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Grade 3
ADPC_grade3-final.doc 1
Grade 3
ADPC_grade3-final.doc 2
Disaster Reduction
Elementary school Grade 3
Written by: Kinnavong Sisanone
Keovivone Utthachack
Kiao kangphachanpheng
Phethsavang Pachonphay
Khamchang Latthagnot
Venepheth Sisoulath
Vilaykham Lathsa-at
Edited by: Mithong Souvanvixay
Ministry of Education
Institute of National Sciences and Education
(With the cooperation of National Disaster Preparedness center)
Supported by ADPC
Grade 3
ADPC_grade3-final.doc i
Grade 3
Lesson 1 Fire accident ............................................................................1
Lesson 2 Flood........................................................................................5
Lesson 3 Drought..................................................................................10
Lesson 4 Pollutions...............................................................................16
Lesson 5 Epidemic................................................................................22
Lesson 6 Traffic accident......................................................................36
Lesson 7 Addicted drugs.......................................................................43
Lesson 8 Social disordering ..................................................................47
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Lesson 1 Fire accident
1 Fire in daily life
2 Useful fire
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3 Harmful fire
4 Causes of fire accident
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5 Escaping from fire
6 Fire extinguishing
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7 Fire accident prevention measures
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Lesson 2 Flood
1 What is flood?
The flood is overfilled river flows to villages and causes damage to human,
animals, vegetables and various properties.
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2 Cause of flood
Continue strong raining
for many days with
occasionally storm
Disorder dumping garbage leads
to block wastewater canals, cause
slow wastewater discharges then
overfull to city.
Dense houses on low land areas
and close to water bodies
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Population number is growing up, dense housing, no wastewater canal
system, Settlement in low land or near to river, filling up natural lake by soil
are also causes of flooding
Impacts of deforestation, rainy water flow down and erode soil to canal
which make it become shallow.
3 Danger of flood
Story: Flooded Mr. Nois house
A village located along the bank of a river, in which include Mr. Nois
house. Last year it was strong rain continuously for 4-5 days and caused
flood. Roads and houses were damaged; animals flew with water. Orchards
and paddy fields were under water.
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Noi could not go to school, and his parent also could not go to work. When
his family faced with the disaster; he was scared. He could not go anywhere.
No food and no water for drinking and using. He felt itchy all of the body.
Surrounding him was full of water and flowing wood, trees, garbage and
livestock. Fishponds, which supply fishes for meals also were flooded. No
electricity, no fuel wood, only strong rain. At night there is only darkness.
Nois family and uncle Phongs family moved up to upper place. Noi and his
elder sister brought some necessary belonging. After flooding for few days,
the village is full of bad smell. Noi and his elder sister body got plenty of
rash and dysentery as well. Instead of this, their parent had to take care of
them and didnt sleep at all. Fortunately, the Provincial Disaster Rescue and
Mobile Medical teams have delivered some food, clean water, clothes and
medicine to safe their life.
After flood has passed, they cleaned up their village, repair their flooded
house, replant vegetable and rise up livestock again.
Next to two weeks Noi and his mother got sick. Both of them went to
hospital for examination. The doctor said that they are sick of dengue fiver,
which came along the flood!
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4 Reduction of flood
To reduce flood, numerous tree planting in many places, improving dike and
drained system, repairing damaged canals, uprising lower area and grass
planting should be carried out. Filling up low land and grazing for
preventing soil erosion.
House and school construction should be qualified and follow the city
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Lesson 3 Drought
I. What is drought means?
Drought is dangerous natural disaster; which is harmful to human life.
Drought dries soil and water, made soil become hard and not suitable for
vegetation planting.
II Causes of drought
1 Shortage of rain for a long period. (No rainfall)
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2 Drying out of natural water resources happened due to:
 Overuse of natural water resource
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3 Due to extremely hot weather, there is no rain in rainy season.
Trees are dry due to insufficient rainfall.
4 Due to disorderly water use: water releasing, overflow.
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In conclusion, drought happened from the shortage of rain and weather
change (hot temperature, no rain), drying of water resources and overuse its.
III Loss from drought
The figure above shows the loss of drought that happened to Vannaxay s
family. This exacerbates problems to his life such as insufficient food,
sickness and lock of medicine. They got sick due to unclean water drinking;
shortage of water and got die.
