Carlos CasaresChelo Alvarez VeiraActividades para Educación Infantil e Primaria arredor da figura de Carlos Casares, a quen se lle adica o día das Letras Galegas no ano 2017
Dinche o corazón na manMarlouImaxe do manuscrito rosaliano e texto do poema Dinche o corazón na man, publicado pola RAG, a cargo de Henrique Monteagudo e Mª X. Lama
Carlos CasaresChelo Alvarez VeiraActividades para Educación Infantil e Primaria arredor da figura de Carlos Casares, a quen se lle adica o día das Letras Galegas no ano 2017
Dinche o corazón na manMarlouImaxe do manuscrito rosaliano e texto do poema Dinche o corazón na man, publicado pola RAG, a cargo de Henrique Monteagudo e Mª X. Lama
Branding & Marketing Essentials I UnisonWashington, DC Economic PartnershipUnison spoke at the WDCEP's Entrepreneur Road Map seminar on branding and marketing Essentials held at Venable. (11/12/14)
Maximizing and protecting ipeophiladelphiaThis document discusses maximizing and protecting intellectual property. It defines intellectual property as patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. It emphasizes the importance of intellectual property for companies and provides examples of how intellectual property adds value. Finally, it discusses strategies for protecting intellectual property, such as patents, non-disclosure agreements, and employee contracts, as well as generating revenue from intellectual property through licensing.
Start it in 7: Strategic Spaces TourWashington, DC Economic PartnershipThe WDCEP, in partnership with Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development and the Office of Planning, hosted a Start it in 7: Strategic Spaces Tour for retailers, restauranteurs and entrepreneurs to highlight the economic opportunities in Ward 7 (3/20/14).
Doing Business in DC | DC Business Incentives | DC Tech Incentives, Supermark...Washington, DC Economic PartnershipWashington, DC Economic Partnership's Doing Business in DC program on DC Business Incentives featuring David Zipper, Director of Business Development and Strategy, Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development
Presentation birds featherkhrystallramosFeathers are made of keratin and serve several important functions for birds. They protect birds from water, cold temperatures, and enemies while also helping them move efficiently in the air and water. Different types of feathers were collected and examined under a microscope, showing their distinctive structures across species like doves, turtledoves, chickens, roosters, ducks, and peacocks.
Barclays eo nerve presentation 4-20-2012eophiladelphiaThis document provides an overview of wealth structuring solutions for entrepreneurs, including grantor retained annuity trusts (GRATs) and other estate planning strategies. GRATs allow individuals to transfer appreciating assets to beneficiaries with little or no gift tax by retaining an annuity for a term of years. They are a viable estate tax strategy to transfer assets that are expected to significantly appreciate. The document also discusses other options like lifetime gifts and charitable transfers that can help reduce estate and gift taxes.
How to post something on facebookEmily MoraTo post something on Facebook, log into your account by entering your email and password at, click on Status Update to write your message, then click Post to share it with your network.
Financial Incentives | DMPED | Entrepreneur Road MapWashington, DC Economic PartnershipThe Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development (DMPED) presented at the WDCEP's Entrepreneur Road Map Financial Incentives seminar held at Venable (8/13/14). DMPED offers several incentives such as the DC Tech Incentives, Great Streets Small Business Capital Improvement Grants, Digital DC Technology Fund and Supermarket Tax Incentives.
Cobys ppcobythomas98This document defines and provides examples of different types of literary devices including ending rhyme, slant rhyme, alliteration, repetition, consonance, personification, idiom, hyperbole, and imagery that relate to sight, touch, and other senses. It uses excerpts from the song "Fireflies" by Owl City to illustrate examples of these different literary devices.
Invitacion de cumpleañosRosy AriasEl documento contiene repetidas invitaciones a la fiesta de cumpleaños de una persona, dirigidas a varios nombres diferentes. Se les da la bienvenida a todos a la celebración del cumpleaños.
Presentation PSRIEnos OmondiThis document summarizes a study on the coexistence of pastoralist and migrant agricultural communities in Kajiado County, Kenya. It finds that the presence of both groups creates pressure on rangeland ecology, affecting household resilience and food security differently depending on asset endowment. While complementarities between the livelihood systems could be exploited, they have not been. The study aims to compare livelihood strategies, food security outcomes, and impacts between groups. Key findings include differences in education levels, income sources, food availability, and child nutrition between pastoralists and agro-pastoralists. Regression models identify factors influencing household dietary diversity and food availability.
Guía de lectura "Os mellores da lingua"Bibliotecas Municipais de A CoruñaGuía de lectura da selección "Os mellores da lingua", realizada na Biblioteca Municipal Ágora co gallo da celebración das Letras Galegas 2014.
Letras galegas 2014. Bebeteca e Infantil e XuvenilBibliotecadicorunaGuía biográfica e obra do homenaxeado nas Letras Galegas 2014: Xosé María Díaz Castro
Roteiro carlos casaresA Curuxa da VeigaFolleto elaborado polo profesor Afonso Vázquez- Monxardín, para un mellor seguimento do roteiro Carlos Casares, na cidade de Ourense.
Guía de lectura Xosé María Díaz Castro-Letras Galegas 2014Bibliotecas Municipais de A CoruñaGuía de Lectura sobre Xosé María Díaz Castro escritor al que se le dedican el Día das Letras Galegas 2014 elaborada por la Biblioteca Municipal de Estudios Locales
3. Un país de palabras
Son 15 interesantes ensaios que o
autor dedica ao seu amigo Manuel
Rodríguez Álvarez.
4. Hemingway en Galicia
É en palabras do propio Casares,
“a crónica dunha experiencia
O que di dela é: “descubrín por
primeira vez as frecuentes
referencias que o novelista
norteamericano facía a este
5. A vida do Padre Sarmiento
É a contribución de Casares no
ano dedicado con motivo das
Letras Galegas ao ilustrado
freire bieito.