Phonons & Phonopy: Pro Tips (2014)Jonathan SkeltonThis document provides an overview of phonons and lattice dynamics as well as tips for using the phonopy software package. It discusses the theory of phonons in crystals and the harmonic and quasi-harmonic approximations. It also outlines the workflow for using phonopy to calculate forces, construct the dynamical matrix, and post-process results to obtain phonon dispersions, densities of states, and thermal properties. Helpful tips are provided for optimizing VASP settings for force calculations and manipulating phonopy settings and output files.
Materials Modelling: From theory to solar cells (Lecture 1)cdtpvThis document provides an overview of a mini-module on materials modelling for solar energy applications. It introduces the lecturers and outlines the course structure, which includes lectures on modelling, interfaces, and multi-scale approaches. It also describes a literature review activity where students will present a research paper using materials modelling in photovoltaics. Recommended textbooks are provided on topics like bonding in solids, computational chemistry, and density functional theory for solids.
Il pm per l’impresa di costruzioni pianificazione e controllo del progetto co...Alvise VerìPresentazione della tesi svolta in occasione della laurea triennale in Construction Management presso lo IUAV di Venezia. Dimostrazione pratica di come applicare la metodologia del PM ad una tipica commessa di edilizia residenziale attraverso software tradizionali della suite Office come Excel e Project.
Burakh 040816Burak HimmetogluHimmetoglu presents research on modeling polarons and their effects in complex oxide materials like YTiO3 using first-principles calculations. Small polarons form when holes become self-trapped due to strong electron-phonon coupling, leading to localized distortions around the hole. Calculations find two stable configurations for a single hole - a small polaron state and a delocalized hole state. The transition between these states is attributed to the 0.6eV onset seen in optical absorption measurements, rather than representing the fundamental band gap. Accounting for small polaron formation reconciles theoretical predictions of band gaps around 2eV with experimental observations.
Density Functional Theory.pptxHassanShah396906Density functional theory (DFT) is a computational quantum mechanics method used to investigate the electronic structure of many-body systems like molecules and solids. It functions by using functionals of the electron density rather than the many-body wavefunction. This makes calculations more efficient. DFT was developed based on the Hohenberg-Kohn theorems, which established that all ground state properties are uniquely determined by the electron density alone. This allowed modeling systems using functionals of the density rather than attempting to solve the complicated many-electron Schrodinger equation directly. DFT is now widely used in physics, chemistry, and materials science.
Density Functional TheoryWesley ChenDensity functional theory (DFT) is a computational quantum mechanics modeling method used in physics and chemistry to investigate the electronic structure of molecules and condensed phases. DFT was awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. DFT approximates the complex quantum many-body problem by considering electron density as a basic variable instead of wave functions. Common approximations include the local density approximation (LDA) and generalized gradient approximation (GGA), which include additional information about the density gradient. DFT is widely used today due to its good accuracy and scaling better than other computational methods.
Introduction to DFT Part 2Mariana M. Odashima(If visualization is slow, please try downloading the file.)
Part 2 of a tutorial given in the Brazilian Physical Society meeting, ENFMC. Abstract: Density-functional theory (DFT) was developed 50 years ago, connecting fundamental quantum methods from early days of quantum mechanics to our days of computer-powered science. Today DFT is the most widely used method in electronic structure calculations. It helps moving forward materials sciences from a single atom to nanoclusters and biomolecules, connecting solid-state, quantum chemistry, atomic and molecular physics, biophysics and beyond. In this tutorial, I will try to clarify this pathway under a historical view, presenting the DFT pillars and its building blocks, namely, the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem, the Kohn-Sham scheme, the local density approximation (LDA) and generalized gradient approximation (GGA). I would like to open the black box misconception of the method, and present a more pedagogical and solid perspective on DFT.
Born–Oppenheimer Approximation.pdfAnjali Devi J SThe Born-Oppenheimer approximation, proposed in 1927 by physicists Max Born and J. Robert Oppenheimer, treats the motions of nuclei and electrons in molecules separately. It approximates that the nuclei in a molecule are stationary relative to the rapidly moving electrons. This allows molecular structure and properties to be determined by first solving the electronic Schrodinger equation at fixed nuclear positions, and then adding the internuclear repulsion energy to obtain the total internal energy of the molecule. As a result of this approximation, molecules have well-defined shapes determined by the equilibrium positions of their nuclei.
