Carlos CasaresChelo Alvarez VeiraActividades para Educación Infantil e Primaria arredor da figura de Carlos Casares, a quen se lle adica o día das Letras Galegas no ano 2017
Dinche o corazón na manMarlouImaxe do manuscrito rosaliano e texto do poema Dinche o corazón na man, publicado pola RAG, a cargo de Henrique Monteagudo e Mª X. Lama
Doing Business in DC | DC Business Incentives | DC Revenue Bond ProgramWashington, DC Economic PartnershipWashington, DC Economic Partnership's Doing Business in DC program on DC Revenue Bond Program featuring Greg Johnson, Project Manager, DC Revenue Bond Program — Enterprise Zone Program
AMDS12 Sponsorship KitWashington, DC Economic PartnershipThe WDCEP’s Annual Meeting & Development Showcase (AMDS) has been the premier gathering of DC’s top business and community leaders to celebrate the District’s vibrant economy.
The half-day program begins with the Development Showcase featuring exhibitors representing almost every major commercial, retail, and housing development in the District. The Development Showcase is followed by a luncheon meeting that has attracted up to 1,000 attendees in past years.
Dinche o corazón na manMarlouImaxe do manuscrito rosaliano e texto do poema Dinche o corazón na man, publicado pola RAG, a cargo de Henrique Monteagudo e Mª X. Lama
Doing Business in DC | DC Business Incentives | DC Revenue Bond ProgramWashington, DC Economic PartnershipWashington, DC Economic Partnership's Doing Business in DC program on DC Revenue Bond Program featuring Greg Johnson, Project Manager, DC Revenue Bond Program — Enterprise Zone Program
AMDS12 Sponsorship KitWashington, DC Economic PartnershipThe WDCEP’s Annual Meeting & Development Showcase (AMDS) has been the premier gathering of DC’s top business and community leaders to celebrate the District’s vibrant economy.
The half-day program begins with the Development Showcase featuring exhibitors representing almost every major commercial, retail, and housing development in the District. The Development Showcase is followed by a luncheon meeting that has attracted up to 1,000 attendees in past years.
Doing Business with the Government | Doing Business in DC | DSLBDWashington, DC Economic PartnershipWashington, DC Economic Partnership’s Doing Business in DC program on doing business with the government featuring Harold Pettigrew, Director of the Department of Small and Local Business Development. He spoke about local business certification and procurement processes. Learn more at
DoingBusiness2.0 | July 2012 | Doing Business with the Government
Google+ & SEO Strategies | | Doing Business in DCWashington, DC Economic PartnershipThe document provides marketing tips and strategies for various digital marketing channels including search engine optimization, social media, email marketing, and networking. It discusses how to measure marketing success, optimize websites for search engines, leverage different social media platforms, craft effective email campaigns, and get to know potential customers through following their online activities and sharing relevant resources. Key recommendations include focusing content on users, keeping communications short, personal and regular, and building relationships by sharing value before asking for anything in return.
I Am PoemBrittani FrancoisI am a poem describing the thoughts and feelings of the author. It explores ideas about success, loneliness, imagination, health, mortality, imperfection, words, peace, perfectionism, and hopes for the future through short phrases beginning with "I". The author expresses wondering about success, hearing walls call their name, seeing dancing pickles, wanting a monkey in their room, pretending to be alone on Earth, feeling earthquakes in the brain, touching clouds, worrying about dying young, crying for lost loved ones, understanding their own imperfections, saying words cannot hurt, dreaming of peace, trying to be the best, and hoping to prosper.
PDHPE PowerpointTijana_JPDHPE (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education) is an essential subject in primary school education. It teaches students lifelong skills like maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle, physical activity, positive relationships, and safety - skills that will benefit students for their whole lives. Some ways to stay active mentioned are organized sports, outdoor activities, and individual sports. The document stresses that health is about balance and knowing which foods are "sometimes" foods and which are "always" foods. It concludes by reminding that active kids are healthy kids.
Welcome tockwilliamsThis document recognizes students at Mayfield Middle School. It lists Ryan Brock and Robert Brock as being recognized for 7th grade and 8th grade football, respectively. It also mentions volleyball teams Henderson/Hodge for varsity and JV.
How to buy a used grand pianoalexasmith55Acquiring a grand piano can be a nice investment and way to entertain guests. A used grand piano can save money while still adding style to a home. When buying used, it's important to ask the owner about tuning frequency, repairs, transportation history, and pricing to get the best value and avoid future problems. Knowing why the owner is selling, maintenance habits, and working with credible sellers can lead to a rewarding piano purchase.
