Gene Expression in EukaryotesDr.M.Prasad NaiduGene expression in eukaryotes involves transcription of DNA in the nucleus, processing and export of mRNA, and translation of mRNA on ribosomes in the cytoplasm. Eukaryotic genes contain both coding exons and non-coding introns; the exons must be spliced together to form mRNA before translation. Three RNA polymerases transcribe different types of RNA in the nucleus, with RNA polymerase II responsible for mRNA and some small nuclear RNAs. Precise binding of transcription factors to promoter elements upstream of genes is required for transcription initiation by RNA polymerase II.
Molecular chaperonesBahauddin Zakariya University lahoreMolecular chaperones are proteins that assist in the folding of other proteins but are not part of the final folded structure. They help prevent misfolding and aggregation of proteins. The first observations of molecular chaperones date back to the 1970s but their function was not fully understood until the 1980s and 1990s when it was discovered that they play a key role in protein folding and homeostasis. Molecular chaperones are found in all compartments of the cell where protein folding occurs and help protect proteins from misfolding, especially under stressful conditions.
dr fawzy lecture 13AHS_PhysioThis document discusses renal physiology and the structure and function of the kidney. It provides details on glomerular filtration, the regulation of salt and water reabsorption, and renal control of electrolyte and acid-base balance. The key functions of the kidney include regulating blood plasma volume and pressure, removing waste and toxins, and maintaining electrolyte and acid-base balance. The basic unit of the kidney is the nephron, which contains a glomerulus that filters blood to form urine. Glomerular filtration rate is regulated by factors like blood pressure and autoregulation to maintain a constant renal blood flow.
3.2 chromosomeslucascwChromosomes are linear DNA molecules found in eukaryotes that are associated with histone proteins and carry genetic information. Prokaryotes like bacteria have a single circular chromosome while eukaryotes have multiple linear chromosomes in the nucleus. Eukaryotic cells are usually diploid, containing two copies of each chromosome, while gametes like eggs and sperm are haploid with one copy. The number and structure of chromosomes is consistent within a species but can vary between species. Sex is determined by sex chromosomes, with females typically having two X chromosomes and males having one X and one Y chromosome.
2 érico veríssimo - o retrato vol. 1Jerônimo FerreiraO documento descreve uma tarde de vento forte na cidade de Santa Fé, no Rio Grande do Sul. Os moradores lutam contra o vento que bagunça suas roupas e cabelos. O vento faz os cata-ventos e pandorgas rodopiarem. Um avião decola apesar do mau tempo. A rádio transmite anúncios e música que competem com o uivar do vento. Veiguinha parece feliz em finalmente remover um quadro de sua parede.
Human cytogenetic وراثة عملي في رحاب اللهThis document provides an overview of medical cytogenetics and chromosome analysis. It describes the normal human karyotype and introduces common chromosomal abnormalities. The key points are:
- A normal human cell contains 46 chromosomes, including 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes. Banding patterns allow unambiguous identification of each chromosome.
- Common abnormalities include changes in chromosome number (aneuploidies) and structure (deletions, duplications, inversions, translocations).
- The document provides a protocol for identifying each chromosome based on size, shape, centromere position, and banding pattern. This allows analysis of karyotypes to detect chromosomal abnormalities.
ProteinsmrsfrostThe document discusses how genetic information flows from DNA to proteins. It explains that DNA is transcribed into mRNA through transcription, and mRNA is then translated into proteins through translation. During transcription, RNA polymerase makes a complementary mRNA copy of the DNA gene. During translation, transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules matching the mRNA codons bring amino acids to the ribosome, where they are linked together to form a protein chain according to the mRNA's genetic code. The protein then undergoes post-translational modifications before performing its function in the cell. Mutations can occur through changes in DNA bases that may alter protein sequences.
PAR GCA OPERATIONS FOR FALCON BMSMoose MooseThis document provides information and procedures for conducting a Ground Controlled Approach (GCA) at sample airport RKJJ – Gwangju AB. It outlines cockpit setup, communication procedures with approach control and the GCA controller, expected GCA commands, and contingencies for a GCA failure. Pilots are instructed to review approach plates for minimums, missed approach procedures, descent angle, visual aids, and runway information before initial contact with approach control for handoff to the GCA final approach controller.
