, creating a mind map, teaching someone what you have learned, etc. 2. Study 2 or 3 subjects each day instead of concentrating on one subject, exclusively 3. Review the information periodically, instead of cramming next day after learning, 3 days after, 7 days after, 21 days after, 30 days after, 45 days after, 60days after, and so on for better reinforcement Each time further condensing and Internalising Leading to Unconscious Competence
  • 30. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student 4. Prefer to sit at the front of the class helps in better concentration 5. Summarize the information into a Mind Map or a diagram or something suitable like that 6. Read aloud the key information like key concepts and equations, aloud helps in memorizing 7. Take regular study breaks a 5 minute break after about 40 minutes of study break to be used productively to mentally review 8. Drink at least 8 glasses of water irrespective of the season 9. Exercise Sweat improves memory and of course, physical health
  • 31. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student 10. Sleep at least for 6 hours adequate sleep improves your focus and thus memory improves and you learn faster 11. Eat balanced, nutritious food avoid junk food 12. Plan to improve your Grades grades are important 13. Get involved in as many activities as possible 14. Stay out of trouble all sorts fights, drugs, etc.
  • 32. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student 18. Learn and practice proven efficient and effective study tools like: SQ5R Survey, Question, Read, Record, Recite, Review and Reflect At the end of the Class Lecture, or at the end of the day, always do a quick Recap, Review and Reinforce if you do not do this, within 24 hours, you are likely to lose about 80% of new information inputs
  • 33. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student 19. Notes: 1. Preliminary notes from your text book reading, the night before the class 2. Notes taken and made during the lecture, 3. Notes taken and made from Lecture handouts, if any 4. Notes taken and made from class discussions, or group work, if any 5. Notes from Lab Reports and / or field work 6. Other Notes from Research at rhe Library, or from Internet
  • 34. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student 20. Segregation of Study Material Learn to identify and segregate core material and elaborative material 21. Practice Writing from Memory Your ability to put your thoughts on paper clearly will serve you more in the long run. 22. Experience cannot be bought Get as much as possible of real world experience Apprentice programmes etc. may be Industrial visits I suggest, even relevant YOUTUBE videos
  • 35. Becoming a Better Engineering StudentBecoming a Better Engineering Student 23. Remember no more Spoon Feeding Change your mindset from spoon feeding to self-dependency
  • 36. What would happenWhat would happen if you NOW beginif you NOW begin to becometo become a Better Student ?a Better Student ? You will surely becomeYou will surely become a disciplined,a disciplined, responsible andresponsible and constructive citizenconstructive citizen February 3, 2018 36
  • 37. What happensWhat happens When you begin toWhen you begin to Become a BetterBecome a Better Student ?Student ? You begin toYou begin to Observe better,Observe better, Learn better,Learn better, Think better,Think better, Choose betterChoose better Talk better,Talk better, Plan better,Plan better, Do better,Do better, Achieve better,Achieve better, and so onand so on
  • 38. February 3, 2018 38 With reflectionWith reflection,, Life becomes PurposefulLife becomes Purposeful
  • 39. Leads toLeads to Careful ObservationCareful Observation ConcentrationConcentration ComparisonComparison CompetitionCompetition CreativityCreativity CommitmentCommitment Continuous ImprovementContinuous Improvement TheThe 77 CsCs Thinking and QuestioningThinking and Questioning
  • 40. Indians are theIndians are the MOST ACTIVEMOST ACTIVE Smartphone usersSmartphone users [ spend over 4 hours a day ][ spend over 4 hours a day ]February 3, 2018 40
  • 41. February 3, 2018 41 Realise the need forRealise the need for Self-disciplineSelf-discipline while using your cell phonewhile using your cell phone
  • 42. The two most important life-goalsThe two most important life-goals I would like every youth to have:I would like every youth to have: One,One, increaseincrease the amount ofthe amount of timetime that you have at your disposal;that you have at your disposal; Two,Two, increaseincrease what you canwhat you can achieveachieve in the time available.in the time available. February 3, 2018 42
  • 43. Clarity Purity Infinity Eternity DivinityClarity Purity Infinity Eternity Divinity U r UU r U
  • 44. You areYou are your Choicesyour Choices
  • 45. EncourageEncourage YourselfYourself to become yourto become your Best FriendBest Friend
  • 46. Developing a fine personality 1. Clarity of goals and purpose in life 2. Doing beyond expectation 3. Continuous Learning [ including learning from failures ] 4. Being enthusiastic and taking initiative 5. Character 6. Self discipline 7. Positive mental attitude 8. Managing self and managing teams 9. Sound physical and mental health 10. Team work and developing Leadership qualities 11. Honest and Hard working (including smart work) 12. Growing in ones knowledge and skills How about including Time Management ?
