과학고앉아있네빅뱅sciencepeopleThis document discusses particle physics and the standard model of particle physics. It notes that the standard model has been very successful at explaining observations but there are still unanswered questions. It also acknowledges several people who have contributed to the field of particle physics.
2023 4월 천문학자들_빅뱅 심화편.pdfsciencepeopleThe document discusses various images from different sources including Fermilab, IPAC/Caltech, NASA, and others. It provides some mathematical equations and discusses topics like credit for images, numbers, and questions related to science and technology.
<별 헤는 사람들> 빅뱅 심화 2편 전명원 교수님 자료sciencepeopleThis document discusses various astronomical images and concepts. It includes images from Caltech and NASA showing galaxies and nebulae. It also references the mass-frequency relationship for simple harmonic oscillators and credits CERN for an image. The document touches on astronomical objects, physics concepts, and credits various space agencies and research institutions for images.
과학고앉아있네블랙홶.sciencepeopleThis document discusses black holes and their key properties such as event horizons, singularities, and Schwarzschild radii. It provides credits to various space agencies and organizations for images related to depicting different aspects of black holes including what they may look like and illustrations of key concepts.
22년 12월의 천문학자들_전명원 교수님.pdfsciencepeopleThe document discusses various topics related to astronomy and astrophysics. It provides information about the wavelengths of visible light, infrared, and ultraviolet radiation. It also includes images from space telescopes like Hubble, James Webb Space Telescope, and mentions discoveries like a galaxy from 13.3 billion years ago. The document shares credits for the images and information provided to various space agencies and research institutions.
별헤는 사람들 - 전명원 교수sciencepeopleThe document discusses the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES), which will use the James Webb Space Telescope to conduct a very deep infrared survey over two regions of the sky. JADES aims to study galaxy formation and evolution from 700 million years after the Big Bang to the present day. It will obtain images and spectra of thousands of galaxies to measure their properties such as star formation rates and chemical compositions. The survey data will be made publicly available to enable additional scientific discoveries.
별헤는 사람들 2023년 12월호 전명원 교수 자료sciencepeopleThis document provides an overview of modern cosmology and the expansion of the universe. It discusses how measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation and distant supernovae helped reveal that the expansion of the universe is accelerating due to dark energy. The document also explores how studies of galaxy clustering and baryon acoustic oscillations have helped astronomers map the structure of the universe and determine basic cosmological parameters.
<별 헤는 사람들> 빅뱅 심화 2편 전명원 교수님 자료sciencepeopleThis document discusses various astronomical images and concepts. It includes images from Caltech and NASA showing galaxies and nebulae. It also references the mass-frequency relationship for simple harmonic oscillators and credits CERN for an image. The document touches on astronomical objects, physics concepts, and credits various space agencies and research institutions for images.
과학고앉아있네블랙홶.sciencepeopleThis document discusses black holes and their key properties such as event horizons, singularities, and Schwarzschild radii. It provides credits to various space agencies and organizations for images related to depicting different aspects of black holes including what they may look like and illustrations of key concepts.
22년 12월의 천문학자들_전명원 교수님.pdfsciencepeopleThe document discusses various topics related to astronomy and astrophysics. It provides information about the wavelengths of visible light, infrared, and ultraviolet radiation. It also includes images from space telescopes like Hubble, James Webb Space Telescope, and mentions discoveries like a galaxy from 13.3 billion years ago. The document shares credits for the images and information provided to various space agencies and research institutions.
별헤는 사람들 - 전명원 교수sciencepeopleThe document discusses the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES), which will use the James Webb Space Telescope to conduct a very deep infrared survey over two regions of the sky. JADES aims to study galaxy formation and evolution from 700 million years after the Big Bang to the present day. It will obtain images and spectra of thousands of galaxies to measure their properties such as star formation rates and chemical compositions. The survey data will be made publicly available to enable additional scientific discoveries.
별헤는 사람들 2023년 12월호 전명원 교수 자료sciencepeopleThis document provides an overview of modern cosmology and the expansion of the universe. It discusses how measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation and distant supernovae helped reveal that the expansion of the universe is accelerating due to dark energy. The document also explores how studies of galaxy clustering and baryon acoustic oscillations have helped astronomers map the structure of the universe and determine basic cosmological parameters.
삼테성즈 2024년 9월호 파토 이용 k2박사 전체 자료.pdfsciencepeople올뉴 삼테성즈! 2024년 8월호. 전기차 화재의 본질과 로봇 관절 기술의 혁명!
자그마치 서울시립과학관 및 로봇인공지능과학관장으로
금의환향한 K2 박사와 함께 하는
포복절도, 올뉴 삼테성즈의 새로운 시작!
- 오프닝
스페이스 X의 랩터 엔진이 더 강하고 아름다운 버전 3로 돌아왔다!
- 이용의 디벼보기
전기차 배터리 화재. 우리가 놓치고 있는 것들!
- 돌아온 K2 박사의 찐공학 이야기
로봇의 관절, 액추에이터의 놀라운 기술 발전!
전체 자료
삼테성즈 2024년 9월호 파토 이용 k2박사 전체 자료.pdf
과학과 사람들 제공
4. #1. 검소함
Foldscopes and Frugal Science
"Manu, you should come back to me
when you can do diagnosis under a tree."
Paper Microscopes Make
Science Globally Accessible
23. #3. 우연
In the Blink of an Eye
• How a Lab Incident Led to Better Eye Surgery for
Millions of People
"Wow. That is amazing."
24. • femtosecond laser(펨토초레이저)
• 매우 짧은 진동 폭을의 펄스를 연속으로 발생/수백 km의 거리에서 1 ㎚의 차이까지 정밀 측정
• 펨토초 : 10-15(1000조분의 1)초
• 2018년 노벨물리학상 : 처프 펄스 증폭(CPA·
chirped pulse amplification) 기술의 구현 성공
펄스 폭을 늘린 뒤 레이저 에너지를 증폭했다가 다시 펄스 폭을 줄이는 방법
25. “We really just built a laser hammer to hammer those
electrons right off the atoms.”