Marriage basicsEmeralda SavageThe document discusses several key basics of marriage:
1) Communication is fundamental, including talking, touching, and listening to each other daily.
2) Roles and responsibilities naturally fall along gender lines, with men as providers/protectors and women nurturing the home, though modern marriages vary.
3) Mutual respect is important, including respecting alone time and not criticizing or attacking one's spouse.
4) Keeping the love alive requires prioritizing each other, surprising each other, and maintaining a happy atmosphere through understanding and humor.
Check this out!Kim CaiseStores have used bar codes to 'check out' items for purchase for years. This presentation focuses on ways to use QR codes in the classroom in innovative ways.
Becoming a Certified PMPEdureka!Edureka is a global education provider registered with the Project Management Institute. It offers PMP certification training taught by an instructor with over 23 years of industry experience. The presentation discusses the eligibility criteria for PMP certification, the application and examination process, and common myths about the exam. It emphasizes Edureka's online training program which provides flexible scheduling, lifetime access to recordings, mock exams, and post-course support to help students earn the PMP credential.
Fraktal geometriDadang ArifinTeks tersebut membahas tentang fraktal, yaitu benda geometris yang memiliki struktur yang kompleks dan serupa pada berbagai tingkat perbesaran. Fraktal dapat dipecah menjadi bagian-bagian yang mirip dengan keseluruhan, dan memiliki detail yang tak terhingga akibat sifat repetitif dan rekursifnya. Geometri fraktal mempelajari sifat-sifat fraktal yang bermanfaat dalam menjelaskan berbagai fenomena alam.
Path to PMP II - Project Integration ManagementEdureka!This document provides information about a training course on Project Integration Management from Edureka. Edureka is a global registered education provider with the Project Management Institute. The course aims to help participants understand the logical flow of processes in project integration management, including developing the project charter and project management plan, directing and managing project work, monitoring and controlling project work, and closing projects. The course will be delivered online with live and interactive classes, lifetime access to recordings, mock tests, and post-course support.
Pphn gala corso cardiopatie congenite feb 2016guch-piemonteipertensione polmonare neonatale
Grafico diario del dax perfomance index para el 07 08-2013Experiencia TradingEste documento presenta un gráfico diario del índice Dax Performance que muestra las medias simples de 1, 2, 5, 13, 34, 89, 233 y 610 períodos. Explica que las tendencias se definen por las medias y son niveles de soporte y resistencia, y que las líneas de error típico representan canales de tendencia. El objetivo es observar cómo las medias simples pueden orientar el comportamiento del mercado basado en el análisis técnico del pasado para intuir el futuro inmediato. Proporciona n
Toss out that old stakeholder review proceess!Jill ChristA new approach to the stakeholder review process: learn how to revolutionize the traditional design review process, by grounding projects in user-feedback.
PMP Key-exam-concepts-QA-QC-VS-VSAnand BobadeThis document discusses key concepts related to quality assurance, quality control, validating scope, and controlling scope for the PMP exam. It defines each concept and provides examples. Quality assurance aims to prevent defects through a proactive, process-based approach, while quality control is reactive and product-focused, identifying defects after production. Validating scope involves verifying completed deliverables meet requirements, while controlling scope monitors the project and product scope and manages changes. The document emphasizes the relationships between these processes and provides sample exam questions.
best publications.pdfnareshkotraNeuro Quantology is an international, interdisciplinary, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research and review articles on the interface between quantum physics and neuroscience. The journal focuses on the exploration of the neural mechanisms underlying consciousness, cognition, perception, and behavior from a quantum perspective. Neuro Quantology is published monthly.
scientific report journal 09.pdfnareshkotraNeuro Quantology is an international, interdisciplinary, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research and review articles on the interface between quantum physics and neuroscience. The journal focuses on the exploration of the neural mechanisms underlying consciousness, cognition, perception, and behavior from a quantum perspective. Neuro Quantology is published monthly.