  • 47. February 3, 2018 47 If you want toIf you want to Shine like a SUN,Shine like a SUN, Learn toLearn to Burn like a SUNBurn like a SUN ~ Abdul Kalam~ Abdul Kalam We are our ThoughtsWe are our Thoughts We are our ChoicesWe are our Choices We are our DecisionsWe are our Decisions We are our ActionsWe are our Actions
  • 48. 48February 3, 2018 Curious Minds = Successful MindsCurious Minds = Successful Minds 1010 11 22
  • 49. 49 Spiritual Minds = Value-oriented MindsSpiritual Minds = Value-oriented Minds A life of joy and happiness is possible only on theA life of joy and happiness is possible only on the basis of knowledge and science.basis of knowledge and science.February 3, 2018
  • 50. 50 Scientific Minds = Achievement -oriented MindsScientific Minds = Achievement -oriented Minds February 3, 2018
  • 51. 51 Curious Minds = Successful MindsCurious Minds = Successful Minds Spiritual Minds = Value-oriented MindsSpiritual Minds = Value-oriented Minds Scientific Minds = Achievement -oriented MindsScientific Minds = Achievement -oriented Minds So, you need a MIND So, you need a MIND a willing, Learning, Inspired Minda willing, Learning, Inspired Mind Creating such a Mind is yourCreating such a Mind is your own responsibilityown responsibilityFebruary 3, 2018
  • 53. 53 The purpose of LIFE is to live a LIFE of PURPOSE ADD ValueADD Value Improving Soft Skills helps you to ADD ValueADD Value February 3, 2018
  • 54. Thinking,Thinking, while thinking,while thinking, about thinkingabout thinking willwill IMPROVEIMPROVE the quality of thinkingthe quality of thinking andand more importantly,more importantly, the quality of ourthe quality of our LIFELIFE.. Think ThingsThink Things ThroughThrough
  • 55. February 3, 2018 W. A. T. C. H. W = WORDS A = ACTIONS T = THOUGHTS C = CHARACTER H = HEAD & HEART 55 A Thinking Head, A Feeling Heart, and A Performing Set of Hands 3 H3 H FormulaFormula 3 H3 H FormulaFormula
  • 56. Have you ever carefully analyzed your own StrengthsStrengths and WeaknessesWeaknesses ?
  • 57. LIFELIFE unlike a Maths Text Bookunlike a Maths Text Book
  • 58. February 3, 2018 58 Future, by definition,Future, by definition, is uncertain.is uncertain. Becoming BetterBecoming Better isis preparing for apreparing for a Better future.Better future.