Drought is one of reasons that brought famine, poverty and death to human
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IV Drought prevention
1 Preserve natural water resources by providing replanting trees
campaign on the deforestation area with care.
2 Preserve the weather condition: Stop slashing, burning forest and
hunting, otherwise drought will happen.
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3 Reserve water resource for consumption in whole year. This will
help to preserve the water resources also. To do this well digging
and underground water drilling is needed.
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Lesson 4 Pollutions
Pollution is gas, smell and smoke that negatively affect to human health,
animal, vegetable and environment. There are three main pollutions: water
pollution, air pollution and noise pollution.
I Water pollution
1 Causes of water pollution
Wastewater discharging from household and factory to natural
water resource causes water pollution.
2 Damage from water pollution
Water pollution harms human health, animal and environment:
 Aquatic animal dying
 Rotten smelling causes malfunctioning to breathing system
 Source of various diseases
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3 The water resource quality protection and reservation
To reserve water quality, the following measures should be carried
 Do not dump garbage and release wastewater to the natural
water resource
 Wastebasket should be placed in from of each house that
garbage collector can pick up easily. These garages should be
separated into various types.
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II Air pollution
Air pollution is polluted air with bad smell, smoke and dust.
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1 Causes of air pollution
Air pollution cause from in responsible man made: dumping garbage
or burning garbage at residence, smoke from vehicles and machines,
and construction and destruction building.
2 Danger from air pollution
Air pollution is dangerous to human and animal health. Particularly it
directly affects to respiratory system that mainly cause nasal sinusitis
and pneumonia.
The air quality preservation:
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3 The quality air preservation
For preserving air quality, what should do at follow:
 Do not burn or throw garbage at residence area and various
water bodies
 Car users should regularly check engine status to reduce smoke
 Tree should be planted surround the house and along the public
road, since trees have the capability of air filtering and make the
air become cleaner
III Noise pollution
Noise pollution means various types of sounds, which have high intensity
that are over-standard.
1. Cause of noise pollution
In most case, noise pollution is from the machines and vehicle noise,
speaker, audio system, TV and others sources.
2. Danger of noise pollution to human
Noise pollution is dangerous to human such as:
 Damage human listening system and become deaf
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3 Air pollution reduction
To reduce noise pollution, we should do as follow:
Do not turn on TV, radio, audio system too loud; just turn it on in
appropriated volume that is not disturb others.
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Lesson 5 Epidemic
A Hemorrhagic fiver (dengue fiver)
A.1 Introduction of dengue fiver
Dengue fiver occurred by a kind of mosquito, which is the disease carrier
and bite at daytime. This mosquito is clearly different from other type of
mosquito by having black and white stripes pattern on its abdomen.
A.2 Danger fever symptom
Infected person will sick with continuously for 2-3 days, after that,
temperature will reduced rapidly. Clinical symptoms of sick person are cool
hands and feet, pale body, difficult breathing, sneeze and stress. Bleeding in
the skin, observing by spots in the body. Sometimes stool is mixed with
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A.3 Causes and transmission of dengue fever
Aedes egypti mosquito bits infected person; it will keep disease into itself.
After that, when biting another person, it will release disease to the body.
Dengue is an acute, rapidly spread epidemic disease and cause of dead.
A.4 Dengue prevention and mosquito destruction
To avoid mosquito biting, sleeping inside a mosquito net is needed
regardless day or nighttime. If a person is suspected to be infected, he should
see the doctor immediately.
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B Cholera
B.1 Cholera
Cholera spread in the hot season. It is severe diarrhea and mostly happened
with children and adults.
B.2 Clinical symptom of cholera
 Vomiting and increase in daily watery stool releasing. Sometimes 4 -
8 times per day.
 Being sweated more than normal
 Feces become liquid like rice grain and milky white stool
 Hands and feet getting cold and contusion
 Decreasing temperature
 Profuse watery stool which are difficult to hold up may cause of acute
and severe dehydration
B.3 Causes and cholera transmission
Cholera is an acute intestinal infection caused by bacteria, which can be
found in infected faeces disposed by an infected patient. If infected faeces
were dispored disorderly into water, when others take it for drinking or
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using, or having contaminated food and water, contacted by flies, cholera
can be transmitted easily.