PAR GCA OPERATIONS FOR FALCON BMSMoose MooseThis document provides information and procedures for conducting a Ground Controlled Approach (GCA) at sample airport RKJJ – Gwangju AB. It outlines cockpit setup, communication procedures with approach control and the GCA controller, expected GCA commands, and contingencies for a GCA failure. Pilots are instructed to review approach plates for minimums, missed approach procedures, descent angle, visual aids, and runway information before initial contact with approach control for handoff to the GCA final approach controller.
Marriage basicsEmeralda SavageThe document discusses several key basics of marriage:
1) Communication is fundamental, including talking, touching, and listening to each other daily.
2) Roles and responsibilities naturally fall along gender lines, with men as providers/protectors and women nurturing the home, though modern marriages vary.
3) Mutual respect is important, including respecting alone time and not criticizing or attacking one's spouse.
4) Keeping the love alive requires prioritizing each other, surprising each other, and maintaining a happy atmosphere through understanding and humor.
Check this out!Kim CaiseStores have used bar codes to 'check out' items for purchase for years. This presentation focuses on ways to use QR codes in the classroom in innovative ways.
Becoming a Certified PMPEdureka!Edureka is a global education provider registered with the Project Management Institute. It offers PMP certification training taught by an instructor with over 23 years of industry experience. The presentation discusses the eligibility criteria for PMP certification, the application and examination process, and common myths about the exam. It emphasizes Edureka's online training program which provides flexible scheduling, lifetime access to recordings, mock exams, and post-course support to help students earn the PMP credential.
Fraktal geometriDadang ArifinTeks tersebut membahas tentang fraktal, yaitu benda geometris yang memiliki struktur yang kompleks dan serupa pada berbagai tingkat perbesaran. Fraktal dapat dipecah menjadi bagian-bagian yang mirip dengan keseluruhan, dan memiliki detail yang tak terhingga akibat sifat repetitif dan rekursifnya. Geometri fraktal mempelajari sifat-sifat fraktal yang bermanfaat dalam menjelaskan berbagai fenomena alam.
Path to PMP II - Project Integration ManagementEdureka!This document provides information about a training course on Project Integration Management from Edureka. Edureka is a global registered education provider with the Project Management Institute. The course aims to help participants understand the logical flow of processes in project integration management, including developing the project charter and project management plan, directing and managing project work, monitoring and controlling project work, and closing projects. The course will be delivered online with live and interactive classes, lifetime access to recordings, mock tests, and post-course support.
Pphn gala corso cardiopatie congenite feb 2016guch-piemonteipertensione polmonare neonatale
Grafico diario del dax perfomance index para el 07 08-2013Experiencia TradingEste documento presenta un gráfico diario del índice Dax Performance que muestra las medias simples de 1, 2, 5, 13, 34, 89, 233 y 610 períodos. Explica que las tendencias se definen por las medias y son niveles de soporte y resistencia, y que las líneas de error típico representan canales de tendencia. El objetivo es observar cómo las medias simples pueden orientar el comportamiento del mercado basado en el análisis técnico del pasado para intuir el futuro inmediato. Proporciona n
Toss out that old stakeholder review proceess!Jill ChristA new approach to the stakeholder review process: learn how to revolutionize the traditional design review process, by grounding projects in user-feedback.
PMP Key-exam-concepts-QA-QC-VS-VSAnand BobadeThis document discusses key concepts related to quality assurance, quality control, validating scope, and controlling scope for the PMP exam. It defines each concept and provides examples. Quality assurance aims to prevent defects through a proactive, process-based approach, while quality control is reactive and product-focused, identifying defects after production. Validating scope involves verifying completed deliverables meet requirements, while controlling scope monitors the project and product scope and manages changes. The document emphasizes the relationships between these processes and provides sample exam questions.
best publications.pdfnareshkotraNeuro Quantology is an international, interdisciplinary, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research and review articles on the interface between quantum physics and neuroscience. The journal focuses on the exploration of the neural mechanisms underlying consciousness, cognition, perception, and behavior from a quantum perspective. Neuro Quantology is published monthly.
scientific report journal 09.pdfnareshkotraNeuro Quantology is an international, interdisciplinary, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research and review articles on the interface between quantum physics and neuroscience. The journal focuses on the exploration of the neural mechanisms underlying consciousness, cognition, perception, and behavior from a quantum perspective. Neuro Quantology is published monthly.
