Recomendacións de lectura para as vacacións de invernofontexeriabibPresentación coas recomendacións do Equipo de Biblioteca do IES Fontexería para as vacacións de inverno 2009-10
Recomendacións para as vacacións de veránfontexeriabibRecomendacións de lectura da Biblioteca do IES Fontexería para as vacacións de verán do curso 2016-17
Recomendacións para as vacacións de veránfontexeriabibRecomendacións de lectura da Biblioteca do IES Fontexería para as vacacións de verán do curso 2016-17
A situación da lingua baixo a ditaduraMarlouEl documento describe la situación de la lengua gallega durante la dictadura franquista entre 1936 y 1976. El régimen franquista promovió fuertemente el uso exclusivo del castellano y prohibió o desalentó el uso público del gallego. Se citan varios ejemplos de propaganda franquista que promovían el castellano y condenaban el uso del gallego.
Alternative Sources of Funding | PluribusFundWashington, DC Economic PartnershipPluribusFund presented at the Washington, DC Economic Partnership's (WDCEP) & Small Business Administration's (SBA) Alternative Sources of Funding event held on September 26, 2013. PluribusFund, a new DC-based startup, is a Crowdfunding Portal designed to channel investment in local DC Metro projects that strengthen and enrich our communities.
WDCEP's 2014 Annual Meeting & Development Showcase Sponsorship KitWashington, DC Economic PartnershipThe document describes sponsorship opportunities for the 2014 Annual Meeting and Development Showcase hosted by the Washington DC Economic Partnership. Sponsorship levels range from $20,000 for diamond sponsors to $1,000 for exhibitors. The event will include a keynote speech, development showcase of 50 exhibitors, and lunch for up to 1,000 attendees. Sponsors receive benefits like logo placement, exhibit space, and tickets depending on the level of sponsorship.
DoingBusiness2.0 Presentation: Bell Architects on Government ContractingWashington, DC Economic PartnershipThis document outlines the benefits and responsibilities of being certified as a Certified Business Enterprise (CBE) through the District of Columbia and as a Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) small business through the Small Business Administration. Key benefits include eligibility for DC government contracts with targets and preferences, reduced competition, and business networking and consulting opportunities. Responsibilities involve ensuring compliance with certification requirements, finding qualified teaming partners, and maintaining certification status. The document promotes these certifications as ways to encourage economic growth and access federal and local government contracting opportunities.
Violencia e morte do señor en Galicia na Baixa Idade MediaRed Académica Internacional Historia a DebateSobre as revoltas sociais que rematan coa morte dos señores na Baixa Idade Media. Tradución ó galego e actualización da anterior versión "Violencia y muerte del señor en Galicia a finales de la Edad Media", Studia Histórica. Historia Medieval, Salamanca, vol. IX, 1991, pp. 125-157.