Aharonaov bohm effectAnzar AliIn this presentation I present Aharonov-Bohm effect, a quantum phenomenon in which a
particle is effected by electromagnetic fields even when traveling through a region of space
in which both electric and magnetic field are zero. I will describe theoretical background
of the effect, present some experimental verifications and show how this phenomenon can
be practically used in modern devices for precise measurement of magnetic field.
Magnetization process of the kagome magnetsRyutaro OkumaFirst, well known properties of kagome isotropic antiferromagnet are briefly described. Then a unique kagome mineral, synthesized in my lab, whose magnetic interaction is along one direction antiferromagnetic and along other ones ferromagnetic is introduced.The results of exact diagonalization of Heisenberg Hamiltonian of finite sites present a phase diagram of magnetization in magnetic field and coupling ratio plot.Whether or not plateaus and jump will appear in the magnetization process of the material is discussed.
Wien2k getting startedABDERRAHMANE REGGADThis document provides an overview of the WIEN2k software package, which is an augmented plane wave plus local orbital program for calculating crystal properties. It discusses the program structure, inputs and outputs, k-point generation, the self-consistent field cycle, and how to calculate various properties like band structures, densities of states, and partial charges.
Quantum mechanics a briefChaitanya AretiQuantum mechanics describes the behavior of matter and light on the atomic and subatomic scale. Some key points of the quantum mechanics view are that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties, their behavior is probabilistic rather than definite, and some properties like position and momentum cannot be known simultaneously with complete precision due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Quantum mechanics has successfully explained various phenomena that classical physics could not and led to important technologies like lasers, MRI machines, and semiconductor devices.
Dark matterpaulaguruDark matter is a hypothetical type of matter that accounts for approximately 85% of the matter in the universe but does not emit, absorb, or interact with electromagnetic radiation. It is believed to play a key role in the formation of galaxies and their structure. While its existence and properties are well-established through its gravitational effects, its exact nature remains unknown. Several experiments are attempting to directly detect dark matter particles through methods like observing signals produced when dark matter particles interact or are destroyed, but so far none have succeeded, and dark matter's composition remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in physics.
Higgs boson or the god particleAravindtaridaluThe Higgs boson is an elementary particle that is responsible for giving mass to other particles. It was proposed in 1964 and discovered in 2012 at CERN's Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. The Higgs boson is extremely short-lived, decaying within one billionth of a trillionth of a second. Its discovery helps scientists better understand how particles acquire mass and could provide insights into cosmic inflation, dark matter, and the composition of the universe.
STATISTICAL MECHNICE Rai Saheb Bhanwar Singh College NasrullaganjThis document introduces key concepts in statistical mechanics, including the idea that macroscopic properties are thermal averages of microscopic properties. It discusses common statistical ensembles like the microcanonical ensemble (isolated systems with constant energy) and the canonical ensemble (systems in equilibrium with a heat reservoir). The canonical partition function Z relates microscopic quantum mechanics to macroscopic thermodynamics and can be used to calculate thermodynamic variables. Properties like heat capacity can be derived from fluctuations in energy calculated from the partition function.
Einestein model density of statesSandeep raju Kodamanchili1) The document discusses quantum mechanical models of heat conduction in solids, specifically the Einstein and Debye models.
2) The Einstein model treats the solid as independent harmonic oscillators all with the same frequency. This crude model gives the correct high temperature limit but fails at low temperatures.
3) The Debye model accounts for the actual distribution of vibration frequencies in solids, better predicting the temperature dependence of heat capacity. This model agrees with experimental data over a wider range of temperatures.
VASP And Wannier90: A Quick TutorialJonathan SkeltonA basic tutorial on using Wannier90 with the VASP code. Includes a brief overview of Wannier functions, tips on how to build VASP with Wannier90 support, and how to use the VASP/Wannier90 interface to compute an HSE06 band structure and perform some other Wannier90 post processing.
Introduction to perturbation theory, part-1Kiran PadhyPerturbation theory provides an approximate method for solving quantum mechanical problems where the Hamiltonian cannot be solved exactly. It involves splitting the Hamiltonian into an exactly solvable unperturbed part (H0) and a perturbed part (H1) treated as a small disturbance. The eigenvalues and eigenstates of the full Hamiltonian are expressed as power series expansions in terms of the perturbation strength parameter λ, allowing the effects of the perturbation to be calculated order by order. There are two types of perturbation theory: time-independent, where the unperturbed eigenstates are stationary; and time-dependent, where they vary with time under the perturbation.
