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Engaging Disengaged
Jackson Triangle
Apartment Complex
Action Plan
Community 油Engagement
Community 油Engagement 油
Result 油Nine: 油
Families 油& 油Community 油Members 油support 油learning 油in 油Promise 油
Neighborhood 油schools
12. 油For 油children 油birth 油to 油kindergarten 油entry, 油the 油# 油and 油% 油of 油parents/guardians/family 油members 油who 油report 油they 油read 油to 油
their 油child 油3 油or 油more 油Jmes/week.
13. 油For 油children 油in 油kindergarten 油through 油8th 油grade, 油the 油#, 油% 油of 油parents/guardians/family 油members 油who 油report 油
encouraging 油their 油child 油to 油read 油books 油outside 油of 油school.
14. 油For 油children 油in 油the 油9th 油through 油12th 油grades, 油the 油#, 油% 油of 油parents/guardians/family 油members 油who 油report 油talking 油with 油
their 油child 油about 油the 油importance 油of 油college 油and 油career.
Community 油Engagement 油
Community 油Engagement 油Result 油A: 油
Residents 油& 油Community 油Members 油are 油Engaged 油in 油HPN

Community 油Engagement 油Result 油B: 油
Residents 油& 油Community 油Members 油are 油Leading 油HPN
Community 油Engagement 油Result 油A: 油
Residents 油& 油Community 油Members 油are 油Engaged 油in 油HPN

Performance 油Measures

≒ % 油of 油families 油who 油report 油knowing 油a 油lot 油or 油something 油about 油the 油
Hayward 油Promise 油Neighborhood 油IniJaJve 油(as 油evidenced 油of 油the 油
neighborhood 油survey)

≒ % 油of 油families 油who 油have 油signed 油Consent 油forms(as 油evidenced 油by 油ETO)

≒ % 油of 油students 油& 油families 油reporJng 油increase 油knowledge, 油con鍖dence 油& 油
acJon 油(as 油evidenced 油by 油the 油Engagement 油survey)
≒ # 油of 油children 油& 油families 油enrolled 油in 油HPN 油programs 油(as 油evidenced 油by 油

Community 油Engagement 油
Community 油Engagement 油Result 油B: 油
Residents 油& 油Community 油Members 油are 油Leading 油HPN

Community 油Engagement 油
Performance 油measures

≒ % 油of 油people 油aXending 油HPN 油
governance 油related 油meeJngs 油
who 油are 油JT 油community 油

≒ % 油of 油people 油leading 油or 油helping 油
lead 油HPN 油governance 油related 油
meeJngs 油who 油are 油JT 油
community 油members
≒ % 油of 油people 油leading 油or 油helping 油
lead 油HPN 油events 油who 油are 油JT 油
community 油members
Community 油Engagement 油
Reach 油families 油at 油locaJons 油throughout 油the 油neighborhood, 油
enroll 油them 油in 油HPN, 油and 油refer 油to 油 油case 油managers
Community 油Engagement 油
Keep 油students 油& 油families 油
involved 油through 油follow 油up 油
contacts, 油referrals, 油workshops 油
and 油addiJonal 油enrichment 油
events. 油
Community 油Engagement 油
& 油Leadership 油
Build 油a 油group 油of 油
community 油and 油resident 油
leaders 油through 油training 油
and 油mentoring 油who 油will 油
co-足lead 油HPN 油and 油their 油
community. 油
≒ Mobile 油Open 油Houses
≒ Targeted 油Outreach 油to 油Underrepresented 油and 油Disengaged 油Families
 油through 油visits 油door-足door 油& 油tabling
≒ Skill 油Building 油Workshops 油and 油
≒ Partner 油RelaJons 油and 油Referrals
≒ Advisory 油Board
≒ Parent 油Promise 油
≒ Project 油2 油Inspire
≒ Apartment 油Complex
 油 油 油 油Manager 油CommiXee
Community 油Engagement 油
Empowerment 油& 油
Leadership 油
Residents and Families
Engagement Practice
community Engagement
Our goal in that Jackson Triangle residents, community
members and families lead the organization to engage others.
油 油 油Mobile 油Open 油House 油events