görüntüleme teknikleri hakkında sunum vardırHoca26görüntüleme üzerine tanımlar sunulmaktadır gerekli teknikler sunulmuştur okuyucuya yardımcı olacaktır
Seminar yefak 2019Eastern Mediterranean UniversityWeak Gravitational Lensing and Gauss-Bonnet Theorem discusses using the Gauss-Bonnet theorem to calculate light deflection angles in various spacetime geometries, including:
1. Calculating the deflection angle of light near a Schwarzschild black hole using the optical geometry and Gaussian curvature.
2. Computing the deflection of light by dyonic wormholes in Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theory and showing the deflection depends on the electric, magnetic, and dilaton charges.
3. Finding the deflection angle of light is inversely proportional to the Rindler acceleration for a Rindler modified Schwarzschild black hole.
Hidden gates in universe: Wormholes UCEN 2017 by Dr. Ali ÖvgünEastern Mediterranean UniversityHidden gates in universe: Wormholes UCEN 2017 by Dr. Ali Ovgun
Gravity at UCEN 2017: Black holes and Cosmology, November 22, 23 and 24, 2017
The meeting take place at Universidad Central de Chile.
THIN-SHELL WORMHOLES AND GRAVASTARS PUCV SEMINAR 2017 Eastern Mediterranean UniversityThis document summarizes research on thin-shell wormholes and gravastars. It first provides background on wormholes and motivations for studying thin-shell constructions. It then describes the thin-shell method using Israel junction conditions to minimize exotic matter at the wormhole throat. Specific thin-shell wormhole models are constructed using the Hayward, linear gas, Chaplygin gas, generalized Chaplygin gas, and modified generalized Chaplygin gas equations of state. Stability analyses of these thin-shell wormholes under perturbations are presented through plots of the parameter spaces allowing for stable configurations.
Studies on Thin-shells and Thin-shellWormholesEastern Mediterranean UniversityThis document summarizes Ali Övgün's PhD thesis defense on studies of thin-shell wormholes and thin-shell theories. The defense covered 4 of Övgün's 19 publications on the topic. Key points included:
1) Hawking radiation of traversable wormholes was calculated, finding that wormhole throats radiate "phantom energy" or dark energy, reducing the throat size and entropy over time.
2) Thin-shell wormhole construction was discussed, using the Darmois-Israel formalism to match interior and exterior spacetimes across a thin shell or throat, and calculate the surface energy and pressure from extrinsic curvature.
3) One publication presented a particular thin-shell
Particle Collision near 1+1- D Horava-Lifshitz Black Holes (Karl Schwarzschil...Eastern Mediterranean University1) The document analyzes particle collisions near the horizon of 1+1 dimensional Hořava-Lifshitz black holes.
2) It finds that for particles moving in opposite directions, the center-of-mass energy becomes arbitrarily high as one particle approaches the horizon, similar to the Banados-Silk-West effect found in higher dimensions.
3) Several examples are examined, including Schwarzschild-like and Reissner-Nordström-like black hole solutions, and all are found to produce infinite center-of-mass energy near the horizon.
Kutlenin Gizemi - Ali OVGUNEastern Mediterranean UniversityAli OVGUN- IYTE tarafindan
III. Ulusal Fizik Öğrencileri Kongresi (UFOK - 3), Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi/ESKİŞEHİR, 2 – 4 Mayıs 2007 sunulmustur
Particle Collision near 1+ 1 Dimensional Horava-Lifshitz Black HolesEastern Mediterranean UniversityAbstract: The unbounded center-of-mass (CM) energy of colliding particles near horizon of a
black hole emerges even in 1+ 1-dimensional Horava-Lifshitz gravity. The latter has imprints
of renormalizable quantum gravity characteristics in accordance with simple power counting.
The result obtained is valid also for a 1-dimensional Compton process between a
massive/massless Hawking photon emaneting from the black hole and an in falling
massless/massive particle.