The Standard Model and the LHC in the Higgs Boson ErajuanrojochaconThe document discusses the Standard Model of particle physics and the role of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) following the discovery of the Higgs boson. It provides background on the development of the Standard Model and discovery of its key particles like quarks, gluons, and weak bosons. It describes the LHC as the most powerful particle collider built to explore physics at the highest energies and probe unanswered questions left by the Standard Model. Four main detectors at the LHC, including ATLAS and CMS, precisely measure collision products to explore fundamental particles and forces.
Apresentação abbturabbturscA Associação Brasileira de Bacharéis em Turismo (ABBTUR) é uma entidade sem fins lucrativos que tem como objetivos contribuir para o desenvolvimento do turismo no Brasil, promover o intercâmbio de conhecimentos entre profissionais do setor e reunir e representar bacharéis em turismo de todo o país. O documento descreve a estrutura e objetivos da ABBTUR no estado de Santa Catarina.
Density Functional TheoryWesley ChenDensity functional theory (DFT) is a computational quantum mechanics modeling method used in physics and chemistry to investigate the electronic structure of molecules and condensed phases. DFT was awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. DFT approximates the complex quantum many-body problem by considering electron density as a basic variable instead of wave functions. Common approximations include the local density approximation (LDA) and generalized gradient approximation (GGA), which include additional information about the density gradient. DFT is widely used today due to its good accuracy and scaling better than other computational methods.
Introduction to DFT Part 2Mariana M. Odashima(If visualization is slow, please try downloading the file.)
Part 2 of a tutorial given in the Brazilian Physical Society meeting, ENFMC. Abstract: Density-functional theory (DFT) was developed 50 years ago, connecting fundamental quantum methods from early days of quantum mechanics to our days of computer-powered science. Today DFT is the most widely used method in electronic structure calculations. It helps moving forward materials sciences from a single atom to nanoclusters and biomolecules, connecting solid-state, quantum chemistry, atomic and molecular physics, biophysics and beyond. In this tutorial, I will try to clarify this pathway under a historical view, presenting the DFT pillars and its building blocks, namely, the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem, the Kohn-Sham scheme, the local density approximation (LDA) and generalized gradient approximation (GGA). I would like to open the black box misconception of the method, and present a more pedagogical and solid perspective on DFT.
Born–Oppenheimer Approximation.pdfAnjali Devi J SThe Born-Oppenheimer approximation, proposed in 1927 by physicists Max Born and J. Robert Oppenheimer, treats the motions of nuclei and electrons in molecules separately. It approximates that the nuclei in a molecule are stationary relative to the rapidly moving electrons. This allows molecular structure and properties to be determined by first solving the electronic Schrodinger equation at fixed nuclear positions, and then adding the internuclear repulsion energy to obtain the total internal energy of the molecule. As a result of this approximation, molecules have well-defined shapes determined by the equilibrium positions of their nuclei.
Aharonaov bohm effectAnzar AliIn this presentation I present Aharonov-Bohm effect, a quantum phenomenon in which a
particle is effected by electromagnetic fields even when traveling through a region of space
in which both electric and magnetic field are zero. I will describe theoretical background
of the effect, present some experimental verifications and show how this phenomenon can
be practically used in modern devices for precise measurement of magnetic field.
Magnetization process of the kagome magnetsRyutaro OkumaFirst, well known properties of kagome isotropic antiferromagnet are briefly described. Then a unique kagome mineral, synthesized in my lab, whose magnetic interaction is along one direction antiferromagnetic and along other ones ferromagnetic is introduced.The results of exact diagonalization of Heisenberg Hamiltonian of finite sites present a phase diagram of magnetization in magnetic field and coupling ratio plot.Whether or not plateaus and jump will appear in the magnetization process of the material is discussed.
Wien2k getting startedABDERRAHMANE REGGADThis document provides an overview of the WIEN2k software package, which is an augmented plane wave plus local orbital program for calculating crystal properties. It discusses the program structure, inputs and outputs, k-point generation, the self-consistent field cycle, and how to calculate various properties like band structures, densities of states, and partial charges.