≒ The 油purpose 油is 油to 油spread 油the 油word 油
about 油HPN 油and 油enroll 油families 油in 油the 油
HPN 油programs. 油
≒ We 油arrange 油and 油conduct 油mobile 油open 油
houses 油events 油at 油apartment 油buildings, 油
churches, 油businesses, 油parks, 油non-足HPN 油
schools 油in 油targeted 油JT 油locaJons.

≒ We 油developed 油a 油kit 油so 油the 油Mobile 油
Open 油House 油event 油can 油be 油easily 油
replicated 油by 油HPN 油sta鍖 油and 油
volunteers. 油
Community 油Engagement 油
Targeted 油Outreach 油to 油Underrepresented 油
and 油Disengaged 油Families

≒ We 油go 油door-足to-足door 油in 油the 油neighborhood 油& 油tabling 油to 油
meet 油families 油who 油are 油disengaged 油or 油do 油not 油aXend 油target 油

≒ We 油do 油presentaJons 油in 油the 油Apartment 油Complex 油Lobby, 油
HPN 油schools 油& 油 油School 油District 油meeJngs 油to 油target 油
disengaged 油families.
≒ We 油hold 油regular 油meeJngs 油with 油AC 油owners 油& 油managers 油to 油
seek 油their 油support 油and 油access 油to 油residents 油in 油their 油

≒ We 油track 油the 油demographics 油of 油HPN 油members 油to 油provide 油
on-足need 油base 油services. 油
≒ We 油 油provide 油opportuniJes 油for 油resident 油engagement 油
through 油referrals 油to 油partners 油acJviJes 油and 油programs, 油
open 油house, 油neighborhood 油& 油apartment 油complex 油events. 油
Community 油Engagement 油
Skill 油Building 油Workshops 油and 油Events 油
ParJcipaJon 油in 油Programs

≒ We 油follow 油up 油families 油and 油keep 油them 油informed 油to 油retain 油
≒ We 油host 油addiJonal 油workshops 油and 油
events 油based 油on 油the 油requests 油and 油needs 油
of 油residents 油& 油HPN 油families. 油

≒ Possible 油events 油& 油workshops 油might 油include:
≒ Technology 油training
≒ Financial 油Literacy 油Workshops
≒ Health 油related 油& 油neighborhood 油events
≒ PosiJve 油Discipline
≒ Stress 油Management
≒ EaJng 油Healthy 油& 油Delicious
≒ Reading 油circles 油or 油campaigns
≒ College 油& 油Career 油preparaJon 油workshops
≒ Events 油&tabling 油in 油target 油schools 油and 油public 油places
Community 油Engagement 油
Partner 油RelaJons 油and 油Referrals

≒ We 油developed 油a 油regular 油communicaJon 油channels 油with 油
all 油HPN 油partners 油to 油create 油systems 油for 油referrals 油and 油
enrollment 油assistance 油for 油each 油program.

≒ We 油refer 油residents 油to 油parJcipate 油in 油the 油Advisory 油Board, 油
Parent 油Promise 油Academy, 油Project 油2Inspire, 油The 油HUB 油
and 油TVHC.