Thin-shell wormholes from the regular Hayward black holeEastern Mediterranean UniversityThe document discusses thin-shell wormholes constructed from the Hayward regular black hole spacetime. It first introduces wormholes and describes the Hayward metric, which removes the singularity at the center of the black hole. It then constructs a thin-shell wormhole by cutting and pasting two Hayward spacetimes, with the shell supported by various exotic matter models. Stability analyses are performed for different exotic matter equations of state.
EMU M.Sc. Thesis Presentation "Dark Matter; Modification of f(R) or WIMPS M...Eastern Mediterranean UniversityEMU M.Sc. Thesis Presentation
Thesis Title: "Dark Matter; Modification of f(R) or WIMPS Miracle"
Student: Ali Övgün
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mustafa Halilsoy
Dark MatterEastern Mediterranean UniversityThe document discusses dark matter and provides evidence for its existence from various astronomical observations. It notes that while ordinary matter makes up only about 4% of the universe, dark matter accounts for about 23%. Various properties of dark matter are described, including that it interacts gravitationally but does not emit or absorb light. Possible candidates for dark matter are discussed, including WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles), which are favored from both astronomical data and particle physics models. The document outlines how WIMPs could have been thermally produced in the early universe to account for the observed dark matter abundance.
1. 21.yy Fiziği Sicim Teorisi;
ve Maddenin Gizemi
İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü
2. Madde Nedir?
Democritus maddeyi oluşturan daha küçük temel parçacıklar olduğunu
Doğa saklanmayı sever...
Madde nerden oluşur?
1964lere kadar maddenin sadece 3 temel parçacıktan oluştuğu düşünülüyordu;
proton, nötron, elektron
-- J.J.Thomson (1897): Elektronu keşfetti
-- Rutherford ( 1909): Protonu keşfetti
-- Chadwick (1932): Nötronu Keşfetti
--SLAC (1968): Kuarklar Keşfedildi
6. •Proton ve Nötron Kuarklardan OLUŞUR
•Kuarklar ve Elektronlar daha küçük parçacıklardan
• Bunlar kütlelerini
nerden alıyorlar???
•Elektron ve Kuarklar ?
7. Farklı tür temel parçacıkların neden
kendilerine özgü kütleleri var?
Kütle ( giga-elektron-volt)
Temel parçacıkların en az 11 farklı kütle çeşiti vardır.
8. Bu parçacıkları bir arada tutan nedir?
-- doğadaki en temel kuvvet nedir? (???)
Doğada bilinen 4 temel kuvvet :
•Kütleçekimsel Kuvvet : İnsanların başına elma
düşmesini , gezegenlerin birbirlerini çekmesini
( ama itmemesini ) sağlayan Newton’un elma
hikayesinden türemiş kuvvet. Tabi Genel Göreliliğe
göre kuvvet falan yok ortada...
•Elektromanyetik Etkileşim: elektronu
çekirdeğin etrafında tutan ve ve kimya biliminin
doğmasını sağlayan kuvvet. Maxwellin 4 var olan
denklemi birarada yazması ve bir terim
eklemesiyle oluştu.
9. •Kuvvetli Etkileşim : kuarkları bir arada tutan ve
sonucunda atomun çekirdeğini oluşturan
•Zayıf Etkileşim : beta rakyoaktivitesinden
sorumlu , bu da bize antimadde konseptini
kazandırıyor.ayrıca uranyum gibi maddelerin
radyoaktif bozunmasından sorumlu kuvvettir.
Neden etkileşim de kuvvet değil?
Kuantum Teorisinden önce kuvvetler , kuvvet alanlarıyla temsil ediliyordu.
Kuantum Teorisine göre, örneğin 2 kuark arasındaki kuvvet taşıyıcı bir parçacık
olmadan yani bozonsuz tasvir edilemez.Bozon ne kadar ağır olursa , o kadar kısa
mesafelere kuvveti yeter
10. Elektromanyetik etkileşimin taşıyıcısı : γ ( foton )
Kuvvetli Etkileşimin taşıyıcısı : gluon
Zayıf Etkileşimin taşıyıcıları: ve Z0±
Kütleçekimi kuvveti en zayıf olan kuvvettir, ve teorik olarak graviton denilen
bozon tarafından oluştuğu düşünülür.