Innovation spaces: From access to information to access to each otherTechnology & Social Change GroupThis document discusses the potential for public libraries to serve as innovation spaces in society. It notes that traditionally, spaces for learning, producing, and innovation have been closed-membership environments like schools and workplaces. However, there is a growing category of "in-between" open membership spaces like hacker spaces, co-working spaces, and community centers. The document cites research suggesting there is demand for collaborative and group work environments in places that provide public access like libraries. It argues that libraries could potentially become innovation spaces, but that this role has mostly been limited to activities for children or non-tech areas. More consideration needs to be given to how libraries could be reconfigured to foster serendipitous interactions and support open
Starting a Nonprofit - Social Enterprise | OPGS | Doing Business 2.0Washington, DC Economic PartnershipCommunity Wealth Partners gave an overview of social enterprise at the Washington, DC Economic Partnership's Doing Business 2.0 seminar on Starting a Nonprofit (7/10/13).
Financial Planning Day 2012 Claire GoodwinA joint presentation from Louise Oliver and Claire Goodwin of Taylor Oliver Partnership about how the Financial Planner and Paraplanner can work well together.
X factor ppt with info at endeophiladelphiaThis document discusses discovering your "X Factor", which is finding and solving major bottlenecks or constraints within an industry to gain a competitive advantage. It provides examples of companies that identified key X Factors, such as Happy Lawn reducing costs by leasing materials, Outback Steakhouse addressing management issues, and AutoNation focusing on customer retention. Readers are encouraged to brainstorm their industry's biggest problems and imagine solutions to identify their own X Factor opportunities. The document also describes EO Insignia and EO Quantum Leap forums that provide experiences, presentations, and content to help entrepreneurs.
Nerve 2012-dharmesh-shaheophiladelphiaDharmesh Shah is the founder and CTO of Hubspot. He discusses ideas for building a business and inbound marketing strategies. Some key points include focusing on inbound marketing rather than outbound by optimizing websites for search engines and social media to get found organically. He also emphasizes crafting valuable content to attract and engage customers rather than just pushing messages out through ads. The presentation ends by thanking the audience and providing contact information.
Inflammation of liver by ketan thummarGCONS/VNSGUThe document discusses hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver that can be caused by viruses, toxins, or chemicals. It describes the different types of hepatitis (A, B, C, D, E, F, G), their causes, risk factors, transmission routes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment, and nursing management. The most common types are hepatitis A, B, and C viruses. Nursing care involves rest, maintaining nutrition/hydration, administering medications to reduce symptoms, preventing infections/reinfections, and providing client education.
Edvinas_Meskys_Brno conference_Research biobanks_FINALEdvinas MeskysThis document provides an overview of research biobanks in Lithuania, including:
1. It defines a biobank as a health care institution that manages human biological material and medical information for biomedical research purposes according to Lithuanian law.
2. It discusses how informed consent for biobanks differs from traditional informed consent for medical treatment, as biobank research purposes are often unknown. Lithuanian law requires broad consent with an option to revoke.
3. It notes additional legal safeguards are needed for biobank participants, including strong data protection, confidentiality of health information, and prohibitions on discrimination based on genetic information. Lithuanian law aims to codify biobank data to protect participant
CellsJemima CarangianCells are the basic unit of life and the smallest functional units that make up all living things. They were first discovered and studied in the 1600s by scientists like Robert Hooke, Matthias Schleidan, and Theodore Schwann using microscopes. Cells come in two main types - plant cells and animal cells. Both contain a nucleus, plasma membrane, cytoplasm, organelles like mitochondria and lysosomes. Plant cells also contain a cell wall, chloroplasts, and a large central vacuole, while animal cells may contain one or more small vacuoles.
Eo navigating the cloudeophiladelphiaThe document discusses the growing adoption of cloud computing and provides 9 cloud trends and tips for using cloud services safely. It notes that cloud computing is experiencing huge growth, with cloud revenue at $60 billion and that 70% of small businesses are aware of cloud services, with 25% currently using cloud and 45% planning to use cloud in the next year. It then outlines 9 cloud trends, including elastic cloud computing, datacenter marketplaces, virtual desktops, four screen solutions, cloud security, cloud-ready broadband, sales 2.0, machine learning, and business app stores. It concludes with tips to avoid potential issues in the cloud such as vendor lock-in, understanding vendor motivations, implementing security plans, investigating vendor reputation
DC Space Finding Tour: Georgia AvenueWashington, DC Economic PartnershipThis document provides information about available commercial real estate spaces along the Digital DC Tech Opportunity Corridor in Washington DC. It lists 20 different available properties for retail, office, or mixed-use along 7th Street and Georgia Avenue. For each property it provides the address, amount of space available, estimated timeline for availability, and contact information for the leasing agent. The purpose is to showcase real estate opportunities for tech companies within the designated corridor that is being promoted by the Digital DC initiative.