≒ We 油create 油opportuniJes 油for 油partners 油to 油further 油engage 油
with 油residents.
≒ We 油foster 油addiJonal 油community 油partnerships 油to 油reach 油
residents 油and 油idenJfy 油opportuniJes 油for 油collaboraJon. 油

≒ We 油bridge 油relaJonships 油between 油partners 油and 油
residents, 油and 油we 油 油idenJfy 油addiJonal 油resources 油to 油
create 油sustainable 油services 油for 油residents 油& 油families.
Community 油Engagement 油
Community 油Engagement 油

Process for retaining families engaged
and initiate
with family
home visits
& open
events to
recruit &
with HPN
Map , PPA,
team bus.
enrolled by
and sign
forms, gets
referred to
Nurse &
and other
Case Manager
and CRES
team member
works with
family to
Action Plan
referred to
and events
based on
their needs
and where
they are in
the path
via home
visits, mail,
email and/
or phone
PPA=Parent Promise Academy, P2I=Project 2 Inspire, AB= Advisory Board
油 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 油
≒ We 油engage 油JT 油residents 油with 油the 油Advisory 油
Board 油to 油review 油the 油iniJaJve's 油progress 油and 油
make 油recommendaJons.
≒ We 油refer 油and 油encourage 油families 油to 油parJcipate 油
in 油the 油Parent 油Promise 油Academy, 油Project 油
2Inspire 油and 油Promotora 油trainings.
≒ Families 油may 油be 油referred 油to 油other 油Leaderships 油
meeJngs 油such 油the 油HUSD-足PLC 油to 油develop 油
leadership 油skills 油and 油conJnue 油engagement 油
with 油HPN 油partners/ 油& 油programs.

≒ Board 油members 油receive 油mentorship 油& 油 油
training 油on 油grant 油results, 油indicators, 油meeJng 油
facilitaJon, 油data 油and 油technology 油to 油become 油
mentors 油for 油others 油in 油the 油community.
Community 油Engagement 油
-足HPN 油Advisory 油Board
-足Parent 油Promise 油Academy
-足Apartment 油Complex 油CommiXee
-足Resident 油Empowerment 油program

JT=Jackson Triangle, PLC=Parent Leadership Committee
Leadership opportunities:
油 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 油
≒ We 油engage 油JT 油residents, 油AC 油managers 油& 油
owners 油to 油provide 油input 油and 油make 油
recommendaJons 油to 油improve 油quality 油of 油life 油in 油
the 油community.
≒ We 油refer 油and 油encourage 油AC 油managers 油to 油
parJcipate 油in 油the 油NHEN 油meeJngs
≒ JT 油residents 油and 油AC 油managers 油may 油be 油referred 油
to 油other 油Leaderships 油meeJngs 油to 油develop 油
leadership 油skills 油and 油conJnue 油engagement 油
with 油HPN 油partners. 油

≒ HPN 油Apartment 油Complex 油CommiXee 油receive 油
training 油& 油informaJon 油regarding 油City 油of 油
Hayward 油programs 油and 油grant 油related 油subject.
Community 油Engagement 油
 油 油HPN 油Apartment 油
Complex 油CommiXee
JT=Jackson Triangle, AC=Apartment Complex,
Resident 油Empowerment 油Program

≒ The 油 油REP 油promote 油resident 油and 油community 油leaders 油
parJcipaJon 油on 油the 油HPN 油iniJaJve, 油grassroots 油
organizing 油skills, 油and 油family 油empowerment 油
acJviJes 油sponsored 油by 油HPN 油partners.
≒ Residents 油are 油encouraged 油 油to 油lead 油projects 油to 油
spread 油the 油word 油about 油HPN, 油recruit 油families, 油and 油
improve 油the 油lives 油of 油HPN 油families 油to 油stop 油
generaJonal 油poverty.
≒ REP 油mentor 油and 油encourage 油residents 油to 油aXend 油and 油
engage 油in 油HPN 油related 油acJviJes, 油programs 油and 油
other 油governance 油related 油meeJngs 油in 油the 油
≒ Residents 油are 油encouraged 油to 油take 油the 油Promotoras, 油
Parent 油Promise 油Academy, 油Project 油2 油Inspire 油and 油
parJcipate 油in 油the 油Advisory 油Bard 油meeJngs.
Community 油Engagement 油
In 油order 油to 油be 油e鍖ecJve 油at 油recruitment, 油retenJon 油and 油
empowerment, 油we 油need:

≒ Provide 油a 油welcome 油packet 油to 油give 油to 油families 油when 油or 油you 油have 油few 油personal 油contact 油
with 油the 油residents, 油they 油parJcipate 油or 油enroll 油in 油a 油program, 油they 油come 油to 油a 油workshop.
≒ Encourage 油families 油to 油parJcipate 油in 油the 油Advisory 油Board, 油Parent 油 油Promise 油Academy, 油
Project 油2Inspire 油and 油Promotoras 油training 油programs

≒ Refer 油families 油to 油programs 油with 油open 油enrollment 油& 油services

≒ Refer 油families 油to 油the 油HUB 油at 油John 油Muir 油where 油families 油can 油enroll 油and 油get 油assistance, 油
further 油informaJon 油about 油HUSD 油programs 油& 油assistance 油to 油鍖ll 油lout 油forms

≒ Keep 油regular 油communicaJon 油with 油residents 油and 油provide 油them 油with 油updated 油
informaJon 油to 油enroll 油families 油at 油various 油Jmes 油& 油programs 油depending 油on 油their 油path 油and 油
needs. 油

≒ Provide 油individualized 油acJon 油plans 油for 油each 油child 油and 油their 油families

≒ Provide 油residents 油with 油opportuniJes 油and 油trainings 油to 油develop 油leadership 油skills

≒ Include 油input 油from 油the 油Advisory 油Board, 油& 油Apartment 油Complex 油Managers 油CommiXee 油 油
into 油the 油decision 油making 油process

Community 油Engagement 油
This model has been Designed & Implemented by Carolina Arroyo-Solveson
For further information contact:

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Bonner Foundation

(2)Engaging the Disengaged Model

  • 3. Community 油Engagement 油 Result 油Nine: 油 Families 油& 油Community 油Members 油support 油learning 油in 油Promise 油 Neighborhood 油schools Indicators: 12. 油For 油children 油birth 油to 油kindergarten 油entry, 油the 油# 油and 油% 油of 油parents/guardians/family 油members 油who 油report 油they 油read 油to 油 their 油child 油3 油or 油more 油Jmes/week. 13. 油For 油children 油in 油kindergarten 油through 油8th 油grade, 油the 油#, 油% 油of 油parents/guardians/family 油members 油who 油report 油 encouraging 油their 油child 油to 油read 油books 油outside 油of 油school. 14. 油For 油children 油in 油the 油9th 油through 油12th 油grades, 油the 油#, 油% 油of 油parents/guardians/family 油members 油who 油report 油talking 油with 油 their 油child 油about 油the 油importance 油of 油college 油and 油career.
  • 4. Community 油Engagement 油 Community 油Engagement 油Result 油A: 油 Residents 油& 油Community 油Members 油are 油Engaged 油in 油HPN Community 油Engagement 油Result 油B: 油 Residents 油& 油Community 油Members 油are 油Leading 油HPN
  • 5. Community 油Engagement 油Result 油A: 油 Residents 油& 油Community 油Members 油are 油Engaged 油in 油HPN Performance 油Measures ≒ % 油of 油families 油who 油report 油knowing 油a 油lot 油or 油something 油about 油the 油 Hayward 油Promise 油Neighborhood 油IniJaJve 油(as 油evidenced 油of 油the 油 neighborhood 油survey) ≒ % 油of 油families 油who 油have 油signed 油Consent 油forms(as 油evidenced 油by 油ETO) ≒ % 油of 油students 油& 油families 油reporJng 油increase 油knowledge, 油con鍖dence 油& 油 acJon 油(as 油evidenced 油by 油the 油Engagement 油survey) ≒ # 油of 油children 油& 油families 油enrolled 油in 油HPN 油programs 油(as 油evidenced 油by 油 ETO) Community 油Engagement 油
  • 6. Community 油Engagement 油Result 油B: 油 Residents 油& 油Community 油Members 油are 油Leading 油HPN Community 油Engagement 油 Performance 油measures ≒ % 油of 油people 油aXending 油HPN 油 governance 油related 油meeJngs 油 who 油are 油JT 油community 油 members ≒ % 油of 油people 油leading 油or 油helping 油 lead 油HPN 油governance 油related 油 meeJngs 油who 油are 油JT 油 community 油members ≒ % 油of 油people 油leading 油or 油helping 油 lead 油HPN 油events 油who 油are 油JT 油 community 油members
  • 7. Recruitment-足 Informing Community 油Engagement 油 Reach 油families 油at 油locaJons 油throughout 油the 油neighborhood, 油 enroll 油them 油in 油HPN, 油and 油refer 油to 油 油case 油managers
  • 8. Recruitment-足 Informing RetenJon-足 Partnership Community 油Engagement 油 Keep 油students 油& 油families 油 involved 油through 油follow 油up 油 contacts, 油referrals, 油workshops 油 and 油addiJonal 油enrichment 油 events. 油
  • 9. Recruitment RetenJon Community 油Engagement 油 Empowerment & 油Leadership 油 Development Build 油a 油group 油of 油 community 油and 油resident 油 leaders 油through 油training 油 and 油mentoring 油who 油will 油 co-足lead 油HPN 油and 油their 油 community. 油
  • 10. Recruitment RetenJon ≒ Mobile 油Open 油Houses ≒ Targeted 油Outreach 油to 油Underrepresented 油and 油Disengaged 油Families 油through 油visits 油door-足door 油& 油tabling ≒ Skill 油Building 油Workshops 油and 油 Events ≒ Partner 油RelaJons 油and 油Referrals ≒ Advisory 油Board ≒ Parent 油Promise 油 Academy ≒ Project 油2 油Inspire ≒ Apartment 油Complex 油 油 油 油Manager 油CommiXee Community 油Engagement 油 Empowerment 油& 油 Leadership 油 Development
  • 11. Residents and Families Engagement Practice community Engagement Our goal in that Jackson Triangle residents, community members and families lead the organization to engage others. engage