12. 4 Kuvvetin Birleştirilmesi
• Elektrik + Manyetik
= Elektromanyetik
• Elektromanyetizma + Zayıf
= ElektroZayıf
• ElektroZayıf + Kuvvetli
= Büyük Birleştirme Teorisi
• BBT + Kütleçekimsel Kuvvet
= Herşeyin Teorisi
13. • Parçacıkların etkileşmesiyle değil; geometriyle
• Kalan diğer güçler gibi kuantum alan kuramı
çerçevesinde bu kuvveti dahil etmek imkansız
14. Kuantum Kütleçekimi Teorisi
• Yer ve zaman bir kuantum şeklinde çok küçük
ölçeklerde mi dalgalanıyor?
• Kuantum Köpüğü ???
• Bu matematiksel olarak
nasıl tanımlarız?
Aday Teoriler:
1.Sicim Teorisi
2.Döngüsel Kuantum Kütleçekim
3.SüperKütleçekim Teorisi
15. Atom içindeki Fizik
Temel Parçacıklar( 10 m )
Sicim Teorisi
m10 35−
elektron, muyon, tayuon
nötrinolar (3 flavors)
kuarklar - yukarı, aşağı, acayip,
tılsımlı, alt, üst
Bozonlar (Kuvvet Taşıyıcılar):
foton (elektromanyetizma)
gluyon (kuvvetli)
, Z (zayıf)±
Higgs parçacığı
Sicim Teorisi
İlk Bozonik Sicim Kuramı
Bozonik Sicim Kuramı
Fermiyonlar için çalışmıyor...
Ayrıca kütlesi negatif olan
takyon ortaya çıkıyor
1971 Ramond , Schwarz ve Neveu nin
çalışmalarıyla süpersimetrinin
eklenmesiyle bu sorun çözüldü.
Süpersimetrinin temeli sicim
teorisindeki bir problemi çözmek için
öne sürülen fermiyon-boson ilişkisine
dayanır.( Wess ve Zumino 1973)
• Herşeyin Teorisi için en iyi aday...
• Varsayılan tüm temel
parçacıklar aslında noktasal
parçacıklar yerine
sicim ipliği nesneleri gibidir
• Bütün parçacıklar aynı tür sicimlerin
farklı tür titreşim ve dönmelerinde oluşurlar
Supersicim demek daha
fazla parçacık demek,
daha fazla başa bela....
18. Ekstra Boyutlar?
• Süpersicim Teorisi uzay-zamanın
10 boyutlu oldugunu öngörür.(9 uzay+ 1 zaman)
• Ekstra 6 uzaysal boyutun
Planck uzunluğu kadar
küçük bir uzayda kıvrılmış
olmasını öngörür
19. Süpersicim Teorisi: atomaltı parçacıkların teorisi
,çözünürlükte bütün temel
Parçacıklar tek boyutlu sicimlerdir
m10 35−
Bir sicimin 2 sicime ayrılması ya da 2 sicimin
Birleşip bir sicim oluşturmasının belirleyen :
Sicim eşleşme sabitidir.
Bu basit kuralla standart model parçacıklarının
Özellikleri uyuşur.
20. Sicim eşleşme sabiti, g,
Etkileşimin olasılığını
Sicimlerin 2 tür enerjileri vardır.
1.Titreşim Enerjileri =Kinetik Enerji gibi
2.Sarmal Enerjileri = Potansiyel Enerji gibi
1/R (Sicim Yarıçapı) titreşim enerjisi
Sonuç :
Yarıçapa verilen değerin
birbirleriyle ters orantılı olması( 10
ve 1/10 ) gibi özel bir durumda,
mümkün olan enerjiler ve yükler
birbirlerinin aynıdır.
Yani 1/R = 10^-61 ve R=10^ 61 gibi mesafelerde fizik
yasaları aynıdır.... !!!!
21. Kozmoloji: erken evrenin aşırı koşulları küçük ölçeklere
ve yüksek enerjilere bir pencere vermektedir
Sicim Fiziği
Sicim kalıntıları veya
Şimdiki etkileri ?