B.4 Cholera preventive measures
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C Malaria
C.1 Malaria
Malaria is caused by a parasite that is transmitted by an Anopheles
mosquito. The patient has fever, chill and recurrent fever. If take antifebrile
before diagnosis (blood test), then cannot detect the parasite. Malaria is a
severe disease and spread in our country, which still cannot eliminate until
C.2 Clinical symptom of Malaria
Infected person by Malaria will have sensation of cold, which is identified to
be infected by malaria. Occasionally having fever every 2-3 days for many
hours. When having fever patient is being sweated. Malaria caused fever for
each 2-3 days, which is depending on species of Malaria. For child or who
has infected by malaria before, their face looks pale, weak, reduce weight,
frequently got headache and period of fever is unpredictable. Chronic
Malaria fever causes of mega-spleen and anemia.
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C.3 Causes and transmitted dengue
Anopheles is transmitted vector, when mosquito bit Malaria patient, it will
carry parasite to other person. After mosquito biting the parasite grows in
blood stream and spread in blood cells, these process produce chill and high
temperature. This disease can be transmitted from one person to another
person through female Anopheles mosquito bites.
C.4 Malaria prevention and mosquito breeding eradication
To be safe from Malaria, sleep inside mosquito net. Avoid mosquito bites
and eliminate mosquito-breeding sites such as bush, any source of standing
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D Influenza
D.1 Influenza
Influenza is contagious and epidemic disease, which is cause by a kind of
virus. This disease attacks our respiratory system due to low immunity or
tiredness person.
D.2 Influenza clinical symptom
Sore throat, cough, runny nose and sometimes fever are Influenza
If suddenly patient has high fever, sensation of cold, flush, headache, aching
all over the body, unappetizing, dry cough, sore throat, stuffed nose and
runny nose, then this means flu infection.
D.3 Causes and transmission of influenza
Rapid climate change and sensation of cold cause Influenza. It directly
transmits from a person to another by air-born droplets carried in cough or
sneeze. Indirect transmission is occurred due to using patient materials,
clothes and various matters.
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D.4 Disease prevention
Keep body warm during cold season
Take enough nutritive food and rest. Do not drink cold water.
If someone is infected by influenza, he should see doctor
Less-covered dressing children
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E Conjunctivitis
E.1 Eyes and its importance
Eyes are valuable organs; we should carefully protect eyes from diseases,
otherwise it could be blind.
E.2 The clinical conjunctivitis symptom
At beginning of conjunctivitis infection, patient feels uncomfortable in eye
with tear discharge, followed by redness of the conjunctiva, eye secretation
discharge from eyes and eye lens wound may be present. There is some pain
associated with conjunctivitis and eyes could not open.
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E.3 Cause and transmission of conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis occurred due to various reasons: dust getting into eyes,
infected directly from conjunctivitis patient, using towel and other items
with infected patient. This disease also infected by flies and gnats pestering
patient eyes and transmitted to uninfected person.
E.4 Conjunctivitis prevention
 Do not use towel with conjunctivitis patient
 Avoid flies or gnats pestering eyes
 Wash eyes with sanitary water after getting dust into eyes
 Infected patient is prohibited going to school and should go to see
doctor for instruction.
Dust is getting to the eye
Gnats or flies pestering infected person
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E.5 Eyes precaution
 Do not touch or clean eyes with dirty hands or towels
 Do not play with sharp materials and get them closed to eyes
 Do not look at glare light: sun, glint
 Do not read or work under inefficient light or under sunlight
 Do not read too small characters and keep books too closed to eyes
when reading (at least book should be far eyes around 30 cm)
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AIDS is deficient immune system disease, which caused by HIV virus
F.2 Symptom and danger of AIDS
AIDS symptom can be divided into 4 stages
1. Infection stage
2. Asymptomatic stage
3. Symptomatic stage
4. Advanced AIDS symptomatic stage
AIDS is uncured and chronic disease and allows other dangerous diseases to
get into human body with a long period of severe illness before death.
F.3 Causes and AIDS transmission
AIDS is easy transmitted from infected patient to healthy person through:
Blood transferring
Infected pregnant women can pass HIV to their babies during pregnancy
Infected by using syringes and other AIDS contaminated medical
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F.4 AIDS prevention
Do not use syringe or unsanitary medical instrument with AIDS suspected
Do not accept unexamined blood donation
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Lesson 6 Traffic accident
1 Road traffic
Road traffic in our country is right hand side system. Road traffic user
should be always on his/her right roadside.