Quantum mechanics a briefChaitanya AretiQuantum mechanics describes the behavior of matter and light on the atomic and subatomic scale. Some key points of the quantum mechanics view are that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties, their behavior is probabilistic rather than definite, and some properties like position and momentum cannot be known simultaneously with complete precision due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Quantum mechanics has successfully explained various phenomena that classical physics could not and led to important technologies like lasers, MRI machines, and semiconductor devices.
Dark matterpaulaguruDark matter is a hypothetical type of matter that accounts for approximately 85% of the matter in the universe but does not emit, absorb, or interact with electromagnetic radiation. It is believed to play a key role in the formation of galaxies and their structure. While its existence and properties are well-established through its gravitational effects, its exact nature remains unknown. Several experiments are attempting to directly detect dark matter particles through methods like observing signals produced when dark matter particles interact or are destroyed, but so far none have succeeded, and dark matter's composition remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in physics.
Higgs boson or the god particleAravindtaridaluThe Higgs boson is an elementary particle that is responsible for giving mass to other particles. It was proposed in 1964 and discovered in 2012 at CERN's Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. The Higgs boson is extremely short-lived, decaying within one billionth of a trillionth of a second. Its discovery helps scientists better understand how particles acquire mass and could provide insights into cosmic inflation, dark matter, and the composition of the universe.
STATISTICAL MECHNICE Rai Saheb Bhanwar Singh College NasrullaganjThis document introduces key concepts in statistical mechanics, including the idea that macroscopic properties are thermal averages of microscopic properties. It discusses common statistical ensembles like the microcanonical ensemble (isolated systems with constant energy) and the canonical ensemble (systems in equilibrium with a heat reservoir). The canonical partition function Z relates microscopic quantum mechanics to macroscopic thermodynamics and can be used to calculate thermodynamic variables. Properties like heat capacity can be derived from fluctuations in energy calculated from the partition function.
Einestein model density of statesSandeep raju Kodamanchili1) The document discusses quantum mechanical models of heat conduction in solids, specifically the Einstein and Debye models.
2) The Einstein model treats the solid as independent harmonic oscillators all with the same frequency. This crude model gives the correct high temperature limit but fails at low temperatures.
3) The Debye model accounts for the actual distribution of vibration frequencies in solids, better predicting the temperature dependence of heat capacity. This model agrees with experimental data over a wider range of temperatures.
VASP And Wannier90: A Quick TutorialJonathan SkeltonA basic tutorial on using Wannier90 with the VASP code. Includes a brief overview of Wannier functions, tips on how to build VASP with Wannier90 support, and how to use the VASP/Wannier90 interface to compute an HSE06 band structure and perform some other Wannier90 post processing.
Introduction to perturbation theory, part-1Kiran PadhyPerturbation theory provides an approximate method for solving quantum mechanical problems where the Hamiltonian cannot be solved exactly. It involves splitting the Hamiltonian into an exactly solvable unperturbed part (H0) and a perturbed part (H1) treated as a small disturbance. The eigenvalues and eigenstates of the full Hamiltonian are expressed as power series expansions in terms of the perturbation strength parameter λ, allowing the effects of the perturbation to be calculated order by order. There are two types of perturbation theory: time-independent, where the unperturbed eigenstates are stationary; and time-dependent, where they vary with time under the perturbation.
The Standard Model and the LHC in the Higgs Boson ErajuanrojochaconThe document discusses the Standard Model of particle physics and the role of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) following the discovery of the Higgs boson. It provides background on the development of the Standard Model and discovery of its key particles like quarks, gluons, and weak bosons. It describes the LHC as the most powerful particle collider built to explore physics at the highest energies and probe unanswered questions left by the Standard Model. Four main detectors at the LHC, including ATLAS and CMS, precisely measure collision products to explore fundamental particles and forces.
Apresentação abbturabbturscA Associação Brasileira de Bacharéis em Turismo (ABBTUR) é uma entidade sem fins lucrativos que tem como objetivos contribuir para o desenvolvimento do turismo no Brasil, promover o intercâmbio de conhecimentos entre profissionais do setor e reunir e representar bacharéis em turismo de todo o país. O documento descreve a estrutura e objetivos da ABBTUR no estado de Santa Catarina.
DfUbook_methods-toolsJasper van KuijkThe Design for Usability project aimed to improve the usability of electronic products through practice-oriented research, developing new user-centered design methods and tools. The project was a collaboration between three Dutch universities of technology and four industry partners, and sought to address challenges in product development like increasing complexity, shorter development cycles, and a rise in product returns not due to technical faults.
