Ashley Schellhase worked on a project to raise awareness of depression and suicide. She met with Mr. Reynolds multiple times over video chat and in person between August 2011 and January 2012 to design her blog, edit photos, research facts and stories, and finalize the published blog.
際際滷Share es una p叩gina web que permite compartir presentaciones en formatos como PDF, PowerPoint y JPG, y sirve para compartir presentaciones y archivos con otros.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones sobre c坦mo crear y configurar un blog. Explica los pasos para crear una cuenta de blogger vinculada a una cuenta de Gmail, elegir una plantilla, agregar un t鱈tulo y URL, y comenzar a publicar entradas. Tambi辿n describe c坦mo agregar videos de YouTube, presentaciones de 際際滷Share y listas de reproducci坦n de Grooveshak al blog mediante el uso de c坦digos embed.
This document provides information about the Children & Young People's Workforce Level 2 qualification. The qualification covers mandatory units in areas like communication, personal development, equality and inclusion, and child development. It also allows selection of optional units related to areas like supporting children with disabilities, play and leisure, and meal times. The qualification is made up of 35 minimum credits that take between 267-280 hours to complete through workplace learning and assessment. It would benefit those seeking to work with children and young people in roles like childcare, playwork, and youth work.
The student Ryan Hochadel is organizing a blood drive for their senior project. They will be running the blood drive and collecting blood donations. The blood drive is being overseen by their teacher Mrs. Maxwell.
Ashley Schellhase worked on a project to raise awareness of depression and suicide. She met with Mr. Reynolds multiple times over video chat and in person between August 2011 and January 2012 to design her blog, edit photos, research facts and stories, and finalize the published blog.
際際滷Share es una p叩gina web que permite compartir presentaciones en formatos como PDF, PowerPoint y JPG, y sirve para compartir presentaciones y archivos con otros.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones sobre c坦mo crear y configurar un blog. Explica los pasos para crear una cuenta de blogger vinculada a una cuenta de Gmail, elegir una plantilla, agregar un t鱈tulo y URL, y comenzar a publicar entradas. Tambi辿n describe c坦mo agregar videos de YouTube, presentaciones de 際際滷Share y listas de reproducci坦n de Grooveshak al blog mediante el uso de c坦digos embed.
This document provides information about the Children & Young People's Workforce Level 2 qualification. The qualification covers mandatory units in areas like communication, personal development, equality and inclusion, and child development. It also allows selection of optional units related to areas like supporting children with disabilities, play and leisure, and meal times. The qualification is made up of 35 minimum credits that take between 267-280 hours to complete through workplace learning and assessment. It would benefit those seeking to work with children and young people in roles like childcare, playwork, and youth work.
The student Ryan Hochadel is organizing a blood drive for their senior project. They will be running the blood drive and collecting blood donations. The blood drive is being overseen by their teacher Mrs. Maxwell.
This document provides information about a Level 4 NVQ/QCF in Information Advice & Guidance. The qualification covers managing a personal case load, evaluating your own contributions, operating within networks, and developing client interactions. It takes 6 months to 2 years to complete and is assessed in the workplace. Candidates must complete mandatory units and can choose from a range of optional units covering topics like promoting careers education, negotiating service agreements, and facilitating group learning.
El documento analiza las relaciones entre democracia, tradiciones y revoluciones en Latinoam辿rica. Explica que la b炭squeda de formas liberales representativas en el siglo XX llev坦 a revoluciones en algunos pa鱈ses. Luego describe c坦mo el liberalismo y la democracia se expandieron en la regi坦n desde fines del siglo XVIII, influenciados por las revoluciones estadounidense y francesa. Finalmente, explica que las demandas sociales de inicios del siglo XX llevaron a oleadas democr叩ticas, revoluciones burguesas
Este documento describe un proyecto para ense単ar a estudiantes de primaria c坦mo proteger su privacidad e identidad en Facebook. El proyecto involucra investigar c坦mo configurar la cuenta de Facebook de manera segura y presentar esta informaci坦n a otros estudiantes y padres. El objetivo es ayudar a los estudiantes a reflexionar sobre lo p炭blico vs privado en Internet y construir una identidad digital segura mientras usan redes sociales.
Este documento propone estrategias para soluciones tecnol坦gicas a problemas en diferentes contextos, reconociendo y utilizando formas de organizaci坦n del trabajo para solucionar problemas con la ayuda de la tecnolog鱈a, adaptando soluciones tecnol坦gicas a nuevos contextos y problemas e interpretando gr叩ficos, bocetos y planos en diferentes actividades.
O documento descreve as funcionalidades do software Modellus 4, que permite modelar e simular conceitos matem叩ticos e f鱈sicos de forma interativa. Inclui exemplos de como construir modelos de movimento de proj辿teis, oscila巽探es, rea巽探es qu鱈micas e outros, definindo fun巽探es, vari叩veis, vetores e gr叩ficos. Fornece tamb辿m recursos para professores e alunos com documenta巽達o e exemplos adicionais.
La globalizaci坦n se refiere al proceso por el cual las econom鱈as de los pa鱈ses est叩n cada vez m叩s interconectadas debido al crecimiento del comercio mundial, lo que permite que las noticias y las tendencias culturales se difundan m叩s r叩pidamente en todo el mundo. Si bien la globalizaci坦n puede conducir a mayores niveles de prosperidad, tambi辿n ha aumentado las desigualdades entre las naciones y plantea preocupaciones sobre su impacto en el medio ambiente y la soberan鱈a de los pa鱈ses. Como resultado, han surgido movimientos contra la globalizaci坦n que piden
This document provides an agenda for a cloud computing workshop taking place on April 11, 2012 in Waterloo, Ontario. The workshop will include presentations on cloud computing fundamentals, reimagining service delivery with the cloud, and a proposed municipal community cloud in Canada. It will also feature panel discussions on privacy, cloud costs and ROI, shared services, and security/risk management. Attendees will have opportunities to participate in unconference roundtable discussions. The workshop aims to move attendees from confusion to clarity on cloud computing topics. It is sponsored by MISA Ontario and their Cloud Computing Special Interest Group.