A Observation
Please check on the figures below which figure is correct?
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B Traffic light system
Traffic light is light system located at the road intersection to control the
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C Prohibition read sign
Prohibition road sigh is to prohibit car moving to the determined direction.
Normally, these signs are located on the right roadside and at construction
sites. This sign is a round with red bounder with prohibition sign on the
2 Loss from traffic rules violator
Harm, disable person, death, time waste, money waste, lost opportunity to
study and feeling sorry
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3 Game To be in pair
How to play
 Organize students to two groups, one group from a bigger cycle and
another group form another cycle
 Student in outer cycle hold his nametag and put on his waist
 Student in inner cycle do the same as the previous students
 Students in outer cycle walk along the cycle to the right
 Student in inner cycle walk along the cycle to the left
 When walking everyone should sing and clap his hands
 One teacher or student will be a game supervisor
 Student of two cycles walk for a while, once they hear the whistle
each student will hold up the tag and find his pair
 If anyone can not find his pair or find wrong pair, he or she will stop
playing and become game supervisor instead until game finished
 Teacher and students will applaudish (praise) for the wining pair
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Please be gentle
I will go but you will come
Waste sometimes please be patient
This car will move that car will stop
Give me a way I will go to school
Its hard to be a human have to find food for whole day
Car driver drives so fast at morning and evening to be on time
Riding car on the road rich or poor all we are Lao
If accident happened time will be wasted rather to spend for
social benefit
I will go
Someone treats car like home governmental officer go from home to
work daily
And police and soldiers are hurry to work
Respect the traffic rules to ensure safety
Dont worry for spending some times if too hurry, we will be ruined
I will go
A column of students merchants do their work every day
It is called simple people life and property of Lao people
Gentle use your car keep smiling when talking
Not just to siren please be gentle, I will get off to my
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Lesson 7 Addicted drugs
1 Various types of addicted drugs
Illustration base on existing materials
There are various types of addicted drugs: alcohol, tobacco, evaporated
substances (thinner, benzin, glue ), opium and Amphetamine.
2 Danger from addicted drugs
Addicted drugs danger to human health, family health and social welfare.
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3 Drugs addiction seasons
Addicts way belong to the people who are:
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4 Prevention of Drugs addiction
To prevent ourselves from drug addiction, we should do the following.
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Lesson 8 Social disordering
1 What should not do
 Loss of playing game
 Causes that lead to dispute
 Loss from dispute
Waste of time
Waste of money
Bad for health
Negative effect
to study
Stealing belonging
of each other
Teasing each other
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 Loss from dispute
2 Story: Re-thinking
Mr.La is in classroom, everyday he hear his friends talking about playing
games, such as cartoon, fighting games.
 Body harm
 Lost of friendship
 Waste of times
 Negative effect to
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On the next day, Mr. la went to school. On the way he saw his friends
playing games in game shop. He stopped and has a look, than wanted to play
with them.
After a few of times, he went out to school. Once the school bell will ring he
ran to classroom. During the class, he did not concentrate to his study, only
thinking about playing game.
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After morning class, he went back home for lunch. Before going to school,
he has stolen some money from his mother jacket.
After having money, he was hurry to game shop. He played games from one
to another game, and then he forgot to go to afternoon class.
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Afterward, Mr. La dressed up to go to school, but he persuaded his friends to
go for playing game with him. Unfortunately, at this time he has disputed
with his friends, because they disturbed and teased him during playing
games, which made him getting angry and fight each other.
At evening he went back home, his parent saw his injured face. Mother
asked him: what happened to you, where did you come from? He answered
that I went to play games, when I was playing my friends disturbed me, we
have disputed and fight each other.
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After knowing what is happening, his parent teaches him to not to miss
school, neither to lie, neither to steal money and dispute with others.
Mr. La feel sorry for his misbehavior and promise not to misbehave again.
Since then, he helps parent do house work, concentrate on his study and no
more playing game.