Content Marketing trends for Luxury BrandsAssociação Portuguesa dos Profissionais de MarketingA Brilliant presentation by Sónia Laima, CEO from RebelAct for the APPM event Marketing Marathon. The presentation is about the rise of Content Marketing in the Luxury Brands market. How video, social, and rich media is changing the media scope and Marketing strategies across the World.
a1 boardssamson oakleyThe document describes plans for renovating an old building into a new fitness center called the Madeley Elite Recreational Centre (MERC). The renovations include:
- Converting the ground, first, and second floors into a cross-fit and indoor rock climbing facility with unique equipment and trained instructors.
- Including three group exercise classrooms on the third floor for classes like HIIT, yoga, and spin fitness that can also be rented out.
- Installing an elevator to make all floors accessible.
- Designing the rear of the building to accommodate indoor rock climbing for 15 people.
Mobile learning: connecting formal and informal learningKim FlintoffThis document discusses mobile learning and its impact on education. It describes how mobile learning enables continuous, lifelong learning that removes boundaries. It allows learning to become contextualized and learner-centered. Mobile learning transforms traditional education by advancing customized, personalized learning and shifting teachers' and learners' roles. It also reimagines learners as "transmedial" and "always on" who generate data to augment their cognition. Mobile devices have become essential tools for learning, along with food and shelter. The document examines mobile learning from pedagogical, policy, technology, and research perspectives and how it can enable and support flexible learning.
WGHA Discovery Series: Cathering WilfertUWGlobalHealthWashington Global Health Alliance Discovery Series
Catherine Wilfert, MD [
December 1, 2008
'Global Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV-1'
FBMS Burkenroad Report 2016Scott MerrittThe document provides an investment analysis of The First Bancshares Inc. (FBMS). Key points include:
- FBMS has only a small percentage of loans tied to the struggling oil industry and its loan to deposit ratio is stabilizing.
- The company targets acquisitions in the growing southeastern US and aims to increase its return on assets.
- The analyst assigns FBMS a "Market Outperform" rating with a 12-month target price of $24 per share based on discounted cash flow, price-earnings, and price-to-book-value analyses.
ahmed mohamed diaa C.VAHMED DIAAAhmed Mohamed Diaa is seeking a challenging position. He has over 4 years of experience as an Electrical ESP Engineer and Maintenance Engineer at QARUN Petroleum Company in the Western Desert of Egypt. He has extensive experience planning, supervising and coordinating electrical maintenance activities. He is proficient in ESP design, installation, commissioning and troubleshooting. He has additional qualifications in PLCs, variable speed drives, cathodic protection, ESP design and frac courses. He is fluent in English and has basic French skills.
Fiskeldi við eyjafjordErlendur Steinar FriðrikssonErindi flutt á málþingi um neikvæð áhrif sjókvíaeldis. Haldið af landsambandi veiðifélaganna og landsambandi stangveiðifélaga
Yeni Ekonomi Kuantum Nöroekonomi Kitabının Özeti - Avedis BoyacıAvedis BoyacıBu sunumda, "Yeni Ekonomi Kuantum Nöroekonomi" isimli kitabın özeti yer alıyor. Kitabın yazarı Haydun Soydal.
Kitap, iktisat biliminin diğer bilimlerden ayrı düşünülemeyeceğinin ve bu nedenle de bilimsel gelişmelerden direk etkilendiğinin vurgulanması ile başlıyor.
Ardından, iktisat bilimi dünyasında kabul görmüş olan teoriler paylaşılıyor. Bunlar: Klsaik, Neoklasik ve Modern olarak kategorize edebileceğimiz üç akımın öncülüğünde geliştirilmişlerdir.
Kuantum fiziğinin, nöroekonominin ve davranış bilimlerinin ekonomide yer bulmaya başlamasıyla iktisat biliminde bir devrim yaşandığı iafde ediliyor ve kitap boyunca, çeşitli bilimlerdeki ve kavramlardaki gelişmeler örnek verilerek bu devrimin ne olduğu açıklanıyor.
Kitabın I. bölümünde; konuya temel oluşturması için önce klasik iktisat ve neoklasik iktisat teorileri tanımlanmıştır. Ve ardından modern (yeni) iktisada geçiş; gelişmeler ve kavramlar aracılığı ile aktarılıyor. İlgili tüm kavramlar açkılanarak, iktisat bilimine nasıl yansımasına dair fikir veriliyor.