Bizim elimizdeki mikroskobun
Optiğini anlamamız gerekir.
22. Atomaltı parçacıklar
Temel Parçacıklar ( 10 m )
elektron, muyon, tauyon
Bozonlar (Kuvvet Taşıyıcılar):
foton (e-m)
gluon (kuvvetli)
, Z (zayıf)±
Higgs parçacığı
Sicim Teorisi !!!
Eksik olan NE???
Graviton (Kütleçekimi!!)
23. Süpersicim Teorisi: kütleçekim teorisi
m10 35
Graviton denen paketlenmiş enerji parçacığı gerektirir!
Çok uzun mesafelerde , den çok daha büyük olması
Koşulunda Einsein’ın Kütleçekim denklemi ;
µνµνµν π TGgR 8R 2
Sicimin uzunluk ölçeğini ayarlar
Kuantum Alan Teori ile Relativistik Kütleçekim Teorisini
Birleştirmeyi sağlar.
Newton sabiti
24. Süpersicim Teorisi: Şeytan detaylarda gizlidir
• 10 boyutlu uzay-zamanda yaşadığımızı öngörür.
Deneysel olarak: Biz 4 boyutlu uzay-zamanda yaşıyoruz!
Belkide biz ekstra boyutları göremiyoruz. (1 zaman and 3 uzay)
Yararları: 4 boyutlu uzay-zamanın zenginliği , ekstra boyuların geometrisinden gelir.
25. Süpersicim Teorisi: Şeytan detaylarda gizlidir
•Belkide biz ekstra boyutları göremiyoruz.
(Süpersimetri: her bir fermiyon için bir tane bozon eşi
Süpereşler çok ağır kütleli....
Çözüm: Belkide daha yüksek enerjilere bakmalıyız.!!!
Yararı: Süpersimetri teorideki kuantum dalgalanmaları
• 10 boyutlu uzay-zamanda yaşadığımızı öngörür.
•Deneysel olarak: Biz 4 boyutlu uzay-zamanda yaşıyoruz!
26. Süpersicim Teori: Detay, detay , detay….
• 5 tane sicim teori vardır:
Type I, Type IIA, Type IIB,
Heterotic E8 X E8, Heterotic SO(32)
• Tahmin: Bütün farklı sicim teorileri aslında
bir teorinin çözümleridir.
Neden 1 tane değil ki???
27. Sicim Teorisi , sicimlerden daha fazlasını
Vaad eder!
• D-branes: sicim teorisi başka nesneleri de içerir;
0, 1, 2, . . . boyutlarında
strings membranes
Yüzey-Dünya Senaryosu
28. Süpersicim Teorisi: Herşeyin teorisi
• M-teori Tahmin: Bütün farklı sicim teorileri aslında
bir teorinin çözümleridir.
M-teori aslında 11-boyutlu süperkütleçekimini de kapsar!
Ancak deneme ile kanıtlanması gerek!!!
?? Planck ölçeğinde FİZİK??
Sicim/M-teorisi yeni fikirlerin çok güzel bir kaynağıdır
30. Süpersicim Teorisi: teorinin kanıtlanması çok güzel bir deney gerektirir
hızlandırıcı deneyleri: araştırmak 1012
eV ve
Tevatron ve Büyük Hadron Çarpıştırıcısının ilerisi ….
kozmoloji deneyleri: evrenin aşırı koşullarında sicimlerle ilgil
günümüze gelen bir kalıntı olabilir
31. Süpersicim Teorisi:
Fiziksel evrenimiz için matematiksel bir model
Sicim teorisi çalışmak için çok fazla ve iyi birşekilde modern matematik teorilerini bilmek
Ve geliştirebilmek gerekir.
Halen daha sicim teorisinin matematiksel modelini arıyoruz...
Sicim Teorisinin Özeti:
Benim çok iyi bir fikrim var.
Düşün ki bütün madde ve enerji çok küçük
titreşen sicimlerden yapılmıştır.
Tamam da bu neyi
ifade ediyor ?
32. Süpersicim Teorisi:
Biz halen daha resmi nasıl tamamlaycağımızı bilmiyoruz...
Fiziksel evrenimiz için matematiksel bir model