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5215 textbook disasterreductiongrade3

  • 2. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 2 Textbook Disaster Reduction Elementary school Grade 3 Written by: Kinnavong Sisanone Keovivone Utthachack Kiao kangphachanpheng Phethsavang Pachonphay Khamchang Latthagnot Venepheth Sisoulath Vilaykham Lathsa-at Edited by: Mithong Souvanvixay Ministry of Education Institute of National Sciences and Education (With the cooperation of National Disaster Preparedness center) Supported by ADPC 2003
  • 3. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc i Content Grade 3 Lesson 1 Fire accident ............................................................................1 Lesson 2 Flood........................................................................................5 Lesson 3 Drought..................................................................................10 Lesson 4 Pollutions...............................................................................16 Lesson 5 Epidemic................................................................................22 Lesson 6 Traffic accident......................................................................36 Lesson 7 Addicted drugs.......................................................................43 Lesson 8 Social disordering ..................................................................47
  • 4. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 1 Lesson 1 Fire accident 1 Fire in daily life 2 Useful fire
  • 5. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 2 3 Harmful fire 4 Causes of fire accident
  • 6. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 3 5 Escaping from fire 6 Fire extinguishing
  • 7. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 4 7 Fire accident prevention measures
  • 8. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 5 Lesson 2 Flood 1 What is flood? The flood is overfilled river flows to villages and causes damage to human, animals, vegetables and various properties.
  • 9. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 6 2 Cause of flood Continue strong raining for many days with occasionally storm Disorder dumping garbage leads to block wastewater canals, cause slow wastewater discharges then overfull to city. Dense houses on low land areas and close to water bodies
  • 10. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 7 Population number is growing up, dense housing, no wastewater canal system, Settlement in low land or near to river, filling up natural lake by soil are also causes of flooding Impacts of deforestation, rainy water flow down and erode soil to canal which make it become shallow. 3 Danger of flood Story: Flooded Mr. Nois house A village located along the bank of a river, in which include Mr. Nois house. Last year it was strong rain continuously for 4-5 days and caused flood. Roads and houses were damaged; animals flew with water. Orchards and paddy fields were under water.
  • 11. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 8 Noi could not go to school, and his parent also could not go to work. When his family faced with the disaster; he was scared. He could not go anywhere. No food and no water for drinking and using. He felt itchy all of the body. Surrounding him was full of water and flowing wood, trees, garbage and livestock. Fishponds, which supply fishes for meals also were flooded. No electricity, no fuel wood, only strong rain. At night there is only darkness. Nois family and uncle Phongs family moved up to upper place. Noi and his elder sister brought some necessary belonging. After flooding for few days, the village is full of bad smell. Noi and his elder sister body got plenty of rash and dysentery as well. Instead of this, their parent had to take care of them and didnt sleep at all. Fortunately, the Provincial Disaster Rescue and Mobile Medical teams have delivered some food, clean water, clothes and medicine to safe their life. After flood has passed, they cleaned up their village, repair their flooded house, replant vegetable and rise up livestock again. Next to two weeks Noi and his mother got sick. Both of them went to hospital for examination. The doctor said that they are sick of dengue fiver, which came along the flood!
  • 12. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 9 4 Reduction of flood To reduce flood, numerous tree planting in many places, improving dike and drained system, repairing damaged canals, uprising lower area and grass planting should be carried out. Filling up low land and grazing for preventing soil erosion. House and school construction should be qualified and follow the city planning.
  • 13. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 10 Lesson 3 Drought I. What is drought means? Drought is dangerous natural disaster; which is harmful to human life. Drought dries soil and water, made soil become hard and not suitable for vegetation planting. II Causes of drought 1 Shortage of rain for a long period. (No rainfall)
  • 14. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 11 2 Drying out of natural water resources happened due to: Deforestation Overuse of natural water resource
  • 15. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 12 3 Due to extremely hot weather, there is no rain in rainy season. Trees are dry due to insufficient rainfall. 4 Due to disorderly water use: water releasing, overflow.
  • 16. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 13 In conclusion, drought happened from the shortage of rain and weather change (hot temperature, no rain), drying of water resources and overuse its. III Loss from drought The figure above shows the loss of drought that happened to Vannaxay s family. This exacerbates problems to his life such as insufficient food, sickness and lock of medicine. They got sick due to unclean water drinking; shortage of water and got die. Drought is one of reasons that brought famine, poverty and death to human life
  • 17. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 14 IV Drought prevention 1 Preserve natural water resources by providing replanting trees campaign on the deforestation area with care. 2 Preserve the weather condition: Stop slashing, burning forest and hunting, otherwise drought will happen.