Kitabın II. bölümünde; ise nöroloji, insan beyni ve insan beyninin işleyişi açıklanarak iktisat bilimi ile ilişkilendiriliyor.
Kitabın son kısmında Haldun Soydal’ın Türkiye’de yaptığı çalışmalardan da örnekler veriliyor.
Actis City Catalogue 2016 kiosque_corner_mobilier_urbainHervé HoffFabricant concepteur de Kiosque Corner Mobilier Urbain
Presse, Fleur, Petite Restauration, Services, Evénementiels
400 kiosques fabriqués Paris, Cannes, Mandeliue, Sanary, Narbonne, Marseille, Malaga....
3. Factores Riesgo OcupacionalGuido Enrique Ceballos HuertasEste documento describe los factores de riesgo ocupacional en la industria de la construcción. Explica que los riesgos pueden clasificarse según sus características energéticas como riesgos estáticos o dinámicos, o según su naturaleza legal como riesgos comunes, ocupacionales o profesionales. También clasifica los factores de riesgo en grupos relacionados con el ambiente de trabajo y contaminantes ambientales, e identifica ejemplos en cada grupo.
best publications.pdfnareshkotraNeuro Quantology is an international, interdisciplinary, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research and review articles on the interface between quantum physics and neuroscience. The journal focuses on the exploration of the neural mechanisms underlying consciousness, cognition, perception, and behavior from a quantum perspective. Neuro Quantology is published monthly.
scientific report journal 09.pdfnareshkotraNeuro Quantology is an international, interdisciplinary, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research and review articles on the interface between quantum physics and neuroscience. The journal focuses on the exploration of the neural mechanisms underlying consciousness, cognition, perception, and behavior from a quantum perspective. Neuro Quantology is published monthly.
görüntüleme teknikleri hakkında sunum vardırHoca26görüntüleme üzerine tanımlar sunulmaktadır gerekli teknikler sunulmuştur okuyucuya yardımcı olacaktır
2. Kuantum Fiziği Nedir?
Evreni anlama çabalarından doğan fizik
bilimini üç bölümde inceleyecek olursak;
• Klasik fizik
• İhtimal kanunları
• Kuantum fiziği
karşımıza çıkar.
1. Morötesi felaket
2. Fotoelektrik etki
3. Atom kararlılığı
kavramlarını açıklamada klasik fizik
yetersiz kalınca kuantum fiziği devreye
Bu sunuda, kuantum fiziğinin;
fiziğin temel ilkelerinin (nedensellik) mikro âlemde geçersizliğinin fark edilmesinden nasıl
doğduğunun kronolojisine değinilecektir.
3. Kuantum Fiziği Tarihi
Zeeman ;Işığın bir atom
içindeki yüklü parçacıkların
enerji değişimlerinden
kaynaklanan hareketi
sonucu tayf oluşturduğunu
Thomson‘un da elektronu
keşfetmesi kuantum
fiziğinin öncü keşiflerden
biri oldu.
4. Kuantum Fiziği Tarihi
• Kara Cisim Işıması
Evrendeki her cisim ya da parçacığın enerjisine (*)
(sıcaklığına) bağlı olarak yapmış olduğu elektromanyetik
ışık salınımını görüşünü öne süren Planck, 1900 yılında
kuantum mekaniğini keşfetmiştir.
Işığın dalga boyu kısalırken enerjisinin sürekli artması
gerekiyordu. Planck, burada enerjinin sonsuza
ulaşamadığını fark ederek, kesikli enerji düzeyleri kavramını
ileri sürmüştür.
(Enerji Kuantası 1918 Nobel Fizik Ödülü)
(*) Mutlak sıfır sıcaklığından yüksek sıcaklıktaki her cisim ısı yayar.
5. 1905
• Planck’ın teorisini de doğrular nitelikteki bu çalışma,
1905 yılında Einstein’ın fotoelektrik etki ve foton kavramını
öne sürmesi ile sonuçlanmıştır.
• Önceleri parça ya da dalga olarak nitelendirilen ışığa,
elektromanyetik etki sayesinde gözlemlenebilen foton adı
verilen enerji paketleri kavramını öne sürmüştür.
• Fotoelektrik etki ise; üzerine ışık düşürülen bazı maddelerin
elektron salmalarını gerektirdiğini ancak parlak ışıklarda
salınan elektronların enerjilerinin artmayıp cisim tarafından
soğurulduğunu fark etmesi önemli bir buluştu.