  • 12. 油 油 油Mobile 油Open 油House 油events ≒ The 油purpose 油is 油to 油spread 油the 油word 油 about 油HPN 油and 油enroll 油families 油in 油the 油 HPN 油programs. 油 ≒ We 油arrange 油and 油conduct 油mobile 油open 油 houses 油events 油at 油apartment 油buildings, 油 churches, 油businesses, 油parks, 油non-足HPN 油 schools 油in 油targeted 油JT 油locaJons. ≒ We 油developed 油a 油kit 油so 油the 油Mobile 油 Open 油House 油event 油can 油be 油easily 油 replicated 油by 油HPN 油sta鍖 油and 油 volunteers. 油 Community 油Engagement 油
  • 13. Targeted 油Outreach 油to 油Underrepresented 油 and 油Disengaged 油Families ≒ We 油go 油door-足to-足door 油in 油the 油neighborhood 油& 油tabling 油to 油 meet 油families 油who 油are 油disengaged 油or 油do 油not 油aXend 油target 油 schools. ≒ We 油do 油presentaJons 油in 油the 油Apartment 油Complex 油Lobby, 油 HPN 油schools 油& 油 油School 油District 油meeJngs 油to 油target 油 disengaged 油families. 油 ≒ We 油hold 油regular 油meeJngs 油with 油AC 油owners 油& 油managers 油to 油 seek 油their 油support 油and 油access 油to 油residents 油in 油their 油 buildings. ≒ We 油track 油the 油demographics 油of 油HPN 油members 油to 油provide 油 on-足need 油base 油services. 油 ≒ We 油 油provide 油opportuniJes 油for 油resident 油engagement 油 through 油referrals 油to 油partners 油acJviJes 油and 油programs, 油 open 油house, 油neighborhood 油& 油apartment 油complex 油events. 油 Community 油Engagement 油
  • 14. Skill 油Building 油Workshops 油and 油Events 油 ParJcipaJon 油in 油Programs ≒ We 油follow 油up 油families 油and 油keep 油them 油informed 油to 油retain 油 parJcipaJon ≒ We 油host 油addiJonal 油workshops 油and 油 events 油based 油on 油the 油requests 油and 油needs 油 of 油residents 油& 油HPN 油families. 油 ≒ Possible 油events 油& 油workshops 油might 油include: ≒ Technology 油training ≒ Financial 油Literacy 油Workshops ≒ Health 油related 油& 油neighborhood 油events ≒ PosiJve 油Discipline ≒ Stress 油Management ≒ EaJng 油Healthy 油& 油Delicious ≒ Reading 油circles 油or 油campaigns ≒ College 油& 油Career 油preparaJon 油workshops ≒ Events 油&tabling 油in 油target 油schools 油and 油public 油places Community 油Engagement 油
  • 15. Partner 油RelaJons 油and 油Referrals ≒ We 油developed 油a 油regular 油communicaJon 油channels 油with 油 all 油HPN 油partners 油to 油create 油systems 油for 油referrals 油and 油 enrollment 油assistance 油for 油each 油program. ≒ We 油refer 油residents 油to 油parJcipate 油in 油the 油Advisory 油Board, 油 Parent 油Promise 油Academy, 油Project 油2Inspire, 油The 油HUB 油 and 油TVHC. ≒ We 油create 油opportuniJes 油for 油partners 油to 油further 油engage 油 with 油residents. ≒ We 油foster 油addiJonal 油community 油partnerships 油to 油reach 油 residents 油and 油idenJfy 油opportuniJes 油for 油collaboraJon. 油 ≒ We 油bridge 油relaJonships 油between 油partners 油and 油 residents, 油and 油we 油 油idenJfy 油addiJonal 油resources 油to 油 create 油sustainable 油services 油for 油residents 油& 油families. Community 油Engagement 油
  • 16. Community 油Engagement 油 Process for retaining families engaged CRES team member and Promotora Identify and initiate contact with family through home visits & open house events to recruit & engage families Family receives Welcome Packet with HPN brochure, Road Map , PPA, P2I, AB brochure, & CRES team bus. card Family gets enrolled by Promotora and sign consent forms, gets referred to PPA, P2I, Arelis- Nurse & Tiburcio Vasquez and other programs Case Manager and CRES team member works with family to create individualized Action Plan Family gets referred to programs and events based on their needs and where they are in the path Family receives regular information via home visits, mail, email and/ or phone call updates PPA=Parent Promise Academy, P2I=Project 2 Inspire, AB= Advisory Board