  • 18. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 15 3 Reserve water resource for consumption in whole year. This will help to preserve the water resources also. To do this well digging and underground water drilling is needed.
  • 19. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 16 Lesson 4 Pollutions Pollution is gas, smell and smoke that negatively affect to human health, animal, vegetable and environment. There are three main pollutions: water pollution, air pollution and noise pollution. I Water pollution 1 Causes of water pollution Wastewater discharging from household and factory to natural water resource causes water pollution. 2 Damage from water pollution Water pollution harms human health, animal and environment: Aquatic animal dying Rotten smelling causes malfunctioning to breathing system Source of various diseases
  • 20. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 17 3 The water resource quality protection and reservation To reserve water quality, the following measures should be carried out: Do not dump garbage and release wastewater to the natural water resource Wastebasket should be placed in from of each house that garbage collector can pick up easily. These garages should be separated into various types.
  • 21. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 18 II Air pollution Air pollution is polluted air with bad smell, smoke and dust.
  • 22. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 19 1 Causes of air pollution Air pollution cause from in responsible man made: dumping garbage or burning garbage at residence, smoke from vehicles and machines, and construction and destruction building. 2 Danger from air pollution Air pollution is dangerous to human and animal health. Particularly it directly affects to respiratory system that mainly cause nasal sinusitis and pneumonia. The air quality preservation:
  • 23. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 20 3 The quality air preservation For preserving air quality, what should do at follow: Do not burn or throw garbage at residence area and various water bodies Car users should regularly check engine status to reduce smoke Tree should be planted surround the house and along the public road, since trees have the capability of air filtering and make the air become cleaner III Noise pollution Noise pollution means various types of sounds, which have high intensity that are over-standard. 1. Cause of noise pollution In most case, noise pollution is from the machines and vehicle noise, speaker, audio system, TV and others sources. 2. Danger of noise pollution to human Noise pollution is dangerous to human such as: Damage human listening system and become deaf Stress
  • 24. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 21 3 Air pollution reduction To reduce noise pollution, we should do as follow: Do not turn on TV, radio, audio system too loud; just turn it on in appropriated volume that is not disturb others.
  • 25. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 22 Lesson 5 Epidemic A Hemorrhagic fiver (dengue fiver) A.1 Introduction of dengue fiver Dengue fiver occurred by a kind of mosquito, which is the disease carrier and bite at daytime. This mosquito is clearly different from other type of mosquito by having black and white stripes pattern on its abdomen. A.2 Danger fever symptom Infected person will sick with continuously for 2-3 days, after that, temperature will reduced rapidly. Clinical symptoms of sick person are cool hands and feet, pale body, difficult breathing, sneeze and stress. Bleeding in the skin, observing by spots in the body. Sometimes stool is mixed with blood.
  • 26. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 23 A.3 Causes and transmission of dengue fever Aedes egypti mosquito bits infected person; it will keep disease into itself. After that, when biting another person, it will release disease to the body. Dengue is an acute, rapidly spread epidemic disease and cause of dead. A.4 Dengue prevention and mosquito destruction To avoid mosquito biting, sleeping inside a mosquito net is needed regardless day or nighttime. If a person is suspected to be infected, he should see the doctor immediately.