(1921 Nobel Fizik Ödülü)
Kuantum Fiziği Tarihi
6. Düşük yoğunluktaki bir gazın
atomlarına elektron fırlatarak
flüorışı (Floresans) mekanizmasını
açıklayarak nobel fizik ödülü
Bu elektron saçılım deneyi
sayesinde, Bohr atom modelinin
doğruluğu ıspatlanmıştır.
Kuantum Fiziği Tarihi
• Işık bir dalga doğasının anlamlandırıldığı
dönemlerde, ışığın hem dalga hem parçacık
olabileceği fikrini kabullenmek zaman
• Compton’un, elektromanyetik radyasyonun
parçacık doğasını açıkladığı «Compton etkisi»
bu biliminsanına Nobel Fizik Ödülü
Kuantum Fiziği Tarihi
Arthur Holly COMPTON
8. Kuantum Fiziği Tarihi
Diğer Önemli Gelişmeler:
90’lı yıllarda deneysel olarak gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada; yoğuşmuş atom kümesinin tek bir dalgadan oluşan tek bir
cisim davranışı gösterdiği görülmüştür.
Kuantum fiziğine «dalga mekaniği» kavramını getirmiştir. Önemli bir düşünce deneyi geliştirmiş ve bunu kuantum
fiziğine uyarlamıştır. Bir kutuya bırakılan kedi hem ölü hem diri olabileceği bir ortamda gözlemlendiğinde ya ölüdür ya
da diri olabilir, ikisi aynı anda olamayacağını belirtiyor.
FERMİ İsstatistikten katı hal fiziğine geçmeye çalışarak, parçacıkların sayımı için yeni yöntem gereksinimlerinden
DIRACRölativistik kuramı ortaya koydu. Kuramın tutarsızlıkları ilerleyen dönemlerde açıklanmaya çalışıldı.
Belirsizlik ilkesi’ne göre hızı kesin olarak belirlenebilen bir atomun bulunduğu konum belirlenememektedir.
Kuarkların varlığı 1969 yılında deneysel olarak kanıtlanmıştır.
1970’li yıllarda «Standart model»in temelleri atıldı.
1990’lı yıllarda Bose-Einstein yoğuşması deneysel olarak gerçekleştirildi.
9. Kuantum Fiziği Tarihi
Üstüste Gelme (Süper Pozisyon İlkesi)
Her biri farklı uyarıcılardan gelen dalgaların birlikte toplamıdır.
Tünelleme (Friedrich HUND)
Klasik fizikte atılan bir topun duvarı geçememesi durumu vardır, radyoaktivite olgusunu açıklaması bakımından
Schrödinger Denklemi (Edwin SCHRÖDINGER)
Bir kutuda gözlemlenen kedi aynı anda hem ölü hem diri olamaz.
De Broglie Dalgası (De BROGLIE)
Elektromanyetik ışımada, hem parçacık hem dalga özelliğinin aynı anda gözlenemeyeceği durumudur.
Belirsizlik İlkesi (Werner HEISENBERG)
Bir cismin momentumu ve bulunmuş olduğu konum aynı anda kesin olarak ve tam doğrulukla ölçülemez,
1964 yılında Peter HIGGS
tarafından bir problemin çözümü
için önerilen Higgs bozonunun
keşfi, içinde buluduğumuz
yüzyılın önemli keşiflerindendir.
Bu keşif, evreni oluşturan
parçacık ve kuvvetlerin ilişkisini
açıklaması bakımından önem
Kuantum Fiziği Tarihi
Cern'de Tevatron ve Büyük Hadron
Çarpıştırıcısı'nın işbirliği ile keşfedilmiştir.
11. Kaynaklar
1.Sevinç, K., (2011). Kuantum Fiziği Bağlamında Din – Bilim
İlişkisi. YükseklisansTezi, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Felsefe ve Din BilimleriAnabilim Dalı,
2.Topdemir, H.G. ve Unat,Y. (1992) BilimTarihi. Ankara: PEGEM.
3.Ronan, C. A., (2003) BilimTarihi. Ankara:TÜBİTAKAkademik
4.Kuantum Fiziği Şenyel, M. & Aybek, A.Ş.
5.Büyük BilimAnsiklopedisi (2014, 03 Aralık )
6.Görseller ( adresinden alınmıştır.