  • 59. What is the purpose of life ?What is the purpose of life ? 59 To KnowTo Know To DoTo Do To BeTo Be To Live TogetherTo Live Together February 3, 2018
  • 61. L = TL = T TimeTime TimeTime EntryEntry ExitExit BirthBirth DeathDeath Time between Birth and DeathTime between Birth and Death LifeLife TimeTime K + S + A + W + W + XYZ K + S + A + W + W + XYZ LL == TT == TT == QQ == PP == EE
  • 62. 62February 3, 2018 LL == TT == TT == QQ == PP == EE
  • 63. 63February 3, 2018 LL == TT == TT == QQ == PP == EE
  • 64. February 3, 2018 64 LL == TT == TT == QQ == PP == EE the purpose of life isthe purpose of life is pursuit ofpursuit of EExxcceelllleennccee
  • 66. 1.1. Wake up before SunriseWake up before Sunrise 2.2. S.M.I.L.ES.M.I.L.E 3.3. At least 1 % Time for ReadingAt least 1 % Time for Reading 4.4. Develop taste for Soft MusicDevelop taste for Soft Music 5.5. Friendship only with Good QualitiesFriendship only with Good Qualities 6.6. Dream BIGDream BIG 7.7. Have written GoalsHave written Goals 8.8. Be Self-MotivatedBe Self-Motivated 9.9. Review before Retiring for the dayReview before Retiring for the day 10.10. Dont Sleep without planning for the next dayDont Sleep without planning for the next day 11.11. Sharpen, DeepenSharpen, Deepen andand Widen your Thinking CapacityWiden your Thinking Capacity 12.12. Yoga, Dyana and PranayaamaYoga, Dyana and Pranayaama For making aFor making a BIGBIG DifferenceDifference 66February 3, 2018
  • 67. February 3, 2018 Learn ~ Connect ~ Collaborate ~ Communicate ~ CreateLearn ~ Connect ~ Collaborate ~ Communicate ~ Create 67
  • 68. What characteristics you notice ? What characteristics you notice ? What qualities you need What qualities you need to succeed in life ? to succeed in life ? What skills are necessary What skills are necessary to succeed ? to succeed ? to succeed in lifeto succeed in life 68February 3, 2018
  • 69. SomeSome CharacteristicsCharacteristics 01. Reasoning ability01. Reasoning ability 02. Intellectual curiosity02. Intellectual curiosity 03. Rapid learning rate03. Rapid learning rate 04. Complex thinking04. Complex thinking 05. Lengthy attention span05. Lengthy attention span 06. Divergent thinking06. Divergent thinking 07. Capacity for reflection07. Capacity for reflection 08. Language or Reading development08. Language or Reading development 09. Clarity09. Clarity 10. Effective Communication Skills10. Effective Communication Skills
  • 70. Some CharacteristicsSome Characteristics ~ contd~ contd 11. Insightfulness11. Insightfulness 12. Developed sense of humor12. Developed sense of humor 13. Intellectual stimulation13. Intellectual stimulation 14. Precision14. Precision 15. Intensity15. Intensity 16. Nonconformity16. Nonconformity 17. Questioning ability17. Questioning ability 18. Self Motivation18. Self Motivation 19. Self Development19. Self Development 20. Self Evaluation20. Self Evaluation
  • 71. Active, Achiever, Bold, Clever, Competent, Confident, Creative, Dynamic, Efficient, Effective, Focused, Go-getter, Hardworking, Honest, Healthy, Intelligent, Innovative, Loyal, Motivator, Multi-tasker, Passionate, Perceptive, Poised, Rational, Skilled, Smart, Strong, Talented, Value-based, and so on Focused,Focused, Go-getter,Go-getter, Hardworking,Hardworking, Honest,Honest, Healthy,Healthy, Intelligent,Intelligent, Innovative,Innovative, Loyal,Loyal, Motivator,Motivator, Multi-taskerMulti-tasker,, Passionate,Passionate, Perceptive,Perceptive, Poised,Poised, Rational,Rational, Skilled,Skilled, Smart,Smart, Strong,Strong, Talented,Talented, Value-based,Value-based, and so onand so on Active,Active, Achiever,Achiever, Bold,Bold, Clever,Clever, Competent,Competent, Confident,Confident, Creative,Creative, Dynamic,Dynamic, Efficient,Efficient, Effective,Effective, Qualities you need to succeed in lifeQualities you need to succeed in life 71February 3, 2018
  • 75. QualityQuality Self scoreSelf score as on todayas on today Score as you would like toScore as you would like to have in 3 months from nowhave in 3 months from now 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. 4.4. 5.5. and so onand so on Self feedback chartSelf feedback chart 75February 3, 2018