  • 27. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 24 B Cholera B.1 Cholera Cholera spread in the hot season. It is severe diarrhea and mostly happened with children and adults. B.2 Clinical symptom of cholera Vomiting and increase in daily watery stool releasing. Sometimes 4 - 8 times per day. Being sweated more than normal Feces become liquid like rice grain and milky white stool Hands and feet getting cold and contusion Decreasing temperature Profuse watery stool which are difficult to hold up may cause of acute and severe dehydration B.3 Causes and cholera transmission Cholera is an acute intestinal infection caused by bacteria, which can be found in infected faeces disposed by an infected patient. If infected faeces were dispored disorderly into water, when others take it for drinking or
  • 28. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 25 using, or having contaminated food and water, contacted by flies, cholera can be transmitted easily. B.4 Cholera preventive measures
  • 29. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 26 C Malaria C.1 Malaria Malaria is caused by a parasite that is transmitted by an Anopheles mosquito. The patient has fever, chill and recurrent fever. If take antifebrile before diagnosis (blood test), then cannot detect the parasite. Malaria is a severe disease and spread in our country, which still cannot eliminate until now. C.2 Clinical symptom of Malaria Infected person by Malaria will have sensation of cold, which is identified to be infected by malaria. Occasionally having fever every 2-3 days for many hours. When having fever patient is being sweated. Malaria caused fever for each 2-3 days, which is depending on species of Malaria. For child or who has infected by malaria before, their face looks pale, weak, reduce weight, frequently got headache and period of fever is unpredictable. Chronic Malaria fever causes of mega-spleen and anemia.
  • 30. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 27 C.3 Causes and transmitted dengue Anopheles is transmitted vector, when mosquito bit Malaria patient, it will carry parasite to other person. After mosquito biting the parasite grows in blood stream and spread in blood cells, these process produce chill and high temperature. This disease can be transmitted from one person to another person through female Anopheles mosquito bites. C.4 Malaria prevention and mosquito breeding eradication To be safe from Malaria, sleep inside mosquito net. Avoid mosquito bites and eliminate mosquito-breeding sites such as bush, any source of standing water.
  • 32. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 29 D Influenza D.1 Influenza Influenza is contagious and epidemic disease, which is cause by a kind of virus. This disease attacks our respiratory system due to low immunity or tiredness person. D.2 Influenza clinical symptom Sore throat, cough, runny nose and sometimes fever are Influenza symptoms. If suddenly patient has high fever, sensation of cold, flush, headache, aching all over the body, unappetizing, dry cough, sore throat, stuffed nose and runny nose, then this means flu infection. D.3 Causes and transmission of influenza Rapid climate change and sensation of cold cause Influenza. It directly transmits from a person to another by air-born droplets carried in cough or sneeze. Indirect transmission is occurred due to using patient materials, clothes and various matters.
  • 33. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 30 D.4 Disease prevention Keep body warm during cold season Take enough nutritive food and rest. Do not drink cold water. If someone is infected by influenza, he should see doctor Less-covered dressing children
  • 34. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 31 E Conjunctivitis E.1 Eyes and its importance Eyes are valuable organs; we should carefully protect eyes from diseases, otherwise it could be blind. E.2 The clinical conjunctivitis symptom At beginning of conjunctivitis infection, patient feels uncomfortable in eye with tear discharge, followed by redness of the conjunctiva, eye secretation discharge from eyes and eye lens wound may be present. There is some pain associated with conjunctivitis and eyes could not open.
  • 35. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 32 E.3 Cause and transmission of conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis occurred due to various reasons: dust getting into eyes, infected directly from conjunctivitis patient, using towel and other items with infected patient. This disease also infected by flies and gnats pestering patient eyes and transmitted to uninfected person. E.4 Conjunctivitis prevention Do not use towel with conjunctivitis patient Avoid flies or gnats pestering eyes Wash eyes with sanitary water after getting dust into eyes Infected patient is prohibited going to school and should go to see doctor for instruction. Dust is getting to the eye Gnats or flies pestering infected person
  • 36. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 33 E.5 Eyes precaution Do not touch or clean eyes with dirty hands or towels Do not play with sharp materials and get them closed to eyes Do not look at glare light: sun, glint Do not read or work under inefficient light or under sunlight Do not read too small characters and keep books too closed to eyes when reading (at least book should be far eyes around 30 cm)
  • 37. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 34 F AIDS F.1 AIDS AIDS is deficient immune system disease, which caused by HIV virus F.2 Symptom and danger of AIDS AIDS symptom can be divided into 4 stages 1. Infection stage 2. Asymptomatic stage 3. Symptomatic stage 4. Advanced AIDS symptomatic stage AIDS is uncured and chronic disease and allows other dangerous diseases to get into human body with a long period of severe illness before death. F.3 Causes and AIDS transmission AIDS is easy transmitted from infected patient to healthy person through: Blood transferring Infected pregnant women can pass HIV to their babies during pregnancy Infected by using syringes and other AIDS contaminated medical instruments
  • 38. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 35 F.4 AIDS prevention Do not use syringe or unsanitary medical instrument with AIDS suspected person Do not accept unexamined blood donation
  • 39. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 36 Lesson 6 Traffic accident 1 Road traffic Road traffic in our country is right hand side system. Road traffic user should be always on his/her right roadside. A Observation Please check on the figures below which figure is correct?