  • 17. 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 ≒ We 油engage 油JT 油residents 油with 油the 油Advisory 油 Board 油to 油review 油the 油iniJaJve's 油progress 油and 油 make 油recommendaJons. ≒ We 油refer 油and 油encourage 油families 油to 油parJcipate 油 in 油the 油Parent 油Promise 油Academy, 油Project 油 2Inspire 油and 油Promotora 油trainings. ≒ Families 油may 油be 油referred 油to 油other 油Leaderships 油 meeJngs 油such 油the 油HUSD-足PLC 油to 油develop 油 leadership 油skills 油and 油conJnue 油engagement 油 with 油HPN 油partners/ 油& 油programs. ≒ Board 油members 油receive 油mentorship 油& 油 油 training 油on 油grant 油results, 油indicators, 油meeJng 油 facilitaJon, 油data 油and 油technology 油to 油become 油 mentors 油for 油others 油in 油the 油community. Community 油Engagement 油 -足HPN 油Advisory 油Board -足Parent 油Promise 油Academy -足P2Inspire -足Apartment 油Complex 油CommiXee -足Resident 油Empowerment 油program - JT=Jackson Triangle, PLC=Parent Leadership Committee Leadership opportunities:
  • 18. 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 ≒ We 油engage 油JT 油residents, 油AC 油managers 油& 油 owners 油to 油provide 油input 油and 油make 油 recommendaJons 油to 油improve 油quality 油of 油life 油in 油 the 油community. ≒ We 油refer 油and 油encourage 油AC 油managers 油to 油 parJcipate 油in 油the 油NHEN 油meeJngs ≒ JT 油residents 油and 油AC 油managers 油may 油be 油referred 油 to 油other 油Leaderships 油meeJngs 油to 油develop 油 leadership 油skills 油and 油conJnue 油engagement 油 with 油HPN 油partners. 油 ≒ HPN 油Apartment 油Complex 油CommiXee 油receive 油 training 油& 油informaJon 油regarding 油City 油of 油 Hayward 油programs 油and 油grant 油related 油subject. Community 油Engagement 油 油 油HPN 油Apartment 油 Complex 油CommiXee JT=Jackson Triangle, AC=Apartment Complex,
  • 19. Resident 油Empowerment 油Program ≒ The 油 油REP 油promote 油resident 油and 油community 油leaders 油 parJcipaJon 油on 油the 油HPN 油iniJaJve, 油grassroots 油 organizing 油skills, 油and 油family 油empowerment 油 acJviJes 油sponsored 油by 油HPN 油partners. ≒ Residents 油are 油encouraged 油 油to 油lead 油projects 油to 油 spread 油the 油word 油about 油HPN, 油recruit 油families, 油and 油 improve 油the 油lives 油of 油HPN 油families 油to 油stop 油 generaJonal 油poverty. ≒ REP 油mentor 油and 油encourage 油residents 油to 油aXend 油and 油 engage 油in 油HPN 油related 油acJviJes, 油programs 油and 油 other 油governance 油related 油meeJngs 油in 油the 油 community. ≒ Residents 油are 油encouraged 油to 油take 油the 油Promotoras, 油 Parent 油Promise 油Academy, 油Project 油2 油Inspire 油and 油 parJcipate 油in 油the 油Advisory 油Bard 油meeJngs. Community 油Engagement 油
  • 20. In 油order 油to 油be 油e鍖ecJve 油at 油recruitment, 油retenJon 油and 油 empowerment, 油we 油need: ≒ Provide 油a 油welcome 油packet 油to 油give 油to 油families 油when 油or 油you 油have 油few 油personal 油contact 油 with 油the 油residents, 油they 油parJcipate 油or 油enroll 油in 油a 油program, 油they 油come 油to 油a 油workshop. ≒ Encourage 油families 油to 油parJcipate 油in 油the 油Advisory 油Board, 油Parent 油 油Promise 油Academy, 油 Project 油2Inspire 油and 油Promotoras 油training 油programs ≒ Refer 油families 油to 油programs 油with 油open 油enrollment 油& 油services ≒ Refer 油families 油to 油the 油HUB 油at 油John 油Muir 油where 油families 油can 油enroll 油and 油get 油assistance, 油 further 油informaJon 油about 油HUSD 油programs 油& 油assistance 油to 油鍖ll 油lout 油forms ≒ Keep 油regular 油communicaJon 油with 油residents 油and 油provide 油them 油with 油updated 油 informaJon 油to 油enroll 油families 油at 油various 油Jmes 油& 油programs 油depending 油on 油their 油path 油and 油 needs. 油 ≒ Provide 油individualized 油acJon 油plans 油for 油each 油child 油and 油their 油families ≒ Provide 油residents 油with 油opportuniJes 油and 油trainings 油to 油develop 油leadership 油skills ≒ Include 油input 油from 油the 油Advisory 油Board, 油& 油Apartment 油Complex 油Managers 油CommiXee 油 油 into 油the 油decision 油making 油process Community 油Engagement 油
  • 21. QuesJons? This model has been Designed & Implemented by Carolina Arroyo-Solveson For further information contact: carolina.arroyosolveson@csueastbay.edu 510-885-2109