  • 76. February 3, 2018 76 If you are notIf you are not FiredFired with Enthusiasmwith Enthusiasm You will beYou will be FiredFired with Enthusiasmwith Enthusiasm SelfSelf EvaluationEvaluation ContinuousContinuous LearningLearning andand provingproving andand ImprovingImproving YourYour ValueValue
  • 78. ~ Wanted~ Wanted andand notnot UnwantedUnwanted ~ Indispensable~ Indispensable andand notnot DispensableDispensable ~ Disciplined~ Disciplined andand notnot IndisciplinedIndisciplined ~ un-caged~ un-caged andand notnot CagedCaged ~ Unleashed~ Unleashed andand notnot LeashedLeashed ~ Extraordinary~ Extraordinary andand notnot OrdinaryOrdinary How to Execute anHow to Execute an idea ?idea ? 1.1. Join an existing voluntaryJoin an existing voluntary organization.organization. 2.2. Start one on your ownStart one on your own
  • 79. February 3, 2018 79 The StoneThe Stone The SculptorThe Sculptor The StatueThe Statue
  • 80. 80 https://archive.org/stream/Poolabata/4-https://archive.org/stream/Poolabata/4- VyakthithvaVikasam-Telugu-#page/n17/mode/1upVyakthithvaVikasam-Telugu-#page/n17/mode/1up https://archive.org/stream/Poolabata/2- PersonalityDevelopment-English-#page/n17/mode/1up February 3, 2018 https://archive.org/details/Poolabat a S.G.A. Small Group ActivityS.G.A. Small Group Activity Encourage yourself to develop your PersonalityEncourage yourself to develop your Personality Small Booklets areSmall Booklets are freelyfreely availableavailable both in English and Teluguboth in English and Telugu
  • 82. PleasePlease Respect knowledgeRespect knowledge Respect parentsRespect parents Respect womanhoodRespect womanhood Respect valuesRespect values Respect the nationRespect the nation February 3, 2018 82
  • 83. 55 == 5050 83February 3, 2018 What next ?What next ?
  • 84. Please go throughPlease go through my presentations onmy presentations on STUDY SKILLS,STUDY SKILLS, and many other useful subjectsand many other useful subjects
  • 85. Deshamunu Preminchumanna Manchiannadi Penchumanna Vottimatalu Kattipettoy Gattimel Talapettavoy Love your Motherland Do your bit to increase the Good Stop the habit of merely talking Contemplate on doing real Good February 3, 2018 85
  • 86. 86 GOOD LUCKGOOD LUCK Please visit: www.archive.orgwww.archive.org and search for POOLABATAPOOLABATA to read freelyfreely 5 publications in Telugu and 2 publications in English relating to Personality Development Also, please search for Deshamunu Preminchumanna for a small booklet in Telugu February 3, 2018 Love Mother IndiaLove Mother India
  • 87. February 3, 2018 87 In case YOU liked this speech and presentation ~ for listening to more speeches and for viewing more presentations, Please Visit:Please Visit: www.viswam.infowww.viswam.info Visit: http:// www.archive.org and Search for Prof. V. Viswanadham ~ please download and then kindly listen. 87 ~ for viewing more presentations, Please visit: www.slideshare.net/viswanadhamwww.slideshare.net/viswanadham In case you want to give some feedback / contact me : Prof. V. Viswanadham viswam.vangapally@gmail.comviswam.vangapally@gmail.com Cell: 9493 101 328Cell: 9493 101 328February 3, 2018
  • 88. For the sake of record As on 3rd Feb 2018 Prof. V. Viswanadham has uploaded live audio recordings of 1,852 + of his speeches to www.archive.orgwww.archive.org .. Communication SkillsCommunication Skills [ www.archive.org/details/CommunicationSkills ] was viewed, 22,907 + times. More than 328 + Power Point Presentations, [ slides ] can be freely viewed at: www.slideshare.net/viswanadham So far, 8,80,800+ have viewed. Thank you dear friends for helping me to reach many more. February 3, 2018 88
  • 89. Please feel Free and use My Power Point Presentations in any manner you like. In case you want a copy of this presentation : Please drop a line to : viswam.vangapally@gmail.com No copyrights Please
  • 90. AboutAbout 1818 videos ofvideos of Prof. V. ViswanadhamProf. V. Viswanadham are available.are available. [ amongst 100s of IMPACT[ amongst 100s of IMPACT videos ]videos ] https://www.youtube.com/playlist ? list=PL7uCJlUUrq7FwkzkwDjywZtW FOaXLZcFQ