  • 41. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 38 B Traffic light system Traffic light is light system located at the road intersection to control the traffic
  • 42. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 39 C Prohibition read sign Prohibition road sigh is to prohibit car moving to the determined direction. Normally, these signs are located on the right roadside and at construction sites. This sign is a round with red bounder with prohibition sign on the middle. 2 Loss from traffic rules violator Harm, disable person, death, time waste, money waste, lost opportunity to study and feeling sorry
  • 44. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 41 3 Game To be in pair How to play Organize students to two groups, one group from a bigger cycle and another group form another cycle Student in outer cycle hold his nametag and put on his waist Student in inner cycle do the same as the previous students Students in outer cycle walk along the cycle to the right Student in inner cycle walk along the cycle to the left When walking everyone should sing and clap his hands One teacher or student will be a game supervisor Student of two cycles walk for a while, once they hear the whistle each student will hold up the tag and find his pair If anyone can not find his pair or find wrong pair, he or she will stop playing and become game supervisor instead until game finished Teacher and students will applaudish (praise) for the wining pair
  • 45. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 42 Please be gentle I will go but you will come Waste sometimes please be patient This car will move that car will stop Give me a way I will go to school Its hard to be a human have to find food for whole day Car driver drives so fast at morning and evening to be on time Riding car on the road rich or poor all we are Lao If accident happened time will be wasted rather to spend for social benefit I will go Someone treats car like home governmental officer go from home to work daily And police and soldiers are hurry to work Respect the traffic rules to ensure safety Dont worry for spending some times if too hurry, we will be ruined I will go A column of students merchants do their work every day It is called simple people life and property of Lao people Gentle use your car keep smiling when talking Not just to siren please be gentle, I will get off to my house
  • 46. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 43 Lesson 7 Addicted drugs 1 Various types of addicted drugs Illustration base on existing materials There are various types of addicted drugs: alcohol, tobacco, evaporated substances (thinner, benzin, glue ), opium and Amphetamine. 2 Danger from addicted drugs Addicted drugs danger to human health, family health and social welfare.
  • 47. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 44 3 Drugs addiction seasons Addicts way belong to the people who are:
  • 48. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 45 4 Prevention of Drugs addiction To prevent ourselves from drug addiction, we should do the following.
  • 50. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 47 Lesson 8 Social disordering 1 What should not do Loss of playing game Causes that lead to dispute Loss from dispute Waste of time Waste of money Bad for health Negative effect to study Stealing belonging of each other Teasing each other
  • 51. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 48 Loss from dispute 2 Story: Re-thinking Mr.La is in classroom, everyday he hear his friends talking about playing games, such as cartoon, fighting games. Body harm Lost of friendship Waste of times Negative effect to study
  • 52. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 49 On the next day, Mr. la went to school. On the way he saw his friends playing games in game shop. He stopped and has a look, than wanted to play with them. After a few of times, he went out to school. Once the school bell will ring he ran to classroom. During the class, he did not concentrate to his study, only thinking about playing game.
  • 53. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 50 After morning class, he went back home for lunch. Before going to school, he has stolen some money from his mother jacket. After having money, he was hurry to game shop. He played games from one to another game, and then he forgot to go to afternoon class.
  • 54. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 51 Afterward, Mr. La dressed up to go to school, but he persuaded his friends to go for playing game with him. Unfortunately, at this time he has disputed with his friends, because they disturbed and teased him during playing games, which made him getting angry and fight each other. At evening he went back home, his parent saw his injured face. Mother asked him: what happened to you, where did you come from? He answered that I went to play games, when I was playing my friends disturbed me, we have disputed and fight each other.
  • 55. Grade 3 ADPC_grade3-final.doc 52 After knowing what is happening, his parent teaches him to not to miss school, neither to lie, neither to steal money and dispute with others. Mr. La feel sorry for his misbehavior and promise not to misbehave again. Since then, he helps parent do house work, concentrate on his study and no more playing game.